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08-29 投稿


complaisance 发音

英:[kəm'pleɪzəns]  美:[kəm'plezns]

英:  美:

complaisance 中文意思翻译



complaisance 网络释义

n. 殷勤;彬彬有礼;柔顺

complaisance 短语词组

1、complaisance meaning ─── 自满的含义

2、complaisance antonym ─── 顺服反义词

3、complaisance english ─── 自满英语

4、complaisance etymology ─── 顺服词源

5、complaisance synonym ─── 自满同义词

6、complaisance means ─── 自满意味着

7、complaisance definition ─── 柔顺性定义

complaisance 同义词

whine | sound off | murmur | mutter | carp |grumble | squawk | nitpick | plain | object | kick | clamor | knock | fault | gripe | quetch | kvetch | grouch | protest | criticize | charge | accuse | nag | find fault | find | moan | rail | whinge

complaisance 词性/词形变化,complaisance变形

动词过去式: complained |动词现在分词: complaining |动词过去分词: complained |动词第三人称单数: complains |名词: complainer |

complaisance 反义词


complaisance 相似词语短语

1、complacence ─── n.满足,自满;沾沾自喜

2、compearance ─── 匹配

3、complaisantly ─── 沾沾自喜地

4、compliances ─── n.顺从,服从;符合;屈从;可塑性

5、complainants ─── n.[法]原告;发牢骚的人;抱怨者

6、complaisances ─── n.殷勤;彬彬有礼;柔顺

7、complaisant ─── adj.彬彬有礼的;顺从的;殷勤的

8、compliance ─── n.顺从,服从;符合;屈从;可塑性

9、complainant ─── n.[法]原告;发牢骚的人;抱怨者

complaisance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gao Xingjian's writing is free of any kind of complaisance, even to good will ─── 他无意当一个救世主。

2、Keywords Eczema;Dermatitis;complaisance contact;Patch test;Multi-chemical allergy; ─── 湿疹;皮炎;变应性接触性;斑贴试验;多化学品过敏;

3、yet she received them with tolerable ease, and with a propriety of behaviour equally free from any symptom of resentment or any unnecessary complaisance. ─── 不过她还是从容不迫、落落大方地接待他们,既没有显露一丝半点怨恨的形迹,也并不做得过分殷勤。

4、Just because she always cries before you, showing her complaisance? ─── 就因为她会在你面前哭,把她的柔弱在你面前展露无遗?

5、After my return to London I had to expiate in bed the consequences of my fatuous complaisance ─── 我回到伦敦以后,只得在病榻上来赎我的荒唐的随和的罪愆。

6、The public had shown complaisance , but it was certainly not yet taken by storm. ─── 观众对这出戏已经表现出了兴趣,但肯定没有达到被它扣住心弦的程度。

7、Carrie disliked his appearance, but she was too much the actress not to swallow his qualities with complaisance, seeing that she must suffer his fictitious love for the evening. ─── 嘉莉不喜欢他的样子。 但她是一个好演员,所以温顺地容忍了他这些气质。 她知道这一晚上她必须忍受他那装模作样的谈情说爱。

8、His complaisance leaves a good impression on her. ─── 他的彬彬有礼给她留下了深刻的印象.

9、Carrie disliked his appearance, but she was too much the actress not to swallow his qualities with complaisance , seeing that she must suffer his fictitious love for the evening. ─── 嘉莉不喜欢他的样子。但她是一个好演员,所以温顺地容忍了他这些气质。她知道这一晚上她必须忍受他那装模作样的谈情说爱。

10、immunologic complaisance ─── 免疫顺从

11、do sth. out of complaisance ─── 为献殷勤而做某事

12、By many significant looks and silent entreaties , did she endeavour to prevent such a proof of complaisance, -- but in vain; ─── 她曾经频频向曼丽递眼色,又再三地默默劝告她,竭力叫她不要这样讨好别人,可惜终于枉费心机。

13、The tactile sensor applying PVDF as a sensitive material, has a complaisance surface and a minimal size, very suitable for the bionic hand. ─── 触滑觉组合传感器采用PVDF作为敏感材料.柔顺的传感器表面和小巧的尺寸使之能完全应用于仿生假手的手指上。

14、By many significant looks and silent entreaties, did she endeavour to prevent such a proof of complaisance, -- but in vain; ─── 她曾经频频向曼丽递眼色,又再三地默默劝告她,竭力叫她不要这样讨好别人,可惜终于枉费心机。

15、After my return to London I had to expiate in bed the consequences of my fatuous complaisance. ─── 我回到伦敦以后,只得在病榻上来为我那愚蠢的温顺赎罪。

16、She speaks with complaisance. ─── 她说话彬彬有礼。

17、26quot;He is indeed -- but considering the inducement, my dear Miss Eliza, we cannot wonder at his complaisance; ─── 的确说得起劲极了,不过这件事本来就是叫小姐们非常起劲的。

18、is complaisance;for who would object to such a partner? ─── 浪博恩小姐们不久就去拜访尼是斐花园的小姐们了。

19、welcome to china ,i am a gentleman with complaisance ,i will give you a romantic night in Beijing ,you will never forget it ,i promise ─── 欢迎来到中国,我对女孩子一向殷勤,呵呵,你要浪漫,我就带你去浪漫,来找我,你不会后悔,嘿嘿,才怪。

20、The tactile sensor applying PVDF as a sensitive material,has a complaisance surface and a minimal size,very suitable for the bionic hand. ─── 触滑觉组合传感器采用PVDF作为敏感材料.柔顺的传感器表面和小巧的尺寸使之能完全应用于仿生假手的手指上。

21、and to that party of the three which boasted least animation, and least complaisance, Anne necessarily belonged. ─── 不消说,安妮属于那最无生气、最不殷勤的三人一伙的。

22、She speaks with complaisance. ─── 她说话彬彬有礼。

23、Just because she always cries before you, showing her complaisance? ─── 就因为她会在你面前哭,把她的柔弱在你面前展露无遗?

24、and to that party of the three which boasted least animation, and least complaisance , Anne necessarily belonged. ─── 不消说,安妮属于那最无生气、最不殷勤的三人一伙的。

25、The hand has a tactile sensation,driven by EMG.The tactile sensor applying PVDF as a sensitive material,has a complaisance surface and a minimal size,very suitable for the bionic hand. ─── 触滑觉组合传感器采用PVDF作为敏感材料,柔顺的传感器表面和小巧的尺寸使之能完全应用于仿生假手的手指上。

26、4.Whether it was the heart which dictated this system of complaisance and humility adopted by our Rebecca, is to be proved by her after history. ─── 4、至于丽贝卡表现出来的谦虚有礼是否是出自内心的行为,我们只有等待时间来证明了。

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