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08-30 投稿


sequence 发音

英:[ˈsiːkwəns]  美:[ˈsiːkwəns]

英:  美:

sequence 中文意思翻译




sequence 词性/词形变化,sequence变形


sequence 常用词组

in sequence ─── 依次,逐一

time sequence ─── 时间顺序

sequence analysis ─── 序列分析

sequence 短语词组

1、assemble sequence ─── [经] 装配顺序

2、abort sequence ─── [计] 异常终止序列

3、any-sequence queue ─── [计] 任意序列队列

4、alphabet sequence ─── [计] 按字母顺序

5、arrange in chronological sequence ─── 按年代顺序排列

6、activity sequence ─── [计] 活动序列

7、action-sequence ─── 操作顺序 动作顺序

8、address sequence ─── [计] 地址序列

9、actual sequence ─── [计] 实在序列, 实际序列

10、argument sequence ─── [计] 变元序列

11、accepted sequence ─── [计] 接受序列

12、arbitrary sequence computer ─── [计] 任意顺序计算机

13、autocovariance sequence ─── [计] 自协方差序列

14、a sequence of ─── 一个…的序列, ─── 一系列…

15、adaptive control sequence ─── [计] 自适应控制序列

16、adsorbability sequence ─── [化] 吸附能力序列

17、action sequence diagram ─── [计] 作用顺序图, 动作顺序图

18、admissible sequence ─── [计] 容许序列

19、boot sequence ─── 启动顺序;引导顺序

sequence 同义词

categorization | episode | run | continuation | structure | cycle | continuance | progression | line | movement | arrangement | chronological sequence | successiveness | procession | row | system | order | string | succession | train | classification | chain |series

