fallowing 发音
英:[['fæləʊɪŋ]] 美:[['fæloʊɪŋ]]
英: 美:
fallowing 中文意思翻译
fallowing 词性/词形变化,fallowing变形
fallowing 短语词组
1、fallowing down ─── 向下倾斜
2、fallowing items ─── 休闲项目
3、fallowing slowly ─── 慢悠悠
4、fallowing reasons ─── 休闲原因
5、fallowing a dream ─── 放弃梦想
6、fallowing flower ─── 休闲花
7、fallowing day ─── 休耕日
8、fallowing in love with you ─── 爱上你
fallowing 相似词语短语
1、wallowing ─── v.打滚;沉湎;颠簸;休闲浸泡(wallow的现在分词)
2、tallowing ─── n.(用于制造蜡烛或肥皂的)动物脂油;v.涂脂油于
3、allowing ─── v.允许(allow的现在分词)
4、sallowing ─── adj.气色不好的;灰黄色的;n.黄华柳;黄华柳细枝;vt.成土色;vi.使……变成土色
5、followings ─── adj.其次的,接着的;下面的;(风)顺的;n.拥护者,追随者;下列;如下;prep.在(某事)以后;v.跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后;按照……执行;密切注意;从事(职业)(follow的现在分词)
6、gallowing ─── v.(非正式)恐吓;使害怕;n.(Gallow)(美、英、加)盖勒(人名)
7、hallowing ─── v.把……奉为神圣;(使)成为神圣;作为神圣以和……区分;n.圣徒,圣人
8、fellowing ─── n.(非正式)男人,男孩,家伙;男朋友;同事,朋友;(某些学院或大学的)董事;(学术或专业团体的)会员;同类物;(接受奖学金的)研究生;adj.同类的,同伴的,同事的,同道的;n.(Fellow)(美、英、印)费洛(人名)
9、following ─── adj.其次的,接着的;下面的;(风)顺的;n.拥护者,追随者;下列;如下;prep.在(某事)以后;v.跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后;按照……执行;密切注意;从事(职业)(follow的现在分词)
fallowing 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In order to have a better harvest next year, the farmers are letting the fields lie fallow. ─── 为了来年收成更好,农民们正在修耕。
2、He has not competed since then, a fallow period during which he lost his world record and, perhaps, his invincibility. ─── 在他封闭训练的这段蛰伏期内,他的世界纪录被打破,随之破碎的也许是他战无不胜的神话。
3、From the fallow industry to amusement machine ─── 从休闲产业说到游艺机
4、Want the intention only, need not cost too much, can enjoy him exclusive to lie fallow distinctly space. ─── 只要专心,无需太多的花费,就能享受自己专属的独特休闲空间。
5、The principle snow fallowing under the sunshine as maybe the same as the rain falling under the sunshine. ─── 阳光下飘雪,那原理大概和阳光下下雨一样吧。
6、Bar being that the club who lies fallow in entertainment goes to work changing maybe! ─── 也许又是在娱乐休闲俱乐部上班变的吧!现实生活就是这样,谁也留不住谁。
7、Because lie fallow during the Spring Festival,basically be those who swim is hot, the part offsetted business trip is affected off-seasonly. ─── 主要是由于春节期间休闲游的火爆,部分抵消了商务旅行淡季的影响。
8、The economy, after a long, fallow period, has grown by more than 4% in each of the past three years. ─── 南非的经济经过了长期的动荡,已经连续3年持续增长4%以上。
9、Study on the fallow and intercropping system of Alnus nepalesis on the mountains of Himalayan region ─── 喜玛拉雅地区山地旱冬瓜轮歇与间作系统研究
10、Actually the area of this balcony does not calculate small, host uses major area will as workbench and bookshelf, the part that connects with the bedroom is used at lying fallow. ─── 其实这个阳台的面积不算小,主人用大部分的面积将之作为工作台与书架,与卧室连通的部分用于休闲。
11、All his farm is in fallow. ─── 他所有的农田都未耕种。
12、The farmer decided to leave the land fallow for a year. ─── 农夫决定让土地休耕一年。
13、He is always fallowing after truth. ─── 他一直在追求真理。
14、It is also used as a nonselective herbicide on non-cropped industrial lands and on fallow lands. ─── 主要用于玉米、高梁、糜子、果园、甘蔗、红松苗圃等作物。
15、On the Mechanisms of the Fallow Perverseness and it's Pathogenesis ─── 伏邪潜伏和发病机理探讨
17、Effect the Culture Lying Fallow and the Informatization Face to Face Common Library Build ─── 休闲文化与信息化对公共图书馆建设的影响
18、Farmers are now paid to let their land lie fallow. ─── 农民让土地休耕现在得到了回报。
