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08-29 投稿


pneumonia 发音

英:[nuːˈmoʊniə]  美:[njuːˈməʊniə]

英:  美:

pneumonia 中文意思翻译



pneumonia 词性/词形变化,pneumonia变形

异体字: pneumectomy |名词复数: pneumonectomies |

pneumonia 短语词组

1、abortive pneumonia ─── [医] 顿挫性肺炎

2、ceaebral pneumonia ─── [医] 脑型肺炎

3、bilious pneumonia ─── [医] 雏鸡肺炎

4、alcoholic pneumonia ─── [医] 酒毒性肺炎

5、catarrhal pneumonia ─── [医] 卡他性肺炎, 支气管肺炎

6、Buhl's desquamative pneumonia ─── [医] 布耳氏脱屑性肺炎

7、bronchial pneumonia ─── [医] 雏鸡肺炎

8、acute pneumonia ─── [医] 急性肺炎, 大叶性肺炎

9、acute interstitial pneumonia ─── [医] 急性间质性肺炎, 非典型性肺炎

10、caseous pneumonia ─── [医] 干酪样肺炎

11、atypical pneumonia ─── [医] 非典型性肺炎

12、anthrax pneumonia ─── [医] 炭疽性肺炎, 肺炭疽

13、central pneumonia ─── [医] 中央肺炎

14、brooder pneumonia ─── [医] 雏鸡肺炎

15、aspiration pneumonia ─── [医] 吸入性肺炎

16、apical pneumonia ─── [医] 肺尖炎, 肺尖部肺炎

17、cat pneumonia ─── [医] 猫肺炎

18、apostematosa pneumonia ─── [医] 化脓性肺炎

19、atypical vira pneumonia ─── [医] 非典型病毒性肺炎

pneumonia 常用词组

atypical pneumonia ─── [医]非典型性肺炎

bacterial pneumonia ─── 细菌性肺炎

pneumocystis carinii pneumonia ─── 肺孢子虫病;卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎

pneumonia 相似词语短语

1、pneumon- ─── 肺炎

2、pneumo- ─── 与肺有关的(前缀)

3、pneuma ─── n.灵魂;精神;元气

4、pneumono- ─── 肺炎

5、pneumatic ─── adj.气动的;充气的;有气胎的;n.气胎

6、pneumonic ─── adj.肺的;肺炎的

7、polemonia ─── 波莱蒙

8、pneumonitis ─── n.[内科]肺炎;局限性肺炎

9、pneumogram ─── n.呼吸描记图

pneumonia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Flexible bronchoscope diagnosis and treatment of mycoplasma pneumonia in children. ─── 儿童支原体肺炎的纤维支气管镜诊治研究。

2、Thoracalgia was less common in elder patients, while obstructive pneumonia and atelectasis was more. ─── (2)老年组中胸痛症状的比例较青年组低,而阻塞性肺炎或肺不张等合并症多见;

3、He was cut down by pneumonia at an early age. ─── 他年纪轻轻的就被肺炎夺去了生命.

4、I made burgers that time you had pneumonia. ─── 你得肺炎的时候我做过汉堡。

5、In those days when anybody caught pneumonia there was little to be done but watch and pray. ─── 在那些日子里,如果谁患了肺炎,只有一方面自己注意保养,一方面祈求神灵保佑。

6、Other diseases brought on by alcholism, such as liver disease and pneumonia, must be looked for and treated. ─── 因酒精中毒而带来的其它疾病、例如肝病和肺炎,必须诊察和治疗。

7、Your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections, such as pneumonia or strep throat. ─── 医生很可能会对细菌感染开一些抗生素药,譬如肺炎或者喉部链锁状球菌感染。

8、Puskas died after a long battle against pneumonia. ─── 在和肺炎作了长期斗争之后普斯卡什走了。

9、If you got pneumonia,I should go clean out of curl. ─── 如果你染上肺炎的话,那我真的一切都完了。

10、Used medicinally for pneumonia and nephritis. ─── 为肺炎和肾炎医学使用。

11、The doctor felt confident that his patient would recover from pneumonia. ─── 医生确信他的病人的肺炎会康复。

12、Of 130 cases,pneumonia accounted for 44.6%,hepatitis accounted for 34.6%,CNS defect accouned for 3.8%. ─── 130例患儿中肺炎44.6%,婴儿肝炎34.6%,血液系统损害15.4%,中枢神经系统损害3.8%。

13、The doctor has cured her of pneumonia. ─── 大夫把她的肺炎看好了。

14、He could heal you of your pneumonia, you'd better go to see him as soon as possible. ─── 他可以治好你的肺炎,你最好尽快去找他给你医治。

15、He came down with pneumonia last week. ─── 上星期, 他得肺炎病倒了。

16、He was admitted to the hospital in Atlanta with pneumonia. ─── 他因肺炎而入住亚特兰大一家医院。

