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Christianity 发音

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英:  美:

Christianity 中文意思翻译



Christianity 网络释义

n. 基督教;基督教精神,基督教教义

Christianity 短语词组

1、Christianity in China ─── 基督教在中国

2、history of christianity ─── 基督教史

3、Anonymous Christianity ─── 匿名基督教

4、Esoteric Christianity ─── 神秘的基督教

5、Mormonism and Christianity ─── 摩门教和基督教

6、Christianity in Korea ─── 韩国的基督教

7、christianity board ─── 基督教委员会

8、Christianity in Saudi Arabia ─── 沙特阿拉伯的基督教

9、unbelief in Christianity ─── 不信基督教

10、Atonement in Christianity ─── 基督教的赎罪

11、Disciple (Christianity) ─── 弟子(基督教)

12、Polygamy in Christianity ─── 基督教中的一夫多妻制

13、neo-Christianity n. ─── 新基督教派

14、founder of christianity ─── 基督教创始人

15、christianity ppt ─── 基督教ppt

16、Christianity and violence ─── 基督教和暴力

17、arian christianity ─── 基督教

18、Christianity Today ─── 今天的基督教

19、Christianity and homosexuality ─── 基督教和同性恋

Christianity 相似词语短语

1、Christianism ─── n.基督教义;基督教精神

2、Christianly ─── adj.如基督徒的;拥有基督徒性质的;adv.如基督徒地;有基督徒性质地

3、Christiania ─── n.平行回转;挪威首都奥斯陆的旧称

4、dechristianize ─── vt.使……失去基督教的特质

5、Christianise ─── v.使基督教化;使成基督教徒(等于Christianize)

6、unchristianise ─── 非基督教的

7、Christianize ─── v.(使)皈依基督教;(使)基督教化

8、Christianity ─── n.基督教;(所有的)基督教徒

9、dechristianise ─── 脱基督者

Christianity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Cross is the symbol of Christianity. ─── 十字架是基督教的象征。

2、Dao, or the way, appears in Buddhism, Daoism, and Christianity. ─── “道”,也是路,它体现了佛教、道教、基督教的共性。

3、Christian Europe was at a low ebb. ─── 信仰基督教的欧洲到了低潮期。

4、Do people in your country embrace Christianity? ─── 你们国家的人民信奉基督教吗?

5、He is a loyal member of the Christianity. ─── 他是一个忠实的基督教徒。

6、A Christian feast commemorating the birth of Jesus. ─── 圣诞节纪念耶稣诞生的基督教节日

7、Christmas is one of the Christian festivals. ─── 圣诞节是基督教的节日之一。

8、What are the origins of your Christian name? ─── 你的名字的来源是什么?

9、Today, I, Tam Chen Yu, have converted to Christianity! ─── 今日,我,谭振宇,成为了基督徒!

10、They split off from the main Branch of Christianity. ─── 他们是自基督教的主要分部分离出来的。

11、A Christian feast celebrating this event. ─── 圣母升天节基督教庆祝这一事件的节日

12、He has a strong faith in Christianity. ─── 他非常信仰基督教。

13、He is an apostate from Christianity. ─── 他是一个基督教的背信者。

14、The next big influence on English was Christianity. ─── 另一个对英语产生重大影响的因素是基督教。

15、He converted to Christianity. ─── 他改信了基督教。

16、He derives strength from his Christianity. ─── 他身为基督徒而从中获得力量。

17、The Emperor Constantine I legalized Christianity in 325 AD. ─── 君士坦丁一世于325年宣布基督教合法化。

18、All of the earliest followers of Jesus seemed to have been apocalyptic minded Jews, and that's the beginning of early Christianity. ─── 所有耶稣最早的信徒,似乎都是具有启示思维犹太人,这就是早期基督教的开始。

19、What was the original experience of Christianity, in contrast with that of the Greek cosmos and its human microcosmos? ─── 对比古希腊的宇宙论和他的人类的微宇宙论,原初的基督教经验是什么?

