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09-12 投稿


subsiding 发音

英:[səbˈsaɪdɪŋ]  美:[səbˈsaɪdɪŋ]

英:  美:

subsiding 中文意思翻译




subsiding 短语词组

1、subsiding water ─── 退水

2、subsiding gym membership ─── 下沉健身房会员

3、subsiding soil ─── 沉降土

4、subsiding edema ─── 消退性水肿

5、apontaneous subsiding ─── 平行沉降

6、subsiding air ─── 下沉空气

7、subsiding fever ─── 退烧

8、subsiding definition ─── 下沉定义

9、subsiding optimism ─── 逐渐消退的乐观情绪

10、subsiding from ─── 下沉

11、subsiding define ─── 下沉定义

12、subsiding velocity ─── 下沉速度

13、subsiding case ─── 下沉案例

subsiding 词性/词形变化,subsiding变形

动词现在分词: subsiding |动词第三人称单数: subsides |名词: subsidence |动词过去式: subsided |动词过去分词: subsided |

subsiding 相似词语短语

1、subsoiling ─── v.耕松心土,深耕底土(subsoil的现在分词)

2、subsidizing ─── vt.资助;给予奖助金;向…行贿

3、subsidize ─── vt.资助;给予奖助金;向…行贿

4、subsisting ─── v.(勉强)维持生活,供养;(古)为……提供食物;(尤指法律)存在,有效(subsist的现在分词)

5、subsidising ─── v.资助;补助(subsidise的现在分词,等于subsidize)

6、subdividing ─── vt.细分(subdivide的现在分词);分小块;分割

7、subsidies ─── 补助金,补贴,津贴(subsidy的名词复数)

8、subsuming ─── v.把……归入;把……包括在内(subsume的现在分词)

9、subsidise ─── vi.消退;下沉;平息;vt.资助(等于subsidize);给...补助金

subsiding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Countermeasure on Soft Soil Roadbed Subsiding in Guangzhou-Shenzhen Paramilitary High-speed Railway ─── 广深准高速铁路软土路基下沉对策

2、karat subsiding ─── 岩溶塌陷

3、If not treated, the attack may last from a few minutes to several hours before subsiding gradually. ─── 如果不治疗,发作可能持续几分钟至几小时之后才逐渐消退。

4、One group experiment of measuring subsiding speed of slime water was conducted and the result can be provided as a basis for photosensitive component used measuring online. ─── 对一组检测装置进行了试验研究,为光敏元件用于在线检测煤泥水沉降速度提供了有力的依据。

5、To spread over land, especially over the land along a subsiding shoreline. Used of the sea. ─── 侵入越过土地,尤指侵蚀不断后缩的海岸线。用于指海洋


7、Rhetoric often seems to----over reason in a heated debate, with both sides----in hyperbole. Cloud. Subsiding prevail. Yielding triumph. Engaging reverberate. Clamoring trample. ─── 在一场激烈的争论中,修辞似乎常常压倒了理智,双方均置身于夸张言语的运用。

8、I also wish the Asia Riches Forum play meaningful role in subsiding the economic crisis, thus bringing waves of happiness among those who have suffered worse. ─── 我还希望,亚洲论坛可以发挥有重要的作用,给在经济危机中受难的人们带去幸福之光。

9、After that I chose the pile foundation form which is the most commonly used form at present, as it is advantageous in resisting a structure’s main body Subsiding and tilting. ─── 基础采用了现在最常用的桩基础形式,因为他有利于抵抗结构主体的不均匀沉降和倾覆。

10、sediment subsiding ─── 泥沙沉降

11、While things are far from normal in the financial markets, over the last few months the sense of panic has been gradually subsiding. ─── 虽然金融体系还远远没有恢复正常,但过去几个月空气中弥漫的恐慌气息已经逐渐消散了。


13、You feel the beat like a heartbeat, rising and subsiding, and touching the soul. ─── 您觉得击败就象心跳一样,上升,下沉,并触及灵魂。

14、Keywords Natural clarifying agent of BD kinds;Ciwujia Naoling Ye;Ethanol subsiding method;Clarifying method; ─── BD系列天然澄清剂;刺五加脑灵液;水提醇沉法;澄清;

15、the subsiding or termination of an abnormal condition,such as a fever or an inflammation ─── 异常情况(如发烧或炎症)的消退或终止

