enthrall 发音
英:[ɪnˈθrɔːl] 美:[ɪnˈθrɔːl]
英: 美:
enthrall 中文意思翻译
enthrall 词性/词形变化,enthrall变形
enthrall 短语词组
1、enthrall definition ─── 迷人的定义
2、enthrall origin ─── 迷幻起源
3、enthrall pathfinder ─── 迷幻探路者
4、enthrall eq ─── 吸引式均衡器
5、enthrall root word ─── 吸引词根
6、enthrall define ─── 吸引人的定义
7、enthrall 5e dnd ─── 诱捕5e dnd
enthrall 相似词语短语
1、enthraller ─── 吸引者
2、inthrall ─── vt.奴役(等于inthral)
3、enthral ─── v.迷住;奴役
4、bethrall ─── 贝瑟拉尔
5、enthralls ─── vt.迷住,使着迷
6、enthrals ─── v.迷住;奴役
7、enthralled ─── adj.被迷住的;v.迷住;奴役;令人愉快(enthral的过去分词)
8、enterally ─── 肠内地
9、enteral ─── adj.肠的;肠内的
enthrall 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、enthrall v. ─── 迷住;
2、Cai Lei's hyper realistic sculptures enthrall us with a kind of morbid fascination that draws us to appreciate its eccentric beauty along with the brutal splendour of reality. ─── 蔡磊极度现实的凋塑能引发起观众的一种病态的迷恋,并让我们欣赏到其另类美及现实中壮丽的残忍。
3、The author enthrall, enthraled the minds of his readers. ─── 那位作者于读者着迷。
4、The DSK scandal continued to enthrall France. ─── 法国上下继续关注卡恩丑闻。
5、Except you enthrall me,never shall be free. ─── 翻译成中文:除非你奴役了我,我将不会得到自由。
6、"Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the showercan enthral viewers. ─── 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“卫生间歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。
7、If a god can reshape the world and you can enthrall a god, what does that make you? ─── 如果神可以重塑世界,而你可以操控神,那麽你是甚麽?
8、Enthrall her with the latest fashion ensembles ─── 用最新款的女士套装来诱惑她
9、They call upon arcane strikes, power words, and spells to unleash raging torrents of cold, fire, or lighting, confuse and enthrall the weak-minded, or even turn invisible or walk through walls. ─── 他们利用次级和高级的法术释放寒冷、火焰或闪电的狂潮,困惑并奴役心智薄弱者,甚至隐身或穿墙。
10、Forbidden Kingdom. . . will please its core audience but won't enthrall anyone over the age of 16! ─── 监禁中的王国…将会被它的核心观众所喜欢的,但他们决不会超过16岁!
11、Every week, the garment storeowners would enthrall her with their latest fashion ensembles. ─── 逛商店是鲁思固定不变的习惯。
12、enthral v. ─── 迷惑,使服从;
13、They should have been noticed, but a wizard who could enthrall an army of abyssal beasts could delude a few pilots and guards, especially the night after Fleetswake. ─── 他们应该已经被注意到,但一个能奴役深渊野兽大军的法师,自然也能迷惑几个领航员和守卫了,特别是在舰队尾波节的夜里。
14、Enthrall Attack the wrong side until the end of battle or killed. ─── 媚惑倒戈,直到战斗结束或者该单位死亡。
15、Except you enthrall mee, shall never be free, ─── 因为,除非做祢的奴隶,我没有自由4,
16、"Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the shower and can enthral viewers. ─── 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“厕所歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。
17、scandal continued to enthrall France. ─── 法国上下继续关注卡恩丑闻。
18、The state-of-the-art, ultra modern design features of the building will captivate and enthral you with its tall glass ceiling at the lobby. ─── 位于城市的商业中心和红山公园旁,毗邻中国西北最大的建材贸易商城,周边空气清新,交通便利。
19、Song Hye Kyo will enthrall many Asian young ladies especially with new Laneige Professional Make up line and Skincare products as well. ─── 宋慧乔将会吸引众多亚洲年轻女性,尤其是与兰芝全新雪凝新生系列和晶焕魅彩彩妆系列合作之后。
20、I am afraid I may frighten the company, frighten or enthrall them ─── 我怕我会吓坏那些人,吓坏了他们或是使他们迷惑不解。
21、a performer whose grace, skill, and virtuosity enthral his audiences ─── 以其优美、技艺、精湛技巧吸引住他的观众的表演者
22、you enthrall me, never shall be free. ─── 不被你奴役,我绝不会自由自在。
23、Don't enthrall being in the club, be more healthy, get more sun lights. ─── 如果要我给这三个字加上一个期限,我希望是---------今天晚上!
