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08-29 投稿


candidness 发音

英:[['kændɪdnɪz]]  美:[['kændɪdnɪz]]

英:  美:

candidness 中文意思翻译



candidness 反义词

unjust | partial | unfair

candidness 短语词组

1、candidness in a sentence ─── 一句话中的坦诚

2、candidness meaning ─── 坦率的意思

3、candidness v candor ─── 坦诚

4、candidness definition ─── 坦诚的定义

5、candidness define ─── 坦诚定义

6、candidness means ─── 坦率意味着

7、candidness synonym ─── 坦率同义词

8、candidness thesaurus ─── 坦诚叙词表

candidness 同义词

frank | direct | forthright | straight | heart-to-heart | naive | communicative | single | straight-from-the-shoulder | plainspoken | sincere | blunt | upfront | disinterested | aboveboard | honest | outspoken | open | straightforward | truthful | free-spoken | ingenuous | point-blank | explicit

candidness 词性/词形变化,candidness变形

名词: candidacy |

candidness 相似词语短语

1、randiness ─── 狂暴

2、bandiness ─── 带状

3、sandiness ─── n.沙质;含沙

4、cantiness ─── 柔美

5、uncandidness ─── 冷漠

6、canniness ─── n.机警,精明

7、handedness ─── n.左撇子(或右撇子)倾向;不对称

8、rancidness ─── n.腐臭;腐败变质

9、handiness ─── n.轻便;灵巧;敏捷

candidness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The three parties engaged in a candid and in-depth exchange of views on continuing the Six-Party Talks. ─── 声明说:“三方就继续进行六方会谈进行了深入坦诚的交流。

2、Actually, her blogs are boring.People like her because she is candid and doesn't have the pretentiousness that is typical of many other actresses. ─── 其实,她的博客没有太大意思,我猜人们喜欢她是因为她率真,没有女演员的矫情。

3、With the aim of contributing to the international development of kendo, we appeal for your frank and candid response to our questionnaire. ─── 为了促进剑道的国际发展,我们在此特别请求您诚实和坦白的填写此问卷。

4、Your candid opinion, my dear, come. ─── 亲爱的,把你那不偏不倚的看法说出来吧!

5、In fact, if you wish to instruct others, a positive and dogmatical manner in advancing your sentiments may occasion opposition and prevent a candid attention. ─── 其实你要说给人家听,不论你固执的想法和不可动摇的态度会引起反感而制止人家去注意。

6、Sticking to the editor's originality and emphasizing the ethics of justice and candidness. ─── 坚持编辑的独立性,强调公正坦率的报道态度;

7、"No candid study of his career can lead to other conclusion than that he is victim of perhaps the ugliest of all passions, that for money, money as an end. ─── “所有的对他生平的公正研究只能得出一个结论,那就是他可能是所有的爱好中最丑陋的那种爱好的受害者,那种对钱的爱好,把钱作为目的。

8、Zhangfzoe: His candid conclusion is that history has been kind to Riefenstahl; far more effort needs to be taken not to exonerate her. ─── 他坦率地认为,历史对瑞芬斯塔尔是宽容的,还需要做出更多的努力,而不是来开释她。

9、He is perfectly candid and never two-faced. ─── 他为人实在,没有一点虚伪。

10、Mr. Pickwick felt much gratified by the fair, candid and full explanation of his honourable friend. ─── 匹克威克先生觉得很满意他的可敬的朋友的这个公正、坦白而充分的解释。

11、To be candid, I don't agree. ─── 坦率地说,我不同意。

12、Analysis on Judicial Candidness and Individual Case Supervision of State Power Organs ─── 司法公正与权力机关的个案监督

13、In his candid speech last month, Mr Mbeki appealed to South Africans to help eradicate “all that is ugly and repulsive in human society”. ─── 在他率直的演说中,姆贝基请南非人协助根除“所有人类社会丑陋与令人厌恶的事物”。

14、Regard the high level of an enterprise as the leader, in Dong Mingzhu's eye, we were read mix resolute, decisive, passion, bravely candid. ─── 作为一个企业的高层领导,在董明珠的眼里,我们读到了刚毅、果断、激情、勇敢和坦率。

15、This candidness can cause problems in their relationships with their peers or loved ones. ─── 这坦率可能会导致与他们的同龄人的关系问题或亲人。

16、When he came into office he was candid, moral and refreshing. ─── 卢武铉上台时,公正无私、严持操守,令人眼前一亮。

17、Bobby is secretive and Mike is candid. ─── 博比守口如瓶,而迈克却爽快坦率。

18、In June, Clinton said during candid remarks at a forum on religion and politics that she turned to divine help during the ordeal. ─── 今年六月,希拉里在一个宗教与政治论坛上发言时坦称,是信仰帮她度过了难关。

19、He's also well liked by his teammates as well as the media, in particular for his candidness. ─── 另外,由于率直的性格,他也受到了队友的喜爱和媒体的欢迎。

