articulation 发音
英:[ɑːrˌtɪkjuˈleɪʃn] 美:[ɑːˌtɪkjuˈleɪʃn]
英: 美:
articulation 中文意思翻译
articulation 同义词
articulated | sound out | convey | speak | express | eloquent | vocalize | joint | verbalize | formulate | lucid | speak about |enunciate | vocalise | coherent | pronounce | expressive | say | enounce | phrase | clear | word | communicative | fluent
articulation 词性/词形变化,articulation变形
形容词: articulatory |
articulation 短语词组
1、congruent articulation ─── [医] 等面关节(关节面大小形式相等者)
2、articulation point ─── [计] 断点
3、compound articulation ─── [医] 复关节
4、anatomical articulation ─── [医] 解剖性Ж
5、Chopart's articulation ─── [医] 跗横关节
6、articulation of elbow ─── [医] 肘关节
7、condyloid articulation ─── [医] 髁状关节, 椭圆关节
8、articulation of hip ─── [医] 髋关节
9、confluent articulation ─── [医] 混合发音
10、articulation statement ─── [经] 棋盘式对照表, 借贷分列表, 摊排表
11、articulation efficiency ─── [计] 清晰效率
12、articulation index ─── [计] 清晰度指数
13、articulation of humerus ─── [医] 肩关节
14、articulation of knee ─── [医] 膝关节
15、band articulation ─── [计] 频带清晰度
16、articulation equivalent ─── [电] 清晰度当量
17、articulation tic ─── [医] 言语抽搐, 口吃
18、carpal articulation ─── [医] 桡腕关节
19、articulation reference equivaleut ─── [电] 清晰度当量
articulation 反义词
unarticulated |inarticulate
articulation 相似词语短语
1、coarticulation ─── n.协同发音;次要发音动作(等于secondaryarticulation)
2、reticulation ─── n.网状,网状物;网目;网状组织
3、articulating ─── vt.清晰地发(音);明确有力地表达;用关节连接;使相互连贯;vi.发音;清楚地讲话;用关节连接起来;adj.发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的;n.【动物学】有节体的动物
4、articulative ─── 清晰的
5、graticulation ─── 方格画法
6、articulator ─── n.发音之人或物;发音纠正器;接骨的人
7、inarticulation ─── 不说话
8、articulations ─── n.[解剖]关节;连接;[生理]发音(articulation的复数)
9、disarticulation ─── n.关节脱落;[外科]关节切断术
articulation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、dislocation of articulation of larynx ─── 喉关节脱位
2、A point of articulation between two or more bones, especially such a connection that allows motion. ─── 关节两块或两块以上骨头之间的关节连接点,尤指可以活动的连接点
3、His unclear articulation is difficult to understand. ─── 他说话含混不清,听的人很吃力。
4、lateral atlanto-axial articulation ─── 寰枢外侧关节
5、In his final period, from 1910 onward, Debussy becomes much more complex in his symbols of expression, articulation and terminology to indicate to the performer how to play the works. ─── 因此,若要诠释德布西的作品,除了从音乐本身之外,还要藉助于具有微妙神韵的文学性想像力与充满色彩和立体感的美术创作鑑赏力。
6、clear articulation [enunciation] ─── 咬字清楚
7、Manners of articulation: the actual relationship between the articulators and thus the way in which the air passes through certain parts of the vocal tract. ─── 发音方法:发音器官之间的关系,以及气流经过声道的某些部位时的方式。
8、Analyse 39 cases electromyographic interogram of cubital articulation syndrome. ─── 39例肘管综合征肌电图分析。
9、For Darwin, articulation, association of ideas, and the ability to connect definite ideas with definite sounds, were not unique characteristics of human language. ─── 对达尔文来说,发声,概念的联想,以及连结特定概念和特定声音的能力并不是人类语言独有的特徵。
10、reduction of mandbular articulation dislocation ─── 下颌关节脱位复位手法
11、Her articulation is clear. ─── 她咬字儿清楚。
12、Bowing and articulation of cello is a basic problem in performance.Vigorous, filled, well-proportioned, changing,and expressive tamber cannot do without an accurate bowing. ─── 大提琴的运弓和发音是演奏中最基本的问题,要想拥有浑厚、饱满、均匀有富于变化的具有表现力的音色离不开对弓的正确运用。
13、This was seen as a way of restricting women's articulation of grievances. ─── 这曾被认为是一种限制妇女表达不满的方法。
14、If speech is a patterned temporal phenomenon, and if such phenomena are based on underlying rhythms, is articulation rhythmic? ─── 如果讲话是模仿时间现象,假使这种现象主要是以强调节奏为主,那麽发音是有节奏的吗?
