recumbent 发音
英:[rɪ'kʌmb(ə)nt] 美:[rɪ'kʌmbənt]
英: 美:
recumbent 中文意思翻译
recumbent 词性/词形变化,recumbent变形
名词: recumbence |副词: recumbently |
recumbent 短语词组
1、recumbent structure ─── 平卧结构
2、laterally recumbent ─── 侧卧
3、recumbent trike ─── 重新弯曲技巧
4、recumbent position ─── [医] 斜卧位
5、recumbent stationary bike ─── 平卧固定自行车
6、recumbent bicycle ─── 躺骑车
7、laterally recumbent position ─── 侧卧位
8、recumbent fold ─── 伏褶皱
9、recumbent bike ─── 卧式自行车靠背脚踏车
10、dorsal recumbent position ─── [医] 曲膝背卧位
11、recumbent anticline ─── 伏背斜
12、recumbent exercise bike ─── 横卧健身车
recumbent 反义词
recumbent 同义词
resting | decumbent | horizontal |effortless | leaning | lying down | accumbent | prone
recumbent 相似词语短语
1、cumbent ─── 康本特
2、procumbent ─── adj.[植]匍匐的;平伏的;伏卧的
3、recumbence ─── 记忆
4、incumbent ─── adj.现任的;依靠的;负有职责的;n.在职者;现任者;领圣俸者
5、accumbent ─── adj.横卧的;斜靠着的;依状的
6、recumbently ─── adv.靠着地;躺着地
7、recumbency ─── n.斜靠着;躺着;休息
8、decumbent ─── adj.平躺的;(植物或其枝条)外倾的
9、recurrent ─── adj.复发的;周期性的,经常发生的
recumbent 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Dy ea due to elevated pulmonary venous pre ure and pulmonary edema is increased in the recumbent position and decreased by sitting or standing (ortho ea). ─── 由肺水肿和肺静脉压升高引起的呼吸困难在卧位时加剧,在坐位,立位(端坐呼吸)时减轻。
2、He looked down at the recumbent figure. ─── 他向下看着躺着的身影。
3、Comparative study on taking axillary temperature in two different recumbent positions ─── 两种卧位测试腋温的对照研究
4、In the day with beautiful sunshine, on the ground and sit on red carpet, chewing popcorn, recumbent metope skinning texture, enjoy good afternoon time carefree and contently. ─── 同时,配合相应的灯光效果,使卫生间独具风情。
5、Dr. Yancey goes further. She has a treadmill desk in the office and works on her recumbent bike at home. ─── 杨瑟博士的做法有过之而无不及。她在办公室有一张带跑步机的书桌,在家里边踩卧式自行车边工作。
6、The therapy consisted of three hours weekly on a computer-assisted, recumbent bicycle using functional electrical stimulation. ─── 这项治疗由每周三个小时,以功能型电刺激进行的电脑辅助,且可以斜躺其上的自行车运动所组成。
7、Dyspnea due to elevated pulmonary venous pressure and pulmonary edema is increased in the recumbent position and decreased by sitting or standing (orthopnea). ─── 由肺水肿和肺静脉压升高引起的呼吸困难在卧位时加剧,在坐位,立位(端坐呼吸)时减轻。
8、The Temple of the Sleeping Buddha, noted for containing a copper statue of Sakyamuni in recumbent posture is situated close to the Xiangshan Park (Fragrant Hill Park) north-west of Beijing city. ─── 卧佛寺位于北京西北部香山公园附近,因寺内有一尊释迦牟尼睡卧状铜像而扬名。
9、Comparative study on possibility and safety between prone position and lateral recumbent position in percutaneous vertebroplasty ─── 不同体位行经皮穿刺椎体成形术的比较研究
10、As he gazed at his recumbent fellow-exiles, the loneliness begotten of his pariah -trade, his habits of life, his very vices, for the first time seriously oppressed him. ─── 在他望着躺在那儿的同被放逐的人时,他第一次感到他的下流行当,生活习惯和种种罪恶所造成的孤独。
11、Keywords recumbent fold:nappe structure;Chaohu;Anhui; ─── 平卧褶皱;推覆构造;安徽巢湖;
12、Objective: To study the relationship between the different lying position(lateral recumbent position and prone position) and the increase of body weight of premature. ─── 目的:探讨早产儿喂养后取仰卧位和俯卧位与体重增长的关系。
13、right arm recumbent ─── 右侧卧位, 右侧斜卧位
14、Lateral recumbent coital position ─── 侧卧式性交体位
15、His shoe box is recumbent the foot of a wall, there is a chair that takes off lacquer before. ─── 他的鞋箱靠着墙根,面前摆着一把脱漆的椅子。
