disastrously 发音
英: 美:
disastrously 中文意思翻译
disastrously 网络释义
adv. 悲惨地
disastrously 词性/词形变化,disastrously变形
副词: disastrously |名词: disastrousness |
disastrously 短语词组
1、disastrously short ─── 严重短缺
2、disastrously miracast ─── 灾难性的幻影
3、disastrously common ─── 灾难性的普遍
4、disastrously prophetic ─── 灾难性的预言
5、disastrously wrong ─── 大错特错
6、disastrously occurence ─── 灾难性的
disastrously 相似词语短语
1、distichously ─── 不连续地
2、end disastrously ─── 灾难性地结束
3、sinistrously ─── 险恶地
4、dispiteously ─── 有争议地
5、dextrously ─── 敏捷地
6、despiteously ─── adv.可恨地;可鄙地
7、disastrously wrong ─── 大错特错
8、desirously ─── 渴望…的,想得到…的,希望…的
9、disastrous ─── adj.灾难性的;损失惨重的;悲伤的
disastrously 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、At BP the female touch would not have saved the day either, but it might have ensured it was not lost quite so disastrously. ─── 在BP,女性因素也不可能扭转局面,但或许能确保公司不会兵败如山倒。
2、Worse still, the shrinkage of rainforests has disastrously led to the shortage of water source and the warming-up of global temperature. ─── 热带雨林作为我们地球生物圈中的主要角色,它不仅养育着数量庞大的动物种群,其本身在生长过程中还向大气中源源不断地供给着生命赖以生存的氧气。
3、Rates were also low from 2003 through 2005 as many pointed out, disastrously, at the time. ─── 正如许多人所指出的,2003年到2005年的时候,美国利率水平同样处于灾难性的低位。
4、How could everything go so disastrously wrong? ─── 怎么会事事都出这么大的错呢?
5、For example, one might want to insert a piping between two garment sections it would be very tempting to join the three pieces together with one row of stitching but the results would be disastrously inaccurate. ─── 例如,操作者想要在两片之间镶嵌一条缝带(滚边),用一排针迹把三者(上述)缝合在一起是冒险的事,结果往往是致命的错误。
6、And sometimes they stop to tell her not to worry: God would never allow Earth to warm disastrously, they say. ─── 有时他们停下来告诉她不用担心: 上帝绝不允许地球发生灾难性的升温。
7、His financial scheme crashed disastrously. ─── 他的财政计划惨败。
8、The system is failing most disastrously among less academic children. ─── 这种制度在学习不太好的学生中最失败。
9、Impatient with the notion, echoed most recently and disastrously by Pope Benedict, that the Koran sanctions the spreading of Islam by the sword, Lord Norwich is no Islamophobe. ─── 有人认为,古兰经是答应伊斯兰教进行武力扩张的,可悲的是,最近本笃教皇也附和了这一观点。诺威奇对这种观点很反感,他并没有“伊斯兰惧怕症”。
10、The fit between the country's information needs and its information media has become disastrously disjointed ─── 全国的信息需求与信息传播媒介之间的配置,出现了严重的不协调。
11、The expedition that year almost ended disastrously, and his return the following year was not a great success. ─── 那年的expedition远征以disastrously损失惨重告终,他第二年又来,也不是很成功。
12、Their earnings were pumped back into the international financial system, inflating a credit bubble that now has popped disastrously. ─── 他们的收益不断回流至国际金融体系中,令信贷泡沫持续膨胀,在破灭后酿成今天的灾难。
13、Her scheme crashed disastrously. ─── 她的计划惨败。
14、In 2011, as in 2010, America was in a technical recovery but continued to suffer from disastrously high unemployment. ─── 与2010年一样,在2011年美国处于一次技术性的经济恢复状态,但却一直遭受着灾难般高失业率的打击。
15、Impatient with the notion, echoed most recently and disastrously by Pope Benedict, that the Koran sanctions the spreading of Islam by the sword, Lord Norwich is no Islamophobe. ─── 有人认为,古兰经是允许伊斯兰教进行武力扩张的,可悲的是,最近本笃教皇也附和了这一观点。诺威奇对这种观点很反感,他并没有伊斯兰恐惧症。
16、But he proved disastrously inept. ─── 然而很不幸,他没有这个能力。
17、The landings were very chancy and might have ended disastrously ─── 登陆十分危险,其结果本来可能是一败涂地。
18、Matchmaking for single friends can be done in a disastrously tactless way which makes both parties cringe ─── 为单身朋友做媒可能搞得拙劣不堪,太不乖巧,致使双方畏缩不前
19、Their profits began to spiral down disastrously. ─── 他们的利润开始螺旋形地急剧下降。
20、It is unscientific to replace aesthetics with profit.That would disastrously harm culture and the humanitarian spirit. ─── 强调以创造文化价值为核心,包括文化的生产、流通和消费的经济门类;
21、When Mr Koizumi retired in 2006, Mr Abe, youthful and assertive, seemed well-placed to maintain this momentum.But he proved disastrously inept. ─── 当小泉2006年退休时,年轻有为,坚定自信的安倍先生似乎是能够延续这种人气与改革的最佳人选。
22、It did not expose itself so disastrously to one highly leveraged play on the US mortgage market. ─── 它没有那么灾难性地参与美国抵押贷款市场上的高杠杆率赌博。
23、How could everything go so disastrously wrong? ─── 怎么会事事都出这么大的错呢?