15、The results suggest that the posterior STS has access to learned, talker-specific visual patterns of articulation, which may aid acoustic processing of the speech signal. ─── 受试者由有面部识别障碍的患者(面容失认)和匹配的正常对照组成。结果发现,观察一个特定的人说话2分钟会改善后续对这个人的纯听觉语言和讲话者再认实验的结果。
16、A type of articulation between bony surfaces that permits limited motion and is connected by ligaments or elastic cartilage, such as that between the vertebrae. ─── 微动关节允许轻微运动的位于多骨表皮之间的关节,如脊椎骨之间的关节,由肌键或弹性软骨联接
17、Articulation is also difficult while circular breathing and should not be attempted until the student is very comfortable slurring. ─── 循环呼吸过程中的清晰度也是很难保证的,练习者在对这个技巧轻车熟路前不应过度追求。
18、an articulation of the group's sentiments. ─── 小组意见的表达
19、Without a logical articulation which does not bring in any prejudice about what is to be wished for the subject, what do you know about it? ─── 假如主体所被期望的需要,没有这个不属于任何偏见的逻辑表达,你们要如何能够知道呢??
20、The stop and the fricative halves of these affricates are at the same place of articulation: the stop is in fact postalveolar rather than alveolar. ─── 严重时可能整个颚部纵向全裂,不过大部分的情形是单纯的软颚裂:最轻微的情况则是只有悬壅垂 (小舌) 有裂缝。
21、We will in future, introduce measures to better engage our customers through a clear articulation of our CRM policies and guidelines. ─── 我们日后会制订明确的客户关系管理政策和指引,并推出相关措施,让客户有更多机会参与电子服务的发展。
22、Children with functional articulation disorder have more behavioral problems than normal children. It is crucial to correct the false articulations for preventing behavioral problems. ─── 功能性构音障碍儿童行为问题发生率高于正常儿童,积极矫治其错误发音是预防行为问题的关键。
23、First,manners of articulation are incorrec t,the movement of vocal chords disharmonious and the use of resonation unscienti fic. ─── 一是发声方法不正确,声带运动调节失调,共鸣运用不良。
24、For the original filming of Star Wars, the dewback was a mechanized lifesize puppet featuring limited articulation. ─── 在原始的星际大战影片里,湿背兽是一只实际尺寸的机械道具,只有少数的关节。
25、A type of articulation between bony surfaces that permits limited motion and is connected by ligaments or elastic cartilage,such as that between the vertebrae. ─── 微动关节,允许轻微运动的位于多骨表皮之间的关节,如脊椎骨之间的关节,由肌键或弹性软骨联接。
26、No other way than do so can resolve the problem of the articulation disorder of lingua-palatal phoneme in patients with hearing impairment scientifically and effectively. ─── 只有这样,才能科学、有效地解决听障患者舌面音构音障碍的问题。
27、Cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC) neural networks has the advantages of fast learning and is very suitable for real-time nonlinear systems. ─── 小脑模型(CMAC)是一种收敛速度快的神经网络,非常适用于实时非线性控制系统。
28、An articulation or a joint between bones. ─── 关节关节的接合或两骨间的关节
29、As he drank more wine his articulation became worse. ─── 他又多喝了些酒,口齿也就更不清楚了。
30、Place of Articulation for Consonants: Articulatory Attributes, Acoustic Consequences, Formant Transitions, Classification in Terms of Features. ─── 子音的发音位置:发音特性、声学上的结论,(声道)共振峰(译注:人声的自然频率)的转换,以(音学)特徵来分类。
31、He was part of the speech of life, of the articulation; and they were the harkers, saying hush forever on the threshold of the sound he made. ─── 在生活中他是高谈阔论者,而她们则是洗耳恭听者,他一开口讲话,她们就立即保持肃静。
32、Even under extreme articulation, which would cause a leaf-spring suspension to teeter, the Ram remained flat and in control. ─── 即使在极端的表述,这将导致板簧悬挂蒂特,羊持平和控制。
33、Coarticulation: When simultaneous or overlapping articulation of the vocal organs is involved, we call the process coarticulation. ─── 当发音器官同时或重合发音时,我们称这一过程为协同发音。
34、What is the place of articulation? ─── 发音部位?