16、I feel stationmaster of a lot of professions considers rarely, oneself do after a few years, OK still now of careless recumbent, all sorts of cogged, after a few years. ─── 我觉得很多职业站长很少考虑,几年后自己怎么办,现在还可以马马虎虎的靠着,各种作弊,几年后呢。
17、Herbs erect to procumbent, annual to perennial, usually without rosette, often with recumbent lateral branches terminating in a rosette. ─── 没有莲座丛通常,通常,草本直立到平卧,一年生到多年生草本具外倾侧枝莲座丛顶生。
18、Lateral recumbent position posterior approach microendoscopic discectomy for the treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation ─── 侧卧位显微椎间盘镜治疗腰椎间盘突出症
19、The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain. ─── 采取卧位和肩痛有关。
20、lateral recumbent position pulmonary function ─── 侧卧位肺功能
21、recumbent fold ─── 伏褶皱
22、30-degree left recumbent position ─── 左侧卧位30°
23、The pattern of paleofold in Xuefeng thrust nappe was near recumbent fold thrusting toward northwest during Caledonian. ─── 加里东期,雪峰推覆体古褶皱样式为向西北推覆的近平卧褶皱构造。
24、This recumbent had established the acting industry company that enjoy the cool greatly, as before cannot have nothing worry about. ─── 这个靠着大树好乘凉的代工企业,依旧不能高枕无忧。
25、To prevent this in the past, I've had to resort to placing my alarm clock further and further From my recumbent position. ─── 要是在过去,为了防止这样的事情发生,我就得把闹钟放到离我睡觉的地方远远的位置。
26、recumbent position without pillow ─── 去枕平卧位
27、Keywords improved clinostatism;cleaning enema;left recumbent position;right recumbent position;time; ─── 关键词改良卧位;清洁灌肠;左侧卧位;右侧卧位;次数;
28、left recumbent position ─── 左侧卧位
29、I let the helminth of common people revile namely, add inside man body recumbent his enormous riches goes back on his word in order to live. ─── 我就是让世人唾骂的寄生虫,附在男人体内靠着他庞大的财产赖以生存。
30、Orion appears in a recumbent position when he first enters the stage of sky. ─── 猎户座以横卧的姿态第一次出现的天空中。
31、Study on optimal recumbent position of late pregnancy ─── 孕妇妊娠晚期最佳卧位的研究
32、Deltas are even heavier.Makers of recumbent trikes include KMX; ─── 有效传递了''''避险自救''''等常识性知识。
33、Keywords Total body irradiation (TBI);In sitting position;Lateral recumbent position; ─── 全身照射;坐式体位;侧卧式体位;
34、Semireclining and alternately lateral recumbent position ─── 半坐侧卧位
35、For the first time adjustable McPherson shock struts are used on the front wheels of their Scorpion fs recumbent tricycle. ─── 第一次冲击可调麦克弗森支柱上使用他们的蝎子飞秒横卧三轮车前轮。
36、recumbent statue ─── 卧像
37、a recumbent posture ─── 躺着的姿势
38、blood pressure 120(systolic),62(diastolic), left arm reclining or recumbent ─── 左臂血压120(收缩压)/62(舒张压)(斜依或斜卧位)
39、left arm recumbent ─── 左侧斜卧位, 左臂平直
40、her recumbent body/form ─── 她躺卧着的身体;她的卧姿
41、recumbent exercise ─── 斜卧位运动
42、Since entering business circles, recumbent oneself comprehension and assiduous, tu Haiming founded oneself brand, gained the favour of fortune. ─── 进入商界以来,靠着自己的悟性和勤奋,屠海鸣创立了自己的品牌,赢得了财富的青睐。
43、Zhu Min: Begin when have begin two practices, one is recumbent two bigger VC, do bit of thing to retire next slowly. ─── 朱敏: 开头的时候有开始两个做法,一个是靠着两个比较大的VC,慢慢做点事情然后退休。
44、Fall on the country more then actually recumbent the big be hard pressed for money that it spent that dreariness. ─── 于是越国上下竟然靠着它度过了那可怕的大饥荒。
45、How to make a regular bike into a recumbent with office chair for "Bike To Work Day" theme. ─── 如何使经常骑自行车到卧位与办公椅的“自行车来上班”的主题。
46、lateral recumbent position ─── 侧卧位
