proverbial 发音
英:[prəˈvɜːrbiəl] 美:[prəˈvɜːbiəl]
英: 美:
proverbial 中文意思翻译
proverbial 网络释义
adj. 谚语的;众所周知的;谚语式的
proverbial 词性/词形变化,proverbial变形
副词: proverbially |
proverbial 短语词组
1、proverbial bird ─── 俗语鸟
2、proverbial iceberg ─── 众所周知的冰山
3、proverbial backbreaker crossword ─── 众所周知的挖苦人字谜游戏
4、proverbial expression ─── 谚语
5、proverbial towel ─── 俗语毛巾
6、proverbial chicken ─── 众所周知的鸡
7、proverbial kick in the pants ─── 俗话说得好
8、proverbial phrases ─── 谚语
9、proverbial tone ─── 谚语语调
10、proverbial homemaker ─── 家常便饭
11、proverbial path ─── 众所周知的道路
12、proverbial kick ─── 众所周知的踢腿
13、proverbial closet ─── 众所周知的壁橱
14、proverbial rug ─── 俗语地毯
15、proverbial backbreaker ─── 众所周知的累赘
16、proverbial straw ─── 谚语中的稻草
17、proverbial wisdom ─── 常识
18、proverbial backbreaker crossword clue ─── 俗话说的伤筋动骨的纵横字谜线索
proverbial 相似词语短语
1、proverbialism ─── 谚语主义
2、proverbialise ─── 谚语化
3、proverbialised ─── 谚语
4、proverbialist ─── n.谚语作者;使用谚语的人
5、proverbialises ─── 谚语
6、proverbialize ─── 谚语化
7、proverbialists ─── n.谚语作者;使用谚语的人
8、proverbing ─── n.谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事
9、proverbially ─── adv.人尽皆知地
proverbial 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A culture that stands for nothing, defends nothing and believes in nothing is surely careening down the proverbial slippery slope of extinction. ─── 不代表任何观点,不维护任何观念也不相信任何信仰的文化,必然会在众所周知的光滑的灭亡斜坡上一滑而落。
2、Thus, for not quite fully explainable reasons, some authored epigrams, like "History is bunk," have never become proverbial, while many others, like "Pride goeth before a fall", have, though generally misquoted. ─── 所以,虽然理由并不十分充分,一些很有名的警句从未变成谚语,如“历史是句空话”等; 倒是一些其他的警句,虽然经常误用,倒成了谚语,如“骄者必败”等。
3、His stupidity is proverbial ─── 他其蠢无比是人所共知的.
4、No , not at all . . . I'm loving it . I feel we are in need of a bit of a kick up the proverbial! ! Keep going please . . . ─── 不,完全没有…我非常喜欢它。我感到我们有些必要抬高这种谚语的表达方式!!!请继续吧…
5、Let's not count our proverbial chickens. ─── 我们还是不要过分乐观。
6、I'm referring, of course, to the proverbial frog that, placed in a pot of cold water that is gradually heated, never realizes the danger it's in and is boiled alive. ─── 当然,这里说的是谚语中的青蛙。那只放在一锅冷水中慢慢加热的青蛙,对自己所处的危险一无所知,却被活活地煎煮。
7、The jealousy of wives is proverbial. ─── 太太们的善妒是众所周知的。
8、Looking back to the past.we could find those proverbial meaning is fully supported. ─── 回顾历史的发展.我们可以发现者则谚语的意义得到了充分的肯定.
