showily 发音
英:[['ʃəʊɪlɪ]] 美:[['ʃoʊɪlɪ]]
英: 美:
showily 中文意思翻译
showily 词性/词形变化,showily变形
形容词比较级: showier |名词: showiness |形容词最高级: showiest |副词: showily |
showily 短语词组
1、showily attired ─── 华服
2、showily synonym ─── 华丽的同义词
3、showily meaning ─── 华而不实的意思
4、showily attired crossword ─── 华而不实的填字游戏
5、showily artistic ─── 华而不实的艺术
6、showily definition ─── 华丽的定义
7、showily like ─── 华而不实
showily 相似词语短语
1、dowily ─── 销钉
2、shoogly ─── adj.不稳固的,晃动的
3、shoaly ─── adj.(海洋)多浅滩的,多暗礁的,多沙丘的
4、shoddily ─── adv.质量很差地;粗制滥造地
5、shoofly ─── n.摇动木马;派饼的一种
6、shadowily ─── 朦胧地
7、snowily ─── 雪地
8、shortly ─── adv.立刻;简短地;唐突地
9、shoggly ─── 摇摇晃晃的。
showily 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、With bright colors or trimmings; showily ─── 华丽地:带有鲜艳色彩或装饰物华丽地
2、The sitting room is the key area of the bedroom, decorate very daintily commonly, stage nature also is very showily, have atmosphere of a lot of foil of renown wine beverage. ─── 客厅是居室的重点区域,一般都装饰得非常讲究,吧台自然也是颇为华贵,并有许多名酒饮料烘托气氛。
3、Concise lines toes form the space of refine is experienced is showily and not make public. ─── 简洁线条凝炼的空间感受是华贵而不张扬。
4、The autumn is the season of results, orange yellow fastens be heavy to the person's feeling, was full of showily the imply with dignified. ─── 秋天是收获的季节,橙黄色系给人的感觉是沉甸甸的,布满了华贵与凝重的意味。
5、The variegated or showily striped ornamental wood of various tulipwood trees. ─── 各种有色条纹木材树的木材,有杂色或华丽的条纹,用于装饰。
6、Also some slanting Yu Yanli, make its have free from vulgarity, showily interest, for example white ceramic tile, weak green or bath crock of blue, weak pink or weak yellow metope. ─── 也有的偏于艳丽,使其有脱俗、华贵的意味,例如白色的瓷砖,淡绿或蓝色的浴缸,淡粉或淡黄的墙面。
7、On stripe back cushion, the decorative pattern that go up is like frivolous bedcover to ever was acquainted, familiar and kind, showily and elegant, typical Yapingning amorous feelings. ─── 条纹靠枕上,轻薄被面上的花纹似曾相识,熟悉而亲切、华贵而典雅,典型的亚平宁风情。
8、excessively elaborate or showily expressed. ─── 非常精致和华丽的表达。
9、The woman needs gem to let her appear more showily, basin giving a station deserves to go up gem and paillette, perhaps be the charming and gentle that wants to let it also have bit of intelligence. ─── 与扁扁的方形水龙头搭配的台盆则都是方形的,两者放在一起,呈现的是一种立体的几何效果。
10、Our Florashell series stone is created by nature few hundred million years ago.It has fine texture, jade-like warmness and smoothness, incomparable showily temperament. ─── 我公司“贝花玉”系列石材是历经几亿年大自然造化的天然海洋奇石,其品质细密柔滑、温润如玉,具有无可比拟的华贵气质。
11、Having what the stripe of flashy effect brings is contain the showily temperament in nature. ─── 有闪光效果的条纹带来的是寓于自然中的华贵气质。
12、Showily or affectedly artistic. ─── 卖弄地或假装爱好艺术的
13、Dish hair, showily and decorous; Bingle, have individual character quite contemporary breath, and long hair provided more Wen Wan's moving model for the bride. ─── 盘发,华贵高雅;短发,颇具个性现代气息,而长发则为新娘提供了更多温婉动人的造型。
14、5.Try to join aureate, showily and clinking. ─── 5. 试着加入一点金色,华贵无比。
15、Cheaply or showily vulgar in appearance or nature;tawdry. ─── 俗艳的外表或本质粗俗表面却艳丽的;低俗的
16、a floating or swimming oceanic colony of polyps often transparent or showily colored. ─── 一种浮游或游动的海生移栖水螅水母,身体经常透明或有华丽的色彩。
17、Beyond the mark " showily " bring about ballroom to change the trend, sedative bedroom overstaffed is multifarious, lose the beauty of sweet static bedroom. ─── 过分“华贵”导致舞厅化倾向,使安静的居室臃肿繁杂,失去温馨的静态居室之美。
18、Woman tends to dress more elegantly or more showily. ─── 妇女通常穿得更雅致或更引人注目。
19、The Pi Cao of this season has showily blood relationship already, do not miss grace again dignified. ─── 本季的皮草既有华贵血统,又不失优雅端庄。
20、Cross much furniture and do not represent surely showily, meet a person bring crowded, narrow sense only instead. ─── 过多的家具并不一定代表华贵,反而只会给人带来拥挤、狭窄的感觉。