20、To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. ─── 为了证明这一点,特将事实陈诸于世界公正人士之前:

21、I am honesty candid &have full of working passion. ─── 为人热情豪爽,有着十分饱满的工作激情。

22、I'm candid about that in public. ─── 关于这一点,我在公众面前是直言不讳的。

23、His words are always more candied than candid. ─── 他话语中阿谀多于诚恳。

24、Grace, neatness, candidness and orderliness combine to form my general/global impression about her. For I was young then, I simply had little taste of the worldly life. ─── 优雅,整洁,爽朗,万事做得仅仅有条,这是我的大概记忆,其实那时的我不怎么懂事。

25、His opinions are candid that may well have been a little irritating. ─── 他的意见很坦诚,极有可能令人不快。

26、The conversations had neverthless been candid and searching. ─── 不过,这几次会谈一直是坦率而透彻的。

27、He demanded that they be better, more candid, more equable, more capable of seeing. ─── 他要求他们高尚些--更正直,更平心静气,更能辨别是非。

28、Another lefty, as has been revealed by a candid photo, is Britain's Queen Mother Elizabeth. ─── 一张真实的照片透露出,英国王太后伊丽莎白也是个左撇子。

29、Your silence is that of a star, as remote and candid. ─── 你的沉默就是星星的沉默,遥远而明亮.

30、But so far none else have ventured to be equally candid. ─── 可是还没有见有什么人这样坦率地说了出来。

31、Meybe they were too candid or outspoken. ─── 也许他们太耿直,或者说话不中听。

32、His homework assignments, circulated to classmates, show a candid passion for words.'Write sensuously. ─── 他的作业被同学们传阅,从中明显看出他对文字的热情。

33、Restored the literature candidness, causes the literature truly to pay attention to the self sufficient world which the text constructs. ─── 恢复了文学的本真,使文学真正关注起文本所建构的自足的世界。

34、We were forthright in our discussions and have been candid in our report regarding both the strengths and weaknesses of American education. ─── 在我们的报告中,对美国教育的优势和缺陷全都一视同仁并公正地进行讨论。

35、"This statement is to be entirely candid and, anonymous. I shall not identify either my husband or myself by our surnames. ─── “这段匿名的陈述完全坦白而不带偏见。我的丈夫和我的姓氏都不会出现。

36、Maybe they were too candid or outspoken. ─── 也许他们太耿直,或者说话不中听。

37、He is a mature stable, loving life and feelings of the people! , Don't need of very handsome.Between us the candid exchange, mutual understanding, mutual support! ─── 他是一个成熟稳重,热爱生活,重感情的人!不需要太帅,彼此之间能坦诚交流,相互理解,相互支持!

38、Candid and willing to cooperate. ─── 坦率的,乐于合作的

39、To be perfectly candid, my own condition was not far removed from that of superstitious fear. ─── 坦白地讲,我自己当时也感到一种神秘的恐惧。

40、He is candid to his opponents . ─── 他公正地对待他的对手。

41、Your silence is that of a star, as remore and candid. ─── 你沉默就是星星的沉默,遥远而明亮。

42、He demanded that they be better more candid, more equable , more capable of seeing. ─── 只要求人比实际高尚些--更正直,更平心静气,更能辨别是非。

43、He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his awowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse. ─── 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加公然地宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字。

44、Not forthright and candid;devious. ─── 不坦率的不直截了当的、不坦白的;欺骗的

45、Just stay calm and talk with them in a candid manner. ─── 保持冷静,跟他们进行真诚的沟通。

46、Your silence is that of a star,as remont and candid. ─── 你的沉默就是星星的力量,遥远而明亮。

47、Hearing the candid voices behind her, Mayo vacantly looked at the captain's lips. ─── 听到身后直率的评论,真夜空茫地看着队长的嘴唇。

48、Those who spoke out in candid terms on the important question usually could not make Hitler change his mind. ─── 在重大问题上,直言敢谏的人往往不能改变希特勒的主意。

49、To be perfectly candid, I think you acted foolishly. ─── 十分坦率地说,我认为你做得很愚蠢。

50、You must be absolutely honest and candid. ─── 你必须绝对坦诚。

51、To be candid with you , your nephew is far from trustworthy . ─── 不瞒你说,你的侄儿是靠不住的。

52、To be candid with you, we like your raincoats, but your prices appear to be on the high side as compared with those of other makes. ─── 坦白的说,我们喜欢你的雨衣,但相对比其他制造商,你的价格偏高了。

53、The conversations had nevertheless been candid and searching. ─── 不过,这几次会谈一直是坦率而透彻的。

54、He's also well liked by his teammates as well as the media, in particular for his candidness. ─── 另外,由于率直的性格,他也受到了队友的喜爱和媒体的欢迎。

55、I really appreciate Mr. Su's candidness on his faith and the practical benefit of faith. ─── 我非常感谢苏先生对信仰和信仰的实际利益的坦诚。

56、They were very frank and candid with each other in a relaxed way. ─── 他们相互十分坦率,而且直言不讳,但气氛却十分轻松。

57、A candid shot of President Chiang Ching-kuo with Tashi County chief Huang Ping-chang at Tashi, Taoyuan Prefecture. 2. ─── 图2:总统在总统会客室内接见多年来在民间结识的十一位老朋友和他们的眷属。

58、Most candid ates passed in grammar. ─── 参加考试的人大多数语法及格.

