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09-16 投稿



imam 发音

英:[ɪ'mɑːm]  美:[ɪ'mɑm]

英:  美:

imam 中文意思翻译



imam 网络释义

n. 伊玛目;(伊斯兰的)阿訇

imam 词性/词形变化,imam变形

名词复数: imagoes |

imam 短语词组

1、imam hussaiheameetsaw ─── 我很抱歉。

imam 相似词语短语

1、-cam ─── n.凸轮;n.(Cam)人名;(英、法、西)卡姆

2、imago ─── n.[昆]成虫;无意识的意象;n.(Imago)人名;(西)伊马戈

3、imaum ─── 教长

4、'Nam ─── “南

5、image ─── n.影像;想象;肖像;偶像;vt.想象;反映;象征;作…的像;n.(Image)人名;(法)伊马热

6、imari ─── n.伊万里瓷器(等于Imariware)

7、imams ─── n.伊玛目(清真寺内率领穆斯林做礼拜的人,imam的复数)

8、imbar ─── 树

9、mam ─── n.妈(等于mamma);n.(Mam)人名;(柬)曼;(塞)马姆

imam 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So the priests and the Levites sanctified themselves to bring up the ark of the LORD God of Israel. Jadi para imam dan orang-orang Lewi menguduskan dirinya untuk mengangkut tabut TUHAN, Allah Israel. ─── 于是祭司和利未人使自己分别为圣,好将耶和华以色列神的约柜抬上来。

2、and Libnah with her suburbs, Kepada anak-anak imam Harun, diberikan mereka Hebron, kota perlindungan untuk pembunuh, dan tanah-tanah penggembalaan kota itu, Libna dengan tanah-tanah penggembalaannya, ─── 又给他们立拿和属城的郊野,

3、The Imam said that although the newspaper way 100 years of continuous improvement, but the fundamental purpose of running a newspaper and has been always the same. ─── 伊玛说,尽管报纸的发行方式100年来不断改进,但办报的根本目的和方法仍始终如一。

4、And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of them, [even] all wrought jewels. Maka Musa dan imam Eleazar menerima dari mereka emas itu, semuanya barang-barang tempaan. ─── 摩西和祭司以利亚撒就从他们收了金子,都是各样打成的物件。

5、I don't know what imam do ─── 我不知道主做了什么

6、Should that person be of another faith, they say, they would be happy to find them a friendly rabbi or imam if required. ─── 他们表示,如果这位员工信仰其它宗教,需要的话,他们会很乐意为他们找到一位友好的拉比(犹太教)或阿訇(伊斯兰教)。

7、There gatehouse, built in the rear two-story main hall floor Mochizuki (Arabic House said La Mina), and the imam to the room, room, such as baptism. ─── 有门楼,大殿后部建有二层望月楼(阿文称弥那拉楼),及阿訇往房、洗礼房等。

8、"We are catering for everyone, women, youth and elders," the Egyptian-born imam told IOL. ─── “我们为每个人提供伙食,无论男女老少,”这位埃及伊玛目告诉伊斯兰在线。

9、An imam calls the crowd together, asks them to take off their shoes and arranges them in two lines, women behind men, facing east. ─── 一位教长要求众人聚到一起,脱下鞋子,排成两行,女人在男人背后,面朝东方。

10、However, I promised him to come with a better answer from an imam. ─── 然而,我还是答应他从伊玛目这里得到更好的回答。

11、Imam Shafi`i saw that it may be paid starting from the first of Ramadan (until the day of the `Eid). ─── 2 斋月第一天日落后至月末都可以缴纳,不应在斋月第一天日落前缴纳,因为那时还没有开始斋戒;

12、Moreover, Imam Sa's Quotations also alienates from Nietzsche's thoughts. ─── 同时,它又对尼采的思想与创作构思有所疏离。

13、We are therefore sorry that the use of the image of the Pope and the Imam has so offended the sentiments of the faithful. ─── 因此我们很抱歉教皇和伊玛目的图片的使用冒犯了教徒的情感。

14、It is frequently visited by Shiite pilgrims, drawn to the Imam Hussein shrine. ─── 什叶派教徒经常来这里朝拜侯赛因阿訇圣祠.

