apostate 发音
英: 美:
apostate 中文意思翻译
apostate 网络释义
adj. 变节的;脱党的;背教的n. 脱党者;变节者;叛教者
apostate 短语词组
1、apostate wars ─── 叛徒战争
2、apostate prophet name ─── 叛徒先知的名字
3、apostate only am i true ─── 只有叛徒我才是真的
4、apostate defector turncoat ─── 叛徒 ─── 叛逃者 ─── 叛徒
5、apostate d2 ─── 背道d2
6、apostate definition ─── 旁注定义
7、apostate devil pathfinder ─── 叛徒魔鬼探路者
8、apostate meaning ─── 背道而驰的意义
9、apostate crossword ─── 撇号填字游戏
10、apostate monk ─── 叛徒僧侣
11、Julian the Apostate ─── [网络] 尤利安;叛道者犹利安;叛教者尤里安
12、apostate mind ─── 叛逆的思想
13、apostate devil ─── 叛徒魔鬼
apostate 词性/词形变化,apostate变形
名词复数: apostasies |
apostate 相似词语短语
1、apostates ─── n.脱党者;变节者;叛教者;adj.变节的;脱党的;背教的
2、apostle ─── n.信徒,使徒;最初的传道者;n.(Apostle)人名;(英)阿波斯尔
3、apostatize ─── vi.变节,脱党;放弃信仰
4、apostolate ─── n.使徒的地位;罗马教皇的职位;倡导地位
5、apostatise ─── 变节
6、apostatic ─── adj.背信的;变节的;弃教的
7、aristate ─── adj.有刺的;有芒的
8、costate ─── adj.有肋骨的,具中脉的
9、apostasy ─── n.变节;脱党;背教
apostate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Why do you boast in your valleys? Your valley is flowing away, O apostate daughter, Who trusts in her treasures, saying, Who will come against me? ─── 4背道的女子阿,你倚靠自己的财宝,说,谁会来攻击我呢?你为何夸耀自己的山谷呢?你的山谷必如水流失。
2、In 1985 a leading opponent of the regime was hanged after a court declared him to be an apostate. ─── 1985年,一名主要的当局反对者在法庭宣判他为异端之后被处以绞刑。
3、The Panic Apostate gives unholy life and powers to the carcass of a rotting Pan. ─── 叛道潘神对一个腐烂的潘神尸体加以魔力,使其获得不洁的新生命。
4、0559 And said 3068 Yahweh 0000 to me, 6663 Has justified 5921 herself 4818 the apostate 3478 Israel 0989 more than treacherous 3063 Judah. ─── 你去向北方宣告说、耶和华说、背道的以色列阿、回来罢.我必不怒目看你们.因为我是慈爱的、我必不永远存怒.这是耶和华说的。
5、Who saith to the king : Thou art an apostate : who calleth rulers ungodly? ─── 他能称君王为歹徒,能称官吏为坏人。
6、How long will you wander here and there, O apostate daughter? For Jehovah has created a new thing in the earth: A female will encompass a mighty man. ─── 22背道的女子阿,你四处流离要到几时呢?耶和华在地上创作了一件新事,就是女子围护男子。
7、The first well-known apostate is probably Julian, the last pagan emperor of Rome. ─── 这一点既反映在东正教会的教义中,也反映在其组织方面。
8、The Jerusalem Post denounced him as an apostate. ─── 耶路撒冷邮报也批评他变节。
9、Julian The Apostate ─── 尤里安(约331-363),罗马皇帝。
10、I have written elsewhere about the prescribed penalty for apostasy and said that there is no penalty for the apostate. ─── 我曾在别的地方写过关于对叛教者的处罚,说过,对叛教者没有什么可以罚赎的。
11、Fernando Torres angered his followers by becoming an apostate and daring to say that he was moving somewhere else that might be bigger. ─── 费尔南多•托雷斯的叛变行为和“他将要去一家可能更大的俱乐部”的言论激怒了他的利物浦追随者。
12、"I don &apost know whether I am Turing dreaming that I am a machine, or a machine dreaming that I am Turing!" ─── “我不知道是图灵梦见自己变成机器还是机器梦见自己变成图灵。”
13、To the apostate He apportions our fields. ─── 他将我们的田地分给悖逆的人。
14、God sovereignly separated the more faithful tribe of Judah from the apostate northern tribes. ─── 在上帝的主宰下,祂把比较忠信的犹大国,与变节的北方诸族分开了。
15、I'm awfully glad you have made an apostate of me all the same! ─── 你虽然让我离经叛道,我还是一样地乐不可支!