9、It is constantly winking at the audience, never afraid to break that proverbial fourth wall to let viewers know it's in on the joke. ─── 它时不时地朝观众眨眼,从来不害怕打破那堵隔离观众与演员的隐形之墙而让观众们知道了他们正参与其中。
10、Like the proverbial cat that finally grows bored of the mouse because it stops wriggling, they may have decided to look elsewhere. ─── 就好像活蹦乱跳的猫不会去把玩无聊的死老鼠一样,或许他们已经开始在寻找下一目标。
11、Sherlock Holmes, Poirot and Arsene Lupin have been known to every household, and their stories have a proverbial currency. ─── 其中福尔摩斯、波洛、亚森-罗平等侦探形象已成为家喻户晓的人物,他们的故事至今仍广为流传。
12、Born in the neighborhood of Arles, she had shared in the beauty for which its women are proverbial ─── 她出生在阿尔附近,那个地方素以出美女而闻名,她也虽具有当地妇女那传统的美色。
13、With the help of some advertising stunts, she successfully made her proverbial debut in the Hollywood. ─── 全靠广告噱头奏效,她成功初登好莱坞,人所共知。
14、Maughan, his light brown hair brushed into a neat bouffant, stared wide-eyed at the crowd like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. ─── 莫恩浅棕色的头发整洁而蓬松,他大睁着双眼,盯着面前的人群,如同众所周知的聚光灯笼罩下的小鹿。
15、Others are not so fortuitous when held under the proverbial heat lamp. ─── 另外一些尽管在众人的关注下,却没有详细地论证。
16、With her beguiling looks and easygoing charm,Faith Hill often comes across as country music's proverbial girl- next- door. ─── 可人的容貌、平易的风度,费思·希尔在乡村乐坛一向是个有口皆碑的邻家女孩儿。
17、her proverbial lateness. ─── 她的众所周知的迟到
18、Covert, unofficial background checks are fairly easy to do in China. This is one area where a well-connected trusted liaison can be worth his or her weight in proverbial gold. ─── 暗地里的非官方的背景检查在中国是相当容易做到的。这正是一个四通八达的亲信关系网可以如金牌般举足轻重的时候。
19、her proverbial lateness; the proverbial absentiminded professor; your proverbial dizzy blonde. ─── 她的众所周知的迟到;公认的心不在焉的教授;公认的金发碧眼的女人。
20、For some time the personal planets have been encouraging you move out of the proverbial goldfish bowl into the wide blue ocean. ─── 有时,个人行星会鼓励你离开金鱼缸跳入无边的蓝色海洋。
21、"only let me warn you that I am proverbial for my punctilious exactitude in keeping my engagements." ─── 伯爵问道,“只是我得先警告您,我是极其遵守时间的哪。”
22、For the last 10 years the question of whether to use fixed or liquid layouts when designing a website has raged on in the web design world, with major design players on both sides of the proverbial fence. ─── 在过去的10年的互联网设计领域中,使用“固定布局”还是使用“浮动布局”是一个人们经常争论的话题,双方都各执一词。
23、” If you've made an earnest effort to answer these questions and keep finding yourself at a loss for words, it's probably time to head back to the proverbial drawing board. ─── 如果绞尽脑汁也无法解答这些问题,或者检查不出言语过失,你可以参考众所周知的设计方法,答案尽在其中。
24、"My lord, my lord," said Crevecoeur impatiently, "the insolence of these foreign mercenaries is proverbial, and should receive rather rebuke than encouragement from you, who are their leader." ─── “我的大人,我的大人,”克雷维格不耐烦地说道,“这些外籍雇佣兵的傲慢无礼是出了名的。您既然是他们的首领,您就应当谴责他们,而不要鼓励。”
25、You feel like the proverbial “rat race” is grinding you down. ─── 你感觉上就像被那“你死我活的竞争”碾碎。
26、Tomorrow he would be thirty-five, half of the proverbial three score and ten gone. ─── 明天他就35岁了,就要过掉人生70年的一半。