15、And after him repaired the priests, the men of the plain. Di sampingnya para imam, orang-orang dari Lembah Yordan, mengadakan perbaikan. ─── 其后是住平原的祭司修造。

16、The imam and armed supporters swore to fight to the death rather than hand over authority of the mosque to Hamas. ─── 教长和武装支持者宣誓奋战至死而不会将清真寺的权利交给哈马斯。

17、Ketika hal itu dilihat oleh Pinehas, anak Eleazar, anak imam Harun, bangunlah ia dari tengah-tengah umat itu dan mengambil sebuah tombak di tangannya, ─── 祭司亚伦的孙子,以利亚撒的儿子非尼哈看见了,就从会中起来,手里拿着枪,

18、The authorities in Baghdad say up to 5 million pilgrims descended on the capital over the past week to visit the shrine of Imam Moussa Al-Kadhim. ─── 巴格达官方表示,在过去的一个星期内,起码有5百万朝圣者来到巴格达参拜卡德希姆伊玛姆神庙。

19、Thousands of U.S. troops were taking part in the offensive, which began with the cordoning off of the revered Imam Ali shrine, its vast cemetery and Najaf's Old City. ─── 数千美军士兵参与了此次进攻,他们封锁了通往伊拉克中部城市纳杰夫阿里陵墓的所有主要路口。

20、The plane crashed 16 minutes after taking off from Tehran's Imam Khomeini International Airport. ─── 媒体报导说,这架飞机从德黑兰的伊玛目霍梅尼国际机场起飞16分钟后失事。

21、I there are a mosque, an imam in the Temple, and the sea where 4 priests 1. ─── 我区有清真寺一所,驻寺阿訇1人,海里凡4人,神甫1人。

22、An Iranian woman prays at the Jamkaran mosque in Qom, Iran on the anniversary of the death of Ali, the first Shiite Imam. ─── 一名伊朗女子在Jamkaran清真寺中祈祷,纪念第一名什叶派伊玛目的祭日 。

23、worshipers listening to the Imam preaching. ─── 图2.3:礼拜之前,教长先讲解教义。

24、But, I would say that expressing sympathy does not require one to be injured in the same way as imam Al-Hussein or to be scourged in the same way as Zainab. ─── 但我想说的是,表示同情并不需要跟伊玛目侯赛因一样受伤或者与宰乃布一样受鞭打。

25、Djelloul Seddiki, the director of the Al Ghazali imam training program at the Paris mosque agrees. ─── 巴黎清真寺的教长培训项目主管塞迪奇同意这种观点。

26、Akhirnya mulailah Imam Besar dan pengikut-pengikutnya, yaitu orang-orang dari mazhab Saduki, bertindak sebab mereka sangat iri hati. ─── 大祭司和一切同他在一起的人,就是当地撒都该派的人,都起来,充满忌恨,

27、imam: A male leader regarded by Shiites as a descendant of Mohammed divinely appointed to guide human beings. ─── 伊玛目:被什叶派教徒认为是穆罕默德的后代并被神圣地指派来引导人类的男性领袖.

28、Thus did Urijah the priest, according to all that king Ahaz commanded. Lalu imam Uria melakukan tepat seperti yang diperintahkan raja Ahas. ─── 祭司乌利亚就照着亚哈斯王所吩咐的一切行了。

29、"This is mentioned in the books, Kashf al-Khafa and Muzid al-Albas, by Imam 'Ajluni, vol. 1, p. 341. ─── 2、他们教我怎样用仁慈和柔和的心对待人们;3、他们引导我追随苏菲道路。”

30、The son of Abishua, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the chief priest: bin Abisua bin Pinehas bin Eleazar bin Harun, yaitu Harun imam kepala. ─── 5 布基是亚比书的儿子,亚比书是非尼哈的儿子,非尼哈是以利亚撒的儿子,以利亚撒是祭司长亚伦的儿子;

31、When he was Imam the people were quite different. ─── 当他被人迥异的伊玛。

32、Imam lives with his 11 children in a house made of materials scavenged from rubbish. ─── 的定居者 Imam 和他的十一个孩子住在一个由垃圾中捡来的材料建造的房子里。

33、But Imam Malik said, "In my viewpoint, for the visitors of Madinah, offering supererogatory prayers is more recommended at the Prophet's Mosque than at home. ─── 但伊玛目马利克说,“在我看来,对于麦地那的客人们来说,在圣寺礼副功拜比在家更可嘉。”

34、It is also dangerous to hear about an imam invited to speak at a wedding where the two main languages spoken are English and Urdu, while he speaks Panjabi. ─── 一位伊玛目应邀参加主要语言为英语和乌尔都语的婚礼时,他却说旁遮普语;

