gestural 发音
英: 美:
gestural 中文意思翻译
gestural 网络释义
adj. 手势的;示意动作的
gestural 短语词组
1、gestural tic ─── 手势抽搐
2、gestural drawing ─── 手势绘画
3、gestural navigation bar ─── 手势导航栏
4、gestural code ─── 手势编码
5、gestural abstract art ─── 手势抽象艺术
6、gestural language ─── 手势语
7、gestural abstraction ─── 手势抽象
8、gestural usage ─── 手势用法
9、gestural painting ─── 态势绘画
10、gestural communication ─── 手势交流
11、gestural asl ─── 手势asl
12、gestural app ─── 手势应用程序
13、gestural navigation ─── 手势导航
14、gestural prompt ─── 手势提示
15、gestural interface ─── 手势接口
gestural 词性/词形变化,gestural变形
形容词: gestural |动词过去式: gestured |动词现在分词: gesturing |动词第三人称单数: gestures |副词: gesturally |动词过去分词: gestured |名词: gesturer |
gestural 相似词语短语
1、gestured ─── n.姿态;手势;vi.作手势;用动作示意;vt.用动作表示
2、dentural ─── 假牙
3、gestical ─── 右移
4、cesural ─── 剖宫产
5、gesture ─── n.姿态;手势;vi.作手势;用动作示意;vt.用动作表示
6、gesturally ─── 手势地
7、gesturer ─── n.姿态;手势(gesture的变形)
8、vestural ─── 维斯特拉尔
9、gestures ─── n.手势,姿态(gesture的复数形式);v.作手势,作姿态(gesture的三单形式)
gestural 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、American artist known for her spontaneous, gestural approach to painting. She was a founder of the New York School of abstract expressionism. ─── 克拉斯纳,李1908-1984美国艺术家,以她自然、示意性的绘画方式而闻名。她是抽象表现主义纽约学派的一位创立者
2、Beyond in game actions, the new system can also be used to interact with the menus and other xbox applications with simple gestural motions. ─── 在游戏动作之外,新的系统也能让玩家只通过简单手势动作,就可以和菜单,以及其他的Xbox程序互动。
3、His loose, gestural works provide lyrical representations of states of ecstasy, harmony and contemplation while literally embodying the transformative energies of the universe. ─── 他的不羁,具意涵性的作品为狂喜、和谐、和沉思状态作出抒情表达,并具体呈现宇宙间变化的能量。
4、It mainly studies the gestural usage and symbolic usage of Chinese deictic words this and that. The statistic shows that deixis in situational context doesn't occur frequently. ─── 语料分析表明,“这”与“那”在语篇中直接指示的出现频率并不高,我们主要借鉴语用学指示研究中手势用法、象征用法理论,分析现代汉语中“这”与“那”类指代规律。
5、Eschewing the gestural brushstroke she teases and coaxes forms out of her inks and pigments which are poured and allowed to flow over the oriental rice paper which is her favoured ground. ─── 她还在墨西哥和印度工作过,那里家家设祭坛的传统从某种程度上赋予了她灵感。
6、This tradition was a secularization of an even older gestural tradition: the religious tradition of crossing oneself that still exists in the Roman and Orthodox Catholic churches. ─── 这个传统是一种更古老的手势动作世俗化发展的结果:即罗马和东正教的教廷里仍保留着的在胸口划十字发誓的宗教传统。
7、A gestural retreat. His step backwards. Means he doesn't believe a word he just said. He's lying. ─── 说话的时候向后退一步,表示不相信自己说的话,那就是在说谎。
8、However, children must experience language, either spoken or gestural, to develop grammar and a lexicon. ─── 路听听听听听听听听 Human language is innate means that language is biologically based.
9、The profoundly, prelingually deaf can and do acquire language; it's just gestural rather than verbal. ─── 失聪的人确实能够获取语言,但仅仅是通过手势,而不是言语。
10、This finding bolsters the so-called gestural theory of language evolution, whose proponents argue that language evolved initially as a gesture system before becoming vocal. ─── 这项发现支持了语言演化的肢体理论,提倡这理论的人认为语言最初是从动作系统开始,后来才发展出语音系统。
11、Elyn Zimmerman, in her sculpture Marabar, takes this same gestural notion and makes a space, the water, into the gesture that cuts through the rocks. ─── 艾琳.季玛曼(ElynZimmerman)的雕塑作品Marabar同样地取用了这种架势的想法。她以空间与水形成的架势切过一组岩石。
12、Ideogramic ApS is a development house that specializes in gestural digitization and collaboration. ─── Ideogramic ApS是一家专业从事手势数字化(gestural digitization)和协作开发公司。
13、Stokoe had been taught a sort of gestural code, each movement of the hands representing a word in English. ─── 斯托克学过一种手势密码,每一个手势代表一个英语单词。
14、When applications do not implement buttons, device functions, and non-obvious gestural interactions consistently, this increases the learnability problem. ─── 城市创造出了许多独特的空间,因此人们便会创造、逃避抑或寻觅空间。
15、'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. ─── “第六感”是一个可佩戴的姿态交互系统,将用户周围的事物,与互联网无缝连接在一起,用户可以通过自然手势与电子设备进行输入输出交互。
16、gestural echopraxia ─── 姿势性模仿动作
17、Meanwhile, by using real data in our corpus, we attempt to investigate the gestural and symbolic usage of this and that in situational context and anaphora and cataphora in linguistic context. ─── 同时以大量真实文本为语料,详细探讨“这”、“那”指代词在情景语境中的手势和非手势指示、上下文语境中回指、预指等现象的规律或倾向性规律。
18、Taking over will be so called gestural computer mechanisms like touch screens and facial recognition devices. ─── 终结鼠标生涯的将是触摸屏一样的手势识别电脑和表情识别设备。
