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09-12 投稿



superposition 发音

英:[,sjuːpəpə'zɪʃən]  美:[,sjʊpəpə'zɪʃən]

英:  美:

superposition 中文意思翻译



superposition 词性/词形变化,superposition变形

动词过去式: superposed |动词过去分词: superposed |动词第三人称单数: superposes |动词现在分词: superposing |

superposition 短语词组

1、linear superposition ─── [电] 线性重叠

2、false superposition ─── 假叠加

3、superposition integral ─── [计] 叠加分

4、time-temperature superposition principle ─── [化] 时-温叠加原理

5、superposition image ─── 重叠像

6、weighted superposition ─── [计] 权重叠加

7、superposition eye ─── 重叠象眼

8、principle of superposition of states ─── [化] 态叠加原理

9、superposition of waves ─── 波叠加

10、superposition operator ─── [计] 叠加算子

11、superposition of signal ─── [计] 信号叠加

12、principle of superposition ─── [计] 叠加原理 ─── [化] 叠加原理

13、superposition method ─── [计] 叠加法 ─── [化] 叠加法

14、superposition structure ─── 叠加结构

15、superposition benchmark ─── 叠加基准

16、method of superposition ─── [计] 叠加法 ─── [化] 叠加法

17、Huygens' principle of superposition ─── [网络] 惠更斯的叠加原则

18、superposition principle ─── [化] 叠加原理

19、superposition theorem ─── [计] 叠加定理

superposition 相似词语短语

1、superaddition ─── n.再添,追加;添加物

2、superstition ─── n.迷信

3、supposition ─── n.假定;推测;想像;见解

4、supererogation ─── n.额外工作,份外工作

5、superimposition ─── n.添上;[摄]叠印;重迭

6、superfoetation ─── n.重复受孕

7、interposition ─── n.插入,放入;干涉,介入;插入的事物

8、interpositions ─── n.插入,放入;干涉,介入;插入的事物

9、suppositions ─── n.假定;推测;想像;见解

superposition 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Generally the active site cavity is defined by comparing the superposition of active to that of inactive molecules. ─── 通常活跃站点洞通过比较激活的叠置定义与那不活泼的分子。

2、Using the new concept, It is clear to identify losses of different wheelings without any hypothesis, and these losses satisfy the superposition theorem. ─── 从而使得各个电源在某个支路内流经的功率和产生的功率损耗满足迭加定理,便于实际应用。

3、The bottom shear method is unsuitable for the aseismic calculation of a multi-storey masonry building whereas the mode superposition response spectrum method is more intricate. ─── 对多层砌体房屋顶层空旷少墙时进行抗震计算,底部剪力法是不适用的,振型分解反应谱法又比较复杂。

4、It is made up of a superposition of harmonics. ─── 它的谱由一组线条组成。

5、Display the progress of charge: the use of superposition circuit technology, charging indicator light changes. ─── 充电进度显示方式:运用叠加电路技术,充电时指示灯变亮。

6、It is a vision that conveys life's complexity by superposition of several of it's dimension, through the eyes of a poet. ─── 透过她那双诗人的眼,那种洞悉力,能从交叠著的不同层面传达出生命之复杂性。

7、Yingen-Ejina Basins in the west of Nei Mongol is shown by superposition of Mesozoic and Cainozoic on basement of pre-Palaeozoic constitutes. ─── 内蒙西部银根-额济纳盆地群是在前古生代基底上发育起来的中、新生代“叠置型”盆地群。

8、ZHANG Jing.Studies of harmonics superposition method in multiharmonic sources system[J ].Power System Technology,1995,19(3):23-27. ─── [5]张晶.多谐波源系统谐波叠加方法的研究[J].电网技术,1995,19(3):23-27.

9、The influence on summer circulation in east Asia of the spring and summer SSTA in the equatorial eastern Pacific is not simply a linear superposition, but a nonlinear interaction on a seasonal scale. ─── 同时指出春季赤道东太平洋海温异常和夏季海温异常对夏季东亚大气环流的影响并非是线性叠加,海温持续性异常对东亚夏季大气环流的影响在季节时间尺度上存在非线性相互作用。

10、A mathematical model of fractured reservoir with intersecting faults is established using pressure superposition principle. ─── 利用压力叠加原理,建立了裂缝性油藏交叉断层条件下的数学模型,得到现场适用的拉普拉斯空间解。

11、This paper analyzes PWM double-bridge superposition regulator, AC chopping regulator and series voltage regulator, and introduces the application of AC voltage regulating based on VF technologies. ─── 分析了PWM双桥叠加型,交流斩波型和串联型等三种变频型交流电压调节电路,介绍了基于变频技术的调压应用。

