dabs 发音
英:[dæbz] 美:[dæbz]
英: 美:
dabs 中文意思翻译
dabs 短语词组
1、dabs define dabs ─── 定义
2、dabs definition dabs ─── 定义
3、dabs drug dabs ─── 药物
4、dabs marijuana wax ─── 大麻蜡
5、dabs defined dabs ─── 定义
6、dabs rig dabs ─── 钻机
7、dabs mj ─── 达布斯mj
8、dabs coleman ─── 心形
dabs 词性/词形变化,dabs变形
dabs 常用词组
dab hand ─── 能手,内行
dabs 相似词语短语
1、dads ─── abbr.二烯丙基二硫化物(diallyldisulfide);后除极
2、darbs ─── n.出众的人或物
3、drabs ─── adj.单调的;土褐色的;n.浅褐色;无生气;邋遢;小额;vt.使无生气;vi.嫖妓;n.(Drab)人名;(匈)德劳布;(法)德拉布
4、Babs ─── n.芭布斯(女子名,等于Barbara,Babette)
5、doabs ─── 多布斯
6、abs ─── n.(非正式)腹肌(同abdominals);abbr.(ABS)防抱死制动装置(Anti-lockBrakingSystem);丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯(AcrylonitrileButadieneStyrene);n.(Abs)(德、印、美)阿布斯(人名)
7、dab ─── n.轻拍;少量;熟手;比目鱼;v.轻拍;涂;轻擦;轻敷(过去式dabbed,过去分词dabbed,现在分词dabbing,第三人称单数dabs);n.(Dab)人名;(法)达布
8、daubs ─── v.(随意)涂抹(厚重或粘稠物质);弄脏;乱画;n.涂抹;涂料;(粘稠液体的)污迹;拙劣的画;n.(Daub)(美、德、加、法、俄、瑞士、丹)多布(人名)
9、cabs ─── abbr.北美华人生物医药协会(Chinese-AmericanBioPharmaceuticalSociety);生物多样性应用科学中心(CenterforAppliedBiodiversityScience);儿童适应行为评定量表(ChildrenAdaptiveBehaviourScale)
dabs 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He is a dab hand at basketball. ─── 他是个篮球健将。
2、Performance and bus arbitration for DMA can be found in “DAB, DCB, and DEBPerformance” on another page. ─── DMA的性能及总线仲裁在其他页面的“DAB,DCB和DEB性能”中可以找到。
3、Compatible with standard of DVB and MPEG, receiving the digital TV channel and DAB of free charge. ─── 全面兼容DVB和MPEG标准,接收免费数字电视和数字广播;
4、The serum levels of DAB, ALT, AST, BUN and Cr in I/R group were significantly higher than those in Sham group (P
5、She gave me a dab of potatoes with my supper. ─── 她给我晚饭时,还给了一点土豆。
6、She's really good at farm work.; She's a dab hand at farm work. ─── 她农活干得好着呢。
7、He's a dab hand at cooking spaghetti. ─── 他是煮意大利面条的高手。
8、Dab on aureola when applying to nipples. ─── 在乳晕及咀唇上涂用时,请涂在色素区位内。
9、But the legislation was saved from a narrow defeat early in yesterday's debate only by the disa earance of a DAB legislator at a crucial moment. ─── 在昨日立法会辩论中,民建联议员(黄容根)在关键时刻失踪,以致杀局条例草案获通过。
10、The DAB shall be deemed to be not acting as arbitrator(s). ─── 争端裁决委员不应被视为作为仲裁人。
11、To start, skip powder and just dab some concealer under your eyes and over blemishes. ─── 不要扑粉,只是在眼睛下面轻拍一些遮瑕霜,遮住瑕玷。
12、P for 20 mins, and followed by DAB and hydrogen peroxide mixture. ─── 1:100S-P溶液室温孵育20分钟;
13、With universal suffrage, the DAB would lose votes and the Democratic Party would gain more seats. ─── 當普選開始,民建聯會失票,民主黨會得到更多議席。
14、Method of Use: Dab a suitable amount of liquid rouge and apply evenly on your lips with complimentary sponge. ─── 使用方法:用附带的海棉刷沾取适量,均匀涂抹在唇部。