16、ebB and flow; rising here and subsiding there ─── 此起彼伏

17、This paper analyzes and discusses the relationship between the sea surface rising and the land subsiding in Changjiang Delta area. ─── 在有关学者以往研究工作的基础上,对长江三角洲地区的相对海平面上升和地面沉降问题作了分析探讨。

18、Indeed, apart from the mortgage portfolio, the risks of which are thankfully subsiding, debt securities are a significant chunk of bank assets. ─── 事实上,虽然按揭业务的风险减退了,但由于债券亦同时是银行资产的重要部分,银行实在不能不注意这方面的风险。

19、strongly subsiding belt ─── 强裂沉降带

20、The violence was subsiding and I thought he might be serious about peace. ─── 暴力正在平息,我认为他应该认真考虑一下和平问题了。

21、Keywords subsiding speed;experiment;photosensitive component.; ─── 沉降速度;试验;光敏元件;

22、This text forecast to same 24 group data and compare of the result, have put forward that chose different training sample according to different periods of subsiding. ─── 对同样的24组数据进行了预测,经过对预测结果的对比分析,提出了根据不同的沉降时期选取不同训练样本的方法。

23、The difference of road base subsiding is the main factor affecting the base s stability,and the main cause of car-jump at bridgeheads of expressways. ─── 基沉降差异是影响地基稳定性的主要因素之一,是引起高速公路桥头跳车的主要原因,文章提出了高等级公路柔性地基的处理方法,介绍了地基强夯法的技术参数、施工过程及要求。

24、subsiding velocity ─── 下沉速度降落速度

25、Research on Subsiding Observation Method of Frame Structured Buildings ─── 框架结构建筑物的沉降观测方法探讨

26、Method-selecting of Subsiding Observation Standard Network Average Error of the Nation RoadValue in Settlement Observation Leveling Network of National Main Highway ─── 国道沉降观测水准网平差方法选择

27、subsiding onto the sofa/into an armchair ─── 一屁股坐在长沙发单座沙发上.

28、For example, the area around the Mississippi Delta, where the river empties into the Gulf of Mexico, is subsiding. ─── 例如,对于密西西比河三角州周围的区域,河水流入墨西哥湾,因此这块陆地可能会下沉。

29、The root leaf , flower of the Chinese rose are available for medicine, there is result of invigorating blood circulation , detoxifying , subsiding a swelling; ─── 月季花的根叶、花可供药用,有活血、解毒、消肿之效;

30、Keywords zooplankton;community;subsiding water area;South pond; ─── 浮游动物;塌陷区水域;群落;南大塘;

31、subsiding road ─── 沉陷路段

32、Antenna elevating subsiding machine ─── 天线升降机构

33、subsiding calculation ─── 沉降计算

34、The subsiding during the growth period resulted in the burial patterns of the deep formations. ─── 大型拗陷盆地的沉降格局决定了断陷期地层的埋藏格局。

35、It was not now as before an unseen river flowing in the darkness, but a gloomy sea subsiding and still agitated after a storm. ─── 一条在黑暗中看不见的大河现在不像从前那样奔流,而像暴风雨之后,昏暗的大海渐渐趋于平静,但海面还在荡漾。

36、The Applications and Effects of Pressure Concrete-pouring Technique in Tackling Subsiding Ground under Highway ─── 压力注浆技术在公路下伏采空区治理中的应用与效果

37、The foundation of coal bin inclines and cracks resulted from uneven foundation subsiding and caving. ─── 某矿煤仓因地基不均匀沉降及塌陷而造成偏斜与仓身开裂。

38、subsiding sheet ─── 下沉板片

39、An industry reorganization last year means it is facing stiffer competition in China, so its share of new subscribers is subsiding, while the average revenue it generates from each user is stagnating. ─── 去年的行业重组意味着中国移动在国内面临更激烈的竞争,因此其新用户份额也出现减退,而平均每名用户带来的收入也停滞不前。

40、The sense of acute tension over Laos appeared to be subsiding. ─── 在老挝问题上的紧张感好象已经趋于缓和了。