12、The origin, which caused the faults of complex variations in orientations, is the change of the Basin"s boundary direction, but not the superposition of strike-slip or pull-apart deformations. ─── 导致盆地内部断层方向复杂多变的原因是盆地裂陷边界方向的变化,而非走滑构造或拉分作用叠加的结果。

13、A convenient variation upon the process of superposition thus described is a mathematical operation designated as convolution. ─── 对于上面描述的叠加过程,有一种方便的变形,它就是称为褶积的一种数学运算。

14、In this example, we exploited the quantum mechanics principle of superposition. ─── 在本例中,我们利用了量子力学的叠加原理。

15、Each electron would continue precessing as long as its superposition remained coherent. ─── 只要电子处于同调叠加态,就会持续进动。

16、The geoisotherms around a gallery can be explained as a superposition of the original temperature field. ─── 一个坑道周围的等温线可以理解为原始温度场的叠加。

17、The exploration realms of basic superposition basin are flault nose and flault block trap of central fracture and ridgy zone. ─── 基本叠置型盆地(凹陷)主要以中央断裂隆起构造带的断鼻、断块圈闭为主要勘探领域;

18、Experimental result show that ECG superposition trigger jitter can be detected accurately by using the filter. ─── 实验结果表明用该滤波器可准确检测ECG叠加基准点。

19、If the superposition cuts is symmetrical, the labeling can be omitted. Otherwise, it must be labeled with a cutting symbol with arrows, but the letters may be omitted. ─── 对称的重合断面不必标注剖切位置和断面图的名称。不对称重合断面在剖切符号处标注投射方向,但不必标注字母。

20、Extraction level of biomedical signals is improved by reducing wave distortion and average superposition times. ─── 它减少了波形失真度和平均叠加次数,提高了生物医学信号提取水平。

21、The answer is very simple: never suppress a dependent source in a superposition problem. ─── 回答很简单:在迭加问题中,非独立源永远不要去掉。

22、The calculation formula of effective drive radius is presented for subzones in low-permeability reservoirs based on potential energy superposition principle. ─── 从势能叠加原理出发,推导出该类油藏小层有效驱动半径计算公式。

23、In clinical practice,the interval and dosage of administration are frequently changed,to estimate the plasma concentration of drugs by the method of superposition has practical significance. ─── 在临床用药的实际过程中,给药间隔经常是变化的,剂量也会根据临床经验加以调整,在这种情况下,叠加法估算血药浓度就具有实际应用意义。

24、By properly applying this pulse, Dr Cirac believes it will be possible to leave the virus in a superposition of the ground and excited states. ─── Cirac博士相信,通过恰当地控制这束激光,将能使病毒达到基态和激发态共存的叠加态。

25、The principle of superposition is often used as the main postulate, from which the reciprocal theorems and hence the symmetry of the flexibility matrices are proven. ─── 叠加原理经常用来作为主要的假设,由此互等定理以及柔度矩阵的对称性得到证明。

26、Hence, the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic zones over continental nucleus and its circumferences were of both individual feature and sizable superposition. ─── 其中波斯清盆地最为典型,古生界、中生界和新生界次第重合。

27、The superposition principle of states in quantum mechanics formulated by Blokhintsev,Dirac and Landau are introduced and reviewed. ─── 以对话的形式,介绍并评论了布洛欣采夫、狄拉克以及朗道和栗弗席茨关于状态叠加原理的不同表述.

28、A new method has been successfully developed to improve the axial resolution of electron holography,based on superposition of multi-energy electron holography. ─── 对电子全息图进行计算机三维数值重现时,由于样品各层电子衍射的干扰,影响了纵向分辨率的提高。

29、This device has the ability to be in a quantum superposition, but it needs a little help to do it. ─── 这个设备有能力来进行量子叠加,但是它需要些帮助来完成这步骤。

30、The genetic type belongs to the polygenetic and compound iron deposit formed by the exhalation sediment, metamorphic reconstruction and magmatic hydrothermal superposition enrichment. ─── 其成因类型属喷流沉积-变质改造-岩浆热液叠加富集型多因复成铁矿床。

31、At last, the experiment results made in semi-anechoic chamber demonstrate that the wave superposition method is available in mixture signal separation. ─── 实验结果验证模型与算法的可行性。

32、By using the Von Karman thin plate theory and Boltzmann superposition principle, the nonlinear equations of viscoelastic thin plate with damage are derived and denoted by the mid-plane displacements. ─── 基于Von Karman板理论和Boltzmann线性叠加原理,建立了以中面位移表示的含损伤粘弹性板的非线性控制方程。