15、Under the huge elm trees, we could see yellow dandelions’ popping through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with dabs of gold. ─── 在一些高大的榆树下面,我们看到,一丛丛黄色的蒲公英冒出草坪,仿佛是一位画家为了给眼前的美景增色儿着意加上的点点金色。
16、The computer management system of welding procedure for pressure vessels in developed with the general date dabs language FOXBASE. ─── 利用通用数据据库语言FOXBASE建立了压力容器焊接工艺卡的计算机管理系统。
17、Visitors dab chocolate syrup on their face sata“chocolate spa”at the Hakone Yunessun spa resort in Hakone town, on Feburary 8,2009. ─── 2月8日,游客们在日本著名的温泉圣地箱根享受“巧克力温泉”。
18、She put a dab of perfume behind her ears. ─── 她朝耳后喷了点香水。
19、She dabs at her frozen cheeks with her hands. ─── 她用双手轻拭去冷酷脸颊边的泪水。
20、Under the huge elm trees, we could see yellow dandelions popping through the grass in bunches as if a painter had touched our landscape with dabs of gold. ─── 在巨大的榆树下,我们看到一簇簇黄色的蒲公英从草丛中探出头来,犹如画家用一块块金色的颜料来点缀我们的风景。
21、It was true. He did have dabs of milk on his mouth. ─── 果然,他的嘴角还留有奶渍。
22、Why do not you let me decorate your sitting-room for you; I am a dab hand at decorating. ─── 你为什么不请我装修你的起居室,我很会装修。
23、So I go onto the DABS website and see how I can contact customer services, firstly they have removed all sign of a telephone number, not good. ─── 回过头来,如果产品自身千疮百孔,被用户整天批得体无完肤。
24、Then we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of a world that lionizes Size Two Hollywood starlets and Barbie-doll figures. ─── 于是,我们发现,自己所处的世界推崇好莱坞二流明星和芭比娃娃的形象。
25、The major losers are DAB and FTU, they lost 6.7 and 5.1 marks respectively. ─── 主要输家则是民建联和工联会,评分分别下跌6.7和5.1分。
26、No peroxidase activity of this enzyme was detected when using dianisidine, DAB and phenylenediamine as electron donor. ─── 在以邻联茴香胺、邻苯二胺和二氨基联苯胺作为电子供体进行过氧化物酶的活性测定时发现,同工酶4不显示相应酶活。
27、Put a dab of glue on each corner. ─── 在每个角轻轻涂上胶水。
28、Dab olive oil on patches of dry skin to rehydrate your skin and keep it looking healthy. ─── 在皮肤干燥处涂抹少量橄榄油,可以为肌肤补水,使其康莹润。
29、She had given her face a dab with a wet towel. ─── 她用湿毛巾把脸略略擦了一下。
30、She's a dab hand with a paintbrush. ─── 她是绘画能手。
31、Why should Hong Kong test the DAB technology? ─── 为什么香港要测试数码声音广播?
32、She dabs at her frozen cheeks with her hands. ─── 她用双手轻拭去冷酷脸颊边的泪水。
33、Half of the DAB legislators ru ing in the electio - including Ip Kwok-him, Yeung Yiu-chung and Lau Kong-wah - lost to pro-democracy candidates. ─── 参选人包括立法会议员,其中有一半败给民主派候选人,包括叶国谦、杨耀忠和刘江华。
34、The decreasing rate of HRV in DAB patients were obviously larger than those in RBL patients and RCB patients. ─── 冠心病前降支病变组中的心率变异性(HRV)显著下降率高于其余两组。
35、Each 1.5MHz frequency spectrum of DAB can transmit six sets of programmes with CD quality. ─── DAB每1.5兆赫的频带可供传送六套CD音质的节目。
36、He dabs his leg with a brush. ─── 他用刷子轻拍他的腿。
37、He made a few dabs at the fence with the paintbrush, but didn't really paint it. ─── 他用漆刷在围墙上轻轻涂几下,但并未真正油漆围墙。