19、After a fallow period, she gave birth to two sons ─── 久未生育之后, 她一连又生了两个儿子。
20、Click on next button fallowing window will be opened. ─── 在下休耕窗口按钮将被打开。
21、Use a design actually what add a kitchen, more exquisite muti_function, use convenient design, and the function that lies fallow the life also considers inside. ─── 加上厨房的实际使用设计,更加讲究多功能,使用方便的设计,而且将生活休闲的功能也考虑在内。
22、The fallowing two examples are picked occasionally. ─── 以下两个例子是随意举出来的。
23、Earned income strategies: Experience has shown that almost every nonprofit has opportunities for earned income lying fallow within its existing programs. ─── 创收策略:经验表明几乎每一个非营利组织现有项目中都有潜在的创收机会。
24、sports lie fallow entertainment ─── 休闲娱乐体育
25、But now in 1999 the warm, clear nightmare is over, and the sea has turned again from fallow to full. ─── 但是在1999年的现在,那清晰而又温暖的梦魇已经过去,海水又变得跟以前一样富饶了。
26、HOSEA:10:12 Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap steadfast love, break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you. ─── 何西阿书:10:12你们要为自己栽种公义,就能收割慈爱。现今正是寻求耶和华的时候,你们要开垦荒地,等他临到,使公义如雨降在你们身上.
27、English Introduction: That the clothing lying fallow on the weekend, uses that to collocate coming buff skirt and big wave crimped hair may be in a fix comparatively oh! ─── 中文介绍:欢迎您玩"随意搭配"这个小游戏,周末休闲服装,用那条米色裙子和大波浪卷发来搭配会比较好看哦!
28、Ash farming; burn-beating; burning Cutting and burning rough fallow on land to prepare for tillage. ─── 刀耕火种在杂草丛生的荒地上割草焚烧以备耕作。资产负债管理。
30、Effect of Different Crops on Soil Reclamation in Fallow Sunlight Glasshouse ─── 休闲日光温室种植不同作物对土壤改良的效果
31、From fallow life style to the development of community sports in urban areas ─── 从休闲生活方式谈城市社区体育的发展
32、But, the reporter lies fallow a suit very hard the Sun Jiong that dress up and body reside Alibaba the identity connection of Japanese station important post rises. ─── 但是,记者很难把一身休闲打扮的孙炯与身居阿里巴巴日本站要职的身份联系起来。
33、The Hua Long Chi hydrotherapeutics house is a city outstanding person stratum and the successful personage is ideal lie fallow and healthy business affairs hydrotherapeutics lieu most. ─── 华龙池水疗会所是城市精英阶层与成功人士最为理想的商务休闲和健康水疗场所。
35、They have their creative and their fallow times. ─── 他们有他们的创作和沉潜期。
36、fallow and vacationing tourism ─── 休闲度假旅游
37、Shanghai DoubleWing Fallow Products Co., Ltd. ─── 上海双翼休闲用品有限公司。
38、A new survey published by the British Deer Society shows that the six species of deer have now spread across almost the entire coutry, with muntjact, roe and fallow deer being particularly widespread. ─── 不列颠爱鹿协会新发表的一项调查结果显示,英国现有6个品种的鹿,它们现在几乎遍布全国,其中,麂鹿、獐鹿和扁角鹿分布的范围尤其广泛。
39、He has almost travelled all over the country in the fallowing ten years. ─── 在接下来的十年里他差不多走遍了整个国家。
40、Forest fallow: All complexes of woody vegetation derived from the clearing of natural forest for shifting agriculture. ─── 休耕林,轮耕林:指天然森林斫伐清理后,准备转向农业使用过程中的所有林木植被复合地带。
41、Study on effects of raising duck in fallow rice fields with deep water against bollworm in winter ─── 冬闲田深水灌溉放养群鸭控制二化螟越冬基数及其为害研究
42、Rotation and fallowing improved soil microbial flora and enhanced soil enzyme activity. ─── 轮作和休闲改善了土壤微生物区系,可提高酶的活性;
43、Influence of Different Tillage Practices during Summer Fallow on Soil Moisture in Winter Wheat Field in Luoyang ─── 休闲期不同耕作方式对洛阳冬小麦农田土壤水分的影响