33、A structural superposition index that can measure the degree of structural homogeneity of manufacturing was introduced. ─── 同时,文中还引入了一个结构重合度指数,利用该指数计算了历年来长三角制造业的同构度。

34、The continuous beam can be soled by using singular functions and the method of superposition. ─── 借助奇异函数和叠加法,导出了带有奇异函数的三弯矩方程。

35、Thin lines are used to draw the outlines of superposition cuts. When it overlaps the outlines of the view, the outlines must be drawn completely. ─── 其轮廓线用细实线绘制,当视图中的轮廓线与重合断面轮廓线重叠时,视图中的轮廓线仍然应连续画出不可间断。

36、This paper also discusses the problems of protection of sports star when they are died,web tortious,superposition of infringe privacy right and infringe reputation right... ─── 也探讨了体育明星死后的隐私保护问题、网络侵权问题和侵犯隐私权与侵犯名誉权的重叠问题。

37、The general form of Ampere circuital theorem is deduced from the Biot-Savart law using superposition of magnetic fields.Discussions are given. ─── 从毕奥-萨伐尔定律出发,应用立体角的知识和磁场叠加原理,推导出一般情况下的安培环路定理,并进一步讨论了电流正负号等问题.

38、But their superposition states are exceedingly fragile and can be spoiled by the tiniest stray interactions with the ambient environment, which includes all the material making up the computer itself. ─── 但是它们的叠加状态极为脆弱,只要它们和周遭环境(包括所有组成电脑的材料)有一点点不期而来的交互作用,那麽叠加状态就会被破坏。

39、An optimal design for cogging torque reduction based on the superposition model is made. ─── 利用此模型对永磁电机槽口进行优化设计,使得齿槽转矩通过叠加抵消达到最小化;

40、Go up as Internet trade product, "Net goods " because spread economic crisis of the whole world and " China is made " superposition moves toward the mainstream gradually. ─── 作为互联网上的交易产品,“网货“正因蔓延全球的经济危机与“中国制造”叠合并逐渐走向主流。

41、A qubit, in contrast, can be in a so-called superposition state, which entails proportions of 0 and 1 coexisting together. ─── 一个普通的古典位元只能是0或1;标准的微晶片架构很严谨地在执行这种古典二分法。

42、Romberg-fast Fourier transform (R-FFT) integration algorithm based on fast Fourier transform (FFT) and numerical integration theory was proposed for modal superposition method. ─── 基于快速傅里叶变换(FFT)和数值积分理论,提出了一种应用于振型叠加法的龙贝格快速傅里叶变换(R-FFT)积分算法。

43、Between different culture literacy superposition, therefore the English to Chinese culture also has many common grounds. ─── 不同文化之间有文化重合,因此英汉文化也有很多的共同点。

44、This paper describes two kinds of basic methods to construct a dam monitoring forecast model with the time-series superposition model:statistic time-series model and deterministic superposition model. ─── 叙述了用时间序列叠合模型建立大坝监测预报模型的2种基本方法:统计一时间序列模型和确定性时序叠合模型。

45、Double-Fourier seriestype solutions are obtained by utilizing the superposition method and by taking advantage of symmetry inherent in the problem. ─── 利用叠加法和本问题所固有的对称性优点得到了重富立叶级数解。

46、Thus, we held our breath in 2004 when our computer was about to give us the first calculations of a large causal superposition of four-simplices. ─── 因此在2004年,当电脑即将首次给出四元单体因果叠加的大规模计算结果时,我们个个屏息以待。

47、Is creating this plan each kind encircles gathers spatial time,vigorously pursues the influence space which as desired producespositively, the harmonious superposition. ─── 在创造该方案的各种围合空间的时候,极力追求其产生的影响空间积极、和谐的重合。

48、The wave function for the lion is hence a superposition of the gender eigenstate for a lion and that for a lioness. ─── 因此狮子的波函数是雌雄狮子的性别因子本征态重叠的结果。

49、Freestanding kivas discovered in the ruins of European-style missionary communities have been explained by some historians as examples of "superposition". ─── 在欧洲风格的传教士社区废墟中发现的独立地下礼堂被一些历史学家解释为“叠加”的例子。

50、To resolve the problem, based on backpressure test theory and superposition principle, this paper designed a new test method, named Backpressure Isochronal Test. ─── 以回压试井理论和渗流叠加原理为基础,提出了"回压等时试井"产能评价方法,该法所需测试时间与"单点法"大致相同,但能较准确地评价低渗气井产能。

