discontent 发音
英:[ˌdɪskənˈtent] 美:[ˌdɪskənˈtent]
英: 美:
discontent 中文意思翻译
discontent 网络释义
n. 不满adj. 不满的vt. 使不满
discontent 同义词
unhappiness |exasperation | envious | gloominess | discontented | discontentment | discontentedness | dissatisfaction | displeasure | dissatisfied | sadness
discontent 短语词组
1、agrarian discontent ─── 农民的不满
2、discontent with animal research ─── 对动物研究的不满
3、divinely discontent ─── 神圣的不满
4、discontent means ─── 不满意味着
5、discontent define ─── 不满定义
6、discontent meaning ─── 不满意义
7、discontent with ─── 对……不满
8、discontent grand junction ─── 不满大路口
9、rumblings of discontent ─── 不满的隆隆声
10、immune to the general discontent ─── 不受普遍 ─── 不满的影响
11、discontent synonym ─── 不满同义词
discontent 词性/词形变化,discontent变形
动词第三人称单数: discontents |动词过去式: discontented |动词现在分词: discontenting |动词过去分词: discontented |名词: discontentment |
discontent 反义词
contentment | contented |content
discontent 相似词语短语
1、discontents ─── n.不满;adj.不满的;vt.使不满
2、discontented ─── adj.不满的;不满意的;v.不满意(discontent的过去式及过去分词)
3、disconnect ─── vt.拆开,使分离;vi.断开
4、discontenting ─── n.不满;adj.不满的;vt.使不满
5、disconcert ─── vt.使仓皇失措;使困惑;破坏
6、disconsent ─── 不同意
7、discontentful ─── 不满的
8、disconsents ─── _其他组织者
9、miscontent ─── 误解
discontent 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Why art thou thus attired in discontent? ─── 为什么你要披上这伤心惨目的衣裘?
2、Discontent in the party will lead to further defections. ─── 党内的不满情绪将导致更多的党员脱党。
3、Discontent is in the air, dear Libra, and when people are disgruntled they tend to say things they don't mean. ─── 亲爱的天秤座,空气中有不满的情绪,当人们不满的时候人们会口不择言。
4、Taft embarked in September 1909 upon a 13, 000-mile speaking tour from Boston to the West Coast to assuage the popular discontent. ─── 为了缓和公众的不满,塔夫脱于1909年9月开始了从波士顿到西海岸长达一万三千英里的演说。
5、Where there is poverty ,there is discontent and disturbance. ─── 只要有贫穷的地方,就有不满和骚动。
6、Discontent is the first step in the progressof a man or anation. ─── 不满是个人或民族迈向进步的第一步。
7、Taft continued stubbornly to defend him and thus exacerbated popular discontent. ─── 塔夫脱继续顽固地包庇他。这就加剧了公众的不满。
8、The people are seething with discontent and anger, yet none dare expose the ruthlessness of these officials. ─── 人民怨愤已达极点,而无人敢暴露其凶残。
9、He signalled his discontent by refusing to vote. ─── 他拒绝投票以示不满。
10、Liu boss, generous, because I never showed a trace of gratuitous waste of discontent. ─── 刘老板大度,从未因我的无端浪费表现出一丝的不满。
11、There was widespread discontent in that country. ─── 在那国家里有广大的不满。
12、They contributed tactlessly to a general discontent. ─── 他们很不策略地造成普遍的不满。
13、He has been stoking up discontent among the voters. ─── 他一直在投票者中煽动不满情绪。
14、In this season of our discontent I find it heartening to look back. ─── 在这让我们不满的时候,我发觉回顾过去可以振奋人心。
15、No medicine can cure a man of discontent. ─── 一个人的不满是无药可治的。
16、His speech caused our broadcast discontent. ─── 他的言论引起我们普遍的不满。
17、Discontent and selfishness strike at the root of national progress. ─── 不知足和自私妨碍国家的进步。
18、A rising tide of discontent. ─── 不满的潮水高涨
19、He seems discontent with his job. ─── 他似乎对自己的工作不满意。
20、Thanks to his discontent with achievements he has made, he needs to do something challenging. ─── 他不满足于他已经取得的成就,他需要做一些更具挑战性的事情。
21、Only Hartman dared to give voice to their discontent. ─── 只有哈特曼敢于公开表示他们的不满。
22、"The city had all through the interval been seething with discontent" (John R. Green). ─── “该城市在那段时期里一直被一种不满情绪所煎熬” (约翰R·格林)。
23、Taft embarked in September 1909 upon a 13,000-mile speaking tour from Boston to the West Coast to assuage the popular discontent. ─── 为了缓和公众的不满,塔夫脱于1909年9月开始了从波士顿到西海岸长达一万三千英里的演说。
24、Your mouth is an expression of discontent and hunger. It used only to be soft. ─── 你的嘴表达了你的不满与饥渴。而曾经,它只是柔软。
25、Swelling hopes are nothing more than the other side of discontent, frustration and unhappiness that fill the world. ─── 人们对他高涨的希望只不过是充斥着这个世界的不满,挫败,苦恼的另一面。
26、A resurgent opposition is riding a wave of discontent as the country slides into recession. ─── 国家陷入萧条,反抗势力苏醒,情绪不满严重。
27、There is discontent within the farming industry. ─── 农业界内部多有不满。
28、Discontent smouldered in him. ─── 他强压制住不满。
29、There are reports of widespread discontent in the capital. ─── 有关于首都内普遍不满的多篇报道。
30、Discontent is the first necessity of progress. ─── 不满是进步不可或缺的第一步。
31、But they are not discontent. ─── 但他们并非不满足.
