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08-30 投稿


fanaticism 发音

英:[fə'nætɪsɪz(ə)m]  美:[fə'nætɪsɪzəm]

英:  美:

fanaticism 中文意思翻译



fanaticism 网络释义

n. 狂热,著迷;盲信

fanaticism 词性/词形变化,fanaticism变形

名词: fanaticalness |副词: fanatically |

fanaticism 短语词组

1、fanaticism synonym ─── 狂热

2、fanaticism d2 ─── 狂热d2

3、fanaticism aura ─── 狂热光环

4、fanaticism in a sentence ─── 一句话中的狂热

5、fanaticism crossword ─── 狂热填字游戏

fanaticism 相似词语短语

1、fantasticism ─── n.怪诞;奇想

2、dynasticism ─── n.王朝的统治

3、fanaticising ─── 狂热的

4、fanaticised ─── 狂热的

5、fanaticize ─── vt.使狂热;vi.显出狂热

6、fanaticise ─── vt.使狂热;vi.变得狂热,表现狂热

7、dramaticism ─── 戏剧性

8、fanatics ─── n.狂热者;盲信者(fanatic的复数)

9、fanaticises ─── 狂热者

fanaticism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sanctity Aura is being replaced with Fanaticism Aura. It will increase physical and holy damage done by affected raid members by 5%. Improved Fanaticism Aura will increase casting speed by 5/10%. ─── 圣洁光环将被狂热光环取代,它将增加所有受光环影响的团队友方目标物理和神圣伤害5%,强化狂热光环将增加施法速度10%的效果。

2、He is a fanatic jogger. ─── 他是一个极喜欢慢跑的人。

3、In such an atmosphere, people inevitably fanaticism without due reason. ─── 在这样的气氛中,人不免狂热,失去应有的理智。

4、Fanatic about AC Milan, Ultras and Tattoos. ─── 个人简介:Well nothing special to say.

5、The fanatic humans of the griffin empire worship the dragon of light (the idol of their religion) and hunt down heretics with their army of knights and powerful angels mercilessly. ─── 人类的狮鹫王国崇拜着光明龙,并且毫不怜悯地运用天使与骑士追杀异教徒(这与英雄无敌有什么破联系?)

6、My wife calls me a @Movie fanatic@. ─── 妻子称我为影迷。

7、Usual involved western culture reduce to flying ashes and smouldering smoke already, some dialyse and comprehend only, some joyful with fanaticism only, some to satisfy and highly praise only. ─── 往常艰涩的西方文化早已灰飞烟灭,有的只是透析与领悟、有的只是欣喜与狂热、有的只是满足与赞叹。

8、He had none of that depressing fanaticism of the newly arrived Peiping students who were inclined to ruffle up their feathers at the slightest criticism of conditions in the Liberated Areas. ─── 他丝毫没有新来的北平学生那种令人讨厌的偏激,这些学生只要听到对解放区的情况有半点批评,就怒发冲冠。

9、He had become a fitness fanatic who swam vigorously, and publicly, to demonstrate that he was cured and able to be President. ─── 他已经成为一个健身运动的狂热爱好者,精力充沛地游泳,向公众显示他已经战胜了病魔,身体条件允许他担任总统。

10、A fanatic often has unreasonable and mistaken beliefs, especially in religion. ─── 一个狂热者常常有不合理和错误的信仰,尤其是在宗教方面。

11、He is a dark fanatic wholly committed to the ultimate dissolution of the universe. ─── 他是个黑暗的狂热信徒,全身心的相信这个世界最终必将消亡。

12、They say that religious wars, fanaticism and intolerance spring from dogmatic beliefs that particular gods and faiths are unique, rather than facets of universal brain chemistry. ─── 他们说宗教信仰战争,盲信和不容异说从特别的上帝和信仰是独特的、胜过普遍的脑化学的多面教条信心中触发。

13、Opinion columns bemoan the fanaticism of its youth, the remoteness of its rulers and the power of its clerics. ─── 专栏评论则为沙特阿拉伯青年的狂热,统治者的冷漠,和宗教组织的掌权而哀叹。

14、We should obviously eschew political fanaticism. ─── 对政治热心过头,导致狂热,绝非好事。

15、On the final day of 1999, Arthur, a 24-year old science-fiction fanatic, meets up with his friends at a lively party to welcome in the new millennium. ─── 二十四岁的亚瑟是一个科幻小说迷,一九九九年最后的一天,他与一班朋友在一个热闹的舞会中一同迎接千禧年的来临。

16、We will, however, help others renounce fanaticism and narrowness through practicing deeply and engaging in compassionate dialogue. ─── 但是我们要通过慈悲的对话让他人放弃狂热和心胸狭隘。

17、To crush fanaticism and to venerate the infinite, such is the law. ─── 压制热狂,崇敬无极,这才是正道。

18、Muslim fanaticism can flow from the same roots in present time. ─── 今天的穆斯林狂热主义同样也来自这一根源。

19、Doubt and fanaticism are two sides of the same development. ─── 怀疑与狂热是同一新生事物的两面。

20、The fanatic humans of the griffin empire worship the dragon of light( the idol of their religion) and hunt down heretics with their army of knights and powerful angels mercilessly. ─── 人类的狮鹫王国崇拜着光明龙,并且毫不怜悯地运用天使与骑士追杀异教徒(与英雄无敌有什么破联系?

