conspires 发音
英:[kənˈspaɪər] 美:[kənˈspaɪə(r)]
英: 美:
conspires 中文意思翻译
conspires 词性/词形变化,conspires变形
conspires 短语词组
1、conspires definition ─── 合谋定义
2、conspires thesaurus ─── 合谋词库
3、conspires plans ─── 密谋
4、conspires crossword clue ─── 串谋纵横字谜线索
5、conspires meaning ─── 共谋意义
6、conspires means ─── 合谋手段
7、conspires crossword ─── 密谋填字游戏
conspires 相似词语短语
1、conspirants ─── 阴谋家
2、conspire ─── vi.共谋;协力;vt.[法]密谋策划
3、conspired ─── vi.共谋;协力;vt.[法]密谋策划
4、conscribes ─── v.征召入伍;限制,限定
5、inspires ─── 激励;赋予灵感(inspire的第三人称单数)
6、conspiracies ─── 密谋(conspiracy的名词复数)
7、conspirer ─── 策划阴谋者
8、acrospires ─── 初生茎;初生叶
9、conspues ─── vt.唾弃;吵吵嚷嚷地反对
conspires 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、As such, Gru eventually conspires to steal no less than the moon using a stolen device that's capable of shrinking objects to pocket size. ─── 就这样,格鲁最终阴谋策划要偷走的原来是月亮。他准备使用一件偷来的设备,这一设备能将物品缩小至衣服口袋大小。
2、The mystical organization syndicate, conspires to harass the social order. ─── 神秘组织辛迪加,密谋扰乱社会治安。
3、When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it. ─── 当你想做成一件事,整个世界都会帮你去实现。
4、when you really want something,all the universe conspires(策划) in helping you to achieve it. ─── 当你真正渴求某些东西时,整个世界都计划着帮助你达到目标。
5、Founds “the development to have the strength diligently, the harmony has the charm” the first-class troop, cooperates wholeheartedly with the community, conspires the development. ─── 努力创建“发展有实力,和谐有魅力”的一流队伍,与社会各界竭诚合作,共谋发展。
6、Once you make a decision,the universe conspires to make it happen. ─── 只要你下定决心,宇宙万物都会来帮助你。
7、Everything conspires against a government's being able to protect its people against disasters, whether natural or man-made. ─── 一切条件都与政府作对,使其无法保护人们免受天灾人祸的侵袭。
8、Whenever we are doing something that fills us with enthusiasm we are following our legend.When you really want something, the whole world conspires to help you. ─── 我想寥寥几个字在他心里一定有着举足轻重的地位,才能造就如此出色和执着的人,虽然简单却备显分量,其实闲暇之时想想,我也感触良深。。。。。。
9、Righteous and nationalist martial artist Hung Hei-kwun has always idolized his hero, the mysterious "Red Dragon" leader of the Sun Moon Sect who conspires against the Ching Dynasly. ─── 官与好友高进忠常抱打不平,因决斗而与童千斤结成兄弟。忠与清大将之女相爱,惜遭穆亲王的义子硕托所阻。官与日月会舵主严湛之女咏春一见钟情,惜春早已有未婚夫江锦纶。
10、The development “asked that counts basic unit one, conspires the transportation development” and “the transportation spanning develops everybody to discuss” the activity. ─── 开展“问计基层一线,共谋交通发展”和“交通跨越发展大家谈”活动。
11、In collaboration of science and technology, bilateral advantage is complementary, the interest is shared, development conspires. ─── 在近两年的科技合作中,双方优势互补,利益共享,发展共谋。
12、Overall, then, schizophrenia conspires to rob people of the very qualities they need to thrive in society: personality, social skills and wit. ─── 总的来说,一个人想要在社会上出人头地所必备的一些特质,好比个性、社交才能以及机智等,都让精神分裂症给夺去了。
13、ChaoFa stainless steel product Limited company zealous welcome domestic new old customer, the honored guest to come the person incoming letter, the discussion service, conspires the development. ─── 朝发不锈钢制品有限公司热忱欢迎国内新老客户、嘉宾来人来函,洽谈业务,共谋发展。
14、When you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you finish it. ─── 当你真心渴望一件东西的时候,整个宇宙都会联合起来帮你完成它。
15、Having experienced the warmth of the human spirit firsthand, they certainly agree with the words of novelist Paulo Coelho: “When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it. ─── 林姬莹与江秋萍十分感激台湾朋友给予她们的财力支援,和那些一路上帮助她们的人。
16、When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. ─── 只要你坚持,永不放弃,你就一定能实现自己的梦想。
17、You speak as if all Sparta conspires against you. ─── 你说得好像整个斯巴达在共谋对抗你。
18、No need to worry though, nature often conspires to project images of the eclipse so that stylish and appropriate patterns adorn many visible surfaces - including clothing - at just the right time. ─── 其实这都是白操心的,因为大自然通常自有想法,迳自以最合宜日食图样来妆点许多表面,如果时间点恰好的话,甚至包括身上穿着的衣物。
19、"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." ─── "当你渴望得到某种东西时,整个宇宙都会协力使你实现自己的愿望。"