21、All-around wallpaper built one house showily warmth, cupreous bracket 2 syncretic big bed, more the romantic emotional appeal that those who make a person enchanted is white bed shade. ─── 全方位的壁纸营造了一屋华贵温馨,铜支架二合一大床,更让人心动的是白床帘的浪漫情调。
22、Variety of designs is various, the style is multivariate, the design is fashionable, or Wen Wan, or showily, or clever, or fervent, can satisfy the crowd of different taste. ─── 花色繁多,风格多元,设计时尚,或温婉、或华贵、或灵动、或火热,可以满足不同口味的人群。
23、Stylist is repaired with light, concept of heavy illuminative design makes host need not be cost a lot of, had the household that feels showily. ─── 设计师以轻装修、重装饰的设计理念使主人不用花费很多,就拥有了感觉华贵的家居。
24、The vanity of Mrs. Hurstwood caused her to keep her person rather showily arrayed, But to Hurstwood this was much Better than plainness. There was no love lost Between them. There was no great feeling of dissatisfaction. ─── 赫太太爱虚荣,所以总是打扮得花枝招展的。赫斯渥认为,这总比朴素无华要好得多。他们之间已经谈不上爱情了,不过也没有很大的不满。
25、If porch space is enough big, choose the mural desk of circular arc form, criterion more show showily. ─── 假如玄关空间够大,选用圆弧形的壁桌,则更显华贵。
26、The vacuum nitrogen of glittering and translucent bright, showily elegance converts titanium or carbonization titanium plated film; ─── 晶莹璀璨、华贵典雅的真空氮化钛或碳化钛镀膜;
27、Or deserve to go up the bracket of Walnut, more show decorous and showily. ─── 或配上胡桃木的支架,更显高雅华贵。
28、Resplendent and magnificent toilet, it is the choice of showily grace, it is certain to suited to go up commonly the career of age has adult person. ─── 金碧辉煌的卫生间,是华贵优雅的选择,一般适合上了一定年纪的事业有成人士。
29、In France, a showily watch is society and professional status is indicative, reveal the grade that gives the person that wear not only, it is the mark with his successful profession more. ─── 在法国,一块华贵的手表是社会和职业身份的象征,不仅展示出佩带者的品位,更是他的职业成功的标志。
30、Some shower room uses the technology of arenaceous silver of gush arenaceous gold or gush, colour is showily, but the price wants relatively a few more expensive. ─── 有些淋浴房采用喷砂金或喷砂银的工艺,色彩华贵,但价格相对要贵一些。
31、Fashionable and Showily Marbly Lines Coatings ─── 时尚·华贵的理石漆
32、Spain is classic wind also constant with brocade, colour luxuriant or the damask weaving that placing Jin Cong is tasted give priority to, in order to show the showily temperament like the noble; ─── 西班牙古典风也常以织锦,色彩华丽或夹着金葱的缎织布品为主,以展现贵族般的华贵气质;
33、Of dignified showily bring a person spatio-temporal stagger with romantic vogue bewildered be puzzled. ─── 凝重的华贵与浪漫的时尚带给人时空交错的眩惑。
34、The autumn is the season of results, orange yellow fastens be heavy to the person's feeling, was full of showily the imply with dignified. ─── 秋天是收获的季节,橙黄色系给人的感觉是沉甸甸的,布满了华贵与凝重的意味。
35、Wine is red full-bodied the bearing that gives a person a kind of natural and graceful with exalted meeting, luxurious feeling, to seek showily person place appreciation. ─── 酒红的醇厚与尊贵会给人一种雍容的气度、豪华的感觉,为追求华贵的人所欣赏。
36、Don't snap your napkin open or unfurl it showily like it's an Olympic flag. ─── 不要把餐巾展开,看起来像是在展示奥林匹克会旗一样。
37、Beyond the mark " showily " bring about ballroom to change the trend, make the bedroom overstaffed of tranquil Jing Yi multifarious, lost the beauty of static bedroom of Ning Xin. ─── 过分“华贵”导致舞厅化倾向,使静谧静怡的居室臃肿繁杂,失去了宁馨的静态居室之美。
38、These brunet furniture showed dignified and dignified of showily nature, of primitive simplicity, easy characteristic. ─── 这些深色家具显示了华贵自然、古朴凝重、端庄大方的特点。
39、The colour nature of the furniture that be not a flower presents showily temperament, match very easily with indoor color photograph. ─── 非花家具的色彩自然呈现华贵气质,很轻易与室内色彩相搭配。
40、cheaply or showily vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry ─── 俗艳的外表或本质粗俗表面却艳丽的;低俗的