sequence 反义词


sequence 习惯用语

1、in sequence ─── 顺次, 挨次

2、in regular sequence ─── 按次序, 有条不紊地

3、in rapid sequence ─── 紧接着, 一个接着一个

4、the sequence of events ─── 事情的先后顺序

sequence 特殊用法

1、maximizing sequence ─── 极大化序列

2、learning sequence ─── 学习顺序

3、recursive sequence ─── 递归顺序, 循环顺序

4、weighting sequence ─── 称序

5、hypermajorized null sequence ─── 超优化零序列

6、sequenceof nonoverlapping intervals ─── 互不相交的区间序列

7、fabrication sequence ─── 制造程序

8、repetitive sequence ─── 重复顺序

9、negative sequence ─── 逆序

10、isodiapheric [decay] sequence ─── 等超额中子核素(衰变)序

11、colour sampling sequence ─── 彩色取样顺序

12、number sequence ─── 数序, 数列

13、distinctive sequence of transformation ─── 互异转换序列

14、sequence of real-valued functions ─── 实值函数序列

15、linear recurring sequence ─── 线性递归序列

16、base sequence ─── 碱基顺序

17、Cauchy sequence ─── 【数】柯西序列

18、spectral sequence ─── 谱序列

19、equivalent sequences of functions ─── 等价函数序列

20、opposite sequence ─── 逆顺序

21、delayed sequence ─── 延迟序列

22、distinguishing sequence ─── 判[识]别序列

23、relay sequence ─── 继电器序列

24、nested sequence of intervals ─── 区间套序列

25、backstep sequence ─── 【冶】分段后向法

26、sequence of graded submodules ─── 分次子模序列

27、linear (recurrent) sequence ─── 线性(循环)序列

28、palindromic sequence ─── 回文顺序

29、maximum-length sequence ─── 最长序列

30、substitution sequence ─── (语音)替代序列

31、regular spectral sequence ─── 正则谱序列

32、null sequence ─── 零序列

33、complete positive [negative] information sequence ─── 完整正[负]信息序列

34、isoelectronic sequence ─── 等电子数序

35、encoder sequence ─── 编码程序

36、predetermined sequence ─── 预置序列

37、decimal sequence ─── 十进序列

38、double sequence ─── 二重序列

39、branched metabolic sequences ─── 分支代谢程序

40、random number sequence ─── 随机数(系)列

41、moment sequence ─── 矩量序列

42、quadratic congruential sequence ─── 二次同余序列

43、sequence of quotient group ─── 商群序列

44、sequence of signals ─── 信号机顺序

45、intonation sequence ─── 语调序列

46、faulty sequence ─── 错误程序

47、coded sequence ─── 编码序列

48、automaticsequence ─── (操作过程的)自动顺序,自动程序

49、inverted sequence ─── 逆序, 反序

50、bit sequence ─── 位序

51、quasi-random sequence of numbers ─── 拟随机数的序列

52、line sequence ─── 行(顺)序

53、weighted maximum sequence ─── 加权极大序列

54、sequence of cross cuts ─── 截线序列

55、burst sequence ─── 色同步信号顺序

56、order convergent sequence ─── 有序收敛序列

57、composition sequence ─── 合成序列

58、hypercentral sequence ─── 超中心序列

59、derived sequence ─── 导出序列

60、sequence of tenses ─── 时态的呼应 ─── 时序

61、block sequence ─── 分段多层焊, 叠置次序

62、job sequence ─── 加工(指令)序列, 加工[作业]顺序

63、uniformly convergent sequence ─── 一致收敛序列

64、processing sequence ─── 处理顺序

65、railroad rolling sequence ─── 钢轨轧制系统

66、efficient sequence ─── 有效顺序

67、adjusted homology sequence ─── 调节同调序列

68、isotactic sequence ─── 全同(立构)序列

69、scanning sequence ─── 扫描顺序

70、complementary base sequence ─── 互补碱基序列

71、plating sequence ─── 【刷】装版顺序

72、decreasing sequence of partitions ─── 递减的分割序列

73、sequence of compact operators ─── 紧算子序列

74、causal sequence ─── 因果关系

75、truncating sequence ─── (斜)截序列

76、pseudo-random number sequence ─── 伪随机序列[顺序]

77、testing sequence ─── 试验顺序, 测验程序, 检定步骤

78、positive definite sequence ─── 正定序列

79、nondecreasing sequence ─── 非减序列

80、step sequence ─── 步进顺序

81、editing colour sequences ─── 编辑彩色顺序

82、forecasting sequence ─── 预测顺序

83、convergence sequence ─── 【数】收敛序列

84、distinguished sequence ─── 特异序列

85、band sequence ─── 谱带序

86、elaborative sequence ─── 分解顺序

87、control sequence ─── 控制序列

88、pointwise convergent sequence ─── 点态收敛序列

89、cropping sequence ─── 作物轮种次序

90、paleoclimatic sequence ─── 【地质】古气候序列

91、bound symbol sequence ─── 连续符号顺序

92、sequence of cars ─── 车辆(在列车上或在编组线上的)顺序

93、main program sequence ─── 主要程序步骤

94、choice sequence ─── 选择序列

95、periodic sequence ─── 周期序列

96、control rod withdrawal sequence ─── 提(控制)棒顺序

97、logic sequence ─── 逻辑顺序[程序]