59、Prior to the game, James was asked about Kobe and gave a very candid response that foreshadowed the outcome of the game. ─── 在骑士与湖人赛前,当詹姆斯被问及有关科比的话题是,他所给出的答案已经预示了比赛的结局。

60、He is a candid person, who consents without hesitating. ─── 他是个敞快人,很痛快地答应了这件事情。

61、He implores the prime minister to ditch this artificial dividing line and be candid with voters about the need for fiscal retrenchment whoever forms the next administration. ─── 他希望,不论谁执掌下届政府,都能抛开分歧,坦率的对选民说明削减政府开支的重要性。

62、Not forthright and candid; devious. ─── 不坦率的不直截了当的、不坦白的; 欺骗的

63、Lord Wilson had a candid chat with CUHK students. ─── 卫奕信勋爵与中大学生亲切交谈。

64、In retrospect, these candid assessments are one of the unforeseen by-products of a full-time, two-year MBA. ─── 回头来看,这些坦率的评估是我们两年制全职MBA课程未曾预料到的副产品之一。

65、To be candid without ostentation or design-to take the good of everybody's character and make it still better, and say nothing of the bad belongs to you alone. ─── 可是--坦白得不加任何炫耀,不带一点企图,承认别人的优点,而且把人家的长处多夸奖几分,却绝口不提别人的短处,这可只有你做得到。

66、Spoken without reserve; candid. ─── 坦白的毫无保留地说的; 坦率的

67、In an unusually candid comment, the prime minister was quoted as saying that Israel's failure to act against the outposts until now is a "disgrace. ─── 一份异常坦率的声明援引奥尔默特总理的话说,以色列到现在还没能拆除那些定居点是不光彩的。

68、I gave them my candid opinion. ─── 他坦诚地向他们谈了我的看法。

69、I'm expecting an interesting afternoon session. I hope my candor and candidness will match your vigor and vitality. ─── 我很高兴能有机会跟在座各位朋友坦诚交流,进行思想上的碰撞,希望我们之间能够擦出火花,让今天下午的活动生动有趣,像你们一样富于活力。

70、Chinese Get Candid Look at AIDS," The Gazette( Montreal),29 November1995, p. B1; in Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe,29 November1995, http:// www. lexisnexis. com. ─── · 11月29日中央电视台播放了第一个关于艾滋病的纪录片系列,它包括对*女和普通中国艾滋病感染者的采访。

71、The United States will also be candid about our policy toward Taiwan. ─── 在对台关系方面,美国也将坦诚相告。

72、A potential colleague may be most candid about the job, its challenges and the work environment. ─── 一位可能的同事也许是最坦白交待工作的人,关于工作中的挑战和工作环境等。

73、He is a very candid man and never talks in a roundabout way. ─── 他生性坦直,说话办事从来不会拐弯抹角。

74、"Save, save, oh save me from the candid friend!" (George Canning). ─── “救救我,救救我,这样诚挚的朋友我可受不了!” (乔治·坎宁)。

75、Let me be quite candid with you: your work is not good enough. ─── 不瞒你说, 你的工作不怎么好.

76、To be candid, I don't like your hairstyle. ─── 坦率地说,我不喜欢你的发式。

77、They had a candid talk and cleared up the misunder-standing between them. ─── 他们很诚恳谈了一次,消除了不必要误会。

78、"Now we shan't have to talk," he said, smiling into her candid eyes. ─── “我们现在不要说话,”他微笑地看着她坦率的眼睛。

79、Spoken without reserve;candid. ─── 坦白的毫无保留地说的;坦率的

80、Nothing could be more diverting than to hear Lena, who was almost as candid as Nature. ─── 再没有比听莉娜说话更有趣的了,她像大自然本身一样朴实。

81、Staring at his face, I asked myself, on such a calm and candid face, all rectitude and resolution, how is it that I couldn't see a trace, not a shadow , that could make me doubt? ─── 凝视着这张脸,我问我自己,从这么坦然直率、堂堂正正、坚决正直的女生,我们看不到一丝可疑的阴影。

82、In his National Day Rally Speech, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong gave a candid assessment of his successor. ─── 吴作栋总理在国庆群众大会演讲中谈到接班人。

83、He is quite candid with his friends. ─── 他对朋友相当坦白。

84、He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his avowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse. ─── 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加公然地宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字。

85、A successful leader always keeps a liberal attitude and listens to candid advice that may be unpleasant to the ear. ─── 一个成功的领导者总是保持开明的态度,听取逆耳的忠言.

86、And listens to candid advice that may be unpleasant to the ear. ─── 听取逆耳的忠言。

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