35、Imam Hassan Qazwini of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan says the center has a special program for Ramadan. ─── 在密西根州迪尔伯恩,美国的伊斯兰教的中心的教长哈桑 克兹维尼说中心有斋月的特别节目。

36、An imam who ranted at the prospect of Western occupation a month ago now welcomes foreign special forces as long as they keep out of sight. ─── 一个月前大声斥责西方占领前途的伊斯兰教长,现在欢迎外国特种部队,只要他们不在眼前出现。

37、Mr. Mashai, it is strongly rumoured, believes himself to have a direct link to the hidden imam. ─── 有重磅谣言宣称,马沙伊先生认为自己和隐藏的伊玛目有直接联系。

38、Another is the well-liked imam of a suburban Trinidad mosque. ─── 另一个则在特立尼达岛是一位享有盛名的偏远清真寺的教长。

39、SADR, Imam Mousa ─── 伊玛姆·穆萨·萨德尔

40、Unlike the Iranian Revolution in which a million people waited for Imam Khomeini, the Nov 10 march was a freedom march whose leadership is collaborative in nature. ─── 不像整整上百万人等着霍梅尼的伊朗革命,11月10日游行的领导层都跟民众紧密配合。

41、Minareted Masjid converts a moderate percentage of the region to Islam, improves happiness, and allows the Imam agent. ─── 清真寺能够感化更多居民皈依伊斯兰教,并提高城邑居民快乐程度,同时还可招募伊玛目。

42、When Shamil rode in everyone in the courtyard rose and respectfully greeted the Imam with their hands placed to their chests. ─── 当大家乘坐的庭园沙米利玫瑰,恭恭敬敬地用双手迎接他们伊玛伸懒腰。

43、"I received the offer directly from the Saudi authorities but asked them to approach the government," Imam Bukhari told the BBC. ─── 伊曼.布哈里向英国广播公司说:“我直接从沙乌地阿拉伯政府收到提议,但是要求他们与政府接触。

44、The third Imam Ash-Shafi was born in 150 AH in Gaza although his lineage ends to the tribe of Quraish. ─── 伊玛目艾布哈尼法首个出现,因为他生于伊历80年,卒于伊历150年。

45、The attack bore the markings of sectarian violence that usually flares up every year during the Muslim holy month of Moharram - a mourning period for the seventh century death of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad. ─── 星期四一名疑似逊尼派激进分子在西北部城市白沙瓦的一个什叶派清真寺里开枪,在射杀11人后自爆身亡。

46、Great Jama converts a sizable percentage of the region to Islam, improves happiness, and allows the Imam agent. ─── 巨型清真寺能够感化大量居民皈依伊斯兰教,并提高城邑居民快乐程度,同时还可招募伊玛目。

47、At least 44 people, including the bride and groom, the imam, and an entire family of six children and their parents, were killed. ─── 至少有44人丧生,包括新郎、新娘和司仪。一个有六个孩子的八口之家也全部遇难。

48、He competes with grown-ups in coming early to the mosque to secure a place in the first row behind the imam, said to have special rewards from God. ─── 他和大人们竞争早到清真寺,好在伊玛目身后的第一排找到位子,据说这能够得到真主特别的回赐。

49、For Allah, I determine to follow the Imam to perform two Rakat of Tarawih Prayer. ─── 我虔诚立意,跟随伊玛目(领拜者),为真主礼两拜他啦威拜。

50、And Zephaniah the priest read this letter in the ears of Jeremiah the prophet. Surat ini dibacakan oleh imam Zefanya ke telinga nabi Yeremia. ─── 祭司西番雅就把这信念给申言者耶利米听。

51、rather, he can simply follow the fatwa (opinion) of his Imam or local scholars without having to interfere in what is beyond this because he does not have the specialization to do so. ─── 在没有冲突的情况下,他可以跟随他的伊玛目或者当地学者们的观点,因为他那样做没有什么特殊作用。

52、Magnetic resonance imam ─── 磁共振成像

53、If you organise a mourning demonstration for a Shia imam, you'll have 30 million behind you. ─── 如果你为一位什叶派伊玛目组织一场追悼会,那么将有三千万人支持你。

54、In the story, an imam from start to finish, wearing the veil, a very great mystery, to the final truth, the imam said that each has a black face veil, just vulgar people do not see it. ─── 在故事中,教长从头到尾都戴着面纱,十分十分神秘,到最后真相大白时,教长说,在每一张脸上都有黑色的面纱,只是庸俗的人看不到罢了。