44、He is always fallowing after truth . ─── 他一直在追求真理。
45、This research discovered that soil pondage of level terrace were less than fallow sloping filed because of crops’ absorbing and using, and evaporation. ─── 发现由于作物对梯田土壤水分的吸收利用,以及蒸发散的原因,导致水平梯田的土壤贮水量比休闲坡地小。
46、Straw mulch is a very common measure during wintry fallow period that can last more than five months in southern China. ─── 冬季覆盖和裸田休闲作为两种主要的冬闲方式,在我国南方地区广泛存在,且有扩大趋势。
47、In the fallowing two years he experienced 20 similar episodes of paralysis of the left arm, each attack Being precipitated by a prolonged paroxysm of coughing. ─── 在其后的两年中,病人曾反复发生过20次类似情况的左臂瘫痪,每次发作皆因长时间的阵发性咳嗽所引起。
48、Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you. ─── 你们要为自己栽种公义,就能收割慈爱。现今正是寻求耶和华的时候,你们要开垦荒地,等他临到,使公义如雨降在你们身上。
49、For thus says Jehovah to the men of Judah and to Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground, And do not sow among thorns. ─── 3耶和华对犹大和耶路撒冷人如此说,要开垦你们未耕之地,不要撒种在荆棘中。
50、Fallow ...Single factor Goldeface, Double factor Spangle, Opaline ─── 华乐单因子黄金脸,双因子鱼鳞,蛋白石(即双因子珍珠)
51、The crop type had no great effect on hatching of eggs in cysts;the eggs in cysts from fallow fields and the corn and soybean rhizosphere soils could hatch in vitro when conditions were suitable. ─── 不同作物对其根围土壤中胞囊内卵的孵化影响不大,寄主作物大豆、非寄主作物玉米根围及休闲地土壤中的胞囊在条件适宜均可孵出二龄幼虫;
52、Food is riddled with state intervention at every turn, from subsidies to millers for cheap bread to bribes for farmers to leave land fallow. ─── 但从补贴磨坊主生产更便宜的面包,到贿赂农民离开土地都可以看到,粮食问题正常常遭遇到政府的干涉。
53、Influence of Planting Maize and Fallowing on Soil Moisture and Mineral Nitrogen ─── 种植玉米与休闲对土壤水分和矿质态氮的影响
54、The wide range in yields is due to the particular farming practices which include crop rotation and length of fallow and their effect on soil moisture levels. ─── 产量之间差异较大是由于各自不同的农艺措施,这包括作物轮作、休闲时间长短及它们对土壤水分的影响。
55、No land has been lying fallow. ─── 四海无闲田
56、After a fallow period,she gave birth to two sons. ─── 久未生育之后,她一连又生了两个儿子。
57、Influence of Tillage Practices on Soil Moisture of Slop Field During Summer Fallow ─── 不同耕作方式对坡耕地土壤水分的影响
58、This autumn, Israel begins the one year in seven when Jewish farmers are meant to let their land lie fallow; observant Jews will not eat food from Jewish farmers who break the ban. ─── 今秋在犹太农夫准备让他们的土地荒芜时,以色列将开始七年计划中一年,严守戒律的犹太人也将不会食用破坏戒条犹太农夫生产的食物。
59、Planting of Bromus carticus in the Winter Fallow Field and Technique of Raising Black Goat ─── 冬闲田种植扁穗雀麦及饲养黑山羊技术研究
60、The lie fallow industry is mainly point to travel and entertainment. ─── 休闲业主要指旅游业和娱乐业。
61、The program simulates plant growth and soil conditions every day (during growing seasons and fallow periods) for any time period when weather sequences are available. ─── 只要有天气系列的数据,该模型可以在任何时段内模拟每日的作物与土壤条件。
62、A flock of sheep is put out on fallow land to eat up weeds and the plants that remain after the harvest. ─── 在休耕地放牧羊群以去除杂草,让牠们吃掉收割后剩下的植物根茎,从而清理农田。
63、Function and Foreground of Development for Lie Fallow Agriculture ─── 休闲农业的功能及发展前景
64、lying fallow and taking refuge ─── 休闲避难
65、They take in fresh land in order to fallow the exhausted soil. ─── 他们另行耕种新土地,使耗竭的土地得到休耕。
66、Mainly use organic fertilizer. Planting is combined with fallowing. ─── 以有机肥为主,种养结合。
