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08-29 投稿


purgation 发音

英:[pɜː'geɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[pɝ'geʃən]

英:  美:

purgation 中文意思翻译



purgation 短语词组

1、purgation isle ─── 净化岛

2、purgation theory ─── 净化论

3、purgation island ─── 净化岛

4、purgation squad ─── 保洁队

5、and purgation ─── 和净化

6、purgation definition ─── 下定义

7、purgation def ─── 净化定义

8、purgation define ─── 下定

9、purgation method ─── 泻下法

purgation 习惯用语

1、put sb. to his purgation ─── 质问某人; 要求某人自行洗刷别人对他的指责(莎士比亚用语)

purgation 相似词语短语

1、duration ─── n.持续,持续的时间,期间;音长,音延

2、expurgation ─── n.消去;廓清;删去

3、curtation ─── 卷曲

4、curation ─── n.屏模;帘

5、pupation ─── n.蛹化

6、pulsation ─── n.脉动,搏动;震动;悸动

7、epuration ─── n.提纯;政治清洗

8、curvation ─── 弯曲

9、purgative ─── adj.净化的;通便的;赎罪的;n.泻剂,泻药

purgation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Through several years" effort, the LG business takes over purgation market gradually.The market shares are middle level and high level.Besides, LG business of GD corporation is becoming upward now. ─── 经过几年的努力,公司代理的LG洗化系列产品逐渐占据了临沂和日照两地中高端市场,并且,公司的LG洗化产品营业额呈逐年上升的趋势。

2、Keywords ischemic apoplexy;eliminating the turbid by purgation;Xiaochengqi bowel evacuating capsules; ─── 关键词缺血性中风;通腑泻浊法;小承气通腑胶囊;

3、purgation with drugs of warm nature ─── 温下

4、Study on Extending Meaning of All Sorts of Formulae for Potent Purgation ─── 承气类方衍义研究

5、Keywords promoting blood flow and dissolving blood stagnation;purgation;adhesion;prevention and treatment;peritoneum; ─── 活血化瘀;通用攻下;粘连;预防和治疗;腹膜;

6、urgent purgation ─── 急下

7、Keywords habitual constipation;Fangfeng Tongshen Powder;clearing away heat;relieving exterior syndrome;purgation; ─── 关键词习惯性便秘;防风通圣散;清热;解表;攻下;

8、She must purged and through this purgation her bowels shall spew. ─── 她必须被净化,经由这净化,她的内部将喷涌。

9、Application of Zhangzihe's Doctrine Pain Reduced by Purgation in the Fracture and Osteopathy ─── 张子和痛随利减在骨伤科的应用

10、Keywords tonification and purgation technique;massage;acupuncture;correlation; ─── 手法补泻;推拿;针灸;相关性;

11、Introduce professor Wu Liwen s experience for miscellaneous diseases applying Zhongjing s method on pungent drugs for dispersion and bitter drugs for purgation. ─── 介绍吴立文教授运用仲景辛开苦降法治疗内科杂病的经验。

12、sthenia requiring purgation ─── 盛则泻之

13、Application of Technology about Citect in the System of Collection and Purgation of Dust to EAF ─── Citect在电炉除尘系统中的应用

14、Major bupleurum Decoction has Radix et Rhizoma Rhei as it main ingredient and has the function of clearing away heat from the Shaoyang Channel, not of purgation. ─── 对于大柴胡汤,其组成当以有大黄为是,而其作用重在清泄少阳之邪热,非重在通腑,所以其主治证并不要强调“便秘”,其所治之下利证并不是热结旁流;

15、Keywords Ulcerative colitis ,Warm purgation ,Pathology mechanism ,CD4/CD8/CD3 ,Nitric oxide,Cytokine; ─── 溃疡性结肠炎;温下法;中医治疗;作用机制;CD4/CD8/CD3;一氧化氮;细胞因子;

16、Contrary treatment has the following methods: treating pseudo-heat syndrome with hot-natured drugs, treating pseudo-cold syndrome with cold-natured drugs, treating obstruction-syndrome with tonification and treating diarrhea with purgation. ─── 反治有以下方法:热因热用,寒因寒用,塞因塞用和通因通用。

17、Clinical Observations on Effects on Prognostic Factor Treating Hepatitis B-related Cirrhosis with Purification Purgation Dispersion Tonicity ─── 清下消补法组方对乙肝肝硬化预后因素影响的临床观察


19、Therapeutically, phlegm-purging therapy is advocated, and it can be divided into urgent purgation and mild purgation in clinical application. ─── 在治疗方面力倡下痰法,具体应用中,又有“急下”和“缓下”之分。

20、In some extent sumpplenting and developping purgation theory of zhang zhongjing. ─── 在某种程度亦可充实和发展仲景下法学说。

