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09-12 投稿



haematogenesis 发音


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haematogenesis 中文意思翻译



haematogenesis 相似词语短语

1、haematogenous ─── adj.生血的;造血的

2、gametogenesis ─── n.[胚]配子形成,配子发育

3、haematogenic ─── 造血的

4、spermatogenesis ─── n.[胚]精子发生;精子形成

5、haematemesis ─── n.吐血;呕血

6、haematogenetic ─── 造血的

7、haematopoiesis ─── n.造血作用;生血作用(等于hematopoiesis)

8、hematogenesis ─── 造血,血产生

9、hematogenetic ─── 造血的

haematogenesis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pharmacological tests proved that it has the effect of strengthening haematogenesis, moistening the skin and retaining good complexion. ─── 经药理实验证明,有延缓衰老,增强造血功能、滋润肌肤、美容养颜的效果。

2、Difference of haematogenesis volume between patients with hypersplenism of different etiopathogenisis ─── 不同病因脾功能亢进患者骨髓造血容积的比较分析

3、Most of these genes have not been reported to relate to the haematogenesis in ontogeny. ─── 这些基因大多数在胚胎分化造血发育中的作用尚未见报道。

4、Objective:To investigate the effect of Siwu decoction formula granula on haematogenesis function in myelosuppressed Mice. ─── 目的:观察四物汤配方颗粒对骨髓抑制小鼠造血功能的影响。

5、Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) is a crucial growth factor, which has vital function for the development of skeleton, nerve and haematogenesis, as well as for the differentiation of many organs. ─── 骨形成蛋白4(bone morphogenetic protein 4,BMP4)是一个重要的生长因子,对胚胎早期骨骼、神经、造血系统的形成和各器官的分化发育具有重要作用。

6、Keywords cervical sympathetic ganglia;block;combined radiation and burn injury;mortality;haematogenesis;cytokine; ─── 颈交感神经节;阻滞;放烧复合伤;死亡率;造血;细胞因子;

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