21、But he denied that they were religious to the point of fanaticism. ─── 但是他否认他们虔诚到成为狂热教徒的地步。

22、No one wants to turn back the clock to the darker days of war, revolution, famine, and fanaticism. ─── 没有人愿意回到战争、革命、饥荒和狂热的年代。

23、What fires parents' fanaticism is their self-serving desire to announce their own success. ─── 其实,家长的癫狂不过是标榜自我成功的一相情愿而已。

24、Chinese new development in Shanghai and Beijing have caused a furore at the Olympic Garden, fanaticism pursued by buyers. ─── 华新在上海和北京开发的奥林匹克花园发售时都轰动一时,受到买家的狂热追捧。

25、It was only when I tried putting these two things together, when I came up with the character of Aurora the reptile fanatic, that the story started to work. ─── 就在我尝试着把这两个想法结合在一起并且构思出爬行动物迷奥罗拉这个角色的时候,这篇小说便开始成形了。

26、In the “fanaticism of the wind,” Baidu’s message board space, the message was repeatedly asked him to explore and debate and, of course, a lot of people call him up directly. ─── 在“狂热的风”的百度空间留言版上,不停有人留言要求与他探讨和辩论,当然也有不少人直接上来骂他。

27、Anyone who goes contrary to their perceptions is instantly branded as a fanatic or a critical troublemaker. ─── 不管小虾自以为磁铁的引力多么可靠,却终被引至错误的行径使自己像个傻瓜。

28、While campaigning in Milwaukee he was shot in the chest by a fanatic. ─── 当在密尔沃基竟选时,他被一个狂徒射中胸膛。

29、If there was not a fanatic or madman stirring up trouble, I think, computers won't even "exist"to control the humans. ─── 如果没有哪一个野心家或狂人捣乱,我想计算机是不会“想到”要来控制人类 的。

30、As was made clear on Sept. 11, the great struggle of the 21st century will be between the forces of fanatic fundamentalism and those of tolerance. ─── 在911以后,我们便明了了二十一世纪的重要战斗发生在狂热的原教旨主义和宽容的态度之间。

31、Any more rapid because the passion and fanaticism, will retire on the same alarming rate and I do not want to see all of the shares are irrational Thinking. ─── 因为任何来得迅猛的激情和狂热,退下去的速度也会同样惊人!我不希望看到大家对股价有缺乏理性的思考。”

32、But aside from the fanaticism and the various cultures of warfare, I find that humans are often the most reckless of the goodly reasoning beings. ─── 但是除了盲目狂热和各种战争文化,我发现人类往往是善良种族中最不计后果的。

33、Humor is a way to survive. It can be a weapon, a shield against fundamentalism and fanaticism, and it can settle intellectual debates. But it can't solve life's problems. ─── 幽默是生存之道。它可以是一种武器,抗击原教旨主义和宗教狂热,可以解决知性辩论。但它不能解决生活的问题。

34、I like it, but then I am a SF fanatic. ─── 您要发布帖子的论坛是一个新闻组论坛。

35、He is a football fanatic. ─── 他是一个足球迷(狂热分子)。

36、House senior staff-real estate marketing, said : "Then the market will not be as before fanaticism, to all developers are sorely tested. ─── 客观的说,消费者不能正确根据市场信息做出决策,也是导致市场过热的原因之一。

37、It is to those fanatic and megalomanic leaders and Utopian visionaries that the phrase, "Politics is the art of the possible" is addressed. ─── “政治是在可能限度范围之内求全的一种艺术”这句话就是对这些狂热的妄自尊大的领袖们和乌托邦空想家们说的。

38、Your fanaticism followed the girl is wrong. ─── 你对那个女孩的狂热是错误的。

39、It feeds on fanaticism and ignorance, and finds its recruits in miserable refugee camps where unhappy youth are bombarded daily in the rhetoric of hatred. ─── 它滋生了狂热和无知,它的后备军在苦难的难民营源源不断,那里不幸的年轻人每天都生活在仇恨的花言巧语的炮火之中。

