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09-16 投稿


contretemps 发音

英:[ˈkɑːntrətɑːnː; ˈkɑːntrətɑːn]  美:[ˈkɒntrətɒ̃]

英:  美:

contretemps 中文意思翻译



contretemps 短语词组

1、contretemps revue ─── 合同修订

2、contretemps defined ─── 定义的contretemps

3、contretemps definition contretemps ─── 定义

4、contretemps crossword clue ─── 拼字游戏线索

5、contretemps crossword ─── 控制纵横填字游戏

contretemps 词性/词形变化,contretemps变形


contretemps 相似词语短语

1、contempts ─── n.轻视,蔑视;耻辱

2、contrate ─── adj.横齿的;端面齿的

3、contempt ─── n.轻视,蔑视;耻辱

4、contraprops ─── n.一对互相反转的螺旋桨

5、contrecoups ─── n.对侧外伤

6、contrahents ─── 承包商

7、contriteness ─── 悔悟

8、contempo ─── 康泰波

9、contemp. ─── 康坦普。

contretemps 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It was during this illness that the first real contretemps occurred. ─── 就在这场病里,第一次真正不幸的事故发生了。

2、It was during this illness that the first real contretemps occurred. ─── 就在这场病里,第一次真正不幸的事故发生了。

3、The era that we are living in is one full of stress: economic crisis, contretemps, frustration in school work, disharmony about interpersonal relations etc. ─── 我们所处的时代是一个充满压力的时代:经济窘迫、意外事故、学业受挫、人际关系不和谐等都会给身心带来影响。

4、Her male cousins had hardly prepared her for a contretemps with a man she desired. ─── 就她想要的男人,她的男表亲不希望她有挫折。

5、With a general election due by next May and Congress in trouble on the back of soaring inflation and other woes, the contretemps is a godsend for the BJP. ─── 在即将到来的明年五月的普选和国会忙于应付高涨的通货膨胀等麻烦的情况下,这次意外事故的发生对印度人民党可谓是天赐良机。

6、One Georgetown player shrugged off the contretemps. "Man, it's just a game," he said. ─── 一名乔治城球员轻松地说道:“不过只是一场比赛而已。”

7、They have been ignoring me since our last contretemps. ─── 自从上次发生意外以来,他们一直都不理睬我。

8、he tried to smooth over his contretemps with the policeman. ─── 他试图通过警察来解决他的意外事故。

9、That contretemps is just one example of the conflicting signals on the UK economy. ─── 这场不合时宜的争论仅仅是关于英国经济种种相互冲突的信号中的一个例子。

10、Synonyms MISFORTUNE, adversity, contretemps, ||dole, mischance, tragedy, ─── 不幸:事故::小罪:犯罪(种属)

11、The era that we are living in is one full of stress: economic crisis, contretemps, frustration in school work, disharmony about interpersonal relations etc. ─── 我们所处的时代是一个充满压力的时代:经济窘迫、意外事故、学业受挫、人际关系不和谐等都会给身心带来影响。

12、It happen contretemps or i come back on monday. ─── 除非发生意外情况,否则我星期一就回来。

13、In a contretemps indicative of the political struggle over global climate change, a recent study suggested that humans may not be warming the earth. ─── 由一桩不凑巧的事件,可看出全球气候变迁所引发的政治角力。最近又有研究指出,人类可能不是地球暖化的元凶。

14、application results show that the system is simple and applied, and offers exact information that came from coal mine in time, decreases contretemps forwardly. ─── 应用表明,该系统简单、实用,能及时为用户提供准确信息,能动地减少了事故发生。

15、Her male cousins had hardly prepared her for a contretemps with a man she desired. ─── 就她想要的男人,她的男表亲不希望她有挫折。

16、There was a slight contretemps when his wife and his ex-wife arrived together. ─── 当他的妻子和他的前妻同时到来时,他有点发窘。

17、"We are working on it" have declared Amauri's agents Mariano and Vittorio Grimaldi, "today's meeting has been delayed only because we had a contretemps and so did Juventus executives". ─── 译文:“我们正在为此工作。”马里诺和阿毛里经纪人格里马尔蒂宣称。“今天的会谈被延期了,仅仅因为我们有其他事情要做,尤文图斯代理转会经理(布兰科)也是如此。”

18、This contretemps meant that a novel that existed in Russia only in samizdat was now in demand worldwide; ─── 这一不幸事件意味着只能在俄国地下出版物市场存在的一部小说却在全世界范围内受到了欢迎;

19、China likewise seems to have learned from the contretemps. ─── 同样中国也从意外事故中取得了经验教训。

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