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08-29 投稿


annullable 发音

英:[[æ'nʌleɪbl]]  美:[[æ'nʌleɪbl]]

英:  美:

annullable 中文意思翻译



annullable 短语词组

1、annullable disorder ─── 环状障碍

annullable 相似词语短语

1、gullable ─── adj.易受骗的(等于gullible)

2、unsellable ─── adj.卖不掉的;无人要买的;不能卖的

3、annexable ─── adj.可合并附加的

4、annularly ─── adv.环状地

5、annulate ─── adj.有环纹的;由环组成的;环状的

6、cancellable ─── adj.可约的;可删除的

7、unfillable ─── 不可填充

8、annihilable ─── adj.可消灭的;可毁坏的

9、unfurlable ─── 可展开的

annullable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、annul an agreement ─── 取消协议

2、annul; chance; dislocate; disorder; liquefy; retain; rise; ─── 保留;溶解;取消;使混乱;偶然发生;上升

3、The effect of the statute was to annul this covenant ─── 但州法规废除了这一契约。

4、Where the Board does not reduce or annul the assessment, the appellant may be ordered to pay a sum not exceeding 5,000 as costs to the Board. ─── 如委员会没有减少或取消评税,上诉人可能会被命令缴付一笔不超过5,000的款项,作为委员会的讼费。

5、The representative of China confirmed that China would in a timely manner annul local regulations, government rules and other local measures that were inconsistent with China's obligations. ─── 中国代表确认,中国将及时废除与中国义务不一致的地方性法规、政府规章和其他地方性措施。

6、annul a treaty ─── 废除协议

7、Christmas is an annul festival to celebrate to birth of Christ. ─── 圣诞节是每年一度庆祝耶稣的圣诞的节日。

8、Investigative Report of Braking Efficiency Test in Automobile's Annul Check ─── 关于汽车制动性能年检测试状况的调研报告

9、How much is your annul salary? ─── 你的年薪是多少?

10、In the event that a conflict arises, the Standing Committee of the NPC has the power to annul administrative rules, regulations, directives and orders. ─── 倘出现任何冲突,则全国人大常务委员会有权取消各行政规章、条例、指示及命令。

11、annul an order for goods ─── 取消订货

12、The department of drug supervision and administration of the State Council shall formulate annul production plan according to the demand of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs. ─── 国务院药品监督管理部门根据麻醉药品和精神药品的需求总量制定年度生产计划。

13、The courts later found grounds to annul the results, after the king urged them to sort out the "mess". ─── 在国王敦促法庭收拾烂摊子后,法庭随后宣布废除选举结果。

14、14) To alter or annul inappropriate decisions and orders issued by local organs of state administration at different levels; ─── 十四)改变或者撤销地方各级国家行政机关的不适当的决定和命令;

15、Appear on the market because of chicken of earth of this paragraph of time very few, luo Man cockerel is so very good annul, every can earn 4 yuan of money only. ─── 因这段时间土鸡上市很少,所以罗曼小公鸡很好销,每只能赚4元钱。

16、To annul or invalidate. ─── 取消,使无效

17、To annul or cancel. ─── 取消,废除

18、annul a contract ─── 废止合同

19、Annul inspections are required because factory conditions change rapidly over time, creating a need for re-certification. ─── 因为工厂的情况是随着时间的过去而经常改变的,故年度审核及年度资格的认定是必要的。

20、to annul a marriage ─── 宣告婚约无效

21、The Municipal People’s Congress has the power to alter or annul inappropriate local regulations as formulated by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress. ─── 如果主任会议认为法规案有重大问题需要进一步研究,可以建议提案人修改完善后再向常务委员会提出。

22、to annul a contract ─── 废除契约

23、annul an agreement/a contract/a law/a marriage ─── 宣告协议合同/法令/婚姻无效.

24、We fell in love and wed, but three months later, she announced her intention to annul the marriage. ─── 我们相恋结婚,但是婚后三个月,她宣布想取消这场婚姻。

25、To set aside or annul, especially by judicial action. ─── 取消或废止,尤指通过司法行为

26、The contract be annul by the court ─── 合同被法院废止

27、To do away with; annul. ─── 废除;废止

28、Gal. 3:17 And I say this: A covenant previously ratified by God, the law, having come four hundred and thirty years after, does not annul so as to make the promise of none effect. ─── 加三17而且我这样说,神预先所立定的约,不能被那四百三十年以后才有的律法废掉,以致使应许失效。

29、Taiwan orchid Shang Cengxian is unripe say, this orchid exhibit compare orchid of previous term or session to exhibit trade the case is good much, in cheap orchid particularly good annul. ─── 台湾兰商曾先生称,此届兰展比上届兰展交易情况好得多,中低档兰非凡好销。

30、For what if some disbelieved? Shall their unbelief annul the faithfulness of God? ─── 3即便有不信的,这有何妨?难道他们的不信,就废掉神的信么?