38、You can vary the above settings based on the number of dabs of paint, stylus pressure, randomly,or position of the fingertip control wheel of the Wacom Intuos airbrush stylus. ─── 你能够改变上面的设置基于绘制的涂抹的数量,铁笔的压力,随便的,或者手指控制轮的位置。
39、She returned wearing a dab of rougeon each cheekbone. ─── 她回来时,两边面颊上涂有一点淡淡的胭脂。
40、Rick dabs oil on my forehead and speaks to God. ─── 瑞克牧师洒了一些油在我的额头上,然后,与上帝进行对话。
41、Dab again with alcohol to disinfect the wound. ─── 再次用酒精轻拍,防止伤口感染。
42、He squeezed a dab of silicone grease from a small tube onto his fingertip and ran it around the rim of the dome's blue O-ring. ─── 他从一小条软管中挤出一点硅油膏,以指尖将它涂抹在防水罩的蓝色O型环边缘。
43、Same, after clean, embellish works, preexistence is cervical reach clavicular place to dab ? of water of a soft skin maintains skin tender slippery. ─── 同样的,在清洁、润干后,先在颈部及锁骨处轻拍一层柔肤水?保持肌肤嫩滑。
44、Pinault methodically cuts the tip off each spear, dabs it in mustard vinaigrette, eats it at a measured pace and leaves the remainder. ─── 皮诺老练地切掉嫩芦笋的尖头,轻轻在芥茉碟中蘸了蘸,慢条斯理地吃着,并把吃剩的东西放一边。
45、In a photographic studio, staff are putting the final paint dabs on an alarmingly realistic-looking broad-trunked tree. ─── 在一间摄影工作室内,员工们正在为一棵看上去非常真实的粗树刷最后一遍漆。
46、Why my DAB receiver sometimes fails to receive any DAB signal? ─── 为甚么我的数码收音机,有时收不到数码声音广播讯号?
47、A swirl of extra virgin olive oil is drizzled over the salad, followed by a few precise dabs of balsamic vinegar . ─── 油旋流榨橄榄油是在淋上沙拉,精确其次是一些醋dabs的黑醋。
48、Dab the cotton pads in toner and sweep across the face like this...... ─── 化妆棉沾点化妆水,在脸上到处擦一擦......
49、There,' said Solomon, making a dab at Miss Pross's lips with his own. ─── 他用自己的嘴唇碰了碰普洛丝的嘴唇。
50、Ian is a dab hand at the orient art. ─── 伊恩是东方艺术的行家。
51、Dab the spot with a small dollop of Vaseline and blend into the entire shoe for instant shine. ─── 可以在这些地方涂一小团凡士林,抹匀之后可以使鞋子立刻发亮。
52、No, they don't dab their favorite perfume behind their ears, but they do enjoy rubbing up against tree stumps sprayed with the scent. ─── 不过它们并不是把香水擦在耳后,而是喜欢在洒了这种香水的树桩周围活动。
53、You do not want dabs of color, you want plenty of paint to paint with. ─── 你需要的不是一点儿颜色,你需要很多颜料来画。
54、Before you pull a tick off Fido, dab the critter with rubbing alcohol to make it loosen its grip. ─── 在你抓虱子之前,用酒精轻轻拍一下它,让其松手。
55、Method of use: Add a small amount of water to a dab and lather, then massage on your face in a circular motion then rinse thoroughly. ─── 使用方法:取适量加少量水揉搓起泡沫,在脸上以螺旋式按摩,再用清水洗净即可。
56、They had been dab hands at painting. ─── 他们擅长绘画。
57、In a few minutes face about will dab his madam, it is this by the side of her ear small sign: "Will you also see dentist tomorrow? ─── 几分钟后转过身来轻拍他太太,这次在她耳边轻语:“你明天也要看牙医吗?