20、He had already promised that, to please her, he would convert to Christianity. ─── 为了讨她欢心,他已经答应改信天主教。

21、Christmas is a Christian festival. ─── 圣诞节是基督教的节日。

22、His commission was to convert the local heathens to Christianity. ─── 他的使命就是使当地的异教徒改信基督教。

23、The country swayed precariously between Christianity and paganism. ─── 这个国家在基督教和异教之间摇摆不定。

24、To convert(another) to Christianity; make Christian. ─── 使成基督徒转变(他人)而信基督;变成基督徒

25、Convert pagans to Christianity; was converted to pacifism by the war. ─── 使异教徒皈依基督教;成为反战论者

26、"Yes,--Christian and surname are the same. ─── “对了,这就和我要找的那个人的姓名都对上了。

27、They were initiated into Christianity. ─── 他们被介绍加入了基督教。

28、A Christian festival observed from December 24, Christmas Eve, to January 5, the eve of Epiphany. ─── 圣诞节节期圣诞节假日从十二月二十四日的圣诞前一天,到一月五日的显灵节前一天。

29、Religions include nature and ancestor worship and Christianity. ─── 包括宗教性质和祖先崇拜和基督教。

30、He testified his faith in Christianity openly. ─── 他公开声明信仰基督教。

31、His novel is saturated with prejudice toward Christianity. ─── 他的小说充满着对基督教的偏见。

32、He converted from Christianity to Islam. ─── 他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。

33、Why does Christianity have a future? ─── 为何基督教能有未来?

34、A: Why did ye reveal yer misfortune, Christian? ─── (克利斯汀,你为何说出你的不幸呢?

35、Many Africans were converted to Christianity. ─── 人转信了基督教。

36、Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are the descendents of Abraham, making the followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam "cousins, " he said. ─── 他说,摩西、耶稣和穆罕默德都是亚伯拉罕的子孙,因此犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教信徒都是“表兄弟”。

37、In the New Testament, the mother of Jesus and the principal saint of many Christian churches. ─── 圣母玛利亚新约圣经所记耶稣之母,是许多天主教堂的主要圣人

38、He was converted to Christianity from paganism. ─── 他从一个崇拜偶像的异教徒变成基督徒.

39、"How did she become a Christian?" Abner pondered. ─── “她是怎么成为基督徒的?”艾布纳自言自语。

40、The keynote of his speech was Christian love. ─── 他演说的主旨是基督教的爱。

41、Orthodox Christian churches often have elaborate steeples. ─── 传统的基督教堂都有精致的尖塔。

42、But despite his newfound Christianity, it was not an easy transition. ─── 可是尽管他信奉了基督教,转变并非轻而易举。

43、He went abroad to preach Christianity to the heathen. ─── 他去国外向异教徒宣传基督教。

44、When the Christianity became the official religion of Rome, there was no Christmas. ─── 当基督教成为罗马的官方宗教时,就没有圣诞节了。

45、Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia. ─── 佛教源于印度,基督教源于巴勒斯坦,伊斯兰教源于阿拉伯。

46、French Revolution: Christianity is disestablished in France. ─── 1793年的今天,在法国大革命中,基督教被政教分离。

47、He converted from Christianity to Islam. ─── 他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。

48、Professing Christianity, he had little compassion in his make-up. ─── 他号称信奉基督教,却没有什么慈悲心肠。

49、Being three in one. Used especially of the Christian Trinity. ─── 三位一体的三人合而为一人,尤其用来指基督教的三位一体

50、He is an earnest Christian. ─── 他是一个虔诚的基督教徒。

51、He is a pious Christian. ─── 他是一名虔诚的基督教徒。

52、The cross is the central symbol of Christianity. ─── 十字架是基督教的象征的中心。

53、It was adapted by Christianity to be interpreted as the resurrection of Jesus. ─── 后被基督教采用诠释为耶稣的复活。

