analogism 中文意思翻译
analogism 短语词组
1、analogism definition ─── 类比定义
analogism 相似词语短语
1、analogists ─── n.类比推理者
2、analogised ─── 类似物
3、paralogism ─── n.谬论;背理
4、analogist ─── n.类比推理者
5、analogise ─── vi.作类推;相类似;vt.对…作类比;以类推来说明(等于analogize)
6、analogic ─── adj.模拟的;类推的;类似的
7、anabolism ─── n.[生化]合成代谢;同化,同化作用
8、analogises ─── 类比
9、antilogism ─── 反逻辑主义
analogism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Analog Devices'offers the widest selection of multipliers and dividers. ─── ADI公司提供种类最齐全的乘法器和除法器供您选择。
2、Analog Devices has over 30 years of design and manufacturing experience of MultiChip modules (MCMs). ─── ADI公司有30多年设计和制造多芯片模块(MCM)的经验。
3、Retailers have been selling analog TVs without warning customers. ─── 之前,零售商在向客户销售的时候并没有告诉客户。
4、The analog data path between the connector and the analog? to? digital converter in the analog input subsystem. ─── 在模拟输入子系统中,模数转换器与连接器之间的模拟数字信道。
5、According to the reciprocal principle, the authors presented an expression for calculating the "structure amplitude" of direct lattices by means of analogism. ─── 基于正点阵与倒易点阵间的倒易关系,采用类比法提出计算正点阵“结构振幅”的表达式,分析正点阵“消光规律”,统一了绘制正、倒点阵平面的方法。
6、One of them, the analog computer, is used essentially for problems involving measurements. ─── 一种是模拟计算机,它基本上是用来解决包含有测量值的问题。
7、If analog, what is the max. freq.? amplitude? ─── 与采用以太网相比,哪种方法更优?
8、Figure 7 shows the equivalent circuit of the analog input section. ─── 图7显示模拟输入部件的等效的电路。
9、The associating meaning of words is the language meaning world that is the long language practice, in the basic of concept, used the ways of associating, emblem, analogism and so on. ─── 词汇的联想意义是人们在长期的语言实践中,在概念意义的基础上,运用联想的方式,通过象征、类比等心理手段所构建的语义世界。
10、A PBX can also work with analog or ISDN lines. ─── PBX还可以与模拟或ISDN线路一起使用。
11、Tri-level sync was introduced with the SMPTE 240 analog HDTV standard. ─── 在模拟高清晰度电视标准SMPTE240中引入了三电平同步。
12、Special attention must be paid to the switch of dual analog output signals for the potential switch disturbance. ─── 对于模拟量输出冗余还应注意切换过程的扰动情况。
13、Analog Devices offers a broad range of audio DACs for a number of applications. ─── ADI公司提供种类齐全的音频数模转换器(DAC)适合许多应用场合。
14、Recreating the Operability of Canon's Best Analog SLRs in a New Digital Model. ─── 在新的数码相机上重新构建佳能最优秀的单反相机的操作性能。
15、ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL, The process of converting an analog signal to a digital signal. ─── 从模拟式到数字式,将模拟式信号,转换成数值式。
16、Typically caused by midfrequency distortions in an analog system. ─── 在模拟系统中通常是由中频信号的失真所引起。
17、Parallel analog channels for oversampling scientific CCD camera signal[J]. ─── 引用该论文 邱虹云,刘阳,章恩耀,孙利群,田芊.
18、Intersil Corporation is a leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance analog semiconductors. ─── 公司是最早设计和制造的高性能模拟半导体。
19、In analog computer, an arithmetic unit constructed by a servo system. ─── 在模拟计算机中,一种由伺服系统构成的运算部件。
20、Conversion of an analog signal to a digital signal, with steps between specified levels. ─── 利用规定量化间隔,把模拟信号转化成数字信号。参阅quantization。
21、Another advantage: The chip is an analog processor. ─── 另一个优点是:该芯片是一种模拟处理器。
22、The thought pattern of I Ching: Book Of Changes is analogism rather than inductive inference. ─── 类比推理是一种与归纳推理不同的逻辑方式,《易经》的思维方式是类比而不是归纳。
23、An analogism method was put forward, so by this means the estimate of exit temperature which changed along with the aperture of mixing hole became more accurate. ─── 利用气动函数结合流阻法进行流动参数计算,采用气动方法计算射流穿透深度和掺混温度,得出相应掺混孔改变量与掺混气变化量及相应燃烧室出口截面处的温度变化量。
24、An alternate approach is to set up an analog model of the engine system. ─── 另一种方法是建立发动机系统的模拟模型。
25、The internal 3 bit D/A converter produce analog output. ─── 内部D/A转换电路用于产生模拟信号输出。
26、No, not a second analog nub (or hardware refresh), it's missing a mouse! ─── 不,不是缺第2个类比按钮(或硬件的更新),就缺少鼠标。
27、A twisted pair has a bandwidth of up to 250 kHz for analog signals. ─── 双扭线对于模拟信号可有高达250赫兹的带宽。
28、Nasal symptom scores and visual analog scores (VAS) were recorded before and after the nursing. ─── 对开始时、护理一周后、护理两周后的鼻症状评分和vas进行评分。
29、It consists of an analog modulator and a digital decimator. ─── 它由一个模拟的调制器和一个数字降采样滤波器组成。
30、Analog Devices provides downloadable copies of our ISO, QML, and QS-9000 certificates for your review. ─── ADI公司提供可下载的ISO,QML和QS-9000证书副本供您查阅。
31、The input signal is applied to a proprietary programmable gain front end, based on an analog modulator. ─── 一专门的可编程的增益从头到尾输入信号,建立一个模式调制器。