24、The first chapter Owen read was of course about football and it didn't take long to captivate and enthral the kids. ─── 欧文读的第一章当然是关于足球的,太短了所以孩子们都不过瘾。
25、Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the shower and can enthral viewers. ─── 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“厕所歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。
26、The exorcist is really one of the best horror films ever made - it continues to scare and enthrall new viewers to this day. ─── 驱魔人确实是史上最恐怖的电影之一--知道今天它仍然不停的恐吓及吸引着新的观众。
27、Diana managed to enthrall anyway, wowing an audience at the Brooklyn Academy of Music and attending a banquet at the World Financial Center. ─── 戴安娜最终还是顺利完成旅程。她在布鲁克林音乐学院做出了让观众惊讶的表演,接着又去世界金融中心参加了一个宴会。
28、The sculptural "haute couture" pieces enchant and enthrall with its ingenious construction and tactile allure of porcelain. ─── 这一件件能穿的雕塑充分展示了精妙的设计与瓷器间微妙的触觉魅力。
29、This game has endless tactical opportunities and the magnificent gameplay will never cease to enthral you. ─── 这款游戏有无尽的战术可能,宏大的场面会永远迷住你。
30、The internal aim lies not to be enthral of things and to spurn the force. ─── 不为物役、摒弃武力是软实力思想的内在旨归。
31、At once entrancing and meditative yet seductive and passionate the intense rhythms and sounds of Sitar Secrets will completely envelop and enthrall you! ─── 西塔琴主要用于北印度古典音乐,但优美的声音使其成为印度最具代表性的乐器...
32、be enthral(l)led by a novel ─── 被小说迷住
33、Blending breathtaking adventure with a brooding sense of mystery and menace, She is a story of romance, exploration discovery and heroism that has lost none of its power to enthrall. ─── 书中部分插图还被收录到日本小学课本里。
34、Diana managed to enthrall anyway, wowing an audience at the Brooklyn Academy of Music and attending a banquet at the World Financial Center. ─── 戴安娜最终还是顺利完成旅程。她在布鲁克林音乐学院做出了让观众惊讶的表演,接着又去世界金融中心参加了一个宴会。
35、Why does the story of Moby Dick continue to enthrall generation after generation? ─── 为何《白鲸记》的故事不断吸引一代又一代的读者呢?
36、The sculptures enthrall tourists with their ingenious construction. ─── 这些雕塑以其精妙的设计使很多游客着迷。
37、The state-of-the-art ultra modern design features will captivate and enthrall one with abated breath especially its tall glass ceiling of the lobby. ─── 6个风格迥异的餐厅、2个宴会厅、6间多功能厅及完善的休闲、娱乐设施,可满足您的不同需求。
38、For football and running, FA Premier League football and the London Marathon enthrall audiences around the world every year. ─── 在足球和赛跑方面,每年的英格兰足球超级联赛和伦敦马拉松比赛吸引着世界各地的观众。
39、"Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the clarifyer and can enthral viewers. ─── 印度MOVIEOntertaimentlife新推出的“厕所歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过特别训练锻炼的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。
40、No, it's not a rock concert or a food festival that is daring crowds to the National Mall. It's the printed page - which still has the power to enthrall. ─── 不,并不是一场摇滚音乐会或者一个食品节在鼓动着人们前往华盛顿国家广场,而是那些图书在深深地吸引着人们。
41、Collectively our offerings, many of exceptional quality and rarity, shall enthrall the market and collectors alike. ─── 拍卖会上艺术珍品的质量和稀有程度,肯定会得到市场以及收藏家们的厚爱。”
42、2.He was enthrall, enthraled by the story. ─── 他被这个故事迷住了。
43、1. She is enthral by the story she hear. ─── 她被她听到的故事迷住了。
44、Please go on you enthrall me! ─── 请你继续倾诉,我已神魂颠倒!
45、"Physics of the Future, " let me add, has the ability to surprise and enthrall and frighten as well. ─── 《未来的物理》——容我来补一句,能够给你惊喜、让你着迷并且吓你一跳。
46、Such trends do not enthrall neutrals, many of whom would prefer to see free-scoring Barcelona win tomorrow. ─── 这些趋势并没有迷惑住中立者,他们中的很多人更愿意火力十足的巴萨明天赢球。
47、Hannibal Lecter: Enthrall me with your acumen. ─── 汉尼拔:施展一下你聪慧的魅力。
48、The surrealistic adventure game that will enthrall gamers of all ages with its moody atmosphere, you'll encounter engaging narrative and a cast of colorful characters. ─── 超现实主义的冒险游戏,玩家将服从所有年龄与穆迪的气氛中,您会遇到从事叙事和演员的彩色字符。
49、Over clubbing is nothin but a sickness that you can not deny.Addict to the club is nothing but ruining a healthy life.Don't enthrall being in the club, be more healthy, get more sun lights. ─── 虽然很多骗子用这种方法来博取同情骗取钱财,但也不乏真有其事的,社会混乱,难辨真假,还是为小孩子能有这样的书法和精神感到钦佩!
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