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08-29 投稿


distinguishment 发音

英:[[dɪs'tɪŋɡwɪʃmənt]]  美:[[dɪs'tɪŋɡwɪʃmənt]]

英:  美:

distinguishment 中文意思翻译



distinguishment 短语词组

1、distinguishment meaning ─── 区分意义

2、distinguishment of crime from noncrime ─── [法] 区别罪与非罪

3、distinguishment definition ─── 区分定义

4、distinguishment synonym ─── 区别同义词

5、distinguishment define ─── 区分定义

distinguishment 相似词语短语

1、diminishment ─── 缩减(diminish的变体);贬低(diminish的变体)

2、distinguishments ─── 权利或义务的撤销

3、distinguishing ─── adj.有区别的;v.区别;表现突出(distinguish的ing形式)

4、distinguisher ─── n.辨义成分(汉语语义严格意义上的义素)

5、distinguish ─── vt.区分;辨别;使杰出,使表现突出;vi.区别,区分;辨别

6、disguisement ─── 隐瞒

7、extinguishment ─── n.熄灭;消灭;失效;偿清

8、distinguishes ─── vt.区分;辨别;使杰出,使表现突出;vi.区别,区分;辨别

9、distinguished ─── adj.卓越的,著名的;高贵的,受尊重的;v.辨别;使有区别;看清,认出(distinguish的过去式和过去分词)

distinguishment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can you distinguish me from this caddice ball? ─── 你能分清哪个是线团,哪个是我吗?

2、Distinguish between copyrights, patents, and trade secrets. ─── 区别版权、专利权和商业秘密。

3、First described the concept of urban commercial complex, and the distinguishment to its related concepts, identify scope of the research; ─── 首先叙述城市商业综合体的概念,并与其它相关概念进行区分,确定研究范围;

4、He could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality. ─── 他再也分不清幻想与现实之间的区别了。

5、Can you distinguish the savors in it at all? ─── 倒进颜料。

6、You should bright distinguish good and evil. ─── 你应当明辨善恶。

7、Stratigraphy in South Jiangsu can be classified into 3 sequences based on the distinguishment of crucial interface. ─── 根据关键界面识别,苏南地区三叠纪地层可划分为3个层序。

8、Can you distinguish between the twin brothers? ─── 你能区分这两位孪生兄弟吗?

9、Can you distinguish goat from sheep? ─── 你能把山羊和绵羊区分开吗?

10、You must learn to distinguish good from evil. ─── 你必须学会辨别事情的好坏。

11、Can you distinguish objects at a distance? ─── 你能够看清楚远处的物体吗?

12、Use characteristic furniture to distinguish. ─── 利用特色家具来区分。

13、Distinguish between the three sections of the SCF. ─── 区别现金流量表的三个部分。

14、Can you distinguish watercolour from traditional Chinese painting? ─── 你能区分水彩画和中国画吗?

15、I can distinguish them at a distance. ─── 从远处我能认出他们。

16、Can you distinguish who is younger brother between a pair of twins? ─── 你能分辩出那对双胞胎那个是弟弟那个是哥哥吗?

17、That can be used to distinguish between two versions of a module. ─── 可用于区分一个模块的两个版本。

18、He couldn't distinguish right from wrong. ─── 他是非不分。

19、Distinguish between managerial and financial accounting. ─── 区分管理会计和财务会计的区别。

20、He is color-blind and not able to distinguish red from green. ─── 他有色盲,辨不清红色和绿色。

21、For example, they do not distinguish between 4.2000 and 4.2. ─── 例如,它们不能区别4.2000和4.2。

22、On Administrative Dispute--An approach to the distinguishment between administrative dispute and the dispute of civil affairs ─── 论行政争议--兼论行政争议与民事争议之区分

23、That black or white, good or evil can distinguish one from another. ─── 也就不是简简单单的黑与白,好与坏能够说的清楚。

24、He was eager to get out of the (common) ruck and distinguish himself in some way. ─── 他渴望出人头地,在某方面与众不同。

25、Can you distinguish right from wrong? ─── 你能辨别对错吗?

26、Distinguish between sporogenesis and germination. ─── 分辨孢子发生与萌发。

27、His mind could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality. ─── 他的头脑已经不再能分清幻觉和现实。

28、He pointed the nozzle of the fire distinguish at the flames. ─── 他将灭火器的喷嘴对著火焰。

29、The third problem was distinguishment of inclusion re equilibrium and recovery of primal temperature. ─── 三是包裹体后生变化(再平衡)的鉴别和原始温度的恢复。

30、On sight, almost no one can distinguish the two. ─── 从外表上看,谁也不能将两者区分开来。

31、But Paul was going to distinguish himself. ─── 不过保罗将来是会出人头地的。

32、Distinguish between direct and indirect costs. ─── 区分直接和间接成本。

33、Use lamplight, greenery to distinguish. ─── 利用灯光、绿色植物来区分。

34、He can't distinguish between a genuine antique and a reproduction. ─── 他区分不出真正的古董和仿制品。

35、Can you distinguish cotton cloth from linen? ─── 你能否识别棉布和亚麻布?