27、He liked talking, and talked well, adorning his speech with caressing epithets and proverbial sayings, which Pierre fancied he often invented himself. ─── 他爱说,能说,用讨好话和成语装饰他的语言,那些成语,皮埃尔觉得是他自己造出来的;
28、Traditional phrases and sentences make up the area of folk proverbs and proverbial sayings, while traditional questions are folk riddles. ─── 其内容包括:由传统的短语和句子形成的谚语和格言; 由传统的提问而来的民间谜语。
29、It's that time of the year again when students face that proverbial cross-road. ─── 又是每年一度莘莘学子面对重大抉择的时候了。
30、deplored the gap between rich and poor countries; the proverbial poor artist living in a garret. ─── 富国和穷国间可叹的差距;这个公认的穷画家住在顶楼。
31、At its usual cruising speed (at least with me aboard) of 22-25 mph or so, the Fujin SL-II was as docile as the proverbial kitten. ─── 在其一贯的巡航速度(至少跟我上)22-25英里左右,富锦市下午二-二是因为温顺,因为谚语中的小猫。
32、I decide not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness ─── 因为她小气得出了名,我决定不找她借钱
33、“The proverbial babies thrown out with the bathwater,” he adds, which include Google, Verizon and Nucor Steel. ─── 他补充说,这些公司包括Google,Verizon和NucorSteel。
34、Tomorrow he would be thirty-five, half of the proverbial three score and ten gone.As soon as he'd finished the repair work, he drove back to the cottage for lunch. Louisa still wasn' t there. ─── 明天他就35岁了,就要过掉人生70年的一半。他把栅栏一修完就开车回屋吃午饭。路易莎还不在家。
35、But in recent days the proverbial "cats and dogs" have been joined by tadpoles fish and the occasional frog. ─── 但最近几天,谚语中的“猫和狗”又加入了蝌蚪和鱼,偶尔还有青蛙。
36、Their generosity is proverbial. ─── 他们的慷慨大度是众所周知的。
37、Dang and his tightfisted brethren to unstuff their proverbial mattresses. ─── 包括一项旨在鼓励砀先生和他的吝啬兄弟们不要像谚语里说的把钱塞到软床垫里(此处请教了高人,这里是西方人熟知的笑话讲人民不信银行老把钱放自己家床垫里)。
38、In 1987 a camera attached to a microscope snapped images of tiny gears, each of which had a diameter approaching that of the proverbial human hair. ─── 1987年,一具连接著显微镜的摄影机,拍摄了极微小齿轮的相片,每个齿轮的直径和人的头发差不多。
39、Saint-Jean, whose magnificent spire was proverbial; ─── 再是圣约翰教堂,其壮丽的尖顶是有口皆碑的;
40、The floods came so fast that many drowned except the lucky monkeys who used their proverbial agility to climb up into the treetops. ─── 来势汹涌的洪水淹死了许多小动物,而小猴子们利用它们那出了名灵活的手臂爬上了树梢,幸免于难。
41、The conditioned response, once it is firmly established, can be extinguished dozens of times, but it will always return, like the proverbial bad penny. ─── 条件反射一经形成,虽然可以一次又一次地压制下去,但是它总会重新再现,真是摆也摆不脱扔也扔不掉。
42、Second, the proverb exists in a somewhat standardized form; "sour grapes" is proverbial, but not "bitter grapes," or "acid grapes," or "sweet grapes. ' ─── 其次,谚语有它某种标准的形式,譬如谚语中的“酸葡萄”不能说成“苦葡萄”,或者“酸性葡萄”或“甜葡萄”。
43、If Oliver North is found guilty and has to go to prison, President Bush is going to find himself stuck between the proverbial rock and the hard place. ─── 如果诺思真有罪,并且必坐牢,布什么总统将是俗语说的进退维谷。
44、A few weeks ago, many in the crew were telling me that I got here at just the right time, during the proverbial calm before the storm. ─── 几周前,工作组的许多人对我说,我来的正是时候,正是俗语所说的“暴风雨前的平静”。
45、deplored the gap between rich and poor countries;the proverbial poor artist living in a garret. ─── 富国和穷国间可叹的差距;这个公认的穷画家住在顶楼。