47、Zhu Min: Begin when have begin two practices, one is recumbent two bigger VC, do bit of thing to retire next slowly. ─── 朱敏:开头的时候有开始两个做法,一个是靠着两个比较大的VC,慢慢做点事情然后退休。
48、recumbent anticcline ─── 伏卧背斜
49、Evaluation of dialysis adequacy in 48 patients undergoing continuous non - recumbent peritoneal dialysis ─── 48例持续非卧床式腹膜透析充分性评估分析
50、Ullman, D. G., ‘‘Recumbent bicycle,” U.S. Patent Number: 5509678, Apr. 23, 1996. ─── 机国龙,运动休閒车之驱动结构,中华民国专利公告编号505140,中华民国91年10月1日。
51、Finnic recumbent " Sisu " the hunt bear, channel that sealing aspic drives icebreaker, razzia the mobile telephone market of the world, or it is to fight. ─── 芬兰人靠着“Sisu”猎熊、在封冻的海峡驾驶破冰船、攻占世界的移动电话市场,或是打仗。
52、It glided noiselessly towards the recumbent woman. ─── 它无声无息地向那斜倚着的女人走去。
53、Carry recumbent and lofty screen on the back, screen coping has 7 dragon, around also vulture became full the dragon of all sorts of attitude. ─── 背靠着高大的屏风,屏风顶部有7条龙,前后也雕满了各种姿态的龙。
54、Keywords tectonic-lithologic layer;decollement shear zone;recumbent fold; ─── 构造岩性层;滑脱剪切带;平卧褶皱;
55、As he gazed at his recumbent fellow-exiles, the loneliness begotten of his pariah-trade, his habits of life, his very vices, for the first time seriously oppressed him. ─── 在他望着躺在那儿的同被放逐的人时,他第一次感到他的下流行当,生活习惯和种种罪恶所造成的孤独。
56、Comfort evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration in recumbent position ─── 卧姿人体全身振动舒适性的评价
57、recumbent anticline ─── 伏背斜
58、Recumbent folding was formed by simple ductile-shear dynamics in the early stage, which was refolded by succeeding compression, showing the complexity of multiphase tectonics. ─── 早期韧性简单剪切机制下产生的平卧褶皱,经后期挤压再次发生褶皱,显示构造运动的多期性与构造环境的复杂性。
59、I am probably somewhere around 130 watts in the recumbent position, and 150 to 170 in the upright road bike position. ─── 我可能大约一百三十零瓦特在横卧的立场,和150至170公路自行车直立位置。
60、Analysis on Two lateral Recumbent Position of Assisting Patient to Turn Over ─── 两种协助病人翻身侧卧方法的分析
61、recumbent position ─── 斜卧位卧位
62、" Chan Ailing comes without follow-up, however the doorcase of recumbent study, look at Hua Tianhong coldly. ─── 单艾菱没有跟进来,而是靠着书房的门框,冷冷地看着华天宏。
63、he's invented Rowbike, a recumbent rowing bicycle that has sold, well, in the thousands. ─── 他发明的躺着划的划船自行车卖了成千上万辆。
64、dorsal recumbent position ─── [医] 曲膝背卧位
65、recumbent spectacles ─── 斜卧用眼镜
66、Look from the history, majority of local transportation company is to build the old business at 50 time, recumbent person pulls the development of original work configuration of pickaback to rise. ─── 从历史上看,地方交通企业多数是建立于50年代的老企业,靠着人拉肩扛的原始作业形态发展起来的。
67、Recumbent body position ─── 横卧体位
68、lateral recumbent posture ─── 侧卧式
69、He finished Giorgione's “Sleeping Venus”, now in Dresden, by painting the pastoral landscape in which the recumbent nude rests. ─── 他完成了乔尔乔内的“沉睡的维纳斯”中的田园风景,让裸体的人物休憩其间。
70、Recumbent bicycles, tandems, and other bicycles will be considered non-conforming and not allowed to enter any race. ─── 躺车、三轮车和其他种类的自行车将被视为不i) 合规则,j) 不k) 允许参加任何比赛。
71、Lateral recumbent position minimal invasive open diskectomy to treat lumbosacral disk herniation ─── 侧卧位小切口手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症
72、Laoli begins from 0 cost, this platform does business affairs of true now OK and recumbent electron big business, profiteered! ─── 老李从零成本开始,现在真的可以靠着电子商务这个平台做大生意,赚大钱了!