32、Dissatisfaction n. The condition or feeling of being displeased or unsatisfied; discontent. ─── 不满,不悦不高兴或不满足的状况或感觉;不满意。
33、By tacit agreement they turned to the wine to dispel their discontent. ─── 他们不约而同的想拿酒杀气。
34、Discontent is the first step to progress. ─── 不满足是迈向进步的第一步。
35、Instead of trying to reduce the discontent felt,try to raise the level or quality of the discontent. ─── 不要力求去减少人们的不满足感,而要尽力提高不满足感的水平和质量。
36、Low wages and high prices contributed to increase the discontent of the people of that country. ─── 低工资、物价高增加了那个国家人们的不满。
37、Discontent is the first step in the progress. ─── 不满是进步的第一个步骤。
38、It was not merely that they were weazened and shrivelled-though they were certainly that too-but they looked absolutely ferocious with discontent. ─── 他们不仅面黄肌瘦--他们确实是这样-而且还由于不满而露出凶恶的样子。
39、This administration is not king Confucius discontent in the doctor, "with other countries hold life" situation, do not wish to official. ─── 孔子不满这种政不在君而在大夫,“陪臣执国命”的状况,不愿出仕。
40、" Not! Afternoon to meet my first love, he asked me to dinner. " Lan Qin decided to play tricks on him, to vent their discontent. ─── “不是!是下午碰到了我的初恋情人,他约我吃饭。”秦岚决定作弄一下他,来发泄自己的不满。
41、Turn grief into strength, the discontent into better themselves, to change the unyielding injustice. ─── 化悲愤为力量,把不满转变成上进,把不平改成不屈。
42、Discontent is the first step in progress . ─── 不自满为进步之始。
43、The whole of their drive to the Vicarage was spent by him in expressing his discontent. ─── 他们坐马车到牧师住宅的整个路程,完全消磨在发泄他的不满上面。
44、He is discontent with the present situation. ─── 他对现状不满。
45、Today, Iranians are registering their discontent with the system of Islamic government as a whole. ─── 今天,伊朗人正在表达他们对伊斯兰共和政府制度整体的不满。
46、The Tories throw in the bodies left unburied in the “winter of discontent” and the IMF bail-out of 1976. ─── 保守党在“不满的冬天”[这段实在不知如何译,高人快救我]以及国际货币基金组织在1976年的救市。
47、The on-line forum provides a public way of sharing this discontent with others. ─── 在线论坛为人们提供了一个与他人同仇敌忾的公共途径。
48、New social media allowed that discontent to bubble up to the surface. ─── 新的社会媒体使这种不满情绪可以广为传播。
49、They abused their power and bullied the people, thus arousing intense discontent among the masses. ─── 他们仗势欺人, 引起群众强烈的不满。
50、His face gave no indication of discontent . ─── 他脸上没有露出不满的样子。
51、Discontent is the first step of progress . ─── 不满足是进步的开始。
52、A better social safety net, however, might have prevented some of the discontent with trade that began to spread through Congress. ─── 另一方面,一个更完善的社保网络或许原本可以阻止针对自由贸易的部分不满情绪在国会蔓延。
53、Within everyone there was a latent volcano of unhappiness and discontent. ─── 在每个人心中都有一座潜伏着不幸福与不满的火山。
54、To some extent it has been the success of marriage that has created the discontent. ─── 在某种程度上,婚姻的成功正是在于其所创造的不满足感。
55、There is discontent within the farming industry. ─── 农业界内部多有不满。
56、She is discontent with her job. ─── 她不满意自己的工作。
57、The condition or feeling of being displeased or unsatisfied;discontent. ─── 不满,不悦不高兴或不满足的状况或感觉;不满意
58、"I grieve and dare not show my discontent. ─── "我悲伤,却不敢表露半分不满.