19、Both buried their dead; both used stone tools; and as social apes, both had some form of communication, which some think was gestural. ─── 均葬于此;无论是用石器;以及社会猿猴,双方都有某种形式的沟通,其中有些是觉得天旋地转。
20、They are not axial or bilaterally symmetric and they are not handled in classical manner, but they are doing the same gestural work as in Vaux. ─── 它们并非古典式的轴线对称,但它们的作用一如维康府邸(Vaux-le-Vicomte)的视轴。
21、Of course these gestural elements are organized by and include both time and pitch, so it is intuitively destructive to consider them separately. ─── 当然这些表现出来的元素是借由时间和音高组织起来和包含在内的,所以直觉上是不可能把它们分开来考量。
22、As an american artist known for her spontaneous,gestural approach to painting. She was a founder of the New York School of abstract expressionism. ─── 作为美国艺术家,以她自然、示意性的绘画方式而闻名。她是抽象表现主义纽约学派的一位创立者。
23、Keywords gesture;Articulatory Phonology;Optimality Theory;er-suffixation constraints;gestural coordination;gestural alignment; ─── 音姿;发音音系学;优选论;儿化韵制约条件;音姿协调;音姿同界;
24、For Poul Nielsen the gestural mark is based more comprehensively in a personal exploration of western expressive abstraction. ─── 对保罗而言这样的艺术更多是基于他个人对西方表现抽象的理解与探索。
25、The persuasion is usually oral and gestural, with the ghost kowtowing, begging, and wheedling. ─── 劝服通常是言说或鬼磕头、乞求、哄骗等体态的方式。
26、gestural language ─── 手势语
27、Both buried their dead; both used stone tools; and as social apes, both had some form of communication, which some think was gestural. ─── 均葬于此;无论是用石器;以及社会猿猴,双方都有某种形式的沟通,其中有些是觉得天旋地转。
28、A gestural retreat. What's that? His step backwards. Means he doesn't believe a word he just said. He's lying. ─── 倒退一步、交叉双臂是一种“撤退的姿势”,表示此人对自己所说的话毫无信心。
29、These provide good visual feedback, allow users to adjust multiple parameters from a single control, and support more expressive gestural user interactions. ─── 它们具有很好的视觉反馈,允许在一个控件中调节多个参数,并支持更具表现力的用户界面。
30、Prosody. Models of Speech Planning; Evidence from Speech Errors. Modification of Features and Acoustic Properties in Fluent Speech; Gestural Overlap, Reduction, Enhancement. ─── 18韵律学。语言规划模型。语言错误的实证。特征系数的改变和流畅语言中的声学特性。姿态的重叠、简化和加强。
31、Participants use gestural interaction to generate a reciprocal adaptive process in which a colony of autonomous digital creatures visually and sonically adapt to the evolving interaction. ─── 参与者使用手势,互动产生交互适应程序,在其中,一群自主数位工具在视听上会适应此相关的互动。
32、The gestural mark of these artists convey with strength and directness an internalized sensation of physical being and physical experience,towards all three ends. ─── 他们的作品直接、有力地展示了他们对此三点的内在感知和创作经历。
33、2、the study of gestural communication; art like gesture is a form of nonverbal expression. ─── 手势语研究;类似于手势的艺术是一种非语言的表达形式。
34、gestural usage ─── 手势型用法
35、"What I have learnt is that gorillas have their own gestural system, that I was simply building on," Patterson explains. "It's instinctive for them to gesture, just as it is for us. ─── 佩特森解释说:“从科科身上我了解到,大猩猩有自己的手势体系,我只是以此为基础开展研究它们有做手势的本能,就像人类一样。
36、The gestural dynamics of the painted surface energize and transform the 'true-to-life' photographic image, giving it a mysterious dimension. ─── 绘画表面肌理的动感令“逼真”的摄影图像充满活力,令其演变并拥有一种神秘的尺度。
37、For Poul Nielsen the gestural mark is based more comprehensively in a personal exploration of western expressive abstraction. ─── 对保罗而言这样的艺术更多是基于他个人对西方表现抽象的理解与探索。
38、Examples of emulation learning are well-documented among primates. Notable examples include Japanese macaque potato washing, Chimpanzee tool use, and Chimpanzee gestural communication. ─── 在灵长目动物中,竞争学习的例子得到了充分的证实。其中,一些突出的例子包括以下几种情况:日本猕猴洗土豆,黑猩猩使用工具,以及黑猩猩用手势进行交流。
39、My work is analytical, not gestural. ─── 我的作品是解析的,而非故事性的。
40、A gestural retreat. What's that? His step backwards. Means he doesn't believe a word he just said. He's lying. ─── 倒退一步、交叉双臂是一种“撤退的姿势”,表示此人对自己所说的话毫无信心。
41、Scientists also showed that this type of gestural communication is used between chimps, and not just when they were trying to communicate with humans. ─── 科学 家们还发现,黑猩猩之间也使用这种肢体语言进行交流,而不仅仅局限于它们和人的交流。
42、The gestural dynamics of the painted surface energize and transform the ‘true-to-life’ photographic image, giving it a mysterious dimension. ─── 绘画表面肌理的动感令“逼真”的摄影图像充满活力,令其演变并拥有一种神秘的尺度。
43、A survey of demonstrative interjections in a number of Chinese dialects reveals that they have two main kinds of use: gestural and symbolic. ─── 本文考察了各地方言的指示叹词,发现它们都有两种主要的用法:手势用法(或现场用法)和象征用法(或非现场用法)。
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