acquisitiveness 发音
英:[əˈkwɪzətɪvnəs] 美:[əˈkwɪzətɪvnəs]
英: 美:
acquisitiveness 中文意思翻译
acquisitiveness 相似词语短语
1、requisiteness ─── 必要性
2、causativeness ─── 因果性
3、acquisitively ─── adv.能获得并保留地;贪得无厌地
4、abusiveness ─── n.滥用;咒骂
5、acquisitions ─── n.兼并,购并;获得,所获之物(acquisition的复数形式);v.获得,[法]取得(acquisition的第三人称单数形式)
6、acquisitive ─── adj.贪得的;想获得的;可学到的;有获得可能性的
7、inquisitiveness ─── n.好奇;爱打听别人隐私
8、accumulativeness ─── 累积性
9、exquisiteness ─── n.强烈);优美(灵敏;强列
acquisitiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Their motive, therefore, was not mere acquisitiveness. ─── 因此,他们的动机就不仅仅是对物质的占有欲。
2、Its great, memorable works, she argues, came about because of acquisitiveness , bordering on avarice. ─── 她指出,恰恰是那近乎贪婪的占有欲引出了那些伟大而难忘的作品。
3、In contrast with this natural acquisitiveness of the new arrivals, the American attitude toward money is quite different. ─── 和初来乍到的人的劳有所获的思想相比,美国人对钱的态度是很不一样的。
4、But what if people became convinced that acquisitiveness, rather than adding to their happiness, was standing in its way? ─── 但如果人们都相信,贪得无厌并不会增加他们的幸福,反而会成为幸福的绊脚石,那么广告业将何去何从?
5、11-4 But acquisitiveness, although it is the mainspring of the capitalist system, is by no means the most powerful of the motives that survive the conquest of hunger . ─── 虽然占有欲是资本主义制度的主要动力,但它决不是征服了饥饿以后最强大动机。
6、But acquisitiveness . . . is by no means the most powerful of the motives that survive the conquest of hunger . ─── 虽然占有欲是资本主义制度的主要动力,但它决不是征服了饥饿以后最强大的动机。
7、The world would be a happier place than it is if acquisitiveness were always stronger than rivalry . ─── 如果占有欲总是强于竞争欲的话,世界将是一个比现在更快乐的地方。
8、image acquisit ion ─── 图像采集
9、reprehensible acquisitiveness ; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins). ─── 七宗罪之一,对财富的永不满足的渴望。
10、reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins). ─── 七宗罪之一,对财富的永不满足的渴望。
11、You leave traces online and offline: The acquisitiveness of today's programs has no limits. ─── 您在网上和下线后都留下了痕迹。现今时代,获得程序内容是没有设限的。
12、But other desires kept them active: four in particular, which we can label acquisitiveness, rivalry, vanity and love of power. ─── 我们称之为:占有欲,竞争欲、虚荣心、权力欲。
13、”And from this thought pier place than it is if acquisitiveness were always stronger than rivalry. ─── 如果占有欲总是比竞争欲强烈,那么世界会比现在列充满幸福。
14、The main reason to worry about sovereign-wealth funds' acquisitiveness is a narrowly financial one. ─── 对主权财富基金并购行动的主要忧虑来自金融领域。
15、As predicted, romantically primed men wanted to buy items that they could wear or drive, rather than things to be kept at home.Their motive, therefore, was not mere acquisitiveness. ─── 正如大家所预料的,浪漫思想的男性希望购买可以穿或用的东西,而不是只为放在家里做摆设,因此他们的动机就不仅仅是占有。
16、some acquisitiveness appropriately, is also a kind of natural, healthy way of courtship. ─── 一些占有欲,也是一种自然、健康的求爱方式。——凯丝勒。
17、Acquisitiveness is a very strange thing, even someone says your name I will be unhappy. ─── 占有欲是很奇怪的东西,连别人提到你的名字我都会不开心。
18、In all, eco-tourism has four basic attributes: naturalness, sustainability, responsibility and acquisitiveness. ─── 无论是作为哪一种概念,生态旅游都包含了自然性、可持续性、责任性和学习性四种基本特质。
19、Acquisitiveness can be carried too far, of course. ─── 贪欲的确也有个“度”。
20、But acquisitiveness, although it is the mainspring of the capitalist system, is by no means the most powerful of the motives that survive the conquest of hunger. ─── 虽然占有欲是资本主义制度的主要动力,但它决不是征服了饥饿以后最强大动机。
21、The world would be a happier place than it is if acquisitiveness were always stronger than rivalry. ─── 如果占有欲总是强于竞争欲的话,世界将是一个比现在幸福的地方。
22、Siemens with sand in the cohabitation, babe gradually dissatisfaction acquisitiveness, start sand girl recalls the boa. ─── 子威在与沙妞的同居生活中,渐渐不满沙妞的占有欲,开始回想起宝儿的好。
23、But acquisitiveness, although it is the mainspring of the capitalist system , is by no means the most powerful of the motives that survive the conquest of hunger . ─── 虽然占有欲是资本主义制度的主要动机,但它并不是征服饥饿后的一个强大动机,更为强烈的动机乃是竞争。
24、In contrast with this natural acquisitiveness of the new arrivals, the American attitude toward money is quite different. ─── 和初来乍到的人的劳有所获的思想相比,美国人对钱的态度是很不一样的。
25、reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins) ─── 七宗罪之一,对财富的永不满足的渴望
26、A path implies a goal, a static end, and therefore a conditioning of the mind and the heart by that end, which necessarily demands discipline, control, acquisitiveness. ─── 道路意味着一个目标,一个静止的终点,因此也意味着那个终点对头脑和心灵的局限,这必然会要求自律,控制,获得的欲望。
27、The world would be a happier place than it is if acquisitiveness were always stronger than rivalry . ─── 如果占有欲总是强于竞争欲的话,世界将是一个比现在更快乐的地方。
28、But whatever the psychoanalysis of acquisitiveness, no one can deny that it is one of the great motives -especially among the more powerful, for ,as I said before, it is one of the infinite motives . ─── 然而,无论对占有欲进行怎样的精神分析,没有人否认:占有欲是巨大动机之一--尤其在享有较多权力的人当中更是如此,正如我上面讲到的那样,占有欲是永无止境的动机之一。
29、Or in order to prove the rationality and necessity of the capitalist form of society, scholars have tried to make a case for acquisitiveness, competitiveness, and selfishness as innate human traits. ─── 为了证明资本主义社会形式的理性和必要性,学者们试图将获取性,竞争性和自私性作为人的内在特征。
30、” But the acquisitiveness that motivates the rest of us is normal and healthy and something we should be thankful for. ─── 可是其他的人心中的需求和欲望还是正常和健康的态度,也是值得我们所感恩的。
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