46、but here the proverbial fallacy again exerts its power, as it does not, for some obscure and unreasoning discrimination, in acting. ─── 上面那句格言的谬误在音乐上应验了,不知出于什么微妙原因,它在戏剧表演上没能应验。
47、Like the proverbial elephant that is tied to a twig or thin pole.It has been trained not to escape, as the past has taught the elephant that escaping form the pole will bring pain. ─── 如同众所周知的那头被拴在了小细枝或者是细电线杆上的大象,他已经被训练的不再逃跑了,因为过去的事情告诉那头大象,逃离木桩会带来痛苦。
48、But to hear "a Lakers insider" validate it sent Bryant around the proverbial bend. ─── 但听见“湖人队知情人”确认它在谚语的弯附近送了布耐恩特。
49、His generosity is proverbial. ─── 他的慷慨是众所周知的。
50、I therefore filled all the little spaces that occurred between the remarkable days in the calendar with proverbial sentences chiefly such as inculcated industry and frugality. ─── 所以我在日历重要日子间留出了空间,用来加入了一些勤俭节约的格言。”
51、He be the proverbial square peg in a round hole ─── 他正是谚语中所说的那种方枘圆凿不得其所的人
52、Like the proverbial peacock's tail, an excess of testosterone suggests that an individual must have particularly disease-resistant genes in order to compensate. ─── 像众所周知的孔雀尾巴一样,大量的睾丸素表明,他一定含有某种抗病基因作补偿。
53、Proverbial phrases, on the other hand, are never complete sentences, regularly vary in form as they are used, and seldom express any generalized wisdom; furthermore, nearly all of them are metaphorical. ─── 恰好相反,短语式谚语很少是整句,使用时形式上有规则的变化,意思上不常表达普遍的智慧,并且几乎都采用比喻的手法。
54、Lord Yeh is fond of dragons(the proverbial Lord Yeh who claimed to be fond of dragons But in fact was mortally afraid of them); insincere love for things ─── 叶公好龙
55、His punctuality has become proverbial ─── 他的准时,众所周知。
56、Out of the proverbial CPAN box, AppConfig can do extra processing but you have to decide the order in which it will happen. ─── 在众所周知的CPAN范围之外,AppConfig可以做额外的处理,但是您必须决定事件发生的顺序。
57、No one has infinite patience and continuing to look for the proverbial needle in the haystack is going to tax the characters, no matter what the players think. ─── 无论玩家如何想,持续不断地在干草堆里面找针必会让游戏角色不堪重负。
58、His stupidity is proverbial. ─── 他其蠢无比是人所共知的。
59、From time immemorial proverbial wisdom has taught the virtues of saving, and warned against the consequences of prodigality and waste. ─── 先哲早已告诉我们,储蓄是一种美德,而挥霍浪费则会带来种种恶果。
60、Foreigners who observe China can sometimes act like the proverbial blind men who attempt to describe an elephant. ─── 我翻译了大意如下:观察中国的外国人有时候会像谚语里那些试图摸象的盲人一样。
61、Marriage: German politician Gabriele Pauli suggests making marriage contracts expire after seven years, with the option to renew for those not feeling the proverbial itch. ─── 婚姻:德国政治家加布里尔.保利建议签署在7年后到期作废的婚姻协议,为那些感受到了7年之痒的人们提供一个重新来过的选择机会。
62、Put another way, those animals exposed to the fewest educated individuals have the smallest collection of cultural variants, exactly like the proverbial country bumpkin. ─── 换个法儿说吧,接触过的高手越少,懂得的文化花样就越少,这样的个体,就像俗话说的乡巴佬。
63、Sited on a flood plain, the Flemish-speaking west of the country is as flat as a proverbial pancake and cycle lanes and cyclists are everywhere. ─── 比利时西部是冲积平原,像平底锅一样一马平川,到处是自行车道和车手,这里讲的是佛兰芒语。