32、Good command of analog circuit with 2 yr above experiences. ─── 2年以上模拟电路的开发设计经验。
33、Can't find a capture filter in analog tuner segment. ─── 在模拟调谐器段无法找到字幕筛选器。
34、A conception on change rate angle displacement on Doppler shift has been presented by analogism. ─── 由类比的方式提出了多普勒角位移变化率的概念。
35、the end, by the logic theory of analogism, the paper gets the logistics optimized model of operation entropy in discrete manufacturing system of job - shop ordering type. ─── 最后,利用类比推理的逻辑学理论得出单件小批订货型离散制造系统物流优化运行熵模型。
36、L-canavanine, the analog of L-arginine ,is a natural non-protein amino acid. ─── 刀豆氨酸是一种天然的非蛋白质氨基酸,L-精氨酸的类似物。
37、Any representations such as characters or analog quantities to which meaning is, or might be, assigned. ─── 任何有意义或可以赋予含义的表达形式,诸如字符或模拟量。
38、Patients completed a isual analog score for gel insertion and cystoscopy. ─── 在行膀胱镜检前,术中以及术后记录生命体征。
39、Analogism has its advantage and disadvantage. To an extent, analogism delayed the development of science and technology in ancient China. ─── 类比思维有其优点,但也有缺点,它在一定程度上阻碍了中国古代科技的发展;
40、You can replace A1 and A2 with analog comparators, such as an LM311 or similar. ─── 可以用模拟比较器,如LM311或相近的产品替代A1和A2。
41、In addition, there are integrated circuits, which deal exclusively with analog circuitry. ─── 另外,还有专门用于处理模拟电路的集成电路。
42、Sensors provide analog and digital output. ─── 传感器同时提供模拟量和开关量输出。
43、Its main content is electrocircuit、analog electron and digital electron. ─── 主要内容为电路,电工学以及模拟电子、数字电子技术。
44、Since sine waves vary continuously, they are examples of analog waves. ─── 因为正弦波连续地改变,他们是类比式波动的例子。
45、For analog inputs, any absolute voltage value above which the analog-to- digital converter cannot distinguish a change. The overload value can be different for plus and minus inputs. ─── 就模拟输入而言,使模数转换器不能区别其变化的超范围的绝对电压值。超载值对于正输入和负输入可能不同。
46、In analog and digital circuits, crosstalk between coupled microstrip lines can degrade the performance of equipment. ─── 在模拟和数字电路中,耦合微带线间的串扰会降低设备的性能。
47、Import Video does not support importing video from a Web camera or analog video source such as a VCR. ─── “导入视频”不支持从Web摄像机或模拟视频源(如VCR)导入视频。
48、Analog Devices, Inc. Complete 14-Bit 3.0 MSPS Monolithic A/D Convener[Z]. ─── 刘书明、刘斌编著.高性能模数与数模转换器件[M].西安电子科技大学出版社,2000.
49、A method of sampling and encoding analog signal to create a digital signal. ─── 一种将模拟信号取样和编码从而产生数字信号的方法。
50、Centrex frequently uses analog telephone lines for the connections to a business or organization. ─── Centrex经常使用模拟电话线路为公司或组织提供电话连接。
51、No sync necessary when using multiple Class-D amplifiers from Analog Devices, Inc. ─── 使用ADI公司的多个D类放大器时不需要同步。
52、Thus the trend of the day trading Analog smaller reference value. ─── 因此当天模拟交易的走势参考意义较小。
53、International Data Corp (IDC),a market research company in Framingham,Mass,sees a long future for analog modems. ─── IDC,位于(美国)麻省佛莱明翰市的国际数据集团(IDC)是一家市场调研公司,它预见到模拟式调制解调器(Modem)将长期存在下去。
54、Analog Devices offers a wide range of RS-232 Transceivers to suit many applications. ─── ADI公司可提供一系列RS-232收发器以适合多种应用。
55、Mega-Hz~100Mega-Hz,HR analog video,K-M bit rate. ─── 1兆赫兹~100兆赫兹,高分率频比视频,1千比特~1兆比特。
56、One Flat rate analog Business phone line. ─── 一种包月制模拟商业电话线。
57、The integrity of the data acquired in these systems depends on all parts of the analog signal path shown here. ─── 已获得的完整数据在这些系统依靠模拟信号通道的所有部分显示这里。
58、Case-Based Reasoning is a memory-based method which utilizes old cases and experience to solve new problem, and it can be seen as analogism from a case to another case. ─── 基于实例的推理(Case-Based Reasoning)是一种基于记忆、利用过去的实例和经验来解决新问题的一种方法,它可以看作是从一个实例到另一个实例的类比推理。
59、The differential input is sampled at up to 40 MSPS by an analog modulator. ─── 差分输入由模拟调制器以最高40MSPS的采样速率进行采样。
60、The PMIC design intent is captured as analog schematics and digital HDL. ─── PMIC的设计目的是获取模拟图表和数字硬件描述语言。
61、The analog of logging in would be identifying yourself to a guard as you were admitted to the bank. ─── 与登录类似的是在被允许进入银行之前向警卫表明身份。
62、Analogism thinking was the product of archaic thinking. ─── 类比思维是原始思维的遗留。
63、It can make your analog telephone ring for Skype or PSTN calls. ─── 体积玲小,网络电话与市话两用合为一体;
64、Device where analog output variable is equal to the sum, or a weighted sum, of two or more analog input variables. ─── 一种装置,其模拟输出变量等于两个或多个模拟输入变量的和或加权和。
65、Isoxazole, an analog with the nitrogen atom in position 2. ─── 异-{恶唑}-,氮在2位的类似物。
66、How to do scaling &conversion for analog module directly. ─── 如何直接定义及转换类比模组?