21、This article expounds lead-doctor Xie Changren s knowledge on Wu Jutong s theory about purgation,and on its clinical application. ─── 本文论述了谢昌仁主任医师对吴鞠通有关下法的理论和五承气汤的认识以及临床应用的经验。

22、Sanhuang tablets is one of common traditional Chinese patent preparation,it has effects of clear fever,detoxifcation,dispel inflammation,purgation. ─── 三黄片是一种常用的中成药,具有清热解毒、泻火通便的作用,1997年收载于部版标准[1],2000,2005年收载于国家药典一部[2]。

23、Objective: To explore the different mechanisms of action of warm and purgation method and warm and unsmooth method in promoting the repair of immunological injury of ulcerative colitis(UC). ─── 目的:探讨温下法与温涩法在溃疡性结肠炎(UC)损伤修复方面的不同作用机制。

24、Purgation, especially for the digestive system. ─── 导泄尤指消化系统的导泄

25、retaining yin in emergent purgation ─── 急下存阴

26、It is better to atone for sin now and to cut away vices than to keep them for purgation in the hereafter. ─── 与其死了以后受炼狱的苦,毋宁活时补赎罪过,克除毛病!

27、Analysis and clinical application of diaphoresis, vomiting and purgation needling methods ─── 汗、吐、下针刺手法剖析与临床应用

28、abstract: Objective: To analyze the purgation method in the treatment of intestinal tumors. ─── 目的:探析攻下法在肠道肿瘤中的应用。

29、powerful purgation ─── 大泻, 峻下

30、south slightly sweet but not bitter almond flavor, longer than the Run bowel purgation; ─── 南杏味微甜而不苦,长于润肠通便;

31、As both syndromes above are excess syndromes, this therapeutic principle is called "treating excess syndromes with the purgation". ─── 以上的证候属于实证,治疗原则为“实者泄之”。

32、tonification involving purgation ─── 寓补于攻

33、Fluid-Increasing Decoction for Purgation ─── 增液承气汤

34、warm and purgation method ─── 温下法

35、ConclusionThe results indicate that Luohanshen has a positive effect on purgation in constipated mice but has no effect in normal mice. ─── 结论罗汉参对便秘模型小鼠具有通便作用,对正常小鼠无通便作用。

36、purgation methods ─── 下法

37、Keywords acute abdomen;sepsis;therapeutic method of remove stasis by purgation;integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine therapy; ─── 急腹症;脓毒症;通里攻下法;中西医结合疗法;

38、simultaneous application of diaphoresis and purgation ─── 汗下并用

39、tonifiction preceding purgation ─── 先补后攻

40、Zhang Congzheng was worshiped as the founder of purgation school because he mainly treated diseases with three therapeutic methods, i.e. sweating (diaphoresis), vomiting (emesis) and purgation. ─── 如果以“汗、吐、下为攻去病邪的三个主要方法”作为主语,则译文可以调整为:

41、tonification and purgation based on visceral conditions ─── 五脏苦欲补泻

42、Its treatment should be purging fire,purgation,suppressing yang,calming wind,resolving phlegm and accumulating blood,in which purging fire and purgation were most important. ─── 故治宜泻火通腑、潜阳熄风、化痰活血为主,泻火通腑尤为重要。

43、relieving constipation by purgation ─── 泻下通便

44、Outdoor advertising obsolescence, strain, wearout, feculent, will order date of expiration purgation, maintenance repairs or renewal. ─── 户外广告陈旧、变形、破损、不洁的,将责令限期清洗、维修或更新。

45、catharsis purgation ─── 导泻

46、three urgent purgation ─── 三急下

47、study the purgation effect of Mannose oligomer in Amorphophallus konjac. ─── 研究魔芋低聚甘露糖对小鼠的通便作用。

48、Purgation Isle is an island south of the shores of Hillsbrad Foothills, in a shape of a towering spiral. ─── 赎罪岛是一个位于希尔斯布莱德丘陵海岸南方的岛屿,它呈高耸的螺旋状。

49、Members of future generations WuJu-tong created fluidincreasing decoction for purgation, seemingly accord with three urgent purgation with Shaoyin quite a radical. ─── 后世温病大家吴鞠通创设增液承气汤,似与少阴三急下证颇合。

50、Conclusions: The bitter drugs for purgation are fundamental ingredient and have main effect in Pinelliae Decoction for Purging Stomach-Fire. ─── 结论:苦降药组是半夏泻心汤中重要的组成部分,在半夏泻心汤中起主要作用;

51、The common treatments were diaphoresis,warm tonification,clearing method,purgation,harmonizing method,resolution,securing and astringing method,baihe method,needling method,moxibusti... ─── 临证施治,常一证一方,有是证用是方。

52、Promoting digestion to eliminate stagnation belongs to the category of purgation of the eight methods. ─── 消导法,即消食导滞法,属八法中之消法及下法范畴,主要用于饮食积滞肠胃之症。