24、But to conclude from this history that California merely needs to wait for the economic tide to turn once again would be disastrously wrong. ─── 但如果根据历史得出结论说加州仅仅需要等待经济再一次复苏的浪潮将是灾难性的错误。
25、And this provision has interacted disastrously with state political trends. ─── 这个条例和加州的政治形势放在一起,结果更是灾难性的。
26、Johnson had fallen disastrously out of favour at Chelsea prior to his Fratton Park move, since when he has put himself back on the map and claimed a regular place in the England squad. ─── 那时,约翰逊在切尔西已经失宠,而雷德克纳普就在此时将他带到了弗拉顿公园,从那时起,他终于又让自己的足球生涯重回正轨,并且在英格兰国家队中成为常规主力。
27、"Then it was that I undertook an expedition in connection with that," and he pointed to the iron chest,"which ended disastrously enough." ─── “也就是那时候,我进行了一次探险,此行与这有关,”他指着铁箱子说,“结果是惨败而归。”
28、But in Monaco, the scene of a disastrously uncompetitive outing for the Hinwil based team, the German driver hit back at the speculation in conversation with the SID news agency. ─── 但是在摩纳哥,现场的灾难性缺乏竞争力郊游的西威尔车队的德国车手回击的投机交谈的SID通讯社.
29、The disastrously failed attempts - DaimlerChrysler, for example - are more well-known. ─── 失败的灾难性的戴姆勒-克莱斯勒,例如-更众所周知的。
30、6.Not until an autopsy is performed will there be an official verdict, but his friends fear that he died the same way he lived disastrously, on drugs. ─── 但这只有在尸体解剖后才能得出正式的定论。不过,他的朋友们认为恐怕他是死于吸毒,在他活着时,他就不幸染上这种恶习并靠它维持着生命。
31、And there is always the million-to-one chance, far along one tail of the bell curve, that something will go disastrously wrong. ─── 根据正态分布的规律,事情变得不可收拾的概率微乎其微。
32、The New York's circulation remained the same but the number of all pages dropped disastrously ─── 《纽约人》的发行量依然如故,但页数却灾难性地下降了。
33、The fit between the country's information needs and its information media has become disastrously disjointed. ─── 全国的信息需求与信息传播媒介之间的配置,出现了严重的不协调。
34、“Many of us thought enough was enough at 3,000 (Shanghai composite index) and that proved disastrously wrong. There is absolutely no confidence.” ─── “我们许多人都曾认为,3000点(上证综指)已无法忍受,但悲惨的是,事实证明,这种观点全错了。目前,市场根本没有信心。”
35、Conclusion The fluoride-added resin only had effect on the topical area,and it was not possible to release disastrously,so it was safer than other fluoride formulations. ─── 结论树脂加氟可在一定时间内持续有效提高局部氟离子浓度。
36、Productivity is disastrously low: the return on new investment is around half that in America. ─── 日本国内生产力出奇地低:新投资项目的回报率只有美国的一半。
37、"Then it was that I undertook an expedition in connection with that," and he pointed to the iron chest, "which ended disastrously enough." ─── “也就是那时候,我进行了一次探险,此行与这有关,”他指着铁箱子说,“结果是惨败而归。”
38、Although this model was brilliantly designed for domination, when the environment changed it proved disastrously inflexible. ─── 尽快这种公司架构出色的达到了管控的要求,但面对环境变化时的反应迟钝是其致命弱点。
39、As well as writing general-insurance policies all over the world, the firm has plunged disastrously into the market for derivatives linked to housing and credit. ─── 随着在世界各地开展保险业务,这家公司已经悲惨地卷入与住房和信贷有关的衍生品市场中。
40、And growth seems to be stalling, while unemployment remains disastrously high on both sides of the Atlantic. ─── 经济增长似乎已经停止,然而在大西洋两岸,失业依然具有灾难性的高位。
41、Matchmaking for single friends can be done in a disastrously tactless way which makes both parties cringe; ─── 为单身朋友做媒可能搞得拙劣不堪,太不乖巧,致使双方畏缩不前;
42、Defenders of markets sometimes admit that they do fail, even disastrously, but they claim that markets are “self-correcting. ─── 捍卫市场者有时也承认市场会失灵,甚至造成灾难性的结果,但他们声称市场的特点是具备“自我纠正”功能。
43、The experiment went disastrously wrong, ie progressed in an unexpected way with very unpleasant results. ─── 这个试验出了大问题。
44、"Then it was that I undertook an expedition in connection with that, " and he pointed to the iron chest, "which ended disastrously enough. " ─── “也就是那时候,我进行了一次探险,此行与这有关,”他指着铁箱子说,“结果是惨败而归。”
45、The experiment went disastrously wrong, ie progressed in an unexpected way with very unpleasant results ─── 这个试验出了大问题
46、crash disastrously ─── 惨败
47、But like any human-staffed institution, it's made mistakes, sometimes disastrously hurtful ones. ─── 但是象那些人员机构(不会翻译),已经犯了很多错,有时候会造成灾难性的伤害。
48、Urbano's effort ended disastrously when a cable-television wire he used to lower himself snapped. ─── 厄尔巴诺就地取材,借助有线电视的电缆顺着烟囱管道下滑。
49、The Church has done much good over time.But like any human-staffed institution, it’s made mistakes, sometimes disastrously hurtful ones. ─── 天主教堂在过往的历史中为人们付出很多,但正如任何由人组成的机构一样,它们也犯过错误,有时甚至带来过灾难性的伤害。
50、4.the real value of the trust capital may be disastrously less than when the trust began. ─── 信托资金的真正价值与托管的财产的真正价值相比少得可怜。
51、The vegetable harvest is disastrously behind schedule. ─── 蔬菜收割灾难性地滞后于计划。
52、As well as writing general-insurance policies all over the world, AIG plunged disastrously into the market for derivatives linked to housing and credit. ─── AIG在全世界范围内开展普通保险业务,同时他也灾难性地进入了与房地产和信用相关联的衍生品市场。
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