73、Recumbent position replacement ─── 卧位更换
74、9 see joke: Piece group of belts of X recumbent wife relation, should go up the general manager of the company. ─── 9看笑话: 张X靠著老婆的群带关系,当上了公司的总经理。
75、in a recumbent posture ─── 躺着
76、Recumbent trikes often brake one wheel with each hand, allowing the rider to brake one side alone to pull the trike in that direction. ─── 前几年,中国汽车企业的表现让世界惊呼“狼来了”,如今,印度的汽车企业狼性更足。
77、Second Beach, the same is a huge marsh. Xiufeng Ling Qi, such as the recumbent lion, dragon fly; vast marsh, Bi Ye Lian Bo, Xin dark fiber level. ─── 二滩,同样是一个偌大的草滩。秀峰奇岭,如雄狮横卧,巨龙腾飞;茫茫草滩,碧野连波,暗馨纤级。
78、The newborns' recumbent length, birth weight and gestational ages of moderate and severe anemia group were less than that of non-anemic group. ─── 中/重度贫血组的新生儿出生身长、出生体重和孕龄均小于非贫血组。
79、This product is intended for use with road racing bicycles, and may not be compatible with some MTB, folding, recumbent, or tandem bicycle frames. ─── 虽然我的看法也是较适合公路车,但理由不一样,主要是字小,公路车较趴,字小比较没有问题,登山车没那麽趴,字小有时会看不清楚。
80、right recumbent position ─── 右侧卧位
81、Ever the Chinese manufacturing industry that advantage of recumbent and low cost makes the world pressure is heavy nowadays. ─── 曾靠着低廉成本优势打天下的中国制造业如今压力重重。
82、recumbent is better than stand! ─── 躺着就是比站着好!
83、we are an importer of tricycles, recumbent cycles, tandems and hand propelled cycles.supplier if you have good products ,pls contact us for your more details,thanks . ─── 本信息价值5点积分,建议回复日期2006-12-08之前,还可被浏览3次如果您是本网注册会员,请登录后查看联系方式。
84、He dropped the gun onto the recumbent form of Tompkins and marched away across the damp lawn. ─── 他把枪扔到已经昏倒地汤普金斯旁边,快步的穿过潮湿的草丛。
85、I first bought a recumbent in 2000 after testing a bunch of them and, a week later, gave my upright to my father-in-law (I knew I wasn't going back). ─── 我第一次买躺式单车是在2000年的时候,那时我已经试过许多种躺式单车了,一个星期后,我把我的直式单车给了我的岳父(我知道我不会再回到过去用直式单车的时候)。
86、And bear recumbent China's biggest small commodities terminal market, the student that gives justice black industrial and commercial institute brings the business chance that do poineering work. ─── 而背靠着中国最大的小商品批发市场,给义乌工商学院的学生带来创业的商机。
87、From the viewpoint of structural analysis,this paper point out that the essen-tial structurall set-up in Chaohu coalfield is that of recumbent fold and napping is developedalong the overturned limb and lower part of the structure. ─── 本文从构造分析的角度出发,指出安徽巢湖煤田的基本构造型式为大型的平卧褶皱,以及在此基础上,沿倒转翼及其以下构造部位发育起来的推覆构造。
88、Recumbent bicycle equipped with very comfortable office chair. ─── 舒适的办公椅改造成的自行车,需要斜躺着骑哦。
89、11 years ago, the president Yan Wenhuan of group of each other profit is recumbent 60 tricycle deliver goods, acting food sells name, dig the; ─── 11年前,互润集团的总裁殷文欢靠着60辆三轮车送货,代理食品销售起家,掘取了他人生的第一桶金;
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