55、“They [the junta] put them on a pedestal and now they're the ones having a problem,” grins one local imam. ─── “他们(指军人政府)将他们捧在手上,但现在他们也成了有问题的人了,”一位当地阿訇咧嘴笑着说。

56、And I took unto me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah. Maka aku memanggil dua saksi yang dapat dipercaya, yaitu imam Uria dan Zakharia bin Yeberekhya. ─── 我要用忠信的见证人,祭司乌利亚和耶比利家的儿子撒迦利亚,为我作证。

57、Jama converts a decent percentage of the region to Islam, improves happiness, and allows the Imam agent. ─── 大清真寺能够感化大量居民皈依伊斯兰教,并提高城邑居民快乐程度,同时还可招募伊玛目。

58、The role of a mosque is not to offer an extra space for people to pray, and the role of an imam is not only to lead people in prayer. ─── 清真寺并不是额外的礼拜殿,伊玛目也不只是领拜人。

59、Imam is a recipe known throughout villages in Greece, handed down from mother to daughter. ─── 美国在操控世界经济的过程中怎么玩弄阴谋手段?美国为什么会陷入金融危机和经济大衰退?

60、for they are hallowed. ""Katakanlah kepada Eleazar, anak imam Harun, supaya ia mengangkat perbaraan-perbaraan dari antara kebakaran itu, lalu hamburkanlah api itu jauh-jauh, karena semuanya itu kudus, ─── 你告诉祭司亚伦的儿子以利亚撒,从火烬中捡起那些香炉来,把火撒在别处,因为那些香炉是圣的。

61、He is Imam of Mosque in Siping City, Jili Province. ─── 现任吉林省四平市清真寺教长。

62、2.UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Adel Imam with refugee children at an art exhibition in Cairo, June 2005. ─── 联合国难民署形象大使阿道-阿曼在2005年开罗的一个艺术展览上和难民儿童在一起。

63、Officials said the Sunni Imam may have been targeted because he had previously spoken out against al-Qaeda. ─── 官员称,此次爆炸的目标可能是逊尼派教长,因为他以前曾公开表示反对基地组织。

64、Command the priests that bear the ark of the testimony, that they come up out of Jordan. ""Perintahkanlah para imam pengangkat tabut hukum Allah itu supaya naik dari sungai Yordan."" ─── 你吩咐抬见证柜的祭司从约但河里上来。

65、Before the house-building here, a ceremony was held with the Imam, and members of the government. Rice was thrown to bless the land, and people chanted. ─── 在这里建造房子之前,由伊玛目(伊斯兰的长老)和政府官员们举行了一个仪式。人们往地上掷洒米粒以祝福这片土地,并且吟唱赞歌。

66、He experienced a particular feeling of awe and reverence for the Imam now as he entered the guest-room. ─── 尤其是他经历了敬畏和崇敬的心情,因为他现在伊玛进入贵宾室。

67、Saturday's attack occurred near that shrine and the Imam Abbas shrine. ─── 星期六的袭击在那所圣祠和圣父阿訇圣祠附近发生.

68、He experienced a particular feeling of awe and reverence for the Imam now as he entered the guest- room . ─── 尤其是他经历了敬畏和崇敬的心情,因为他现在伊玛进入贵宾室。

69、According to legend, maker County Mazhuang mosque before the beginning of Jian Yuming, have passed 600-year history. 1936 Temple in the long-Madrid imam had organized an extension. ─── 据传,大厂县大马庄清真寺始建于明初,距今已有600年历史。1936年驻寺教长马德贤阿訇曾组织过一次扩建。

70、And Joash did [that which was] right in the sight of the LORD all the days of Jehoiada the priest. Yoas melakukan apa yang benar di mata TUHAN selama hidup imam Yoyada. ─── 祭司耶何耶大在世的一切日子,约阿施行耶和华眼中看为正的事。

71、Ashura is commemorated by the Shiites as the day of mourning for Imam Ali who was killed in the Battle of Karbala in 680 C. ─── 什叶派教徒庆祝阿舒拉节,以纪念公元六百八十年在卡尔巴拉战争中被杀的伊玛目阿里。

72、Millions of Shiites have visited Karbara over the past week for the event called Arbain.It marks the end of 40 days of mourning for Imam Hussein who lived in the 17th century. ─── 在过去一周,数百万什叶派人士来到卡尔巴拉参加阿尔班节,这标志着为期40天的对伊马侯赛因纪念活动的结束,伊马侯赛因生活在17世纪。