17、Legionella pneumophila was not a common etiologic agent of pediatric pneumonia in Taiwan. ─── 因此我们认为退伍军人肺炎在台湾地区儿童肺炎中不常见。

18、Illnesses like tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia meant only death. ─── 一些像肺结核、白喉和肺炎这样的病是死亡的代名词。

19、He spent a week in hospital with viral pneumonia. ─── 他因为病毒性肺炎住了一个礼拜院。

20、Doctors also said he had developed pneumonia. ─── 医生称他发展成肺炎。

21、'Pneumonia, following a chill on the chest' was what the doctor said, but I think it was an old fashioned broken heart. ─── 医生说是‘肺炎,胸部着凉造成的’,但我认为这是典型的伤心过度。

22、In developed countries, most pneumonia cases are caused by viruses. ─── 在发达国家,大多数肺炎是由病毒引起的。

23、"Mr.Behrman died of pneumonia today in the hospital. ─── “贝尔曼先生今天在医院里得肺炎去世了。

24、The girl has come down with pneumonia. ─── 女孩已患肺炎。

25、"Pneumonia," the doctor said. ─── “肺炎,”医生说。

26、November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia. ─── 11月,佩恩患了严重的肺炎。

27、She died from acute pneumonia. ─── 她死于急性肺炎。

28、The child took measles, and then on the back of that came pneumonia. ─── 孩子出了麻疹,紧接着又患了肺炎。

29、Although chest pain is the key warning sign of a heart attack, it may be confused with indigestion, pleurisy, pneumonia, or other disorders. ─── 虽然,胸痛是心肌梗塞的关键警告信号。但是它可能与消化不良、胸膜炎、肺炎、或其他的并证相混扰。

30、In the absence of the tail as a filter to cover the nose when sleeping, the dogs died of pneumonia in three weeks. ─── 因为没有尾巴可以在睡觉的时候盖住鼻子,这些狗狗在三周内都死于肺炎。

31、She had feared she was coming down with pneumonia or bronchitis. ─── 她担心自己会得肺炎或支气管炎。

32、Smoking is cited as a risk for dying of pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema. ─── [15]吸烟被引证为导致死于肺炎、慢性气管炎或肺气肿的一种隐患。

33、He was struck down by pneumonia while in his twenties. ─── 他二十岁的时候就被肺炎夺去生命。

34、Their firstborn child died of pneumonia at the age of eight. ─── 他们的头一个孩子八岁时死于肺炎。

35、Just as he was recovering from his attack of grippe,pneumonia set in. ─── 他流感刚好,又患上了肺炎。

36、She caught pneumonia and died. ─── 她得了肺炎而死亡。

37、Her disease was complicated by pneumonia. ─── 她的疾病因肺炎而变得复杂。

38、When I kissed her on her cheek, she told me not to come too close to her in case I caught her pneumonia. ─── 我吻她的面颊时,她叫我不要太靠近她,以免感染到她的肺炎。

39、His disease was complicated by pneumonia. ─── 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。

40、She was diagnosed to have pneumonia and is now in a critical condition. ─── 病人被诊断为患有肺炎,现在病情危重。

41、From one month to five years of age, the main causes of death are pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria, measles and HIV. ─── 从1个月至5岁,死亡的主要原因是肺炎、腹泻、疟疾、麻疹和艾滋病毒。

42、She developed symptoms on 1 November, was hospitalized with severe pneumonia on 7 November, and died on 10 November. ─── 她于11月1日出现症状,11月7日因严重肺炎住院,并于11月10日死亡。

43、He was threatened with pneumonia. ─── 他有患肺炎的危险。

44、You get enough germs to catch pneumonia. ─── 你得到了充足的病菌,使你感染上肺炎。

45、Surgery is the only choice of treatment if aspiration pneumonia, mediastinitis or other infections occur. ─── 一旦病患出现感染症状时,手术治疗是唯一的选择。

46、Other diseases brought on by alcoholism, such as liver disease and pneumonia, must be looked for and treated. ─── 因酒精中毒而带来的其它疾

47、Set up by a severe cold in September, he could not throw off his pneumonia. ─── 他九月间得过一场重感冒,抵抗力大受损害,因而肺炎难以痊愈。

48、He got pneumonia and had to stay at home. ─── 他得了肺炎, 不得不待在家里。

49、He was indebted to her for nursing him through pneumonia. ─── 他感激她护理好了他的肺炎。

50、The predisposition to his pneumonia was a cold. ─── 他得肺炎的诱因是感冒。

51、It was at this camp that one of its members, Mario Puchoz, a 36-year old guide, died of pneumonia on the 21st June. ─── 6月21日,36岁的高山向导玛利奥·普卓兹教授在2号营罹患肺炎与世长辞。

52、The Bacteria pneumonia may complicate influenza at Both extremes of age. ─── 处于年龄的两极的人,得了流感,细菌性脑炎会恶化.