31、To annul; abrogate. ─── 废除,取消

32、planned annul profit ─── [经] 计划年度利润

33、“Conducting research in Asia-Pacific”, panelist, the 11th annul meeting of Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute, 2006, Hong Kong, June 15th, 2006. ─── “服务科学,跨领域的学术合作”,座谈与谈人,服务科学管理与工程研讨会,新竹,2007年6月1日。

34、it should annul desilting basin for avoiding hydraulic jump. ─── 为避免发生水跃,应取消设置沉沙池。

35、The contract is annul by the court. ─── 合同被法院废止。

36、“If you were a newlywed groom, you could annul a marriage if on your wedding night you discovered that your wife has bad breath. ─── 如果你是新婚的新郎,你在新婚夜发现你的新娘有口臭你可以解除婚约。

37、* The parents of the eloped couple tried to annul the marriage. ─── *的父母私奔夫妇试图取消婚姻。

38、To alter or annul inappropriate decisions and orders issued by local organs of state administration at different levels; ─── (十四)改变或者撤销地方各级国家行政机关的不适当的决定和命令;

39、If the assembly declared independencewithout a new UN resolution, the UN representative in Kosovo would be legallybound to annul the decision, making recognition by any other country tricky. ─── 如果科索沃议会在没有任何联合国决议案的情况下宣布独立,那么就势必迫使联合国常驻于科索沃的特使废除该决议,而要想得到其它国家的承认更是难上加难。

40、In 1533 Henry had his own archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, annul the marriage, and Catherine spent her last years isolated from public life. ─── 1533年亨利另立了自己的大主教,即坎特伯里大主教克兰麦,令他宣布废除与凯瑟琳的这桩婚姻。凯瑟琳后来离群索居地度过馀生。

41、"But to return.I have shown that no society of slaves can endure, because, in its very nature, such society must annul the law of development. ─── “不过,话又说回来,我曾经告诉过你们,奴隶社会是长不了的,因为就其本性而言,这样的社会必须消灭发展规律。

42、7. We must do what we can to annul this rash offer the bishop has made to Mr. Quiverful. ─── 我们非得尽可能把主教对奎瓦富先生作出的那个性急的提议取消。

43、To annul the treaty and go Back on an oath ─── 废约寒盟

44、What built oneself already like domestic He Hanting is straight annul book a phone, hotel of a few economy also is mixed directly airline reach cooperative agreement. ─── 如家和汉庭早已建立了自己的直销预定电话,一些经济酒店也直接和航空公司等达成合作协议。

45、Exhibit meeting the corresponding period to still will hold a series of height forum, involve an industry development, straight annul, agency shops, the content such as intellectual property. ─── 展会同期还将举办一系列高峰论坛,涉及产业发展、直销、媒介购物、知识产权等内容。

46、It cannot fire women or unilaterally annul their labor contracts on the pretext of marriage,pregnancy,maternity leave or baby nursing. ─── 不得以结婚、怀孕、产假、哺乳等为由,辞退女职工或单方面解除劳动合同。

47、The New Great Wall Project will annul the identification of the volunteer if any behavior happened as below ─── 对有以下行为的国际义工新长城办公室将予以取消

48、The State Council had the power to annul departmental rules and local government rules that were inconsistent with the Constitution, laws or administrative regulations. ─── 国务院有权废止与《宪法》、法律或行政法规不一致的部门规章和地方政府规章。

49、They will be voting to defy the wishes of their rather ordinary neighbours.For them, the decision to annul same-sex marriages will be personal, even painful. ─── 因此,对他们来说,自己赞同废除同性婚姻法的决定变成了一桩涉及私人情感、以至很痛苦的事。

50、To annul or make void;invalidate. ─── 使废除或使无效;使作废

51、annul the drug's effect ─── 使药失去疗效

52、and annul his touch. If he cannot decide, the referee should abstain, ─── 假如裁判不能做出决定,他应该放弃,并且取消双方的击中,

53、For them, the decision to annul same-sex marriages will be personal, even painful. ─── 对这些同性恋者来说,决定取消婚礼会是私人的,而且是痛苦的。

54、invalid marriage and annullable marriage, Chapter one introduces the lawmaking mode of the invalid marriage system. ─── 无效婚姻制度起着规范公民结婚行为、预防和减少违法婚姻、保护善意当事人及其子女的利益的功效。

55、"Every vow and every binding oath to humble herself, her husband may confirm it or her husband may annul it. ─── 凡他所许的愿、和刻苦约束自己所起的誓、他丈夫可以坚定、也可以废去。

56、Where the annul of an administrative license in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs may seriously impair the public interests, it shall not be annulled. ─── 依照前两款的规定撤销行政许可,可能对公共利益造成重大损害的,不予撤销。

57、Announcement Standard and spatial difference of chinese commercial Bank's annul report ─── 我国商业银行年报披露的规范与差距

