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aragonite 发音

英:[[ə'rægənaɪt]]  美:[[ə'rægənaɪt]]

英:  美:

aragonite 中文意思翻译



aragonite 短语词组

1、aragonite tpo ─── 文石tpo

2、aragonite platelets ─── 文石血小板

3、aragonite crystal ─── 文石晶体

4、aragonite shell ─── 文石壳

5、pteropod aragonite ─── 翼足文石

6、aragonite yellow ─── 文石黄

7、aragonite calcite ─── 文石方解石

8、aragonite blue ─── 文石蓝

9、aragonite sand ─── 文石砂

10、aragonite crystals ─── 文石晶体

11、aragonite leached ─── 文石浸出

12、aragonite tumbled ─── 文石翻滚

13、aragonite feng shui ─── 文石风水

aragonite 相似词语短语

1、amazonite ─── n.[矿物]天河石

2、arragonite ─── 方铅矿

3、paragonite ─── n.(矿物)钠云母

4、aragonitic ─── 文石

5、dragonize ─── vt.使变成龙

6、dragonise ─── 龙

7、paragonites ─── n.(矿物)钠云母

8、palagonite ─── n.[地质]橙玄玻璃

9、arsonite ─── 砷铁矿

aragonite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The study of aragonite stalagmites is important to reconstruct the paleoclimate and know mineralization in both theory and practice. ─── 研究文石石笋对重建古气候环境、成岩成矿作用都有重要理论和实践意义。

2、The structural colors of ligament were probably caused by grating diffraction from the nanometer oriented aragonite or protein fibers in ligament. ─── 韧带结构色可能是由定向排列的纳米级文石及蛋白质纤维构成的光珊衍射引起的。

3、In addition, the advantage and possibility of the application of the aragonite as a kind of gem have been studied. ─── 在此基础上,对兰坪富锶文石的颜色成因进行了讨论,并对其作为宝玉石资源的利用优势及可能性进行了展望。

4、Keywords Scale;Antiscale technology;Magnetic treatment;Magnetic memory;Kinetics of precipitation;Calcite;Aragonite; ─── 水垢;阻垢技术;磁处理;磁记忆效应;析晶动力学;方解石;文石;

5、The temperature of organic matrix decomposing is different when they are in different phases, whose decomposing temperature in calcite layer is lower than in aragonite layer. ─── 不同相中有机质降解的温度区间不同,方解石层中的有机质的降解温度较文石层中的有机质降解温度低.

6、Keywords pearl;Raman spectra;polyacetylenic material;aragonite;vaterite; ─── 珍珠;拉曼光谱;聚乙炔类物质;文石;六方碳钙石;

7、In the present paper the microstructure of nacre of bivalve shell is investigated by SEM and TEM.It is shown that in the nacre the neighbor aragonite laminae interpose perfectly. ─── 本文利用扫描电镜原位观察了受拉伸载荷作用下珍珠层中裂纹的萌生及扩展方式,并结合SEM和TEM技术研究了贝壳珍珠层微观组织结构,探讨了裂纹扩展过程中的增韧机制。

8、The unusual exothermal transformation of nacre aragonite to calcite is perhaps resulted from the stored excess enthalpy in nanometer-size aragonite of nacre. ─── 珍珠层文石这种异常的热相变特征可能是由纳米级文石储存的过剩焓引起的。

9、That's probably because aragonite has two refractive indices, the extent to which a particular material focuses incoming light. ─── 这可能是由于碳酸钙晶体具有两种折射率——折射率会限定某种物质聚焦入射光线的范围。

10、high-magnesian aragonite ─── 高镁文石

11、The structure of nacreous layer is characterized as a form of "brick wall", laying the "bricks" with organic matter and aragonite slices. ─── 珍珠层呈现“砖墙”结构特征,由有机质将文石小板片如“砌墙”般垒积而成。

12、Their crystal structure sets them apart: calcite forms hexagons and aragonite forms rhombohedrons. ─── 它们的结晶构造使它们分离:方解石型六角形和文石的菱面体。

13、Blue aragonite is rarely mineral assumed resembling fibers. These aggregation are brightly blue and likes mountain. The form is beautiful and it is of good sight value. ─── 蓝文石是一种较少见的矿物晶体.常呈纤维状产出.该集合体为鲜艳的蓝色.纤维结构明显.造型奇特.具有极高的观赏和收藏价值.