41、a floating or swimming oceanic colony of polyps often transparent or showily colored ─── 一种浮游或游动的海生移栖水螅水母,身体经常透明或有华丽的色彩
42、In September, the state showily sued six car manufacturers, alleging they had damaged its climate. ─── 9月,州政府大张旗鼓地以破坏加州气候条件为由对6家汽车制造商提起诉讼。
43、The colour nature of the furniture that be not a flower presents showily temperament, match very easily with indoor color photograph. ─── 非花家具的色彩自然呈现华贵气质,很轻易与室内色彩相搭配。
44、"It's a way of showi ng people that they're the same as the saints," Hofmeyr said. ─── “这种方式意在向人们展示他们与圣徒没什么区别。”赫夫梅耶说。
45、be loudly (or showily) dressed ─── 穿得太显眼
46、showily imitative of art or artists. ─── 炫耀卖弄地模仿艺术或艺术家。
47、Dressed very smartly or showily ─── 穿著十分时髦或显眼
48、dress or decorate showily or gaudily. ─── 华丽或俗艳地装饰打扮。
49、To compare with DSA and/or operation the accuracy was 91.67% in showi ng the lesions by CTA. ─── 12例经数字减影血管造影 (DSA)或 和手术对比证实的病例中 ,CTA显示病变的准确性是 91.67%。
50、In grumous in including showily with refined, sedate with enthusiastic, it is a kind of inconsistent mixture quality, love by intellectual female. ─── 在浓厚中包含着华贵与雅致、稳重与热烈,是一种矛盾的混合色,深受知识女性喜爱。
51、Metope whole is spread on basic level plank, adornment face plate is affixed outside, look of integral effect Yong is showily, but can make the room appears crowded. ─── 墙面整体都铺上基层板材,外面贴上装饰面板,整体效果臃容华贵,但会使房间显得拥挤。
52、the vanity of mrs . hurstwood caused her to keep her person rather showily arrayed , but to hurstwood this was much better than plainness. ─── 赫太太爱虚荣,所以总是打扮得花枝招展的。赫斯渥认为,这总比朴素无华要好得多。
53、These brunet furniture showed dignified and dignified of showily nature, of primitive simplicity, easy characteristic. ─── 这些深色家具显示了华贵自然、古朴凝重、端庄大方的特点。
54、In September, the state showily sued six car manufacturers, alleging they had damaged its climate. ─── 9月,州政府大张旗鼓地以破坏加州气候条件为由对6家汽车制造商提起诉讼。
55、Give a person with gules illuminative space with showily feeling, the clean that cooperates white is provided, have some of exalted taste really. ─── 用红色装饰的空间给人以华贵的感觉,配合白色的洁具,确实有些尊贵的味道。
56、Oak floor, what living room constructed harmoniously by the side of the sofa of light color, carpet and brunet chair armrest, wainscot and zenith is grave with showily. ─── 橡木地板,浅色的沙发、地毯和深色的椅子扶手、壁板和天顶边协调地营造了起居室的庄重与华贵。
57、Sitting in the broad showily living room, you are able to have a full view of the splendid Yulong Jokul and the green golf course through the floor windows. ─── 坐在宽敞气派的客厅里,透过通透的落地玻璃窗,将玉龙雪山的英姿和高尔夫球场的茵茵绿莹尽收眼底。
58、Marble has a variety of decorative pattern and colour and lustre, the exterior is showily, but use in the kitchen to do mesa to be met by exterior pore in oiled, clear not easily. ─── 大理石具有多种花纹和色泽,外观华贵,但用在厨房做台面则会由表面的毛孔中浸油,不易清理。
59、Woman tends to dress more elegantly or more showily. ─── 妇女通常穿得更雅致或更引人注目。
60、Cross much furniture and do not represent surely showily , meet a person bring crowded, narrow sense only instead. ─── 过多的家具并不一定代表华贵,反而只会给人带来拥挤、狭窄的感觉。
61、Xihu new land refected hanzhou fully, it is sublimate and showily. ─── 西湖天地不错,充分显示了杭州的气质:优雅而华贵。
62、Aiming to manifest, show showily gas in silence. ─── 彰显有度,于无声之中展现华贵之气。
63、Such man naturally is little not wine, what deposit in wine ark is sure it is age red wine or XO and so on, only showily wine ark ability shows their success. ─── 在外忙碌一天,回到家中,与爱人孩子坐在一起,喝上一杯啤酒,再听听音乐,能让身体伸展,心也安静下来。
64、White tennis is taken, tennis shoe and tennis itself all without exception go out fully showily with spark. ─── 白色的网球服、网球鞋以及网球本身无不透出华贵和朝气。
65、Thick orange filled whole space, it is light, showily, melting still, implicative. ─── 浓浓的橙色布满了整个空间,是光明、华贵,还是甜美、含蓄。
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