16、Although the words of Jeremiah made no difference to the apostate people of Judah, he was still to speak them, and also write them down, as the Lord's Spirit inspired him. ─── 虽然耶利米所说的话对那些犹大变节的百姓产生不了影响,他仍然依照上帝的灵所默示他的,向他们传讲,并且写下来。
17、Because of this, the Chantry assigned it's military unit, the Templars, to hunt down apostate mages as well as watch over the Circle of Magi to quickly eliminate any demon possessions. ─── 正因为如此,教会指派它的军事单位,圣殿骑士,去猎杀背叛的法师并随时监视法师议会以期能快速的清除掉那些被恶魔控制的人。
18、The great apostate had succeeded in exalting himself "above all that is called God, or that is worshiped. ─── 这大背道者在高抬自己“超过一切称为神的,和一切受人敬拜的”事上,已经成功了。
19、The Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel called Cardinal Lustiger a betrayer of his people; the Jerusalem Post denounced him as an apostate. ─── 以色列的德系犹太拉比称他是他的人民的叛徒;耶路撒冷邮报也批评他变节。
20、If you&aposre looking for a fight, you don&apost have tolook far. ─── 如果你想找人打架的话,不用找太远。
21、D. 1517 which is the beginning of the Reformation.During this time, the apostate Christian Church killed and destroyed all people who dared to disagree with her. ─── 在这时期,背道的基督教会将所有胆敢和她对抗的人赶尽杀绝。
22、Go and proclaim these words to the north, and say, Return, O Israel the apostate, declares Jehovah; ─── 12你去向北方宣告这些话,说,耶和华说,背道的以色列阿,回来罢;
23、apostate n. ─── 叛教者;
24、They might claim to have peace (29:19) but this would not be lasting, for God is a jealous God and would not spare the apostate in His judgments. ─── 摩西警告犯罪之人不可自欺、骄傲,以为自己还有平安(29:19),那平安其实不会长久,因为上帝是忌邪的上帝,绝不会在审判中宽宥背叛的人。
25、Worst of all, the church, so largely apostate as it is, comes in to give a more furious force to the sifting process. ─── 更糟的是,教会中变节背道的层出不穷,使得动荡不安的局面,更是雪上加霜,变本加厉。
26、I long to alleviate the evil, but I can&apost , and I too suffer. ─── 我渴望能够减少邪恶,但是我无能为力,而且我自己也在忍受折磨。
27、Babylon is an apostate city frequently mentioned in the Old Testament. ─── 巴比伦是一个经常在旧约提到的背叛之城。
28、These authors add that the shrine was desecrated under Julian the Apostate (c.A.D. 362), the bones being partly burned. ─── 这些作者还补充说神殿在叛教者朱利安的手下被亵渎了(公元362年),支架已经部分地被烧毁。
29、And you don&apost know if it will be your last. ─── 你无从知道这是否是最后时刻。
30、Osama bin Laden rages that Islam is under sustained attack: any Muslim who "collaborates" with the West is an apostate. ─── 奥萨玛·本·拉登坚称伊斯兰正在遭受持续的攻击:任何和西方国家合作的穆斯林都是叛教者。
31、"We will carry on our jihad against the Western infidel and the Arab apostate until Islamic rule is back on earth," the voice said. ─── “我们将讨伐西方异教徒国家和阿拉伯世界的背叛者,直到伊斯兰的规则重新实施。”
32、The Panic Apostate gives unholy life and powers to the carcass of a rotting Dryad. ─── 叛道潘神对一个腐烂的树妖尸体加以魔力,使其获得不洁的新生命。
33、Both of these strategies were used extensively during the 1260 years by the apostate church. ─── 年的背道时期,这两种策略都被广泛使用过。
34、However according to Mr Mashai, it is only a matter of time before "certain people are calling Ahmadinejad an apostate. " ─── 不过,用马沙伊先生的话来说,离“某些人称内贾德为叛变者”只是时间问题。
35、support him but most call him an apostate or lament that he and his friends do not tackle issues such as poverty. ─── 他表示支持,但大部分人要么认为他是一个叛教者,要么对他及他的朋友不去关心贫困问题(而是在处理这些问题)表示痛心。