58、Any decision of the DAB shall be admissible in evidence in the arbitration. ─── 在仲裁过程中,可将争端裁决委员会的决定作为一项证据。
59、Salt stress may result the H_2O_2 production of the tobacco cells and mainly within 60 minutes through DAB staining. ─── DAB染色和硫酸钛法测定证明盐胁迫可以诱导细胞迅速产生H_2O_2,产生的阶段主要是在前60分钟。
60、He is a dab hand at the game. Now he can play a drinking game with everyone at his table. ─── 他可是个游戏高手, 现在能打通关了。
61、When discussing Green, Fox suddenly, unexpectedly, begins to cry; then she dabs her eyes with a tissue, smiles and apologises. ─── 在谈到格林时,福克斯突然出人意料地哭了起来。接着她用纸巾擦去眼泪,笑着向我道歉。
62、You can dab at the stain on your coat with a wet towel. ─── 你可以用湿毛巾在衣服的污迹处轻轻地擦几下。
63、HSP I - Ab, SABC ready - to - use kit, In situ hybridization kit for HSP, DAB are purchased from Boston Corp, Wuhan. ─── HSP7O一抗(小鼠抗大鼠IgG)、即用型SABC免疫组化染色试剂盒、HSP70原位杂交检测试剂盒、DAB显色试剂盒,由武汉博士德生物工程有限公司提供。
64、Use simple, no matter be abecedarian,still make up dab can use its draw the outline of to give satisfactory eye clue. ─── 使用后,人人都会感受到你拥有自然红润的好气色。
65、The Democrat heavyweight lost to the DAB incumbent in Shun Tin West by 1650 votes to 1846. ─── 在顺天西选区,民主党巨星李华明得1650票,输给了得1846票的民建联现任议员(郭必铮)。
66、In a photographic studio, staff are putting the final paint dabs on an alarmingly realistic-looking broad-trunked tree. ─── 在一间摄影工作室内,员工们正在为一棵看上去非常真实的粗树刷最后一遍漆。
67、She is a dab hand at chopsticks. ─── 她是个使筷子的能手。
68、She put a dab of butter on the toast. ─── 她在吐司上抹了一点黄油。
69、The Parties shall jointly appoint a DAB by the date stated om the Appendix to Tender. ─── 合同双方应在投标函附录规定的日期内,共同任命一争端裁决委员会。
70、His face has the colour of mahogany, rough and rugged to the last degree, all lines and wrinkles, nine grey hairs of a side, and nothing but a dab of powder at top. ─── 他的脸膛是红褐色的,粗糙到了极点。满脸都是皱纹,一边脑帮上挂着九根灰毛,上面是个粉扑扑的大秃顶。
71、Didn't Omen and Dabs tell you? ─── |欧门和戴博斯没跟你们说吗?
72、When going out, she'll dab on a bit of Nars pretty pink Baby Doll Lip Lacquer, instead of her usual clear Blistex DCT lip balm. ─── 外出时,她会淡淡涂上Nars美娃粉色润唇油,而不再用平时的BlistexDCT润唇膏。
73、If at any time the Parties so agree,, they may jointly refer a matter to the DAB fore give its opinion. ─── 在合同双方同意的任何时候,他们可以共同将事宜提交给争端裁决委员会,使其给出意见。
74、If you apply this cleaning fluid, you'll find you can simply dab the dirt off. ─── 使用本清洁液可将污迹很快除掉。
75、She's a dab hand at embroidering. ─── 她是个绣花巧手。
76、He gave the cut a quick dab with the corner of a towel. ─── 他用毛巾角轻轻按了按伤口。
77、Face before sleeping thoroughly clean skin, 0.3 grams pearl powder and embellish skin water mediate, dab go up at the face. ─── 临睡前彻底清洁皮肤,将0.3克珍珠粉与润肤水调和,轻拍于面上。
78、She gave me a dab with her umbrella. ─── 她用雨伞轻轻拍了我一下。
79、She dab bed at her face with a powder puff. ─── 她用粉扑轻轻扑面。
80、Omen, Dabs, and some others.Omen? ─── |欧门 戴博斯 还有其他几个人 欧门?
81、In DAB mode, the backlight is blue, changing to green in FM mode. ─── 在dab模式下为蓝色背景,在FM模式下为绿色背景。
82、Over 475 million people globally receive DigitalAudio Broadcast services (DAB). ─── 475百万人民全球性地接受数字式音像广播服务(轻拍) 。
83、She returned wearing a dab of rouge on each cheekbone. ─── 她回来时,两边面颊上涂有一点淡淡的胭脂。
84、In addition, the growing usage of DAB and DMB allows users to enjoy various functions while driving. ─── 另外,正在增长的DAB和DMB使用,让用户可以在开车时享受多种多样的功能。
85、Me and you, Dabs, yeah?What? ─── |我和你 戴博斯 好吧? 什么?
86、My father is a dab hand at baking bread. ─── 做面包是我父亲的拿手好戏。
87、Half of the DAB legislators ru ing in the electio- including Ip Kwok-him, Yeung Yiu-chung and Lau Kong-wah- lost to pro-democracy candidates. ─── 参选人包括立法会议员,其中有一半败给民主派候选人,包括叶国谦、耀忠和刘江华。
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