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08-29 投稿


abbatial 发音

英:[[ə'beɪʃəl]]  美:[[ə'beɪʃəl]]

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abbatial 中文意思翻译



abbatial 短语词组

1、abbatial saint germain ─── 圣日耳曼修道院

2、abbatial hotel paris ─── 巴黎阿 ─── 巴蒂尔酒店

3、abbatial meaning ─── 缩写意义

4、abbatial blessing ─── 祝福

5、abbatial definition ─── 空间定义

abbatial 相似词语短语

1、Sabbaticals ─── 学术休假(sabbatical的复数)

2、Sabbatically ─── 休假。

3、sabbatism ─── n.守安息

4、sabbatise ─── vi.守安息,过安息日(等于Sabbatize);vt.把…作为安息日

5、Sabbatize ─── vi.过安息日;守安息;vt.把…作为安息日

6、Sabbatarian ─── n.守安息日(星期六)的人;严守星期日为安息日的人;adj.守安息日的

7、Sabbatic ─── adj.安息的;休假的;安息日的;似安息日的;n.安息年;休假年

8、Sabbatical ─── adj.安息日的;休假的,公休的;n.(美国某些大学给大学教师每七年一次的)休假

9、sabbatine ─── 安息日

abbatial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Conventual capitular abbatial monastical canonical ecclesiastical cloistral monachal ─── 修道院的,庙宇的,僧尼的

2、It is certain that this monastery, which had a grand air, both as a church and as a seignory; that abbatial palace, where the bishops of Paris counted themselves happy if they could pass the night; ─── 诚然,这座寺院,落落大方,既像一座教堂,又像一座领主府第,称得上是修道院宫殿,巴黎历任主教都以在此留宿一夜为荣;

3、The proof of this theorem was communicated by Pietro Abbati to Ruffini. ─── 这个定理的证明是由Pietro Abbati通知Ruffini的。

4、" After the Abbe of Saint-Germain, the king accorded letters-patent;and all the rest, abbatial charter, and royal letters, was confirmed in 1654 by the Chamber of Accounts and the Parliament. ─── 继圣日耳曼修院院长之后,国王又颁发了准许状,到一六五四年,修院的许可证和国王的准许状又一并经财务部门和法院通过批准。

5、Conventual capitular abbatial monastical canonical ecclesiastical cloistral monachal ─── 修道院的,庙宇的,僧尼的

6、monastery which had a grand air both as a church and as a seignory; that abbatial palace where the bishops of paris counted themselves happy if they could pass the night; ─── 寺院,落落大方,既像一座教堂,又像一座领主府第,称得上是修道院宫殿,巴黎历任主教都以在此留宿一夜为荣;

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