14、Stalactites of calcite and a small aragonite formation appear as if in a magical backdrop. ─── 钟乳石的方解石和一小的文石组成似乎像一不可思议的背景。

15、The optimum coating condition was obtained.The formation of C3AH6 and complexation of calcium carbonate molecule with C3A were the domain factors to get single aragonite phase whisker. ─── 在对碳酸化历程进行深入研究的基础上,提出C3AH6的形成以及碳酸化反应过程中碳酸钙分子与C3A的络合是得到控制碳酸钙晶型关键。

16、Detailed examinations of chemical composition, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectrum, SEM and optical properties indicate that the crystals from Huili Sichuan province are aragonite which are nearly pure CaCC_3 in composition. ─── 对会理县的文石进行矿物学研究后,证实其成分接近理想的CaCO_3的文石晶体。

17、The acicular and columnar shapes of aragonite crystals are preserved even after aragonite changes into calcite. ─── 文石转变为方解石常保留文石的针状、柱状晶形,并存在于石笋沉积生长的始终。

18、With the help of hydration water and organic matrix, the transition temperature of the aragonite in the shell is lower than the natural aragonite. ─── 贝壳中的文石相在结合水和有机质的“调和”作用下,其相转变温度与天然文石相比下降了很多。

19、Biogenic aragonite ─── 生物成因文石

20、aragonite sea ─── 文石海

21、So will corals, especially those whose skeletons are composed of aragonite, a particularly unstable form of calcium carbonate. ─── 珊瑚虫也将如此,特别是那些骨架由霰石(一种极不稳定的碳酸钙形式)组成的种类。

22、Keywords pearl;aragonite;calcium carbonate;Fourier transform infrared spectrometry;inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry; ─── 珍珠;文石;碳酸钙;傅里叶变换红外光谱;电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱;

23、7.calcium carbonate occurs in the allomorphs calcite and aragonite. ─── 碳酸钙存在于同质异晶的方解石和文石中。

24、aragonite sheet fiber ─── 霰石片纤维

25、The major sedimentary types are primarily oolitic grindstones (grains consisting of multiple coatings of carbonate, usually calcite and/or aragonite, that precipitated on a nucleus; ─── 主要的沉积物的类型是像鲕粒岩的的小颗粒(有多种碳酸盐组成,通常为单核沉积的方解石和文石;

26、Keywords temperature vaterite aragonite sodium dodecylbenzensulfonate mixed solvent; ─── 温度;球霰石;文石;十二烷基苯磺酸钠;混合溶剂;

27、Keywords Magnetic treatment;Scale prevention mechanism;Isomorphic isomery;Calcite;Aragonite;Vaterite;Colloid calcium carbonate; ─── 磁处理;防垢除垢机理;同晶异构现象;方解石;霰石;球霰石;胶体碳酸钙;

28、Preferential Orientation of Aragonite Crystals in Nacre of Mollusc Shells ─── 贝壳珍珠层中文石晶体择优取向研究

29、Aragonite and magnesium calcite are more soluble than normal calcite. ─── 霰石和镁方解石,比普通方解石更容易溶解。

30、Keywords nacre;pole figure;aragonite;preferential orientation; ─── 关键词珍珠层;极图;文石;择优取向;

31、This paper will explain the accumulation of aragonite spherical grains,which are hexagonal,most compact,as observed under AFM,and will discu... ─── 本文将珍珠的形成过程初步归纳为碳酸钙凝胶的形成,碳酸钙球粒的形成,矿物相的转变和后继生长四个阶段。

32、In the paper, the two mineral phases in the freshwater non-nucleated pearl samples are investigated according to the differences of characteristic Raman spectra between the aragonite and vaterite. ─── 利用文石与六方球文石的特征拉曼光谱差异,对淡水无核珍珠样品的两种物象组成进行了测试研究。

33、So will corals, especially those whose skeletons are composed of aragonite, a particularly unstable form of calcium carbonate. ─── 珊瑚虫也将如此,特别是那些骨架由霰石(一种极不稳定的碳酸钙形式)组成的种类。

34、Falini G,Albeck S,Weiner S,et al.Control of aragonite polymorphism by mollusk shell macromolecules[J].Science,1996,271:6769. ─── 吴一民,陈建庭,孙炜,等.珍珠层人工骨促进成骨细胞的体外成骨能力[J].中国矫形外科杂志,2003,11:217219.

35、With the exception of "Live Aragonite" (sand that's pre-seeded w/ living organisms/bacteria) you'll need to clean your sand. ─── 其中除了"活文石"(已经有生物/细菌附着在上面),你需要清洁你的沙子。

36、The calcium carbonate in corals or in the shells of other marine creatures comes in two distinct mineral forms: calcite and aragonite. ─── 珊瑚或其他海洋生物外壳里的碳酸钙,包含两种完全不同的矿物形式:方解石和霰石。

37、As a result, the spiral growth structure of nacreous layer is produced by the periodically alternative growth of aragonite and organic matrix in the time and space. ─── 有机质与文石微晶在时间和空间上的螺旋交互生长具有周期性,从而产生珍珠层表面的这种结构形态。

38、calcium carbonate occurs in the allomorphs calcite and aragonite. ─── 同质异晶的方解石和文石中含有碳酸钙。

39、aragonite stalagmite ─── 文石石笋

40、According to analysis, beachrock is mabe up of terringenous clastic and bioclast, the cement are mainly aragonite and high Mg calcite. 14C dating data of beachrock samples show that Lianyungang beachrock formed in the Early Holocene. ─── 经岩石样品及簿片、扫描电镜、~(14)C同位素等分析测定,海滩岩主要由陆源碎屑和生物碎屑组成,胶结物为文石和高镁方解石.