36、Can you distinguish toadstools from mushrooms? ─── 你能区别毒蕈和蘑菇吗?

37、A farther investment in the distinguishment of A. japonicus was needed in different phases of aestivation. ─── 对于不同夏眠阶段刺参消化道的区别有待于进一步研究。

38、He has talents by which he might distinguish himself. ─── 他有才华,可能会有出息。

39、Does not distinguish between accented and unaccented characters. ─── 不区分重音字符和非重音字符。

40、Unable to distinguish differences in musical pitch. ─── 不善于辨别音高的不能或不善于辨别音乐声调高低不同的

41、Some people find it difficult to distinguish right from wrong. ─── 一些人认为很难辨对与错。

42、Can you distinguish between a tiger and a lion? ─── 你能辨别老虎和狮子吗?

43、Can you distinguish him from his twin brother? ─── 你能分清他和他的孪生兄弟吗?

44、Now's your chance to distinguish yourself. ─── 你大显身手的时机到啦!

45、Can you distinguish these two things? ─── 你能辨别这两件东西吗?

46、He can distinguish the sound of piano in an orchestra. ─── 他能分辨出管弦乐队各种乐器演奏时钢琴的声音。

47、Can you distinguish the twins apart? ─── 你能分辨这对双胞胎吗?

48、The human eye can distinguish over one million shades of color. ─── 人的肉眼可以区分超过一百万种同色度的颜色。

49、Can you distinguish between those two objects? ─── 你能区分那两个物体吗?

50、distinguishment between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure ─── 划分资本性支出与收益性支出原则

51、Distinguish between the Internet and the Intranet. ─── 区分局域网和互联网。

52、Distinguish between an lvalue and rvalue. ─── 区分左值和右值。

53、Distinguish Between Value Types and Reference Types. ─── 区别值类型数据和引用类型数据。

54、Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now? ─── 你能区分出正在演奏的各种不同的乐器吗?

55、What you let me be able to distinguish to li ke, what is a love. ─── 你让我能分辨什麽是喜欢,什麽是爱。

56、What are the characteristics that distinguish Chinese and Japanese? ─── 中国人和日本人的不同特征是什么?

57、Can you distinguish the objects in the distance? ─── 你能不能识别远处的那些东西?

58、He can distinguish a genuine antique from a reproduction. ─── 他能区别真正的古董与复制品。

59、Distinguishment of Liquor by Solid Fermentation and Its Content in Liquor Determination ─── 白酒中固态发酵酒的鉴别及含量的测定

60、How do you distinguish between various species of deer? ─── 你是怎样区别各个种类的鹿的?

61、Mouth shapes are enough to distinguish one language from another. ─── 口型足够分辨语言。

62、Can you distinguish a necklace of crystals from one of glasses? ─── 你能区分出水晶项链和玻璃项链吗?

63、What are the characteristics that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese? ─── 中国人区别于日本人的特征是什么?

64、Distinguishment of the Integer Solution of a System of Linear Equations with Integer Coefficients ─── 整系数线性方程组的整数解的判定

65、You are confusing things, let us distinguish. ─── 你在混淆事情,让我们把它们分分清吧。

66、Additional, still can use wall adornment to distinguish space. ─── 另外,还可以利用墙壁装饰来区分空间。

67、People who cannot distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind. ─── 不能辨别颜色的人称为色盲。

68、It is easy to distinguish them . ─── 区分它们是容易的。

69、He can't distinguish between truth and falsehood. ─── 他不能辨别真假。

70、Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts. ─── 以正直和诚实来辨别所有的行为。

71、Can you distinguish between false diamonds and genuine ones? ─── 你能辨别假钻石和真钻石吗?

72、Can you distinguish me from the group photo? ─── 你能在这张团体照中找出我来吗?

73、Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. ─── 区分外部激励和内部激励。

74、Can you distinguish between an authentic antique and a fake one? ─── 你能辨认古董真品和赝 品吗?

75、To distinguish from something related. ─── 区分从有关的事物中区分

76、He is called smith minor to distinguish him from the other smith. ─── 人们称他小史密斯,以便与其他叫史密斯的人相区别。

77、It is not easy to distinguish between twins. ─── 区别双胞胎并不容易。

78、Can you distinguish generosity from extravagance? ─── 你能分出慷慨与奢侈的区别吗?

79、Can you distinguish cotton cloth from nylon? ─── 你能分清棉布和尼龙制品吗?

80、He cannot distinguish red from yellow. ─── 他红色和黄色分不清。

81、You are confusing things, let me distinguish. ─── 你把事情越弄越糟,让我来把它区分出来。

82、He cannot distinguish you from your twin sister. ─── 他无法区分你和你的双胞胎妹妹.

83、He could not distinguish cotton from wool. ─── 他不能辨认是棉花还是羊毛。

84、Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. ─── 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。

85、How do you distinguish these three parts from one another? ─── 你怎么分辨这三个部分呢?

86、You are supposed to learn to distinguish right from wrong. ─── 你们应该学会分辨是非。

87、Could you distinguish fear from cowardice? ─── 你能够区分恐惧和胆小怯懦吗?

88、His hand-writing is difficult to distinguish. ─── 他的笔迹难以辨识。

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