54、The liturgical headdress and part of the insignia of a Christian bishop. In the Western church it is a tall pointed hat with peaks in front and back, worn at all solemn functions. ─── 主教冠基督教主教的礼拜仪式的头饰,是其标志的一部分,在西方教堂中,是一个高而尖的帽子,在前和后有尖状突出,在隆重的庆祝仪式上佩戴

55、The ancient privilege of sanctuary was transferred to the Christian temple. ─── 古代的庇护特权转移到了基督教的教堂。

56、His wife converted him from Christianity to atheism. ─── 他的太太使他由基督徒改为无神论者。

57、Christmas and Easter are Christian festivals. ─── 圣诞节和复活节是基督教的节日。

58、He is the priest of the Christian Church. ─── 他是基督教的牧师。

59、They have made a convert of her co Christianity. ─── 他们使她皈依基督教。

60、He intended his novel to dramatize the conflict between heresy and Christianity. ─── 他打算在他的小说里戏剧化地再现异教与基督教之间的冲突。

61、He converted me to Christianity. ─── 他使我改信基督教。

62、He lived the life of a Christian. ─── 他过着基督徒的生活。

63、It is said that saint Paul converted to Christianity after seeing the fantastic transformed image of Jesus on his way to Damascus. ─── 据说,圣徒保罗在去大马士革的路上看见耶稣幻化的令人眩目的形象后便皈依了基督教。

64、They went over to Christianity. ─── 他们献身于基督教。

65、The Christian God, especially the Trinity. ─── 上帝基督教的上帝,尤指三位一体的象征

66、He is a recent convert to Christianity. ─── 他最近改信基督教了。

67、Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are the three major religions in the world. ─── 佛教、基督教和伊斯兰教是世界三大宗教。

68、Missionaries converted some of us to Christianity. ─── 传教士让我们中的一些人转信了基督教。

69、Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, and Islam from Arabia. ─── 佛教源于印度,基督教源于巴基斯坦,伊斯兰教源于阿拉伯。

70、She converted from Christianity in order to marry a Muslin. ─── 为与穆斯林人结婚,她改变了基督教的信仰。

71、They professed Christianity. ─── 他们宣称信仰基督教。

72、Convert pagans to Christianity;was converted to pacifism by the war. ─── 使异教徒皈依基督教;成为反战论者

73、The popularization and development of Christianity in the coastal countryside since the reform and opening clearly proves this point. ─── 我国改革开放以来,基督教在东南沿海农村的传播与发展的状况,就是很好的验证。

74、As you may know, the cross is the symbol of Christianity. ─── 你也许知道,十字架是基督教的象征。

75、Will an impious Christian be punished by God? ─── 不虔诚的基督徒会受上帝惩罚吗?

76、He travelled to England and converted to Christianity. ─── 他来到了英格兰,转信了基督教。

77、He behaved in a Christian way to his enemies. ─── 他用基督教的方式对待自己的敌人。

78、The Missionaries and the Conversion of Wu Li to Christianity. ─── 传教士与吴渔山之奉教。

79、His mother was a good Christian. ─── 他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。

80、They believe in Christianity. ─── 他们信基督教。

81、A monotheist who is not a Christian. ─── 不是基督教徒的信一神教者

82、From then on I always used her Christian name. ─── 从此,我就一直对她以教名相称。

83、Of or relating to the Christian Trinity. ─── 三位一体的属于或关于基督教三位一体的

84、You really are a very Christian fellow. ─── 你真是一个虔诚的基督徒。

85、The cross is an emblem of Christianity. ─── 十字架是基督教的象徵。

86、Let us remember all those who have gone before, and have left us their example of Christian living. ─── 咱们要缅怀那些先驱,他们给我们树立了基督教的正派生活方式的榜样。

87、China is home to many religions,mainly Buddhism,Taoism,Islam and Christianity. ─── 中国是一个有着多种宗教的国家,主要有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、基督教。

88、One was that Christianity was basically a matter of the heart. ─── 第一,基督教本质上是内心的问题。

89、He inherited his eloquence from his father, a Christian preacher. ─── 他继承了他那个当基督教传教士的父亲的口才。

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