67、Forest fallow is an intermediate class between forest and non-forest land uses. ─── 休耕林是林地和非林地的中间阶段。
68、The activity of the inaugural man is fiercer too, relatively lie fallow in and the woman's activity. ─── 也就职男人的活动比较激烈,而女人的活动比较休闲。
69、Discussion about Fabric Design of Fallow Dress ─── 休闲装面料设计探讨
70、The activities of soil urease fluctuated with soil depth in both top and middle slope positions, but increased in the pattern of solar slope>lunar slope>fallow land at the slope bottom. ─── 在坡顶和坡中部土壤剖面脉酶活性波动较大,在坡底为阳坡>阴坡>撂荒地。
71、Walking with Time, Developing Sports for Lie Fallow in Early 21st Century ─── 与时俱进,发展21世纪中国休闲体育
72、Wind-breaking Effect of Various Conservation Tillage Measures during Fallow Period of Cropland ─── 农田休闲期不同保护性耕作措施的防风效应研究
73、Study on Weeds Control with 41% Roundup in Fallow Fields ─── 41%农达防除休闲耕地杂草试验研究
74、In the northern wheat growing areas, most of the water used by the wheat crop falls before the growing season and the crop is grown mainly on stored moisture from fallowing. ─── 在南部小麦栽培区,大部分雨水分布在4至10月份之间,这是小麦大致的生育期,尽管也有一些地区土壤水分是靠休闲时储蓄的。
75、During summer fallow, the anti-evaporation rate of NTS was 12.87%, and 18.32% higher than those of CTS and CTB, respectively (P
76、The fallowing fees should by rights be picked up by these factories, but all too often the government ends up footing the bill, which means it comes out of taxpayer pockets. ─── 休耕的经费按理讲应该是由这些电子业去负责,可是最后还是由政府来买单,其实是纳税人出的钱。
77、When making, should notice to make the drape of chair cover a few shorter, ability appears simple and lie fallow. ─── 制作时要注重使椅套的褶皱短一些,才能显得简单而休闲。
78、Analysis of actuality and countermeasures of management and selling on fallow biting and supping industry ─── 休闲餐饮业的现状分析及营销对策
79、This tillage practice was done by farmers to control weeds and conserve moisture during the fallow period before the wheat crop. ─── 农民用这种耕作措施除草并在种麦前的休闲期保墒。
80、The fallow ground of the poor yields much food, But it is destroyed through injustice. ─── 23穷人开垦的地多产粮食,但因不义而被毁坏。
81、the fallowing four misunderstand in mind: opposite theory: replenish theory; ─── 这就要跳出认识上的四个误区:“对立论”、“补充论”、“权益论”和“特殊论”。
82、JAS does not allow/preview a direct recognition as “organic” of new plots (won by clearing) or fields which have not been cultivated during the past/last 2 years or more (fallow land). ─── JAS不允许将新开荒地块或连续2年休闲的地块直接认证为“有机”。
83、To fallow, withoutwait, one aim: That's the secret of success. ─── 不停地走向一个目标,这就上一成功的秘诀。
84、Effects of summer fallow in Guanzhong irrigation area. ─── 关中灌区夏季休闲效果评价。
85、But look from stickiness index, network game and online video rise quickly however, make the main way that during the netizen spends the New Year, lies fallow. ─── 但从黏性指标上看,网络游戏和在线视频却快速上升,成为网民过年期间休闲的主要方式。
86、ash farming; Burn-Beating; Burning : Cutting and Burning rough fallow on land to prepare for tillage. ─── 刀耕火种:在杂草丛生的荒地上割草焚烧以备耕作。
in the following是什么意思?
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In the following days, Francis was able to piece together what had happened.
In the following example, deviation detection is applied to entries about bank customers.
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