64、2.Women love the raw, hunky, masculinity associated with the proverbial bad boy. ─── 2. 女人喜欢粗犷,健美,有男人气,且坏得出了名的男孩。
65、If he merely puts his savings in a stocking, like the proverbial French peasant, it is obvious that they do not give employment. ─── 如果像寓言中的法国农民那样,把省下来的钱都藏在袜子里,显然就不能提供就业。
66、The British regular soldier in the Napoleonic Wars had a toughness that was proverbial. ─── 拿破仑战争期间,英国正规兵坚忍卓绝,家喻户晓。
67、A proverbial expression; a proverb. ─── 俗谚类似于谚语的表达方式;谚语
68、stupid and ignorant like proverbial rural inhabitants; the boy's empty yokel-like expression ─── 像一般所认为的乡下人一样愚蠢、无知;这个男孩茫然、无知的表情
69、Alture.net: Meteo - Previsioni del tempo e metereologia nei proverbi in dialetto cuneense con relativa traduzione. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
70、In the advance of the movement, the humorous saying has acquired a proverbial currency, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing world. I've done it hundreds of time." ─── 在这一运动的推进中,幽默的说法众所周知:“戒烟是世界上最容易的事。”我已经做过几百次了。”
71、His generosity is proverbial in the neighbourhood ─── 他的慷慨在这一带是众所周知的。
72、He is the proverbial square peg in a round hole. ─── 他正是谚语中所说的那种方枘圆凿不得其所的人。
73、Women love the raw, hunky, masculinity associated with the proverbial bad boy. ─── 不管她们承不承认,女人就是喜欢令人兴奋的东西!
74、Let's not count our proverbial chickens. ─── 我们还是不要过分乐观。
75、Fortunately, it was not compulsory then to pursue Mandarin as a General Certificate Examination subject and I dropped it like a proverbial ton of bricks in Secondary Two. ─── 幸好,当时华文不是普通证书考试的必修科,当我在中二的时候放弃华文,如同放下心头大石。
76、I decide not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness. ─── 因为她小气得出了名,我决定不找她借钱。
77、At its usual cruising speed (at least with me aboard) of 22-25 mph or so, the Fujin SL-II was as docile as the proverbial kitten. ─── 在其一贯的巡航速度(至少跟我上)22-25英里左右,富锦市下午二-二是因为温顺,因为谚语中的小猫。
78、If you're not tracking your entire web site and tweaking it on a regular basis, you're throwing money down the proverbial drain. ─── 如果你不跟踪你的整个网站和把它拧到一个有秩序的基础上,那你就是在向一条公认的排水沟里扔钱。
79、Don't you think that the Pope would come down on them like the proverbial ton of bricks? ─── 你认为教皇会冲过去对他们进行迫害么?
80、I decIde not to ask her for a loan In vIew of her proverbIal meanness. ─── 因为她小气得出了名,我决定不找她借钱。
81、Like the proverbial Englishman speaking to a foreigner, we thought we could make them understand us by repeating ourselves in a louder voice. ─── 就像英国人对外国人说英语的笑话一样,我们以为,通过不断提高音量,大声重复自己的主张,我们会让他们理解。
82、Their hospitality is proverbial. ─── 他们的热情好客人人皆知。
83、stupid and ignorant like proverbial rural inhabitants; 'the boy's empty yokel -like expression. ─── 像一般所认为的乡下人一样愚蠢、无知;“这个男孩茫然、无知的表情”。
84、the proverbial glamour of Paris ─── 巴黎的那种众所周知的魅力
85、But if somebody tells you that the Tigers have nothing to lose, that's way off the proverbial base. ─── 但是如果某些人告诉你老虎队不会有顽强的抵抗而落败,那是开玩笑的。
86、Lots of money may have tumbled down the proverbial rathole. ─── 大量的资金使得这种众所周知的浪费最终崩塌。
87、Wisdom sayings of the proverbial kind ─── 智慧的格言,谚语
88、He seems to have 9 lives, like the proverbial cat ─── 他就像格言中所说的猫一样,似乎有九条命。
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