51、Dynamic responses of crankshaft were calculated with the superposition method of mode of vibration. ─── 利用振型叠加法对曲轴进行动态响应分析;

52、If you've never been exposed to this concept of superposition before it can be a little confusing. ─── 如果您以前从未接触过叠加这个概念,那么它可能有点儿令人困惑。

53、Examples are provided for the exploration of intermediate steps for solving the nonlinear-resisting circuits, which indicates that the superposition method is practical one. ─── 举例说明,作为求解非线性电阻电路的中间步骤,叠加法是一种有效实用的方法。

54、Unfortunately, in most physical systems, interactions with the surrounding environment rapidly disrupt these superposition states. ─── 可惜的是,在大多数的物理系统中,与外界的交互作用很快就破坏了这种叠加态。

55、Under the conditions of low surface potential and weak applied electric field, the electrophoretic mobility of a particle is evaluated by a superposition method. ─── 在低表面电位、弱外加电场与低雷诺数的假设下,吾人利用加叠原理求解相关电场与流场之线性化方程组,并获得胶体粒子的电泳速度(或电泳迁移率)。

56、Up to now, almost all conventional cathode ray tube (CRT) colorimetric prediction models are based on the "superposition principle of tristimulus values". ─── 传统阴极射线管(CRT)色度预测模型大都建立在三刺激值的可加性原理之上。

57、The deposit of an associated benificial element Se,of which the orebody is perfect superposition with that of Hg deposit,has reached middle scale. ─── 伴生有益组分硒,达到中型矿床规模,硒矿体与汞矿体完全重合。

58、But many questions of the two countries" administration ethics development facing to are common, the theory and the practice path also should have many superposition place. ─── 但是两国行政伦理学发展所面临的许多问题是共同的,理论和实践的轨迹也应有很多重合之处。

59、Analyses the characteristics of transmission, natural attenuation, regeneration and superposition of noise. ─── 分析了空调系统噪声的传递、自然衰减、再生和叠加特性。

60、A superposition cut is used to describe a cross section of a part by revolving it around an axis of revolution and placing it on the views on the axis. ─── 在不影响图形清晰的条件下,断面也可按投影关系画在视图内,画在视图内的断面图称为重合断面图(简称重合断面)。

61、Based on the theory of modal superposition and power series expansion, a modal superposition method for the sensitivity analysis of FRF is proposed in this paper. ─── 基于模态展开和幂级数展开原理,提出了一种频响函数灵敏度分析的模态展开法。

62、Using the principle of mode superposition, the formula is given for finding the modal parameters. ─── 利用振型叠加原理,求得整机的动态特性的模态参数表达式。

63、So it might appear that vibration is strengthened at some point in superposition region, and vibration is weakened at some point or is completely cancelled out. ─── 因此会出现交叠区某些地方振动加强,某些地方振动减弱或完全抵消的现象。

64、Due to the superposition and compounding of the three dynamic systems, the tectonic framework and stratigraphic regionalization have greatly changed and reconstructed time and again. ─── 三大动力体系的复合、叠加,使中国及邻区的构造格局和地层分区发生多次改组和变迁。

65、Firstly, the general mathematical model with its superposition solution was constructed based on the common characteristics of this system. ─── 基于这个系统的共同特征,构造了这类“非常规”的通用数学模型及其迭加解法。

66、Using the step response behavior of inertia process and the superposition theorem of linear system, this paper puts forward a fuzzy predictive model of dead-time processes. ─── 利用惯性过程的阶跃响应特性和线性系统中的叠加原理,提出了纯滞后过程的模糊预估模型。

67、Principle of original horizontality, principle of superposition, principle of lateral continuity, principle of crosscutting relationship and unconformity. ─── 原始地层水平律、叠置律水平连续律、切割律、不整合。

68、FilterVideoKeyer is achieved keying a superposition of Filter, Filter has two input Pin, an output Pin, Filter the registration called "HQ Video Keyer. ─── FilterVideoKeyer是一个实现了抠像叠加的Filter,这个Filter有两个 输入Pin,一个输出Pin,Filter的注册名为“HQ Video Keyer”。

69、A method is set forth to calculate the hydrodynamic pressure influence matrix of elastic dam using series development and linear superposition theorem in this paper. ─── 利用级数展开和线性叠加原理,本文给出了一种求取弹性坝面动水压力影响系数矩阵的数值算法。

70、Using the first order shear deformation theory, Boltzmann superposition principle and Galerkin technique, the nonlinear equations of antisymmetric cross-ply viscoelastic laminated plates with damage are derived. ─── 基于一阶剪切变形理论、Boltzmann线性叠加原理和Galerkin技术,建立了反对称正交铺设损伤黏弹性复合材料层合板的非线性控制方程.

