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08-28 投稿


contaminate 发音

英:[kənˈtæmɪneɪt]  美:[kənˈtæmɪneɪt]

英:  美:

contaminate 中文意思翻译



contaminate 同义词

corrupt | addle | taint | foul | defile | pervert | infect | mess | alloy | soil | demoralize |pollute | dirty | deteriorate | sully

contaminate 反义词


contaminate 词性/词形变化,contaminate变形


contaminate 相似词语短语

1、decontaminate ─── vt.净化,给…去污

2、conterminate ─── 包含

3、contaminated ─── adj.受污染的,弄脏的;v.污染;玷污,毒害(contaminate的过去式和过去分词)

4、contaminative ─── adj.污损的;弄脏了的

5、contaminator ─── n.污染物;弄脏者

6、recontaminate ─── v.再污染

7、contaminants ─── n.[环境]污染物;污垢物(contaminant的复数)

8、contaminable ─── 受到污染的

9、contaminates ─── vt.污染,弄脏

contaminate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To contaminate with a pathogenic microorganism or agent. ─── 传染通过致病的微生物或媒介来传染

2、Idling a vehicle can also contaminate engine oil and accelerate the deterioration of engine components. ─── 停车不熄匙会加速引擎机油和机件的耗损。

3、Sure, you don't make a habit of consuming raw chicken juice, but it's easy to unwittingly contaminate your meals with it through poor food-prep habits. ─── 当然,你不会习惯的消费生鸡肉汁,但很容易不知不觉地污染的膳食与通过穷人食物准备的习惯。

4、Fresh Contaminate specimens of Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) ─── 对云南省迪庆藏族自治州产的冬虫夏草 Cordyceps sinensis(Berk.)

5、Wage contaminate devour We continually wage war on them, for they contaminate our food, carry diseases, or devour our crops. ─── 人类不断地同昆虫斗争,因为昆虫弄脏我们的食物,传播疾病,吞噬庄稼。

6、Product raw material is natural pure ,haveno to contaminate,whoseproductpasses USA FDA (USA food and DrugAdministration) quality attestation. ─── 产品原料天然纯正、无污染,其产品通过美国FDA(美国食品及药品管理局)品质认证。

7、Man continually wages war on them, for they contaminate his food, carry diseases, or devour his crops. ─── 人类不断地向它们发出攻击,原因是它们污染食品、传染疾病或吞噬庄稼。

8、The size of the dry ice pellets and their velocity can be optimized to remove the contaminate while being non-abrasive to the substrate. ─── 可以优化干冰颗粒和大小和速度以在不磨损基体的同时清除污垢。

9、J.H.Yen, W.S.Sheu and Y.S.Wang , (2000).Potential of the herbicide fluazifop-butyl to contaminate groundwater in subtropical area. ─── 张芳诚、颜瑞泓、王一雄,(2000).台湾地区本土好氧性混合菌对多氯联苯生物性分解作用之研究。

10、For example, many developing countries do not have safe water in and mixing contaminatecontaminated water with powder of powdered formula is a common cause of death among infancyinfants. ─── 例如,许多发展中国家没有安全的水源,用这些被污染的水冲奶粉是导致婴儿死亡的一个普遍原因。

11、Unidentified Man II: You could have, for example, field birds feeding on animal fecal material that has E. Coli 0157. They land somewhere in the field. They contaminate a small area. ─── 不明身份人士2:例如,靠动物排泄物过活的生活在旷野间的鸟类,这些排泄物中就含有E.大肠杆菌0157。这些鸟儿在某些地方飞落下来,进而污染了一小片区域。

12、In the Old Testament, levitical laws guarded against contagion.Among the things that would contaminate a person were contact with certain animals, carcasses, or the sick. ─── 在旧约里,利未人的律法竭力保守他们免被玷污,如:接触某些动物、动物尸体或是病人,都要避免。

13、For many sites the most serious risk is that toxic chemicals will enter groundwater and contaminate public drinking supplies ─── 对于大多数处理场地来说,最严重的危害是,有毒化学药品将会渗透到地下水,并污染公共用水。

14、We have to constantly guard our heart and not allow junk to come in and contaminate us. ─── 人生在世,必须时时刻刻保守自己的心,不让这个世界的不义污染我们。

