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09-16 投稿



imponderable 发音

英:[ɪm'pɒnd(ə)rəb(ə)l]  美:[ɪm'pɑndərəbl]

英:  美:

imponderable 中文意思翻译



imponderable 同义词

immeasurable | paradox | unknown | uncertainty |elusive | inestimable | mystery | invisible | unquantifiable | incalculable | enigma | indeterminable

imponderable 反义词


imponderable 词性/词形变化,imponderable变形

名词: imponderability |副词: imponderably |

imponderable 相似词语短语

1、ponderable ─── adj.有重量的;可称量的;有价值的;n.值得考虑的事物

2、imponderables ─── adj.无重量的;无法计算的;n.无法衡量的事物

3、imponderably ─── 不可估量地

4、ponderably ─── 沉重地

5、ponderables ─── adj.有重量的;可称量的;有价值的;n.值得考虑的事物

6、imponderabilia ─── 无法估量的事物

7、impenetrable ─── adj.不能通过的;顽固的;费解的;不接纳的

8、imponderableness ─── 不可称量性

9、impoundable ─── 无能的

imponderable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In his scheme, investment was governed by the animal spirits of entrepreneurs, facing an imponderable future. ─── 在他的设计中,投资由充满活力的企业家控制,其前途充满了不确定性。

2、The super large-scale cities have imponderable advantages on economic scale effect and population gathering. ─── 超大型城市在规模经济效应和人口集聚效应上具有不可比拟的优势。

3、Regard development of this kind of circulative as a kind of imponderable economy the meeting is a few more appropriate. ─── 把这种循环性的发展视为一种无重量的经济会更恰当一些。

4、And last, it has an imponderable power to explode the features and attractions in Jiujiang Districts of Jiangxi Province. ─── 最后,研究江西九江地区清代民居建筑装饰艺术对于探寻江西九江地区城市特色,塑造九江地区的城市魅力,有着不可低估的作用。

5、The potential loss that gives start Chinese net every year to bring because of pilfer edition behavior is imponderable. ─── 每年因盗版行为给起点中文网带来的潜在损失无法计算。

6、Imponderable significance ─── 无法估量的重要性

7、imponderable questions ─── 深奧的问题

8、Kennedy expresses, "I think this is conservative, because our loss is imponderable. ─── 肯尼迪表示,“我认为这是保守的,因为我们的损失是无法计算的。”

9、The effect of his new method is imponderable. ─── 他的新方法所起的作用是无法正确估计的。

10、The material resources which we can afford to use for the assistance of other peoples are limited.But our imponderable resources in technical knowledge are constantly growing and are inexhaustible. ─── 我们可用于支持别国人民的物质资源有限,但我们在技术知识方面无法估量的资源正不断增长,取之不尽用之不竭。

11、"The potential loss that gives start Chinese net every year to bring because of pilfer edition behavior is imponderable. ─── “每年因盗版行为给起点中文网带来的潜在损失无法计算。”

12、Hou Xiaojiang expresses: "The potential loss that the website of Chinese network literature that is a delegate with start Chinese net brings every year because of pilfer edition is imponderable. ─── 侯小强表示:“以起点中文网为代表的中国网络文学网站每年因盗版带来的潜在损失无法计算。”

13、Another imponderable is the behaviour of the many investors with shares in funds that track the price of oil or other commodities. ─── 很多投资者把钱投在一个跟踪油价和其他期货价格的基金。另一个无法估计的因素就在于这些投资者的行为。

14、In his scheme, investment was governed by the animal spirits of entrepreneurs, facing an imponderable future. ─── 在他的设计中,投资由充满活力的企业家控制,其前途不可限量。

15、7. Whether it is part of the basic makeup of man is so imponderable that few economists feel qualified to explore. ─── 这是否是人的基本特性的一部分,这是个无法琢磨的问题,没有几个经济学家认为有能力加以探讨。