40、Ben Gordon, Bulls: BG is gonna go down as one of those peculiar players in his generation that inspire an odd awe from fanatic fans. ─── BG是他们这代球员中特别的一个,他会从狂热的球迷呐喊声中,获得让人恐惧的杀手本色。

41、Romantic musicians in the 19th century displayed rate fanaticism and made a remarkable contribution to its development and maturity. ─── 19世纪浪漫乐派的音乐家对标题音乐表现出了少有的痴迷与狂热,为标题音乐的发展与成熟做出了杰出的贡献。

42、The integration of a drop of water to drop, also gentle fanaticism. ─── 一滴水到一滴的融合,轻柔亦狂热。

43、She is a fanatic for cleanliness. ─── 她是个极度清洁的人。

44、She's a non-smoking, non-drinking fitness fanatic. ─── 她是一位坚信不吸烟、不喝酒就会健美的人。

45、He is quite fanatic about the physical exercise. ─── 他对于体育训练十分狂热。

46、By some measures, the power of religion (including its power to inspire fanaticism and hatred) is rising again in the early years of the 21st century. ─── 从某种程度上说,宗教势力(包括引发狂热和仇恨的力量)正在21世纪初期的当下抬头。

47、It can be a weapon, a shield against fundamentalism and fanaticism, and it can settle intellectual debates. ─── 它可以是一种武器,抗击原教旨主义和宗教狂热,可以解决知性辩论。

48、Whether you are a steak or vegetarian fanatic, the restaurant specializes in food selections that will satisfy your appetite during your stay. ─── 在随后出现的预定订表格中确认您的预订。我们将用电子邮件发送即时信息给予您预定订确认。

49、They would not know that he had become, finally, not a saint, but only a.. fanatic. ─── 决不能让他们知道,弟弟最终没有成为圣徒,而只是成了一个狂热者。

50、He himself is fanatic of volleyball. ─── 他本人就是一个排球爱好者。

51、Especially for those boys, they desire and vision is no less than it is the children and their eyes heroes Ottmann No hostile power of fanaticism and obsession. ─── 尤其对那些男孩子而言,他们对它的渴望和憧憬简直不亚于现在孩子们对其心目中的英雄奥特曼和神力无敌的狂热和痴迷。

52、He is a fanatic of the Chicago Cubs baseball team. ─── 他过分热衷于芝加哥小熊棒球队。

53、On his face lay the intense rapt look of the religious fanatic. ─── 他的脸上明显地呈现出宗教狂热者的那种浓厚的着迷的神情。

54、For your information, religion and philosophy are supposed to be interdependent. Religion without philosophy is sentiment, or sometimes fanaticism, while philosophy without religion is mental speculation. ─── 宗教和哲学应该是相辅相成的。没有哲学的宗教只是感情用事而已,有时甚至只是狂热;而没有宗教的哲学只是心智上。

55、Reason is that any more rapid the passion and fanaticism, will retire on the same alarming rate. ─── 原因是,任何来得迅猛的激情和狂热,退下去的速度也会同样惊人。

56、A religious fanatic, she's convinced that Zeus, the king of the gods and a notorious womanizer, actually seduced her. ─── 对宗教狂热的她深信:恶名昭彰的花花公子、诸神之王宙斯曾经诱奸她。

57、Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic, Heretic. ─── 伪君子,极端份子,狂热宗教徒,异教徒 。

58、She's fanatic about pop music. ─── 她对流行音乐很狂热。

59、His political views have a savour of fanaticism. ─── 他的政治观点有些偏激.

60、It is true that when trapped they fight with a burrowing, rodent tenacity, but it is a mistake, say these officers, to credit their stubbornness to fanatic religious beliefs. ─── 在陷入埋伏的时候,他们确实像啮齿动物似的负隅顽抗,不过军官们说,把他们的顽固归结于他们顽固的宗教狂热是不对的。

61、The Spirit must never be divorced from the Word. Any such separation is fanaticism. ─── 圣灵是不能与神的话分开的,将祂们分开是一种妄想。

62、Often she tried, as gently as might be, to wean him from this fanatic worship of the Muses. ─── 她常常尽量委婉地劝他别这样狂热地崇拜缪斯女神。

63、If there was not a fanatic or madman stirring up trouble, I think, computers won't even "exist" to control the humans. ─── 如果没有哪一个野心家或狂人捣乱,我想计算机是不会“想到”要来控制人类的。

64、He also was said to have been a fanatic about cleanliness.After the age of 39, he left home and led the life of a drifter. ─── 他的个性孤高,并有很深的洁癖,四十岁以后,便弃家外出,过著漂泊的生活。

65、However much in earnest he might be, he had nothing of the single-mindedness that belongs to a fanatic. ─── 他不论如何认真,都没有那种狂热分子才有的专心致志的劲头。