53、drastic purgation ─── 峻下

54、removing water retention by purgation ─── 泻水逐饮, 泻下逐水, 泻下通水, 泻水

55、The eight therapeutic methods: a collective term for diaphoresis, emesis, purgation, mediation, warming, heat reducing, toning up, and elimination. ─── 八法:八类治疗疾病的方法,即汗法、吐法、下法、和法、温法、清法、补法、消法。

56、Contraindications of diaphoresis purgation and moistening in case of damp warm disease and its clinical application in pediatric ─── 湿温汗下润忌宜及儿科临床

57、The rat model of deficiency of splenic qi was established by the method of tiredness and purgation. ─── 以泻下及劳倦法造脾气虚大鼠模型,用放射免疫分析方法检测下丘脑及血浆NPY,并与去势大鼠进行对比研究。

58、sthenia syndrome requiring purgation of its child-organ ─── 实者泻其子

59、purgation for ulcer ─── 疮疡掺药法

60、prescriptions for purgation ─── 泻下剂

61、Clean pure body first while using, Tu Shang scrub cream or purgation agent, use towel scrub. ─── 使用时,先把车体清洗干净,涂上擦洗膏或清洗剂,用毛巾擦洗。

62、Analysis on "warm diseases treated with purgation therapy never too early" ─── "温病下不厌早"辨析

63、Comparison with Effects of Warm and Purgation Method and Warm and Unsmooth Method on Colon EGF of Ulcerative Colitis Patients ─── 温下法与温涩法对溃疡性结肠炎患者结肠表皮生长因子含量的影响

64、three types of Shaoyin syndrome requiring to be treated with urgent purgation ─── 少阴三急下证

65、purgation by cold herbs ─── 寒下

66、The Ill-Effects and Its Purgation of the Accounting Delegation Policy in Enterprise ─── 企业会计委派制的负面作用及其消除

67、Discussion on the treatment of jaundice by means of purgation ─── 泄下法治疗黄疸探讨

68、Study of curative effect about adsorption of activated charcoal and purgation in rescue of organophosphate poisoning ─── 活性炭吸附联合导泻救治急性有机磷中毒的疗效研究

69、endosthenic syndrome requiring purgation ─── 因其重而减之

70、Treating Congestive Heart-Failure with Therapeutic Method of Eliminating Retained Fluid with Purgation ─── 攻下逐水法治疗充血性心力衰竭

71、28 Cases of Inflammatory Bowel Obstruction in Initial Stage after Abdominal Operation Treated by Retention Enema with Fluid - Increasing Decoction for Purgation ─── 增液承气汤保留灌肠治疗腹部术后早期炎性肠梗阻28例

72、Shi Suo fang's Experience of Miscellaneous Diseases in Internal Injury Treated with "Pungent Drugs for Dispersion and Bitter Drugs for Purgation"Method ─── 史锁芳应用"开泄法"治疗内伤杂病验案举隅

73、quick rubbing to purge”;in the operation on the lower abdomen region, clockwise rubbing can have the effect of removing stagnant food in the intestines and relieving constipation by purgation; ─── 又如,在小腹部操作时,顺时针方向摩运可通调肠腑积滞,其到泻热通便的作用;

74、Zhang Zhongjing's Application of Method of Pungent Drugs for Dispersion and Bitter Drugs for Purgation ─── 仲景对辛开苦泄法的应用

75、sthenia syndrome requiring purgation ─── 实则泻之

76、purgation preceding tonification ─── 先攻后补

77、purgation eliminating obstruction ─── 泄可去闭

78、Effect on Absorbance Measure Accuracy by Left Purgation Liquid in Examination of Full - automatic Biochemical Analyzer ─── 残留清洗液对全自动生化分析仪吸光度测量准确性的影响

79、timely purgation to preserve body fluid ─── 急下存津

80、Analysis on "warm diseases treated with purgation therapy never too early" ─── “温病下不厌早”辨析

81、Consideration is given to both cold and heat, moistening and drying, purgation and tonification for the treatment. ─── 治疗上擅于寒热并用,润燥同行,补泻兼施;

82、purgation prescription ─── 泄剂

83、Heat-clearing and purgation ─── 清下祛邪

84、lubricant purgation ─── 润下

85、A Comparative Study on Influence of Warming Purgation and Warming Astringency on the Contents of IL-8 in UC Rats ─── 温下法和温涩法对UC大鼠IL-8含量的影响比较

86、Wastewater Pumping House: Suction Well Purgation in Converter Workshop ─── 不停转炉清理污水泵房吸水井的方法

87、Keywords Shandong GD Corporation;LG Purgation Products;Marketing Strategy; ─── 山东广达商贸有限公司;LG洗化系列产品;营销策略;

88、Eight therapeutic methods (eg. diaphoresis;emesis;purgation;mediation;warming;heatreducing;elimination and tonification) ─── 八法(中医)

89、asthenia syndrome detesting purgation ─── 无虚虚

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