58、He said that neither the system nor the people would give in to pressure to annul the election whatever the price. ─── 参考翻译:他说,无论是政府还是人民都不会向反对派投降,无论付出什么代价,都不会将选举结果作废。

59、(7) to annul those administrative regulations, decisions or orders of the State Council that contravene the Constitution or other laws; ─── (七)撤销国务院制定的同宪法、法律相抵触的行政法规、决定和命令;

60、To annul or make void; invalidate. ─── 使废除或使无效;使作废。

61、It cannot fire women or unilaterally annul their labor contracts on the pretext of marriage, pregnancy, maternity leave or baby nursing. ─── 不得以结婚、怀孕、产假、哺乳等为由,辞退女职工或单方面解除劳动合同;

62、It has upon it a stain that technology cannot annul or override ─── 它带来的污点是科技无法清楚,不能撤消的。

63、A summary of the 2002 annul meeting of Chinese economic history associationand the international symposium of market grow and regional economic development ─── 中国经济史学会2002年年会暨市场发育与区域经济发展国际学术研讨会综述

64、Iranian media report that the government's Guardian Council will not annul the results of last week's election, in which an overwhelming victory was declared for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. ─── 伊朗媒体报导说,伊朗政府的宪监会不会把上周选举结果作废,在这次选举中艾哈迈迪内贾德总统被宣布大获全胜。

65、annul all outdated rules; cancel all outdated rules ─── 废除一切陈规

66、Don't you think such an annul turnover is rather conservative for a sole agent. ─── 你难道不觉得这样的年销售量对独家代理来说过于保守了么?

67、Will you indeed annul my judgment? Will you condemn Me so that you may be justified? ─── 8你岂真要废弃我所审断的?岂可定我有罪,好显自己为义么?

68、To alter or annul inappropriate orders, directives and regulations issued by the ministries or commissions; ─── (十三)改变或者撤销各部、各委员会发布的不适当的命令、指示和规章;

69、In western industries, executive option salary system has taken place of the traditional salary system of basic salary plus annul bonus. ─── 在西方企业界,经理股票期权薪酬制度已经逐渐取代了以基本工资和年度奖金为主体的传统薪酬制度。

70、Annul all old laws and decrees which restrict the people's patriotic movements and promulgate new, revolutionary laws and decrees. ─── 废除一切束缚人民爱国运动的旧法令,颁布革命的新法令。

71、And I say this: A covenant previously ratified by God, the law, having come four hundred and thirty years after, does not annul so as to make the promise of none effect. ─── 17而且我这样说,神预先所立定的约,不能被那四百三十年以后才有的律法废掉,以致使应许失效。

72、Pope Paschal II agreed to reinstate him in 1116, provided that he annul the marriage between Baldwin and Adelaide. ─── 1116年,罗马教皇帕斯夏二世同意阿努尔夫的复职,前提是他宣布废除阿德莱德和博杜安之间的婚姻。

73、The court may also annul what Mr Corral argues was a giveaway of radio spectrum and a provision that allows broadcasting licenses to be renewed more or less automatically. ─── 对于科洛尔先生的主张-此项修订案只是对无线电领域的特惠措施并且还是一个许可自动更新广播许可证的默认法案条款,法院可能同样会否认这种言论。

74、All China Association of the Patent Agents shall coordinate and participate in the annul examination of the patent agencies and the patent agents. ─── 中华全国专利代理人协会配合参与专利代理机构和专利代理人的年检。

75、annul a concession agreement ─── 中断租让合同

76、Annul the previously transmitted clearance. ─── 取消先前发给的许可。

77、For what if some disbelieved? Shall their unbelief annul the faithfulness of God? Jadi bagaimana, jika di antara mereka ada yang tidak setia, dapatkah ketidaksetiaan itu membatalkan kesetiaan Allah? ─── 即便有不信的,这有何妨?难道他们的不信,就废掉神的信么?

78、The our corporation manufacture produce is completely annul in the direction of the American marketplace , and is that the inflexible produce that export was for sale abroad is manufacture the business. ─── 我公司所生产的产品,全部销往美国市场,是家出口外销的机械产品制造企业。

79、"13)to revise or annul the inappropriate orders, directives and regulations issued by both central government and local governments at various levels; " ─── 13)改变或撤销各部、各委员会以及地方各级国家行政机关发布的不适当的命令、指示和规章;

80、The van, under such circumstances as annul inspection and maintenance, will be substituted by other vans with in good conditions. ─── 如果乙方提供的车辆需要年检、修保养或者出现司机方面的原因而导致不能为甲方提供服务时;乙方会及时提供其他车辆予以补偿。

81、If the Nanking Executive Yuan is unwilling to annul its own "resolution", this will only show that the reactionary Nanking Kuomintang government has no sincere desire to hold peace negotiations with the opposing side. ─── 如果南京行政院不愿意取消自己的“决议”,那就是表明南京国民党反动政府并无与其对方进行和平谈判的诚意。

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