41、The structure of nacreous layer is characterized as a form of "brick wall" , laying the "bricks" with organic matter and aragonite slices. ─── 珍珠层呈现“砖墙”结构特征,由有机质将文石小板片如“砌墙”般垒积而成。

42、stalactitic aragonite ─── 钟乳状霰石

43、Study on dielectric property of aragonite whisker and its composites ─── 文石型碳酸钙晶须及其复合体系介电性能的研究

44、The most common minerals in seep carbonates are microcrystalline calcite, microcrystalline aragonite and dolomite, and pyrite as well. ─── 冷泉碳酸盐岩的常见矿物有微晶方解石、文石、白云石和黄铁矿。

45、It's Black Tahitian Moon Sand, it's a great choice if you want the black sand, but it's expensive (similar to Aragonite). ─── 他是一种黑色大溪地月亮沙,它是一个很好的的选择,如果你想黑砂。但它很昂贵(类似文石)。

46、Keywords freshwater cultured pearl of good quality;color;Raman spectrum;aragonite; ─── 淡水优质珍珠;珍珠颜色;激光拉曼光谱;文石;

47、Keywords freshwater cultured pearl;mineral composition;aragonite;vaterite; ─── 淡水养殖珍珠;矿物组成;文石;六方碳钙石;

48、The research showed that boiler scale was composed of aragonite and calcite, which were of the same chemical formula CaCO3 and their ratio is 92.8% and 7.2% relatively. ─── 研究发现,家用热水壶水垢化学成分主要为碳酸钙,矿物物相主要由文石和方解石组成,以文石相为主,质量占92.8%,方解石占7.2%。

49、aragonite sphemle ─── 文石球粒

50、Stalactites of calcite and a small aragonite formation appear as if in a magical backdrop. ─── 钟乳石的方解石和一小的文石组成似乎像一不可思议的背景。

51、Keywords calcium carbonate;calcite;aragonite;vaterite;metal ion partitioning; ─── 碳酸钙;方解石;霞石;球霞石;金属离子配分;

52、The chemical composition of the melo shell is calcite and aragonite. ─── 美乐贝的化学成分是方解石和文石。

53、aragonite compensation depth ─── 文石补偿深度

54、The discovery and study of strontianiferous aragonite in Yunnan Province ─── 云南兰坪富锶文石的发现及其研究

55、Keywords magnetic treatment descale polymorphism calcite aragonite vaterite gel calcium; ─── 磁处理;除垢;同晶异构现象;方解石;霰石;球霰石;胶体碳酸钙;

56、aragonite platelet ─── 文石片

57、The study of stalagmites in the South China indicates that they are made of calcite, aragonite or the combination of calcite and aragonite. ─── 摘要中国南方大量石笋剖面研究表明,石笋矿物组成有方解石、文石、方解石-文石三种类型。

58、The most common minerals in seep carbonates are microcrystalline calcite, microcrystalline aragonite and dolomite, and pyrite as well. ─── 冷泉碳酸盐岩的常见矿物有微晶方解石、文石、白云石和黄铁矿。

59、Keywords calcium carbonate;whisker;aragonite type; ─── 碳酸钙;晶须;文石型;

60、2. "aragonite: an orthorhombic mineral form of crystalline calcium carbonate, dimorphous with calcite." ─── 霰石:文石结晶富钙碳化物的一种正交晶矿物,具有方解石的两种晶态。

61、An icicle-shaped mineral deposit, usually calcite or aragonite, hanging from the roof of a cavern, formed from the dripping of mineral-rich water. ─── 钟乳石:一种冰柱状的矿物沉淀,通常为方解石或者霰石,悬挂在一个熔洞的顶部,由含有丰富矿物的水下滴形成

62、Keywords biomineralization;polyethylene oxide;shell-shaped CaCO_3;aragonite;microstructrue; ─── 仿生矿化;聚乙二醇;贝壳状碳酸钙文石微观结构;

63、The outer surface of sea cultured pearl's nacre is composed of polygonal tablet of aragonite and organic matrix sheet. ─── 海水养殖珍珠的表层微形貌呈现以文石晶体及壳角蛋白膜为结构单元组成的按一定方式排列的层状或阶梯状的结构或形态。