71、What appears to the naked eye to be glowing is actually a superposition of different lines of distinct frequency. So, this is quantized. ─── 出现在肉眼面前的光亮,事实上是频率不同的光线的叠加。所以,这是量子化的。

72、There exist three superposed manners of Jurassic and Cretaceous basins in space.They are titling superposition, superposed preservation and part superposition. ─── 两大世代的盆地在空间上存在翘倾叠合、叠合保存、部分叠合改造等三种方式。

73、The computation of harmonics superposition becomes more complicated when harmonic currents are caused by multi-harmonic sources at random phase angel. ─── 大量的非线性负荷应用在农村配电网中,在农网中出现了多谐波源的现象。

74、Based on the superposition principle of Boltzman,the elongation-stress relaxation process of yarns is analyzed using the standard linear solid model. ─── 以标准线性固体模型为基础,利用玻尔兹曼叠加原理对纱线在拉伸松弛过程中的力学行为进行分析,建立纱线应力松弛的理论方程。

75、On the basis of studying a new relaxation mechanism, we revised the rate equation of anelasric strain, and then using Boltzmann superposition principle, the formula of ultrasonic attenuation with IRD is derived. ─── 在研究新的弛豫机制的基础上,修正了滞弹性应变的速率方程,并利用玻耳兹曼叠加原理,导得具有红外发散的超声吸收公式。

76、Ordinary type cause damage rainfall consists of short duration storm rainfall, long duration heavy rainfall and two kinds of superposition. ─── 一般成灾雨型分为短历时暴雨,长历时大雨及两种迭加雨型。

77、Then the influence of molding quality on path space was discussed,including layer thick,superposition ratio,the change of the highness of place,etc. ─── 在焊接工艺参数固定不变的条件下,研究了单层多道熔焊成型过程中路径间距对零件成型中层厚、重合率、平面高度变化最大值等方面的影响。

78、In the process of research, the superposition rule of uncorrelated time series is found and proved. ─── 在研究过程中,我们发现了不相关序列波动函数的叠加公式,并给出了证明。

79、The periodic variation In amplitude of a wave produced by the superposition of two waves of different frequencies. ─── 由两种不同频率的波叠加在一起而产生的波在某一区域内的周期振动。

80、A new higher-order shear deformation theory based on global-local superposition technique is developed. ─── 基于整体-局部位移方法,建立了一种高阶剪切变形理论。


82、Multicolour printing is used because of the law of superposition locations, instilla moirefringes. ─── 众色套印时,由于网点的次序叠增,会爆发莫尔条纹。

83、Study native language word's at the same time we will also contact the native language word and the foreign language difference and the superposition phenomenon. ─── 学习本族语言的同时我们也会接触到本族语言与外语的差异与重合现象。

84、Using Boltzmann superposition principle, an universal formula of internal friction was also derived, which was verified by experimental date. ─── 再利用波耳兹曼迭加原理,得出普适的磁弹性内耗公式,此公式得到实验数据的证实。

85、For example subjacent device can store the drawer that the thing uses, the woodiness mesa after two-phase superposition also can regard as the table is used. ─── 例如在下方装置了可储存东西用的抽屉,两相叠合后的木质台面也可以当作桌子使用。

86、The real dike pattern can be approximately duplicated theoretically by the superposition of two very simple stress fields. ─── 实际岩脉式从理论上可以通过两个最简单的应力场的叠加复现。

87、From Duhamel integral, the fuzzy-stochastic dynamic response is derived by using fuzzy factor method combined with mode superposition method. ─── 同时考虑结构参数模糊性和外载荷幅值的模糊随机性,利用模糊因子法和振型迭加法求出了动力响应模糊随机变量;

88、Based on the potential superposition theory and method of mirror, the potential spatial distribution of the stepped type horizontal well production section in the thin interbed reservoir are deduced. ─── 基于势叠加原理和镜像反映原理,推导出了薄互层油藏中阶梯式水平井生产段的空间势分布;采用微元线汇理论和动量守恒定律建立了薄互层油藏阶梯水平井生产段沿程压降计算模型。

89、A qubit can be not just 0 or 1 but also a superposition of the two, in which proportions of zero-ness and one-ness are combined in a single state. ─── 一个量子位元不会只是0或1,而是两种状态的叠加,也就是0的状态和1的状态会合并成一个状态。

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