faubourg 发音
英: 美:
faubourg 中文意思翻译
faubourg 网络释义
n. 近郊;新市区
faubourg 短语词组
1、faubourg saint germain ─── 圣日耳曼郊区
2、faubourg 114 ─── 郊区114号
3、faubourg du temple ─── 圣殿郊区
4、faubourg 24 ─── 郊区24号
5、faubourg saint ─── 郊区圣徒
6、faubourg pronunciation ─── 郊区发音
7、faubourg treme ─── 巨大的郊区
8、faubourg st honore ─── 圣霍诺尔郊区
9、faubourg italia ─── 意大利郊区
10、faubourg hermes ─── 赫尔墨斯郊区
11、faubourg 54 ─── 郊区54
12、faubourg marigny ─── 福克·马里尼
faubourg 词性/词形变化,faubourg变形
faubourg 相似词语短语
1、faubourgs ─── n.(尤指法国)市郊;(巴黎的)郊区
2、Barbour ─── n.巴伯衫(商标名称)
3、Limbourg ─── n.林堡(比利时地名)
4、Warburg ─── n.瓦尔堡(德国生理学家);沃伯格(姓氏);瓦堡(城市名)
5、Fribourg ─── n.弗里堡(瑞士西部一都市)
6、Hamburg ─── n.汉堡(德国城市)
7、fauxbourdon ─── n.假布尔东低音,假低音
8、Marburg ─── n.青猴病;马尔堡病
9、arbour ─── n.凉亭;藤架
faubourg 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、It was the barricade of the Faubourg of the Temple. ─── 这就是大庙郊区的街垒。
2、The Faubourg Sainte Marie became the "American section" in the early 19th century and the hub of most business activities. ─── 圣玛丽亚市区在19世纪早期已成为美国商业活动枢纽的“美国区”。
3、It was said that these munitions came from a grocer in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine named Pepin. ─── 据说这些作战物资是由圣安东尼郊区一个名叫贝班的食品杂货店老板供给的。
4、The Faubourg Saint-Antoine, more than any other group of the population, as we stated in the beginning, accentuated this situation and made it felt. ─── 圣安东尼郊区,我们在开始时便已提到,比任何其他地区的民众使这种局势变得更敏锐更紧张。
5、but, st.ange as it appeared, he cared not for those who might pass from the avenue of the Champs-Elyses or by the Faubourg St ─── 但真够奇怪,他毫不顾忌从香榭丽舍大道或圣·奥诺路过来的行人。
6、Immense but heroic defiance, for the old faubourg is a hero. ─── 狂妄而又勇敢的挑战,因为这老郊区是一个英雄。
7、The Faubourg Saint-Germain and the pavilion de Marsan wished to have M. Delaveau for prefect of police, on account of his piety ─── 圣日耳曼郊区和马桑营都期望德纳福先生做警署署长,因为他虔信天主。
8、In Paris, the Faubourg Saint-Marceau kept up an equal buzzing with the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, and the schools were no less moved than the faubourgs. ─── 在巴黎,圣马尔索郊区比圣安东尼郊区安静不了多少,学校也并不比郊区平静多少。
9、The Faubourg Sainte Marie became the “American section” in the early 19th century and the hub of most business activities. ─── 圣玛丽亚市区在19世纪早期已成为美国商业活动枢纽的“美国区”。
10、The barricade of the Faubourg du Temple, defended by eighty men, attacked by ten thousand, held out for three days. ─── 大庙郊区的街垒,八十个人防御,经受了一万人的攻打,它坚持了三天。
11、The dazzling sun of June inundated this terrible thing with light. It was the barricade of the Faubourg of the Temple. ─── 六月眩目的阳光笼罩着这怪物。这就是大庙郊区的街垒。
12、nothing to hope for.Neither from a faubourg nor from a regiment. ─── 既没有一个郊区能相互呼应,也没有一支联队来接应。
13、The Faubourg Saint-Antoine had also other causes to tremble; ─── 圣安东尼郊区还有其他一些震颤的原因;
14、At this moment he saw a cab at the top of the Faubourg Poissonniere. ─── 这个时候,他看见有一辆单人马车停在波尼丽街口。
15、At the end of the fifteenth century, the Faubourg strides across it, passes beyond it, and runs farther. ─── 早在十五世纪末,那城廓就被跨越,被超过了,关厢也跑得更远了。
16、" Workmen assembled at the corner of the Rue de Bercy, waited for a certain Lemarin, the revolutionary agent for the Faubourg Saint-Marceau. ─── 有些工人聚集在贝尔西街的角上,等候一个叫勒马兰的人,圣马尔索郊区的革命工作人员。
17、t was the barricade of the Faubourg of the Temple. ─── 这就是大庙郊区的街垒。
18、However, manufactories of chemical products abound in the Faubourg Saint-Marceau.Many of the workmen might have black faces. ─── 当时在圣马尔索郊区有不少化工厂,许多工人的脸确是熏黑了的。
19、In this faubourg exists poignant distress hidden under attic roofs;there also exist rare and ardent minds. ─── 在这郊区里,无数顶楼的瓦顶下掩盖着种种惨痛的苦难,同时也有不少火热的和稀有的聪明才智。
20、This old faubourg, peopled like an ant-hill, laborious, courageous, and angry as a hive of bees, was quivering with expectation and with the desire for a tumult. ─── 这个古老的郊区,拥挤得象个蚂蚁窝,勤劳、勇敢和愤怒得象一窝蜂,在等待和期望剧变的心情中骚动。