41、Unique road is a transparent road,is also a road that is soft,the setting sun is sinking,the floating blood is subsiding,bathing the inanition far and near,maybe it's going beyond some transience. ─── 唯一的道路是一条透明的道路,唯一的道路亦是一条柔软的路,夕阳沉淀了,血流消融了,沐浴着四面八方的空洞,似乎想超越虚幻。

42、It was unknown if the coral base of the island, about 12 square miles, might be subsiding. ─── 至于岛上的约12平方公里珊瑚礁岛是否会下沉,目前还不知道。

43、The paper introduces a new way for calculating natural subsiding thickener, gives the calculating formula and analyzes the practical application of the way, based on the concrete examples. ─── 文中提出一种计算自然沉降浓缩机面积的新方法,并给出了该方法的计算公式。结合实例,分析了该方法的实际应用。

44、The root leaf , flower of the Chinese rose are available for medicine, there is result of invigorating blood circulation , detoxifying , subsiding a swelling; Can also draw the essence , eat in variety of having fragrance. ─── 月季花的根叶、花可供药用,有活血、解毒、消肿之效;有香气的品种还可提取香精、食用。

45、Keywords subsiding area;integral inspecting and predicting;prediction and control; ─── 塌陷区;综合监测;预测与控制;

46、hydraulic subsiding value ─── 水力深降值

47、The spread of the sea over land along a subsiding shoreline. ─── 海侵海洋沿着不断后退的海岸线向陆地的扩张

48、Keywords Ethanol subsiding method;Absorption clearing method;Zoonerythrin clearing medium;ZTC1+natural clearing medium;101 syrup clearing medium; ─── 水提醇沉法;吸附澄清法;甲壳素类澄清剂;ZTC1+1天然澄清剂;101果汁澄清剂;

49、This being said . . . the tides are now subsiding for a time and the calm seas are bringing peace to the once troubled waters. ─── 这么说吧…潮汐现在在下沉,平和的海洋在给充满问题的水域带来平静。

50、The flooded river was subsiding rapidly. ─── 泛滥的河水正在迅速退落。

51、Objective To observe the subsiding autigo role of kushenin and sodium glucuronate in chronic hepatitis B. ─── 摘要目的观察苦参素与葡醛酸钠联用和葡醛酸钠对慢性乙型肝炎退黄作用。

52、From the year of 1999 until now, national student loan has been the most important method for subsiding college students to complete their studies successfully. ─── 从1999年至今,国家助学贷款已逐渐成为学生顺利完成学业最主要的资助方式。


54、The gradual subsiding of the symptoms of an acute disease. ─── 消退一种急症病状的逐渐消退

55、Suppressing hyperactive liver and subsiding yang ─── 平肝潜阳

56、Stephen, subsiding into his quiet manner, and never wandering in his attention, gave a nod. ─── 斯梯芬恢复了镇静的样子,注意力一点不分散地点了点头。

57、Keywords subsiding classifier;matching;cyaniding technology of gold leaching while pulverizing;tower mill; ─── 沉降分级机;匹配;边磨边浸氰化提金工艺;塔式磨浸机;

58、Medicine The subsiding or termination of an abnormal condition, such as a fever or an inflammation. ─── 消退:异常情况(如发烧或炎症)的消退或终止

59、Keywords Zihuangjiedu Tablets;depressing internal heat in liver;aphthae;removing toxic materials and subsiding swelling;clearing away heat and nourishing yin; ─── 关键词紫黄解毒片;肝郁内热;复发性口腔溃疡;解毒消肿;清热养阴;

60、subsiding pipe ─── 沉管

61、Keywords filling sequence subsiding period descent rate reservoir Yinggehai Basin; ─── 充填序列;沉降期;沉降速率;储层;莺歌海盆地;


63、It was not now as before an unseen river flowing in the darkness, but a gloomy sea subsiding and still agitated after a storm. ─── 一条在黑暗中看不见的大河现在不像从前那样奔流,而像暴风雨之后,昏暗的大海渐渐趋于平静,但海面还在荡漾。

64、The giant gas area in western South China Sea includes the Yinggehai Basin and Qiongdongnan Basin as well as the Zhusan Depression in the west of Zhujiangkou Basin,being a rapidly subsiding Cenozoic sedimentary basin. ─── 南海西部大气区包括莺歌海盆地、琼东南盆地和珠江口盆地西部的珠三坳陷,是一个快速沉降的新生界沉积盆地。

65、The construction of underground project or the underground tunnel will influence the subsiding of adjacent building on the earth surface. ─── 摘要地下工程或地下洞室的修建会使周围一定范围内的既有建筑物受到影响,对地面产生变形。

66、Cech had been suffering from tiredness due to the injury and the after-effects of the operation but that now is subsiding . ─── 由于受伤以及手术的后遗症,切赫总是感觉很疲惫,但是现在情况好多了。

67、subsiding tank ─── 沉淀槽

68、Does that mean the whole house is subsiding? ─── 那意味着整栋房子正在下陷吗?