35、In secondary school, the teacher would teach us tongue twisters to improve our articulation. ─── 中学时,老师为了让我们学习发音咬字,教了我们一些绕口令来练嘴皮子。
36、An articulation point is a vertex of a connected graph which can be split to yield an unconnected graph. ─── 如果一个连通图的一个顶点能被分割,从而使这图成为一个不连通图,则这个顶点称为断点。
37、The singer worked hard on the clear articulation of every note. ─── 歌手苦练以便每一个音都唱得清晰。
38、I jazzed it up with some articulation and fancy words (something I hadn't done for months). ─── 我用一些有力度的说法和独特的词汇(那些我已几个月没有使用的技巧)把文章激活起来。
39、The suspension uses air springs but is independent all round with an innovative linked system to replicate the action of a beam axle to maximise off-road articulation. ─── 制动方面使用减震气垫,独立连接一种新型系统,重复轮轴在越野连接时的活动。
40、Self-Organizing Fuzzy Cerebella Model Articulation Controller (SOFCMAC) neural network is used to correct the nonlinear system inversion error due to modeling uncertainties and disturbances. ─── 对由于建模误差、不确定性因素等引起的非线性系统逆误差,通过自组织模糊小脑模型关节控制器(SOFCMAC)神经网络在线进行修正。
41、Or that she was constantly surprised by the incisive articulation of the thoughts behind those brown eyes. ─── 她常常为这双褐色眼睛后所深藏的的敏锐且清晰的思维而感到惊异。
42、It was, in three sentences, an articulation of his entire way of being and of coaching. ─── 这三句话中,是他整个做人和教练方式的清晰诠释。
43、The ulna forms the chief articulation at the elbow ─── 尺骨是组成肘关节的主要骨骼。
44、We have a feature in the game called Tank Articulation which basically means the Tanks conform to the terrains hills, mounds, etc, and move realistically over them as you saw in the trailer. ─── 我们在游戏里有一个叫做“坦克结合”的特色,这个基本上是指坦克(的姿态)会与诸如丘陵山地之类的地形保持一致,并会逼真地翻越他们,就像在预告片里那样。
45、To give clear and effective utterance to: put into wordsratiocination: thinking: articulation: talking artifacts n. ─── 以关节连接,接合,明白地说。
46、She spoke with a lazy articulation. ─── 她说话慢吞吞的。
47、Others taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture might say that learning English has much more to offer than just words, diction, and articulation. ─── 其他人则会退后一步综观全局,而这些人可能会说学英文能学到的不仅是单字、措词和发音。
48、AACS Attitude and Articulation Control Subsystem ─── 姿态和转动关节控
49、This has led to the articulation of two contrasting opinions. One blames the authorities for setting unattainable standards and sapping the energy of students who cannot cope. ─── 因此,在本地也同时出现两把声音,一种埋怨当局对华文的要求太高了,学生应付不来,也耗费了太多的心思能力;
50、CMAC ( Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller) is a kind of local learning feed - forward neural network with simple architecture, quick learning convergence and effective implementation. ─── 小脑模型清晰度控制器(CMAC)是一种局部学习前馈网络,结构简单,收敛速度快,易于实现。
51、We can speak of an order of events at the level of perception of acoustic phenomena, of articulation, and of nerve impulses. ─── 我们可以谈论接收声学现象的事件顺序、发声的事件顺序及神经脉冲的事件顺序。
52、A versatile swivel device for use in conjunction with a suspension assembly to impart a greater degree of articulation to a suspended ancillary structural component. ─── 一种结合悬吊组合件使用的通用旋转接头装置,用以将更大程度的接合度施加给被悬吊的辅助结构部件。