98、essentially periodic sequence ─── 殆周期序列

99、auto-regressive sequences ─── 自回归序列

100、sequence of excavation ─── 开挖顺序

101、zero phase sequence ─── 零相序

102、paragenetic sequence ─── 【矿】共生次序

103、octual sequence ─── 八进制系列

104、phase sequence ─── 相位序列, 相序

105、ordered sequence ─── 有序序列

106、eluting sequence ─── 洗脱顺序

107、zero sequence ─── 零序

108、invalid sequence ─── 无效顺序, 不合理顺序

109、prediction sequence ─── 预报序列

110、measuring sequence ─── 测量顺序

111、normal forging sequence ─── 正常锻造程序

112、normal sequence ─── 正规序列

113、finite sequence ─── 有限序列

114、sector sequence ─── 区段序列

115、grammatical sequence ─── 语法序列

116、fundamental sequence ─── 【数】基本序列

117、experimental sequence ─── 试验程序

118、convex sequence ─── 凸序列

119、exact sequence ─── 【数】恰当系列

120、properly divergent sequence ─── 正常发散序列

121、completely monotonic sequence ─── 完全单调序列

122、induced sequence ─── 诱导序列

123、normal stationary sequence ─── 正态平稳序列

124、sequence of normed spaces ─── 赋范空间序列

125、bounded sequence of lattices ─── 有界格序列

126、backstep welding sequence ─── 分段退焊次序

127、recognition sequence ─── 识别顺序

128、totally monotone sequence ─── 完全单调序列

129、impulse sequence ─── 脉冲序列

130、sequence of prior distributions ─── 先验分布序列

131、sequence of character data ─── 字母数据序列

132、exact cohomology sequence ─── 正合上同调序列

133、missile operational sequence ─── 导弹飞行阶段

134、free steering sequence ─── 自由执行序列

135、basic sequence ─── 基序列

136、contactor sequence ─── 接触器接触次序

137、sequence of current ─── 【海】潮流顺序

138、flag sequence ─── 标志顺序

139、joint buildup sequence ─── 【冶】焊道熔敷顺序

140、nitrogen sequence ─── 【天】氮星序

141、north polar sequence ─── 【天】北极星序

142、training sequence ─── 训练序列

143、oscillating sequence ─── 振动序列, 振荡级数

144、concave sequence ─── 凹序列

145、branch sequence ─── 长转移顺序

146、power transmission sequence ─── 传送线, 送电线路; 传动机构的动力传动系统

147、sequence of subsets ─── 子集序列

148、retroaction sequence ─── 制动顺序

149、wandering (welding) sequence ─── 跳焊法, 无序焊接法, 游荡焊接工序

150、syndiotactic sequence ─── 间同(立构)序列

151、pitch sequence ─── 音高序列

152、divergent sequence ─── 发散序列

153、sequence of partitions ─── 分割序列

154、stochastic sequence ─── 随机序列

155、arbitrary sequence ─── 任意序列

156、pre-main sequence ─── 主序前

157、cascade sequence ─── 【冶】串级迭置法; 串列顺序

158、pure exact sequence ─── 纯正合序列

159、fundamental sequence of cross cuts ─── 基本割线序列

160、decreasing sequence of sets ─── 递减的集序列

161、factor sequence ─── 商序列

162、diagonal sequence ─── 对角序列

163、wandering block sequence ─── 电弧飘移多层焊次序

164、instruction sequence ─── 指令序列; 控制序列; 教学程序

165、proper sequence ─── 固有顺序

166、stacking sequence ─── (晶面的)堆积规律[顺序]

167、command sequence ─── 指令序列

168、digital pulse sequence ─── 数字脉冲序列

169、operation(al) sequence ─── 操作[动作]程序, 工序

170、physical sequence ─── 因果关系

171、hinterland sequence ─── 内陆序列

172、main sequence ─── 主要序列;【天】主星序

173、clock run-in sequence ─── 时钟脉冲跑进顺序

174、sequence of distribution ─── 广义函数序列

175、gear wheel sequence ─── 齿轮排列次序

176、sequence of potentials ─── 位势序列

177、calling sequence ─── 引入序列; 呼叫[调用]序列

178、zigzag sequence ─── 锯齿形序列

179、production sequence ─── 生产程序

180、fuel sequence ─── 推进剂组分输送程序

181、difference sequence ─── 差数序列

182、exact sequence ofchaincomplex ─── 链复形的正合序列

183、sequence of posting ─── 过帐顺序

184、Barker sequence ─── 巴克序列

185、sinusoidal sequence ─── 正弦序列

186、feasible sequence ─── 可行序列

187、continuous colour sequence ─── 连续彩色发送序列

188、collating sequence ─── 排序序列, 核对序列

189、deposition sequence ─── 熔敷顺序, 沉积层序

190、sequence of tide ─── 【海】潮汐顺序

191、longitudinal sequence ─── 纵向焊接顺序

192、mineral sequence ─── 【矿】共生次序

193、associated sequence of coefficient functionals ─── 系数泛函的连带序列

194、sequence of intervals ─── 区间序列

195、forward sequence ─── 正向顺序

196、field sequence ─── 场(顺)序

197、quasiconvex sequence ─── 拟凸序列

198、pass sequence ─── 焊道程序

199、program sequence ─── 程序次序

200、built-up sequence ─── 组合[组装]顺序

201、polar sequence ─── 【天】近极星序

202、progressive block sequence ─── 分段多层焊工序

203、connected sequence ─── 连通序列

204、orderly sequence ─── 有条不紊

205、absolutely summable sequence ─── 绝对可和序列

206、unit sequence ─── 单位顺序

207、partitioned phonemesequence ─── 分解的音位[音素]系列

208、welding sequence ─── 焊接顺序

209、denumerable sequence ─── 可数序列

210、accelerating contactor sequence ─── 加速接触器程序

211、additive sequence ─── 可加序列

212、pseudorandom binary sequence ─── 伪随机二进序列

213、disjoint sequences ─── 不相交的序列

214、oscillating colour sequence ─── 周期变化彩色序列

215、infinite sequence ─── 无限[无穷]序列

216、fetch sequence ─── 取出序列(指令)