69、land subsiding ─── 地层下陷

70、appearing and subsiding ─── 出现和消失

71、Depocenters such as the Taibei Sag, Toksun Sag, Hami Depression and Aiwergou Depression generally occurred in places where two subsiding zones intersected. ─── 一般而言,两组凹陷带相交部位构成次级沉积中心,如台北凹陷西部、托克逊凹陷西部、哈密坳陷和艾维尔沟坳陷。

72、The subsiding or termination of an abnormal condition, such as a fever or an inflammation. ─── 消退异常情况(如发烧或炎症)的消退或终止

73、With the struggle behind enemy lines rising here and subsiding there, there must be constant adjustment in the balance between overt and covert work and the legal and illegal struggle. ─── 估计到敌后斗争的犬牙交错此起彼落的特点,决定了公开工作与秘密工作、合法斗争与非法斗争具有很大的变动性。

74、The author also examined a frontal tectionic transform domain of Parmir-west kunlun in Qimeigan region, which made it discontinous between the frontal overthrusting belt and the subsiding belt. ─── 同时作者还在七美干一带发现帕米尔-西昆仑前缘构造转换域的存在,使得前陆冲断带和前陆沉降带横向不能连接,因而山前的构造变形呈现分阶段发育的特征。

75、Keywords Gardenia jasminoides;iridoid;natural blue pigment;anti inflammatory activity;analgesic activity;swelling subsiding; ─── 山栀子;环烯醚萜;及尼平;天然兰色素;抗炎;镇痛;

76、While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the first stage to the second, take a look at the home. ─── 当这位家庭主妇逐渐平静下来之际,让我们看看这个家吧。

77、For Kuqa Basin, there has different subsiding features during its Mesozoic and Cenozoic evolution periods. ─── 库车盆地在不同的演化阶段上具有不同的沉降特徵。

78、According to an instance of engineering,two current methods of open caisson subsiding including drainage subsidence and non-drainage subsidence were introduced. ─── 根据施工案例介绍了沉井下沉的两种常用方法:排水下沉和不排水下沉。

79、The subsiding regularity of spherical sinkers is investigated through experiment and theoretical analysis. ─── 摘要通过实验和理论分析研究,探讨了球形沉子在水中自由下沉时的沉降规律。

80、I hope you can use the same criterion while judging TVBS and ctitv...or other media which are subsid ... ─── 您目前的身份是游客,所以只能阅读部份内容,请注册或者登录,谢谢!

81、In winter and spring, reduced visibility usually occurred in association with weak northerly surges of the monsoon or when the northeast monsoon affecting Hong Kong was subsiding. ─── 在冬季和春季,低能见度每于微弱偏北季风潮抵达香港或于影响香港的东北季候风缓和时发生。

82、Analysis of the Test Results of Subsiding a Large-Diameter Reinforced Concrete Cylinder with Vibrating ─── 大直径钢筋混凝土圆筒振沉试验结果分析

83、subsiding coal accumulating basin ─── 坳陷型聚煤盆地

84、Houses in several Arctic towns are already badly subsiding. ─── 有几个北极城镇的房子已经严重下沉。

85、Time, space, causation are mental categories, arising and subsiding with the mind. ─── 时、空、因果都属于心理范畴,随着心念此起彼伏。

86、The geology of subsiding area is complicated with many unknown cases. ─── 塌陷区现场条件复杂、未知因素多。

87、Levels of radiation have mostly been subsiding, though unevenly spread. ─── 辐射水平总的来说在下降,虽然扩散很不均匀。

88、The noxious hot - weighty gas subsiding to ground will be harm to human and plants. ─── 有毒热重气体沉降到地面会对人和动植物造成危害。

89、subsiding speed ─── 沉降速度

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