21、One blocked the entrance to the Faubourg Saint Antoine;the other defended the approach to the Faubourg du Temple; ─── 一座堵塞了圣安东尼郊区的入口处,另一座挡住了通往大庙郊区的通道;
22、He directed his course towards the faubourg Saint-Marceau and asked at the first shop he came to where he could find a commissary of police. ─── 他向圣马尔索郊区走去,向最先遇到的一家铺子探听什么地方有警察的哨所。
23、At the very sight of it, one felt the agonizing suffering in the immense faubourg, which had reached that point of extremity when a distress may become a catastrophe. ─── 只要望见这母垒,人们便会感到在这郊区,遍及民间的疾苦已经到了绝望的程度,即将转化为一场灾难。
24、He directed his course towards the faubourg Saint-Marceau and asked at the first shop he came to where he could find a commissary of police. ─── 他向圣马尔索郊区走去,向最先遇到的一家铺子探听什么地方有警察的哨所。
25、In this faubourg exists poignant distress hidden under attic roofs; there also exist rare and ardent minds. ─── 在这郊区里,无数顶楼的瓦顶下掩盖着种种惨痛的苦难,同时也有不少火热的和稀有的聪明才智。
26、the Faubourg Saint-Denis, with the vast enclosure of Saint-Ladre; ─── 圣德尼镇及圣拉德尔辽阔的田园;
27、For the last twenty years the station of the Orleans railway has stood beside the old faubourg and distracted it, as it does to-day. ─── 二十年来,直到今天,奥尔良铁路的起点站便建在这老郊区的旁边,对它产生影响。
28、Or:-- "In the Faubourg Saint-Antoine. ─── 或者说:“圣安东尼郊区。”
29、Andrea got into the cab, which passed rapidly through the Faubourg Saint-Denis, along the Faubourg Saint-Martin, crossed the barrier, and threaded its way through the interminable Villette. ─── 安德烈坐进单人马车,车子便急速地走过圣·但尼街,顺着圣·马丁街越过城栅,进入了那无穷尽的旷野。
30、The dull driver, smoking his pipe, was plodding along toward the limits of the Faubourg Saint-Denis, where no doubt he ordinarily had his station ─── 车夫懒洋洋地吸着烟,似乎想把车子驶回到对面的圣·但尼街口去,他显然是经常停在那儿的。
31、The government one day received a warning that arms and two hundred thousand cartridges had just been distributed in the faubourg. ─── 政府在某天得到通知说最近有人向郊区散发了一些武器和二十万发枪弹。
32、The old man bade farewell to the Faubourg Saint-Germain and to Madame de T.'s salon, and established himself in the Mardis, in his house of the Rue des Filles-du-Calvaire. ─── 老头儿辞别了圣日耳曼郊区和T.夫人的客厅,迁到沼泽区,定居在受难修女街他自己的宅子里。
33、"Bring here immediately the king's attorney, M. de Villefort, who lives in the Faubourg St ─── “立刻领检察官维尔福先生到这儿来,他住在圣·奥诺路。
34、The principal leaders," as they said in the faubourg, held themselves apart. ─── 那些“主要头儿”枣这是郊区的人常用的称号枣不露面。
35、The faubourg and its redoubt lent each other assistance. ─── 郊区和棱堡是相互支援的,郊区支持棱堡,棱堡也凭借郊区。
36、France kept an eye on Paris;Paris kept an eye on the Faubourg Saint-Antoine. ─── 法国望着巴黎,巴黎望着圣安东尼郊区。
37、The Faubourg Saint-Germain reeks of the fagot even now. ─── 今天的圣日耳曼郊区已有了市井气。
38、On the preceding evening, and on the morning of the 5th of June, the day appointed for Lamarque's burial, the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, which the procession was to touch at, assumed a formidable aspect. ─── 六月五日是拉马克安葬的预定日期,在那天的前夕和早晨,殡仪行列要挨边路过的圣安东尼郊区沸腾起来了。
39、Having crossed Paris, it passed through the Faubourg du Temple, then leaving the exterior boulevards, it reached the cemetery ─── 队伍横越过巴黎市区以后,穿过寺院路,然后离开郊外的马路,到达坟场。
40、The Faubourg Saint-Antoine is a reservoir of people. ─── 圣安皂尼郊区是人民的水库。
41、The cabarets of the Faubourg Saint-Antoine resemble those taverns of Mont Aventine erected on the cave of the Sibyl and communicating with the profound and sacred breath; ─── 到会的人,有的是出于激情和狂热,有的是因为“那是找工作的路子”。
42、The pompous procession therefore wended its way towards Pre-la-Chaise from the Faubourg Saint-Honor ─── 所以那庄严的送殡行列就从圣·奥诺路出发向拉雪兹神父墓地前进。
43、The Faubourg Saint-Antoine, which was in a dull glow, was beginning its ebullition. ─── 圣安东尼郊区,暗中早已火热,即将进入沸腾。
44、For the last twenty years the station of the Orleans railway has stood beside the old faubourg and distracted it, as it does to-day. ─── 二十年来,直到今天,奥尔良铁路的起点站便建在这老郊区的旁边,对它产生影响。
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