36、The prophets of God were hated by apostate Israel because through them their hidden sins were brought to light. ─── 上帝的众先知为悖逆的以色列所恨恶,因为众先知揭露了他们隐藏的罪恶。
37、Apost about him, he will be salaried by a big company. ─── 别为他担心,一家大公司会给。
38、Return, O apostate children; I will heal you of your apostasies. Now we come to You, For You are Jehovah our God. ─── 22背道的儿女阿,回来罢;我要医治你们背道的病。我们来到你这里,因你是耶和华我们的神。
39、He is an apostate from Christianity. ─── 他是一个基督教的背信者。
40、Summer is sultry. That& aposs the reason why I don& apost like it. ─── 夏天很闷热,这就是我不喜欢它的原因。
41、And Jehovah said to me, Israel the apostate has shown herself to be more righteous than Judah the treacherous. ─── 11耶和华对我说,背道的以色列,比奸诈的犹大还显为义。
42、The evildoers are proud, arrogant, insolent people, who may have been apostate Jews or Gentile foreigners. ─── 行恶的人都是骄傲的、凶暴的及粗野的人;他们也许是背叛上帝的犹太人,也许是外国人。
43、In His desire to see the apostate nation return to Him, God raised up Hezekiah to lead a revival. ─── 祂渴待变节的国家回转,所以兴起希西家领导复兴。
44、"What bin Laden ends up doing is saying anyone who disagrees with him, any Muslim, is in fact an apostate, " he said. ─── “本·拉登在节目最后声称,任何不赞同他的人,任何(不赞同他的)穆斯林,本质上都是叛教者,”埃斯波西托说。
45、The kingdom of Israel in the north was built upon an apostate religion centred in Bethel and Dan (1 Kings 12:26-33).This, together with the political greed for power, brought suffering to the people. ─── 北方以色列国的宗教中心,在伯特利和但(列王纪上12:26-33),这与政治上的贪婪一起,给人民带来了苦难。
46、Both of these strategies were used extensively during the 1260 years by the apostate church. ─── 在1260年的背道时期,这两种策略都被广泛使用过。
47、Return, O apostate children, declares Jehovah, for I am a Husband to you; and I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and will bring you to Zion. ─── 14耶和华说,背道的儿女阿,回来罢,因为我是你们的丈夫;并且我必将你们从一城取一人,从一族取两人,将你们带到锡安。
48、Now He is to bring judgment upon the wicked by taking the burning coals and scattering them over the apostate city that was ordained for punishment (10:2). ─── 以前祂在审断那些义人,现在祂的审判是针对那些背道的恶人,把炽烈的火炭撒在他们的城上(10:2)。
49、You think of marriage pessimistically. You don&apost think happy marriages exist anymore. ─── 你对婚姻持悲观态度.你不相信存在快乐的婚姻.
50、He hates the sins of the apostate, and asserts that they will have no influence on him. ─── 他非常恨恶背叛上帝的罪,同时,他也声称,他们影响不了他。
51、Another class are falling into line under the generalship of the first great apostate. ─── 很少人真心相信:我们确有一个地狱要逃避;确有一个天国要求得。
52、In 1985 a leading opponent of the regime was hanged after a court declared him to be an apostate. ─── 1985年,一名主要的当局反对者在法庭宣判他为异端之后被处以绞刑。
53、The Punishment of the Apostate According to Islamic Law ─── 根据伊斯兰教法对叛教者的刑罚
54、the Jerusalem Post denounced him as an apostate. ─── 耶路撒冷邮报也批评他变节。
55、It's like Prince Charles of Wales will become liken to King Ahab, and Pope Benedict will become as Jezebel over the false apostate one world religion. ─── 那就像威尔斯查理斯王子将会成为了亚哈王一样,而教宗本笃将会藉著假冒的、叛教的普世单一宗教变成像耶洗别一样。
56、Then Jehovah said to me in the days of Josiah the king, Have you seen what Israel the apostate has done? ─── 6约西亚王在位的日子,耶和华又对我说,背道的以色列所行的,你看见没有?
57、The Panic Apostate gives unholy life and powers to the carcass of a rotting Centaur. ─── 叛道潘神对一个腐烂的半人马尸体加以魔力,使其获得不洁的新生命。
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