217、approximating sequence ─── 近似序列

218、teaching sequence ─── 教学顺序

219、ascending sequence ─── 递升序列[顺序]

220、multiple sequence ─── 多重序列

221、binary periodic sequence ─── 二元周期序列

222、nucleotide sequence ─── 核苷酸序列

223、sequence of simplex ─── 单形序列

224、cascade welding sequence ─── (多层焊的)串级迭置法

225、sequence of construction ─── 施工顺序

226、carbon sequence ─── 【天】碳星序

227、decay sequence ─── 衰变序列, 放射系

228、erection sequence ─── 安装程序

229、random sequence ─── 随机时序[序列]

230、sequence of switches ─── 开关投入程序

231、empty sequence ─── 空序列

232、Harvard-Draper sequence ─── 【天】哈佛-德雷伯恒星光谱序

233、compatible normal sequence ─── 相容正规序列

234、exact homology sequence ─── 正合(下)同调序列

235、assemble sequence ─── 装配顺序

236、harmonic sequence ─── 谐序, 调和序列

237、independent sequence of partitions ─── 无关的分割序列

238、mission sequence ─── 任务次序

239、negative phase sequence ─── 反相序

240、sequence of trains to be humped ─── 列车上峰顺序

241、preset sequence ─── 给定[预定]程序

242、transmission sequence ─── 播送[传送]顺序

243、escape sequence ─── 换码顺序

244、bounded sequence ─── 有界序列

245、encounter sequence ─── 相互作用(指令)序列

246、admissible sequence ─── 容许序列

247、zero age (main) sequence ─── 零龄(主)星序

248、congruential sequence ─── 同余[叠合]序列

249、data sequence ─── 数据序列

250、monotonically increasing [decreasing] sequence ─── 单调递增[递减]序列

251、charging sequence ─── 加料顺序

252、homology exact sequence ─── (下)同调正合序列

253、convergent sequence of numbers ─── 收敛数列

254、homotopy exact sequence ─── 同伦正合序列

255、polling sequence ─── 查询顺序

256、backward sequence ─── 逆序(矢量)

257、majorizing sequence ─── 优化序列

258、interlace sequence ─── 隔行顺序, 场顺序

259、nil sequence ─── 零序列

260、shift register sequence ─── 移位寄存器序列

261、exact sequence of morphisms ─── 射的正合序列

262、cohomology exact sequence ─── 上同调正合序列

263、dot sequence ─── 点顺序

264、time sequence ─── 时序

265、connected sequence of functors ─── 函子的连通序列

266、sequence of play ─── 连续交锋过程

267、launch sequence ─── 发射次序

268、sequence of serving ─── 发球顺序

269、absorbability sequence ─── 吸附能力序列

270、display sequence ─── 显示程序

271、quasi-regular sequence ─── 拟正则序列

272、error sequence ─── 误差序列

273、sequence of neighbourhoods ─── 邻域序列

274、starting sequence ─── 起动程序

275、reversing colour sequence ─── 彩色信号反向顺序, 变换彩色相序

276、plain sequence ─── 顺序

277、bounded real sequence ─── 有界实数序列

278、increasing sequence ─── (递)增序列

279、monotone sequence of number ─── 单调数列

280、weakly convergent sequence ─── 弱收敛序列

sequence 相似词语短语

1、sequencers ─── n.音序器

2、sequenced ─── [数][计]序列

3、sequences ─── n.[数][计]序列,顺序;继起的事(sequence的复数形式)

4、sequelae ─── n.后遗症;并发症(sequela的复数)

5、sentence ─── n.[语][计]句子,命题;宣判,判决;vt.判决,宣判

6、sequencies ─── n.顺序

7、frequence ─── n.频率,频繁;频数

8、sequencer ─── n.音序器

9、sequency ─── n.顺序

sequence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For eg. If you were to set the Incoming Number as 543, then any incoming call that would contain this sequence would get auto-answered. ─── 为举例来说如果你要设定收入数字当做543,然后任何的收入会包含这序列的呼叫会汽车回答。

2、One, or a sequence of, input states. ─── 一个或一序列的输入状态。

3、The backup call is out of sequence. ─── 备份调用顺序不对。

4、To a large degree, the return sequence of an XQuery function depends exclusively on the parameters with which you call it. ─── 在很大程度上,一个XQuery函数的返回序列只取决于调用该函数时使用的参数。