67、From analog to digital technology change has become a fait accompli. ─── 从模拟向数字技术的转变已经成为了一个既定的事实。
68、This may prove to be a much easier and more economical computation, whether an analog or digital computer is used. ─── 可以证明,不论采用模拟计算机或数字计算机,这都是一个更容易和更经济的计算方法。
69、As to electronic compensation, digital or analog equalizers can be used. ─── 在电路补偿方面,可以使用数位或类比的等化器。
70、Analogism and induction to absurdity are two kind logic inference and between them there are some connection and difference. ─── 类比法与归谬法是两种既有联系又有区别的逻辑推理方法。
71、A device that scans optically and usually generators an analog or digital signal. ─── 一种光扫描且通常产生模拟或数字信号的装置。
72、In analog TV, such multipath distortion shows up as ghosts. ─── 在类比电视中,这种多路径失真的外在现象就是鬼影。
73、He points out that the analog phones in the Swedish study emit much more radiation than today's digital ones. ─── 他指出,瑞典那项研究中使用的模拟手机,较今天的数字手机辐射要强。
74、Thus, the line between “digital” and “analog” HDTV begins to blur. ─── 因此,“数字”和“模拟”的界线开始变得模糊起来。
75、Connect the Power Amplifier to Analog Channel B of the interface. ─── 将功率放大器连接到接口上的模拟通道B。
76、Imidazole, an analog with the oxygen replaced by a nitrogen. ─── 咪唑,氧被氮取代了的类似物。
77、Why am I unable to import video from my Web camera or analog video source? ─── 为何我无法从Web摄像机或模拟视频源导入视频?
78、Secondly, subspace detection methods of analog space-time codes are presented. ─── 其次,给出了模拟空时码的子空间检测方法。
79、If it is a low frequency sound, it is processed as an analog signal. ─── 对低频声进行传统的处理。
80、The A/D converter chooses a quantization level for each analog sample. ─── A/ D 转换器为每个类比样品选择一个量子化水平。
81、Baseband includes; analog and digital BB, memory, power management and media processor. ─── 基带包括:模拟和数字BB,存储器,电源管理和媒体处理器。
82、An analog output circuit amplifies the analog transmit signal. ─── 延迟模块接收第一信号并产生延迟后的第一信号;
83、A device that senses and stores the instantaneous value of an analog signal. ─── 一种检测和存储模拟信号瞬时值的设备。
84、probability distribution of the fluctuation on electrical medium system is deduced by using the quasi-thermodynamic method. Explaining the analogism can't be used every where. ─── 推导出了电介质系统准热力学方法的涨落概率分布,证明了类比的方法并不是任何地方都可以用的。
85、Analogism of TCM is employed based on syncretism of nature and human beings,via Xiang-shu system,to obtain various kinds of phenomenological ideas and models by realization. ─── 它是在天人整体观的思想指导下,通过象数方法,进行取象运数,从而获得各种意象概念、唯象模型,在此基础上进行体悟和类推的一种方法。
86、CCL212 provides for a digital interface and an analog interface. ─── CCL212提供了一个数字接口和模拟接口。
87、Topographically, we may consider the coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental shelf. ─── 从地形角度讲我们可以把沿岸平原看成是大陆架在陆上的类似构造。
88、A system that performs fast,real time data conversions between analog and digital computers. ─── 一种可以在模拟计算机和数字计算机之间快速、实时地进行数据转换的系统。
89、The birth and development of TCM originated from ancient Chinese philosophy. Analogism is one bright pearl of it. ─── 中国传统医学的诞生与发展起源于中国古代哲学,而取象比类法则是其中一颗璀璨的明珠。
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