59、He is discontent with his position. ─── 他对他的职位感到不满。
60、A cause of discontent. ─── 不满意的原因
61、"Have you so proved it to be a failing of mine, Tom?" said Louisa, showing no other sense of his discontent and ill-nature. ─── “你是不是拿准了这是我的一个缺点呢,汤姆?”露易莎除掉了这句话外,仿佛对他那愤懑的样子和坏脾气并没有别的什么感觉似的。
62、Discontent is the furst step in progress. ─── 不满是进步的开始.
63、And Mrs. William Darragh McMahan wore a look of discontent upon her plump but pretty face, and the very rustle of her silks seemed a sigh. ─── 威廉·达拉戈·麦默恩夫人丰满却美丽的脸上也挂着不满,她丝绸衣裙发出的沙沙声好似在叹息。
64、Material objects are meant to be used. Yet people woh lack wisdom become discontent and enslaved by material objects. ─── 世间的物质本来是为人所用,但不知足者因欠缺智慧,竟沦为“被物所用”。
65、A spirit of discontent was rapidly forming among the people. ─── 人群中很快出现了不满情绪。
66、Of all the workers in the country bituminous miners probably had best grounds for discontent. ─── 在全国所有的工人中,可能烟煤矿工不满的理由最充分。
67、Discontent simmered and then came to a head with the nationalist protests. ─── 不满情绪一直在酝酿着,后来随着民族主义者的抗议而达到了高 。
68、One must admit that a good deal of discontent is reflected in those statistics. ─── 不得不承认的是,这其中反映出大量不满足困素。
69、There began a muttering of discontent from the animals. ─── 从动物那里传来一阵咕咕哝哝的不满声。
70、Discontent is first step in pross. ─── 不知足是前进中的第一步。
71、Discontent stirred the men to mutiny. ─── 不满情绪酿成了兵变。
72、Discontent had been simmering since the beginning of the year, after a steep increase in energy prices. ─── 自从今年开始,能源价格急剧上涨之后,不满一直在发酵。
73、Suspicion, discontent, and strife, come in for dowry with a wife---Robert Herrick,poet. ─── 作为 嫁妆, 怀疑、不满和冲突 随老婆一起到来---罗伯特.赫利克,诗人。
74、You shouldn't be discontent with others all the time; you should analyze yourself instead. Being discontent with others makes you suffer. ─── 二八、你不要一直不满人家,你应该一直检讨自己才对。不满人家,是苦了你自己。
75、The most gifted among them, who might possibly become nuclei of discontent, are simply marked down by the Thought Police and eliminated. ─── 他们中间最有天赋的人,若有可能成为不满的核心人物,则干脆由思想警察逐个消灭掉。
76、He tried to sow discontent among us. ─── 他企图在我们中间散布不满情绪。
77、Antonia Chao, Conference on Postcolonialism and its Discontent. ─── Commentator,中央研究院民族学研究所。
78、They There are concerns that the rising disparity between booming cityes and villages could trigger social discontent. ─── 人们担心迅速发展的城市和乡村之间日益扩大的差距将会引发社会不满。
79、To cause abiding discontent and resentment in(one). ─── 使(某人)永怀不满和怨恨
80、Sparta tyrannical rule on the use of the general discontent, Athens, in 378 BC, the city organized a new coalition. ─── 利用对斯巴达暴虐统治的普遍不满,雅典于公元前378 年组织了新的城邦联盟。
81、The whole country is penetrated with discontent. ─── 全国到处怨声载道。
82、Discontent and populism may now form a vicious circle, both causing economic failure and worsening it. ─── 不满和民粹主义现在可能形成一个恶性循环,两者都能引起经济失败,并使之更加恶化。
83、Do you think there is a likelihood that winter-the winter of discontent as it was called-could be repeated? ─── 你认为那个冬季——那个叫做不愉快的冬季——十之八九会现再次出现吗?
84、Shencongwen finished his demand of modernity through the way of discontent and redeeming. ─── 他的现代性诉求是通过“不满”而“救赎”的路径进行的。
85、Her discontent with her job made her mother very unhappy. ─── 她对工作的不满使她母亲很不快乐。
86、She seems discontent with her salary. ─── 她对她的薪资似乎感到不满的。
87、There is widespread discontent among the staff at the proposed changes to pay and conditions. ─── 员工们对改变工资和环境的建议普遍不满。
88、Sometimes discontent turned into action. ─── 不满有时导致行动。
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