64、Keywords magnetic treatment;descaling;mechanism;calcite;polymorphism;aragonite;vaterite;gel calcium carbonate; ─── 磁处理;除垢;机理;同晶异构现象;方解石;霰石;球霰石;胶体碳酸钙;

65、Strikingly, he found that the rate of calcium carbonate production in the corals declined with lower pH, although the water remained considerably supersaturated with respect to aragonite. ─── 令人惊讶的是,他发现即使海水对霰石还保持过饱和,珊瑚的碳酸钙产率却随pH值降低而下降。

66、Polar surface waters most likely will become undersaturated for aragonite before the end of this century. ─── 在本世纪结束前,极地海水表层很有可能变得对霰石不饱和。

67、Analysis of Preferential Orientation of Aragonite Crystals in Nacre Based on XRD ─── 贝壳中文石晶体择优取向的XRD分析

68、aragonite crystals ─── 文石晶体

69、"aragonite: an orthorhombic mineral form of crystalline calcium carbonate, dimorphous with calcite." ─── 霰石: 文石结晶富钙碳化物的一种正交晶矿物,具有方解石的两种晶态。


71、Based on the X-Ray diffraction analysis,the preferential orientations of aragonite crystals in nacre and in prismatic layer are systematically studied. ─── 结果表明:珍珠层中文石晶体在沿珍珠层面上存在两种定向排列,即(002)和(012),具有择优取向性,柱状晶层结构的无序性比珍珠层大。

72、Keywords Calcium carbonate;Biomineralization;Crystal Growth;Vaterite;Calcite;Aragonite; ─── 碳酸钙;生物矿化;晶体生长;球霰石;方解石;文石;

73、In many marine creatures, however, the skeleton is composed of a mineral variety of calcium carbonate called aragonite. ─── 然而,很多海洋生物的骨骼由一种叫作霰石的碳酸钙矿物变体组成。

74、With an aragonite eye, one index creates an image on the eye in water while the other works in air. ─── 这种晶体构成的眼睛,可以用一种折射率在水中成像,而用另一种折射率在空气中成像。

75、aragonite fiber ─── 文石纤维

76、In other words, harder and denser aragonite is changed into incompact calcite under the action of magnetic field. ─── 北京工业大学工学硕士学位论文一(3)在其它实验条件不变的情况下,发现污垢热阻随着硬度的增加而增力口。

77、The Red Sea is supersaturated in both calcite and aragonite and the degrees of saturation are higher than found in the Gulf of Aden. ─── 结果显示,红海深层水的方解石及霰石饱和度均比亚丁湾和阿拉伯海深层水的饱和度高。

78、Keywords aragonite;calcium carbonate;whisker; ─── 文石;碳酸钙;晶须;

79、Through the scanning electron microscope (SEM), there are different micromorphology characteristics between vaterite and aragonite on the surface of the pearl sample. ─── 通过扫描电子显微镜进一步观察,珍珠表面上的六方球文石与文石的微形貌特征有较明显的区别。

80、A conical mineral deposit, usually calcite or aragonite, built up on the floor of a cavern, formed from the dripping of mineral-rich water. ─── 一种锥状矿物沉积,通常为钙或霰石,由含矿物丰富的水下滴而在洞穴的地上形成。

81、The influx of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has caused the saturation horizons for aragonite and calcite to shift closer to the surface by50 to200 meters compared with where they were positioned in the1800 s. ─── 大气的二氧化碳汇入海中,已经导致方解石和霰石的饱和线往上移动,比1800年代更接近海面50~00公尺。

82、Keywords magnetic treatment;calcite;aragonite;flow rate; ─── 磁处理;方解石;文石;流速;

83、The influences of sort, quantity and surface treatment of fillers on properties of PP filled with lightweight calcium carbonate and aragonite whisker respectively were studied. ─── 分别使用轻质碳酸钙和碳酸钙晶须对PP进行填充,研究了填料种类、填料量以及表面处理对体系性能的影响。

84、Keywords Perna Viridis Shells;Aragonite;FTIR Spectra;Frequency Shift.; ─── 翡翠贻贝贝壳;文石;FTIR光谱;频移;

85、Keywords Biomineralization;Polyethylene glycol;Calcium carbonate;Aragonite; ─── 仿生矿化;聚乙二醇;碳酸钙;文石;

86、Calcite and aragonite are the two crystal forms of calcium carbonate, a property of minerals geologists call dimorphism. ─── 方解石和文石是两种碳酸钙结晶组成,地质学者称二态性。

87、The growth mechanism of aragonite calcium carbonate whisker was studied by measuring induce time and AFM method. ─── 指出氯化镁浓度、反应温度和搅拌速度是影响文石碳酸钙晶须相组成的关键因素。

88、Nacre with microlaminate structure is composed of polygonal tablet of aragonite and minor organic matrix (< 5%). ─── 珍珠层是由多边形文石板片和少量有机质(

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