73、A building with remarkable dome is Imam Reza Shrine because it is covered with gold-coated bricks. ─── 拥有引人注目圆屋顶的,是伊玛姆(意指领袖)雷萨圣坛,因为它每一块砖都是用黄金镀造。

74、Eggplant is also one of the ingredients in a Turkish recipe called imam bayaldi. Translated, this means "the priest has fainted. " ─── 土耳其也有一道用茄子做的菜名叫imambayaldi,意思是“晕倒的牧师”。

75、The call to prayer rings across the boutiques and restaurants of downtown Baku, but there are actually more hijabs on the streets of London, says Ilgar Ibrahimoglu, an imam. ─── 确实祈祷的电话来自巴库城区的公司,旅店各个角落,但在伦敦大街上的穆斯林信徒都多的,一个伊玛目(IlgarIbrahimoglu)辩解道。

76、Imam Rauf said he told the trio that religion was an extremely important part of the solution. ─── Imam Rauf说他告诉他们三位,宗教是解决问题极之重要的一部分。

77、Imam Samudra ─── 伊玛姆-萨姆德拉

78、Ash-Shafi traveled to Madinah and heard from Imam Malik and traveled to Iraq where he established his school of thought taking into consideration the environment and the challenges. ─── 出生在接近前波斯帝国的伊拉克大城市库法,这位伊玛目发现许多问题以前在阿拉伯半岛上没有出现,因为比起他生活的较为复杂的时代来说,阿拉伯半岛的生活相对简单。

79、An imam calls the crowd together, asks them to take off their shoes and arranges them in two lines, women behind men, facing east. ─── 一位教长要求众人聚到一起,脱下鞋子,排成两行,女人在男人背后,面朝东方。

80、The Imam Hussein shrine honors Hussein, the Prophet Mohammed's grandson, who was killed in a battle in Karbala in the seventh century. ─── 侯赛因圣祠供奉着侯赛因阿訇,是先知穆罕默德的孙子,在七世纪卡尔巴拉战斗中被杀死的。

81、At that point, he comes under the influence of a charismatic imam, who rails against the ill-treatment of Muslims around the world and suggests a straightforward route to self-fulfillment. ─── 在那个时刻,他受到了一个有着超凡魅力的伊斯兰教长的影响,教长抱怨这个世界对于穆斯林教徒的虐待,鼓动通过一种直接的途径获得自我实现。

82、And while Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the servant girls of the high priest came, Pada waktu itu Petrus masih ada di bawah, di halaman. Lalu datanglah seorang hamba perempuan Imam Besar, ─── 彼得在下面院子里,来了大祭司的一个使女,

83、The crash took place eleven minutes after take-off from Tehran' s international Imam Khomeini airport and 70 miles (112.7 km) from Tehran. ─── 此次坠毁发生在由德黑兰伊玛目霍梅尼国际机场起飞后11分钟,距离德黑兰70英里处。

84、Masjid converts a small percentage of the region to Islam, improves happiness, and allows the Imam agent. ─── 礼拜堂能够感化少量居民皈依伊斯兰教,并提高城邑居民快乐程度,同时还可招募伊玛目。

85、But it so happened that I was asked who should be Imam after Shamil, and I replied: 'He will be Imam whose sword is sharpest! ─── 但正巧有人问我谁是伊玛沙米利后,我回答:'他将阿訇的最大的剑!

86、And having brought them, they stood them in the Sanhedrin. And the high priest questioned them, Mereka membawa keduanya dan menghadapkan mereka kepada Mahkamah Agama. Imam Besar mulai menanyai mereka, ─── 带到了,便叫使徒站在议会中。大祭司问他们说,

87、“She can't help being an improvement on the current government,” says the imam. ─── “她肯定会改进现在的政府,”阿訇说。

88、He leadeth princes away spoiled, and overthroweth the mighty. Dia yang menggiring dan menggeledah para imam, dan menggulingkan yang kokoh. ─── 祂把祭司剥衣掳去,又使有权势的人倾败。

89、And a certain one of them struck the slave of the high priest and took off his right ear. Dan seorang dari mereka menyerang hamba Imam Besar sehingga putus telinga kanannya. ─── 其中有一个人,将大祭司的奴仆砍了一刀,削掉了他的右耳。

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