53、No, but a symptom of disease. It is a sign of infectious diseases, such as pneumonia. ─── 不是,它只是疾病的一种症状,它是一种如肺炎之类的感染性疾病的症状。

54、The doctor diagnosed the illness as pneumonia. ─── 医生诊断此病为肺炎。

55、Measles can cause diarrhea, pneumonia, blindness and other disorders. ─── 从而导致儿童死于其他传染疾病。

56、It's acute pneumonia that you've got. ─── 你害的是急性肺炎。

57、Agatha had been hospitalized twice for pneumonia. ─── 她曾经两次因为肺炎住院。

58、Analysis on the epidemic characteristics of children's respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia. ─── 儿童呼吸道合胞病毒肺炎流行特征分析。

59、If you happen to have high fever and pneumonia, you must seek treatment fast. ─── 如果你碰巧出现了高热和肺炎,必须马上去医院寻求治疗。"

60、She was down with pneumonia. ─── 她得肺炎病倒了。

61、The low nurse-to-patient ratio was a significant risk factor for ventilator-associated pneumonia. ─── 低护士对病人的比例是一个重要的危险因素呼吸机相关肺炎。

62、What is the difference between influenza and atypical pneumonia? ─── 它与一般感冒有什么分别?

63、Are you sure it's pneumonia, doctor? ─── “医生,你肯定我得的是肺炎吗?”

64、A plenty of the folks die of pneumonia and not being able to stand that sort of treatment. ─── 当时就有许多人吃不消这样虐待,都死于肺炎了。

65、Physical examination will detect evidence of atelectasis or pneumonia within the chest. ─── 体格检查可发现胸部有肺不张和肺炎。

66、Another typical combination is DKA, dehydration, and hyperventilation from pneumonia or sepsis. ─── 另一个典型的组合是DKA合并脱水,及因肺炎或败血症导致的换气功能增强。

67、Joan's fever led to a diagnosis of pneumonia. ─── 对琼发烧的诊断是她得了肺炎。

68、Deaths are commonly the result of infections like pneumonia or severe diarrhea. ─── 传染后的死亡,一般是肺炎或者是严重的痢疾。

69、Bernard Berkman: I made burgers that time you had pneumonia. ─── 伯纳德:你得肺炎的时候我做过汉堡。

70、He's sick with pneumonia, too. ─── 他也患了肺炎。

71、Reflux leads to recurrent or refractory aspiration pneumonia. ─── 反流可引起复发的难治的吸入性肺炎。

72、She nearly died of pneumonia. ─── 她差点死于肺炎。

73、Her death certificate may read "heart failure" or "pneumonia" (I never looked), but she died of multiple sclerosis. ─── 她的死亡证明书上可能写着“心力衰竭”或“肺炎”(我从来没去查看过),但她是死于多发性硬化症。

74、Pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria are the main causes of death during the first five years of life, with malnutrition being a major factor. ─── 在生命头五年中,肺炎、腹泻和疟疾是主要死亡原因,而营养不良则是一个重要因素。

75、A severe inflection causing mouth ulceration, pneumonia and high fever. Vaccinate every year for prevention. ─── 一种严重的传染病,可导至口腔溃烂、肺炎及高烧。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。

76、The young mother was prostrate with grief at her baby's death from pneumonia. ─── "年轻妈妈的孩子患肺炎而死去,这使她悲痛欲绝。"

77、Primary viral pneumonia and multi-organ failure are common. ─── 其中病毒性肺炎和多器官衰竭最为常见。

78、Cage was struck with pneumonia in her youth. ─── 凯奇年轻时得过肺炎。

79、She came down with pneumonia and was taken off to a hospital. ─── 她患了肺炎送进一家医院去了。

80、He is convalescing from and attack of pneumonia. ─── 他患了肺炎,正在康复。

81、He is critically ill with pneumonia. ─── 他因患肺炎而病危。

82、Indeed, this patient's dyspnea had two distinct causes: pulmonary embolism and P. Carinii pneumonia. ─── 事实上,这例病人的呼吸困难有两个原因:肺栓塞和卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎。

83、Pneumonia carried him off last winter. ─── 他去年患肺炎逝世了。

84、Just as he was recovering from his attack of grippe,pneumonia settled in. ─── 他的流感才痊愈,肺炎又来了。

85、The doctor warned him that a bad cold can lead to pneumonia. ─── 医生警告他说重感冒可能导致肺炎。

86、He is cut down by pneumonia at an early age. ─── 他年纪轻轻的就被肺炎夺去了生命。

87、The general practitioner diagnosed the illness of the baby as pneumonia. ─── 全科医生把小儿的病诊断为肺炎。

88、His life is finally extinguished by the onset of pneumonia. ─── 他生命的火焰终因肺炎的侵袭而被掐灭了。

89、They say a brain scan shows a worsening cerebral condition and that Sharon now has pneumonia in both lungs. ─── 他们说脑部扫描显示状况恶化,沙龙肺部肺炎。

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