16、imponderable fluid ─── 无重量流体

17、The other imponderable is how the programme will affect whatever else the next administration plans to do. ─── 另一个未知数是该方案会如何影响下届政府打算实施的其他任何计划。

18、The situation of China decides that we need develop the super large-scale cities.The super large-scale cities have imponderable advantages on economic scale effect and population gathering. ─── 摘要从中国特有的国情出发决定了我国现阶段需要发展超大型城市。

19、an imponderable event ─── 无法估量的事件

20、The other imponderable is how the programme will affect whatever else the next administration plans to do. ─── 另一个未知数是该方案会如何影响下届政府打算实施的其他任何计划。

21、The imponderable is just how much this retraction in banks' foreign lending owes to political pressure to focus credit on domestic customers. ─── 目前的国际信贷收缩有多少是因为迫于政治压力而将信贷集中于本国客户,这点无关紧要。

22、To aesthetes, such a question is imponderable. ─── 对美学家来说,这个问题无法衡量。

23、Our imponderable resources in knowledge are constantly growing and are inexhaustible. ─── 我们无法估量的知识资源是不断发展永不枯竭的。

24、"the imponderable mysterious and vaporous illusions of twilight" (John C. Powys) ─── “薄暮时分神秘空灵的幻象”(约翰C.波伊斯)。

25、the imponderable mysterious and vaporous illusions of twilight(John C. Powys)See Synonyms at airy ─── 薄暮时分神秘空灵的幻象(约翰C.波伊斯)参见

26、be of imponderable weight ─── 重量称不出

27、Once the phenomenon happens, the damage will be imponderable. ─── 一旦发生,将给一个国家的经济和社会生活带来严重的后果。

28、And how can we generate this imponderable quality, which is yet so invaluable, most quickly? ─── 那么,我们如何才能以最快的速度获得这种弥足珍贵的品质呢?

29、Did he understand himself to be both God and man, and what imponderable struggles of the soul would that have meant for him during his sojourn on earth? ─── 他认为自己是神也是人吗?这对于他在尘世的旅途意味着怎样的灵魂上的挣扎?

30、Such imponderable human factors as aesthetic sensibility. ─── 如美感这样不可估计的人性因素。

31、This article emphasis on the background reasons in all these trends, and its imponderable significance in setting a mode for the entire airport and terminal. ─── 第一章简要地介绍了航站楼发展的历史和国内航站楼设计理论研究现状。

32、Another imponderable is the behaviour of the many investors with shares in funds that track the price of oil or other commodities. ─── 很多投资者把钱投在一个跟踪油价和其他期货价格的基金。另一个无法估计的因素就在于这些投资者的行为。

33、the imponderable mysterious and vaporous illusions of twilight(bJohn C. Powys)See Synonyms at bairy ─── 薄暮时分神秘空灵的幻象(b约翰C.波伊斯)参见

34、Abroad has imponderable economy, sunshine economy, loop economy, continuously the main demand that the scholar of viewpoint; ─── 国外有无重量经济、阳光经济、循环经济、持续农业等观点;

35、Our resources in technical knowledge are imponderable. ─── 我们的技术知识资源是无法估量的。

36、Regard development of this kind of circulative as a kind of imponderable economy the meeting is a few more appropriate. ─── 把这种循环性的发展视为一种无重量的经济会更恰当一些。

37、New Huadouji shares 5 subsidiary below round banner, because,this means Tang Jun " turn meeting " and increasing income is returned at present imponderable, its meeting twice grows. ─── 新华都集团旗下共有5家子公司,这意味着唐骏因为“转会”而增加的收入现在还无法计算,它会成倍增长。

38、But the big imponderable is how much appetite there is on both sides of the Atlantic for real diplomatic engagement. ─── 但是最大的不确定因素在于大西洋两岸对进行实质性的外交接触有多大兴辑。

39、imponderable problems. ─── 无法精确估量的问题

40、I hesitated, weighing and balancing the imponderable realities. ─── 我犹豫,仔细考虑并权衡着这种无法衡量的关系。

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