66、But the tsunami created by Jerry's fans serves to reinforce the fanaticism over the meet-and-greet party. ─── 很多人士也会认为他们已昙花一现时,言承旭的歌迷所酿制的旋风,足以巩固此风靡浪潮,远于这见面派对之后。

67、He is a sports fanatic. ─── 他是个体育迷。

68、His eye rested on Shelton, fanatic and dreary. ─── 他眼光既热情又阴郁地落在谢尔顿身上。

69、Every matron, old or young, in Atlanta nursed and did it with an enthusiasm that seemed to Scarlett little short of fanatic. ─── 在亚特兰大,每一位或老或少的已婚妇女都在护理伤员,据思嘉看来几乎要发疯了。

70、Alexander is a football fanatic. ─── 亚历山大是个足球迷。

71、He was a true fanatic . ─── 他是个真正的狂热分子。

72、The pope is also expected to denounce fundamentalist fanaticism during a meeting with cultural figures including several Muslim leaders. ─── 在与文化名人(包括一些穆斯林领袖)会晤中,教皇也批评了原教旨主义狂热者。

73、Meanwhile Bkmbogs also right on the very right of football fanaticism, as he had in the previous quarter Serie A club Inter Milan design costumes. ─── 同时比克姆博格斯还对就对足球运动非常狂热,上一季他就曾为意甲国际米兰俱乐部设计服饰。

74、At what point does a noble deed turn into fanaticism? ─── 告诉我,是怎么从做一桩善举,走上不归路的?

75、In the course of trying to escape and solve the murder, they ally themselves with wealthy historian and Holy Grail fanatic Leigh Teabing, an acquaintance of Langdon's. ─── 在逃离及解答谋杀疑团过程中,又加入另一位富有的历史学者,也是圣杯的狂热份子雷、兵。他是连登的朋友。

76、Fanaticism is a symbol of the fans. The present factor leading the fans' fanaticism has a fountainhead of a multi-reciprocal effect. ─── 狂热是球迷的主要特征,造成球迷狂热的现场因素,主要根源于球迷与球队的多边互动关系。

77、Although they are far from the market-oriented system, but its pursuit of the interests of fanaticism, have far exceeded the normal scope of the banking market. ─── 尽管它们的体制还远没有市场化,但其追逐利益之狂热,却已远远超出了市场化银行的正常范畴。

78、Public canteens embodies the spirit and life of the commune is a microcosm of the Great Leap Forward fanaticism. ─── 公共食堂体现了公社的精神和生活,是大跃进狂热的缩影。

79、what point does a noble deed turn into fanaticism? ─── 是怎么从做一桩善举,走上不归路的?

80、An England call-up for the son of a Bolton fanatic and a Welsh mother became inevitable. ─── 对于这名博尔顿狂热者与他的威尔士妻子生的儿子来说,来自英格兰的召唤变得近在咫尺。

81、In the history of religion, the phenomenon of fanaticism and intolerance often occurred, which was far away from the spirit of dialogue. ─── 在宗教史上,经常会出现盲信与不宽容的一面,这完全游离了对话精神。

82、Animalism had yieded to fanaticism and the bold, roving eye now gleamed with a ferocious righteousness. ─── 他的兽欲变成狂热,转来转去的眼睛现在闪烁着十分正直的光芒。

83、I been a car fanatic since I was a kid. ─── 人与动物相比,动物更为可靠。

84、The fanaticism is not pop music, classical music does not mind, only one fishes, a film, layer by layer, to spread around. ─── 没有流行音乐的狂热,没有古典音乐的舒畅,只有一丝丝,一片片,一层层,向四周散开。

85、In some newspapers, Anthony was called a fanatic and ridiculed for her views. ─── 但是有某些报纸却称安东尼为一个狂热份子,并且还嘲弄她的论点。

86、But today, that the land and real estate winter storms have not, the true wind is fanaticism "sung Storm" and real estate have written about "rising prices begin to" rave. ─── 但时至今日,预言中的土地风暴和房地产冬天都还没有来,真正刮起的,是狂热的“圈地风暴”和房地产大腕们有关“房价铁定要涨”的狂欢。

87、If fanaticism can return after rational, then the "rich areas" of the discussion topic was called moral demonize completely unnecessary argument. ─── 其实,如果狂热之后可以回归理性,那么对于“富人区”话题的讨论完全不必要被冠以道德妖魔化的论调。

88、Aided by the unscrupulous adventurers who operated the Freedmen's Bureau and urged on by a fervor of Northern hatred almost religious in its fanaticism, the former field hands found themselves suddenly elevated to the seats of the mighty. ─── 原先的农奴,在主持"自由人局"的那帮狂妄冒险家的支持下,加上北方那种近乎宗教狂热的炽烈仇恨的怂恿,现在发现自己突然青云直上身居要职了。

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