5、The sequence number of the transaction. ─── 事务的序列号。

6、Decodes a sequence of bytes into a string. ─── 将一个字节序列解码为一个字符串。

7、Put the mixed historical facts in sequence. ─── 将混淆的历史事件按顺序排列。

8、A sequence of stored data or programs awaiting processing. ─── 一系列等待处理的储存数据或程序

9、You have to read the book in a certain sequence, rather like a sentence itself. ─── 你必须按照一定的顺序来读这本书,就像读一个句子一样。

10、The two loci all have sequence heterogeneity. ─── 两基因座均存在序列异质性。

11、Displays intervals above the sequence line. ─── 在序列链上方显示区间。

12、Block A sequence of bits of fixed length. ─── 定长的块A位序列。

13、Can be used to indicate a sequence of events. ─── 可以用来表示事件的顺序。

14、A systematic sequence of operations to produce a specified result. ─── 一种为产生特定结果而需执行的系统化的操作序列。

15、You can use a different key sequence if you prefer. ─── 如果愿意,可以用不同的按键顺序。

16、Could we run that sequence through again? ─── 咱们再把那一段重放一遍好吗?

17、The second in a set or sequence. ─── 一套或系列中的第二个

18、But it is often necessary to interrupt this sequence. ─── 但是往往需要间断此顺序。

19、She made a sequence of dance movements. ─── 她做了一个连续的舞蹈动作。

20、Does sequence wrap around on reaching limit. ─── 在达到限制时序列是否环绕。

21、An orderly succession of related events or thoughts; a sequence. ─── 一连串有联系的事件或思想的有序连续;一系列

22、The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence. ─── 这些任务必须按一定次序去执行。

23、Everyone was frightened by the strange sequence of events. ─── 人人都因接二连三发生的怪事感到惊恐。

24、The sequence of events is breathtakingly abrupt. ─── 事情发生得突如其来地快。

25、On a keyboard, a row of numeric keys in an ordered sequence. ─── 在键盘上按规定顺序排列的一行数字键。

26、Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. ─── 对序列应用累加器函数。

27、The sequence of his emotions decided his beliefs. ─── 一连串感情冲动就能决定他对事情的看法。

28、In COBOL, a sequence of one or more statements, the last ending with a period followed by a space. ─── 在COBOL语言中,一个或多个语句的序列,最后以尾随一个空格的句号结束。

29、These pages are out of sequence. ─── 这几页排错了次序。

30、He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery. ─── 他描述了抢劫案发生前的一系列有关情况。

31、A program or other coding sequence that produces a result of specified type and format( "a macro generator"; "a microcode generator" ). ─── 产生某种指定类型和格式的结果的程序或另一种编码序列(如“宏生成程序”、“微代码生成程序”)。

32、The numeral 1 begins the sequence. ─── 一是数字的起首

33、A sequence commonly adopted is given below. ─── 下面给出通常采用的顺序。

34、A group of three bits or three pulses, usually in sequence on one wire or simultaneously on three wires. ─── 三个二进制位或三个脉冲组成的一种组,通常按时间顺序出现在一根导线上或同时出现在三根导线上。

35、The following sequence of events thus takes place. ─── 因而发生下列一系列事情。

36、Programmes for both NTT and long sequence signals are given. ─── 对NTT以及对长序列信号处理,分别编制了计算程序。

37、The audit account has a sequence number of 1. ─── 审核帐户的序列号为1。

38、This sequence seems intuitive, but it is in fact something of a puzzle. ─── 这个道理看起来很直观,但实际上常常令人费解。

39、Displays intervals below the sequence line. ─── 在序列链下方显示区间。

40、There is no need to maintain a strict alphabetical sequence. ─── 不必保持严格的字顺。

41、The RPC protocol sequence is invalid. ─── RPC协议序列无效。

42、Must unpack archives in sequence! ─── 26必须依照顺序解包!

43、A sequence of sword play is called a "phrase d'armes". ─── 击剑比赛的过程叫"连续交锋过程"。

44、What is a sequence of sword play called? ─── 击剑比赛的的连续过程叫什么?