20、After she refuses to compromise, or tempers her attitude, Brenda's team conspires behind her back and seals her fate, surprising everyone - especially Brenda. ─── 投诉信内另藏玄机,办公室内政治风起云涌,同僚暗中出手令她大感意外。
21、the universe conspires to make it happen. ─── 宇宙万物都会来帮助你。
22、Meanwhile, rival faction in organization conspires to remove Bong-man and his right-hand man, "Ax", decides to take matters into his own hands. ─── 其后姬青得知峰万患了绝症,且发觉他是真心痛爱儿子,于是让峰邱跟他一起生活,开开心心渡过馀生。
23、And life conspires to make you sad. ─── 生活让你感到伤心。不要失去你的自尊。
24、When you really want something, the whole world conspires with me to help you. ─── 如果你们真的希望事情发生,整个宇宙都站在我这边,作为你的同谋,我希望你们的希望成真。
25、No heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams. When you truly want something, whole the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. ─── 没有一颗心会因为追求梦想而受伤。当你真心想要某样东西时,整个宇宙都会联合起来帮助你完成。
26、The phone doesn't ring, and the rest of the world hides and conspires to pretend that everyone's baking cookies or watching the game on TV. ─── 没有电话铃声,世界上其他的人都藏了起来,就好像每个人都在忙着烘烤饼干或者观看电视上的比赛。
27、Alas, my liege, my wife is dead to-night; grief of my son's exile hath stopp'd her breath: what further woe conspires against mine age? ─── 唉!殿下,我的妻子因为悲伤小儿的远逐,已经在昨天晚上去世了;还有什么祸事要来跟我这老头子作对呢?
28、When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. ─── 只要你坚持,永不放弃,你就一定能实现自己的梦想。
29、The birds with their plumage and their notes are in harmony with the flowers, but what youth or maiden conspires with the wild luxuriant beauty of Nature? ─── 鸟儿连同它们的羽毛和乐音,是和花朵谐和的,可是有哪个少年或少女,是同大自然的粗旷华丽的美协调的呢?
30、This company invites the domestic and foreign users to visit the company to inspect and the instruction,conspires the cooperation and the development,common creation more glorious future. ─── 本公司诚邀国内外用户莅临公司考察、指导,共谋合作、发展,共创更加美好的未来!
31、Whoever conspires with the person mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs to engage in embezzlement shall be regarded as joint offenders in the crime and punished as such. ─── 与前两款所列人员勾结,伙同贪污的,以共犯论处。
32、The Spring Festival Gala Evening conspires with TV program to function as symbol and standard. ─── 春晚与电视之间存在着共谋,并发挥诸种象征和规范功能。
33、Subject who conspires with a state functionary to engage accepting bribery should be regarded as joint offender in accepting bribes. ─── 建议通过立法对非国家工作人员构成受贿罪共犯进行明确,以避免不必要的误解。
34、When she really wants something, the whole world conspires to help her. ─── 如果她真的希望事情发生,整个宇宙都站在她那边,作为她的同谋,让她的希望成真。
35、Sometimes this world conspires to oppose the conversation. ─── 有时这个世界密谋反对交谈。
37、But then, when he eats the Madeleine that reminds him of Aunt Leonie, and the scent of the tea conspires with the texture of the napkin, the memory returns to haunt him, like a ghost. ─── 但之后,当他吃了玛德琳饼乾,让他想起丽天妮姨妈,以及茶的芳香同著纸巾的质感,这段重回的记忆,似鬼魂,萦绕著他。
38、Alas, my liege, my wife is dead to-night; grief of my son's exile hath stopp'd her breath: what further woe conspires against mine age? ─── 唉!殿下,我的妻子因为悲伤小儿的远逐,已经在昨天晚上去世了;还有什么祸事要来跟我这老头子作对呢?
39、When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it." ─── 这种积极,帮助纯真的心去追求梦想啊!
40、Because he acts from inner certainty, the whole world conspires to see that his efforts are rewarded. ─── 因为他是发自内心的努力,所以整个世界都在帮助他使他的努力得到回报。
41、Your world is as big as you make it.High achievement always takes place under the framework of high expectation.Once you make a decision,the universe conspires to make it happen. ─── 你的世界的大小是由你决定的;伟大的成就源于崇高的理想;只要你下定决心,宇宙万物都会来帮助你。
42、You speak as if all Sparta conspires against you. ─── 你说得好像整个斯巴达在共谋对抗你。
43、is to say, a field of omnipresent, inhuman intelligence that conspires impishly against him. ─── 也就是说,一种无所不在的非人性智力的领域顽皮地共同与他作对。
44、When you really want something, the whole world conspires to help you. ─── 如果你真的希望事情发生,整个宇宙都站在你这边,作为你的同谋,让你的希望成真。
I would like to meet a warmyou wander.
If you do not leave, I will in life and death.
I don't want to leave the way Teach you how to cherish。
If one day you lost me, I ll never let you find me.
A lot of people, once missed is a stranger.
Lost in not come back,come back not perfect.
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