53、Tarfful's mask included animatronic articulation that allowed his lips and brows to have a greater range of motion. ─── 塔福的面具包括有关节,能让他的嘴唇和眉毛有更大幅度的动作。
54、For a congruent patellofemoral articulation, the patella must track centrally in the trochlear groove. ─── 在正常的髌股关节中,髌骨的活动轨迹应处于滑车沟的中心。
55、The beauty in the former lies in the fullness of articulation while that of the latter in the vividness and fusion of sound and feelings. ─── “字情”的美贵在于吐字归韵、字正腔圆,“声情”的美则在于因声绘词、以声传情。
56、The result of this scheme reveals that the speech quality is improved, and its naturalness and articulation are increased greatly. ─── 实验发现,该方法大大改善了重建语音效果,明显提高了语音的自然度和清晰度。
57、Other fibers pass through the articulation to join the contralateral perichondrium. ─── 其他纤维通过连接处融入对侧软骨膜中。
58、Ruey-Fen Liou workers Cunningham voice loud and clear, clear articulation, singing full, closed cavity simply, reputed Beijing, Tianjin and Baoding triangle. ─── 刘瑞芬工胡生,嗓音宏亮、吐字清晰、唱腔饱满、收腔干脆,名震北京、天津、保定三角地带。
59、Developmental dislocation of the hip(DDH) is the most common disease in pediatric orthopedics, acetabular dysplasia, nonconcentric hip-joint articulation and approximate femoral deformity are the main pathologic morphology abnormality. ─── 发育性髋关节脱位是小儿骨科最常见的先天性畸形之一,髋臼发育不良、股骨头脱位和股骨近端改变是髋关节脱位的主要骨性病理变化。
60、Meanwhile, articulation is also the basic way of forming the temporarily stable speech structure. ─── 同时,链接也是临时稳定的话语结构得以形成的基本方式。
61、Moreover, see how the subject situates himself in what I might call the suspension of the articulation of the dream. ─── 而且,请你们看出,生命主体如何定位他自己,在我所谓的梦的表达的这个悬置。
62、And following this principle: the effective holding up , the rapid obviating, the smooth articulation, the seepage prevention and prevent erosion. ─── 并遵循有效拦截、迅速排除、衔接顺畅、防渗防冲等原则。
63、A visible characteristic is a more pronounced articulation of the hind leg, in a continuous rather than staccato action. ─── 其明显的特点是后肢在连续动作时比不连贯动作时有更显著的声音。
64、The yeomen, farmers, dairymen, and townsfolk, who came to transat business in these ancient streets, spoke in other ways than by articulation. ─── 乡民、农民、卖牛奶的和城里人,他们在这古老的街道里,不用谈话,而用另外的方式来做买卖。
65、To change(a consonant) into a vowel during articulation. ─── 使发成元音在发音中变(辅音)为元音
66、Churchill was well-versed in the power of articulation. ─── 他还 深谙演说的力量。
67、It gave us more flexibility with her mouth articulation so the animators could really get a performance out of her. ─── 我们对她的嘴部有了更大的灵活性,所以动画家们就能完美的把她展现出来了。
68、the articulation and defence of his theory ─── 对他的理论的阐述和捍卫
69、His articulation is not plain enough to understand. ─── 他的发音不清楚,不易听懂。
70、It embodies the most typical features of the Moscow Baroque: the plastic expressiveness of elaborate details and clear-cut articulation of volumes. ─── 它最典型地代表了莫斯科巴洛克式建筑的特征,尽显细致别致的雕塑表现力和体积轮廓的清晰和明快。
71、The rate of markedness relates with the place and methodof articulation, sonorant principle, the universal of the language, and theorder of mother tongue"s acquisition. ─── 其标记性的高低与发音部位,发音方式,音响,语言的普遍性,以及母语的习得顺序都相关联。