45、Any ordered pair of bases makes a sequence. ─── 任意一对排列整齐的碱基形成一个序列。

46、"Sends the special logon/logoff/shutdown key sequence. ─── "发送特别登录/注销/关闭的关键顺序。

47、Describes the Microsoft Sequence Cluster Viewer. ─── 介绍Microsoft序列分类查看器。

48、Inverts the order of the elements in a sequence. ─── 反转序列中元素的顺序。

49、Assume the following sequence of events. ─── 假设有下列事件顺序。

50、The outcome of a sequence of events; the end result. ─── (一系列事件的)结果; 最终结果

51、Cycle the clip to create a longer walk sequence. ─── 使剪辑进行循环,以便创建更长的行走片段.

52、The complete sequenceshows the complete sequence. ─── 完全序列显示完全序列。

53、It contained a sequence of engaging dials. ─── 它包括一系列啮合的拨号盘。

54、In fact they even failed to make clear the sequence of events. ─── 实际上连时间的先后都没有弄清楚。

55、He had to attend a sequence of meetings. ─── 他得参加一系列会议。

56、It also carries a specific nucleotide sequence, the anticodon. ─── 它还带有特定的核苷酸序列即反密码子。

57、A hammock may or may not have an internal sequence. ─── 它有可能包含或不包含内部的顺序关系。

58、A sequence of words spoken as a prayer or a magic formula. ─── 咒文,符咒祈祷或魔符中讲的一连串话

59、A sequence of three cards of the same suit. ─── 一组三张同花色的牌三张同花色且挨着顺序的纸牌

60、Their sequence in naming follows alphabetical order. ─── 它们的命名顺序是按字母次序。

61、In the proper order or sequence. ─── 依次地,轮流地

62、Sequence diagramming can be used to design a future method or to document the flow of an existing method. ─── 序列图可用于设计未来方法或记录现有方法的流程。

63、In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. ─── 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列。

64、You need to look for a lot of items in a sequence. ─── 你需要在一个序列里寻找许多条目。

65、Do you think life is a sequence of agreeable events? ─── 你认为人生就是一连串愉快的事情吗?

66、Contains records in ascending collating sequence. ─── 将数据以一个上升的比较序列的形式来保存。

67、It successively builds a sequence of lobes. ─── 它连续地建成一系列叶状体。

68、With that, she launches into an official Olympic song, complete with a baffling sequence of complicated hand gestures. ─── 她唱起了一首官方奥运歌曲,并且以一串复杂的手势结束。

69、Farmers met with a sequence of bad harvests. ─── 农民们遇到了接二连三的坏收成。

70、It results from a sequence of perspectivities. ─── 它能从一连串透视变换得出。

71、A sequence of murders had prompted the police to actions. ─── 一连串的谋杀迫使警方不得不采取行动。

72、A sequence of microinstructions. ─── 一个微指令序列。

73、The rpc protocol sequence is not supported. ─── 不支持RPC协议序列。

74、Being or happening first in sequence of time; original. ─── 原始的,最早的在时间顺序上最早形成或发生的; 原始的

75、Sequence of marketization of Chinese economy II. ─── 中国经济市场化的次序2。

76、If a sequence is not convergent, it is divergent. ─── 如果一个序列不收敛,我们称它发散。

77、A place or time in a sequence of events. ─── 一个事件序列中的空间点或时间点。

78、The PLC technique is primarily used in sequence control . ─── plc技术原主要用于顺序控制方面。

79、See the sequence diagram in Figure 2. ─── 参见图2中的程序表。

80、Update sequence number for changes to safety_level. ─── safety_level更改的更新序列号。

81、As you practice diagramming these simple constructs on your own, your understanding of sequence diagramming will naturally improve. ─── 随着您自己练习绘制这些简单构造图,自然会逐渐加深对序列图绘制的理解。

82、The sequence of steps in a chemical reaction. ─── (化学反应的)过程化学反应的一系列步骤

83、Into a sequence of connected line segments. ─── 中的各段曲线转换成相连的线段序列。

84、Is there a required sequence of improvements? ─── 对改进顺序是否有要求?

85、To schedule the order of(a sequence of procedures). ─── 安排(一系列程序)的顺序

86、The closest line that is a sequence point. ─── 作为序列点的最近的一行。

87、He described the events of that day in sequence. ─── 他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件。

88、The outcome of a sequence of events. ─── 一系列事件的结果。

89、Hang up when Boot sequence is changed. ─── 修正启动顺序改变时可能会挂起的错误。


直接翻译成Telephone line就可以了


telephone circuit

英 [ˈtelifəun ˈsə:kit] 美 [ˈtɛləˌfon ˈsɚkɪt]



Also interference with telephone circuit is reduced because of the absence of zero-sequence currents.


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