72、I listen to the articulation for YOU hardly, and want to knoow what it is, so it is helpful to listen the voice always and can attune them. ─── 就在那瞬间,我很专心去聆听,想要听看看You究竟是怎麽样的念音,多常听就越来越习惯这个单字。
73、Fold vocalists may abide by the rules of decent articulation, phonating with words and binding vocality and affection together when they are performing. ─── 字正腔圆、以字行腔、声情并茂是民族声乐演唱者必须遵守的法则。
74、It gave us more flexibility with her mouth articulation so the animators could really get a performance out of her. ─── 我们对她的嘴部有了更大的灵活性,所以动画家们就能完美的把她展现出来了。
75、Its phonation type is voiced, which means the vocal cords are vibrating during the articulation. ─── 发声类型是浊音, 意味着发音时声带颤动。
76、The yeomen, farmers, dairymen, and townsfolk, who came to transact business in these ancient streets, spoke in other ways than by articulation. ─── 乡民、农民、卖牛奶的和城里人,他们在这古老的街道里,不用谈话,而用另外的方式来做买卖。
77、The members in Zhiyin Choir are mostly young people.We invite professional vocal teachers to teach the skills of articulation and performance on a regular basis. ─── 我们会以合唱团为平台, 增强广大移民朋友间的交流, 弘扬中华文化, 服务亚裔社区, 增进和其他不同文化背景的社团间交流。
78、This paper presents sound characteristics of room sound field from architectural acoustics parameters and acoustics parameters and sound system characteristics and speech articulation. ─── 从建筑声学参数、音质参数、声系统特性及语言清晰度参数四个方面介绍室内声场的声学特性,给出了这些特性的定义(物理意义)及其测量方法。
79、Leaves alternate, petiolate, odd-pinnate with 5-9 leaflets, glands or stipels at point of articulation, blade serrate to crenate, stipules caducous. ─── 叶互生,具叶柄,具5-9小叶的奇数羽状复叶,节上有腺体或者小托叶,叶片有锯齿或具圆齿,托叶脱落。
80、X-ray of articulation shows that dropsy of parenchyma extincted in different degree. ─── X线关节摄片提醒软组织水肿不同水平消退。
81、Under extreme articulation, the multilink suspension keeps both tires flat on their surfaces without transferring the suspension movement to the body, keeping it level. ─── 在极端的表述,暂停的多重保持轮胎单位都在其表面不转让暂停运动身体,保持水平。
82、He was part of the speech of life, of the articulation; and they were the harkeners, staying hush forever on the threshold of the sound he made. ─── 在生活中他是高谈阔论者,而她们则是洗耳恭听者,他一开口讲话,她们就立即保持肃静。
83、His articulation is poor. ─── 他发音不清楚。
84、It should be self-understandable that the hand, realizing the more or less portamento resembled articulation, must become allowed to do it as the entire, FREE of any EXTRA TENSION wholeness. ─── 应该自我理解的是,一方面,实现或多或少滑音相似衔接,必须允许这样做整个,自由的任何额外的张力完整性。
85、During the surgery the longus collies muscle ,longus capitis muscle,anterior longitudinal ligament and atlantoax-ial articul ar capsules were cut. ─── 后方固定方法包括:经寰枢侧块关节螺钉固定、寰枢侧块钉板固定和借助于枢椎椎弓根螺钉的枕颈固定。
86、The basic concept of low frictional torque arthroplasty has become established, and the metal-on-polyethylene articulation is the standard in total hip arthroplasty. ─── 低摩擦扭矩人工关节置换的基本概念已得到确立,金属对聚乙烯关节面成为全髋关节置换的标准。
87、At the distal articulation of the scaphoid is the -shaped scaphotrapezial ligament. ─── 在舟骨远侧的关节间,有呈“”形的舟头韧带。
88、Acoustics--Speech articulation testing method ─── GB/T15508-1995声学语言清晰度测试方法
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