15、Otherwise, they may contaminate other crops, wild relatives and the environment. ─── 否则它们可能污染其他作物、近缘植物和整个生态环境。

16、All these ordinances, codes of practice and rules are aimed to defeat theft, fraud, deception and corruption which will contaminate the stock market. ─── 上述所有条例、应用守则及规则均旨在杜绝任何会损害股市的盗窃、欺诈、讹骗及贪污行为。

17、Captain Bligh: It is a matter of supernatural indifference to me whether you contaminate the natives or the natives contaminate you. ─── 布莱斯船长:究竟是你污染了当地人还是当地人污染了你,这对于我来说完全没有任何关系。

18、Keywords microbe;fermented soybean product;physiological function;contaminate;prevention and cure; ─── 关键词微生物;发酵豆制品;污染;防治;

19、These species contaminate various agricultural commodities either before harvest or at post-harvest stages under favourable conditions of temperature and humidity. ─── 在适当的温度及湿度的情况下,黄曲霉菌属会在农作物收割前或收割后,令不同的农产品沾染毒素。

20、In this case the silver may come out too slow and side reaction may take place to contaminate the metallic silver coming out. ─── 如果这样,产生金属银的化学反应可能较慢,结果其他化学反应的副产品会污染银膜。

21、Hostile relationships invidiously contaminate our wellbeing. ─── 敌对关系损害我们的健康。

22、The material quality has the high tech ingredient, can withstand the very great weight also not easy to contaminate the dust. ─── 材质有着高科技成分,能承受很大的重量且不容易沾染灰尘。

23、Contaminate your bed, and you will one night suffocate in your own waste. ─── 如果你弄脏了自己的环境,总有一天会窒息在你所丢弃的垃圾之中。

24、In this paper,two kinds of different inoculation methods,the treatment after contaminate in the producing AVM are introduced. ─── 介绍了AVM生产中两种不同的接种方法、染菌的无菌检查即染菌后的处理。

25、A filthy vessel will contaminate the teaching ─── 一个污器会污染整个教诲

26、All over the world, oil spills regularly contaminate coasts. ─── 在世界各地,油溢出物经常污染着海岸。

27、“Unsanitary Conditions” - means such conditions or circumstances as might contaminate with dirt or filth, or render injurious to health, a food, drug or cosmetic. ─── “不卫生条件”-----意味着诸如可能被污物污染的条件或环境、或对健康、食物、药品、化妆品有害的着色。

28、To taint; contaminate. ─── 使有缺点;玷污

29、under no circumstances should the insulator be touched with the hand or with any material that might contaminate the surface. ─── 任何时候都不要用手或其它可能污染其表面的材料触摸绝缘体。

30、A health authority may take all practicable measures to control the discharges from any ship of sewage and refuse which might contaminate the waters of a port, river or canal. ─── 卫生当局应采取一切可行的措施控制可能污染港口,河流或运河水域的船舶污水和垃圾的排放。

31、DO NOT add any chemicals to the system piping which will contaminate the potable water supply. ─── 不要在管道系统中添加任何可能会造成饮用水污染的任何化学物品。

32、Yin zhong may contaminate the Hades sword if he turns evil once more!!Heck! ─── 万一魔心再起,可能再度污染幽冥剑!!

33、If you don't get rid of hooligans and rowdies who won't study,they'll contaminate the general atmosphere of the school. ─── 如果你和那些不学习的流氓、阿飞混在一起,他们会把整个学校的风气搞坏。

34、The entire water system had to be water-proof so that the chlorinated water would not leaked into the ground and contaminate natural water. ─── 整个系统是不透水的,这样才能避免这些含有氯的水漏出去污染大自然。

35、Do you refuse to buy grills simply because street barbecue stands contaminate environment? ─── 你会因为烧烤摊污染环境而拒绝吃烧烤吗?

36、An example of a folded pad after it has been used to seal a section of a guitar edge. This coloration will contaminate white purflings and light wood. ─── 一块用作漆封边缘之后的布块。这上面的颜色会玷污白色的内饰线和浅色的木头。

37、Elsewhere, irrigation schemes have already caused salty groundwater to rise towards the surface and contaminate soils. ─── 而在其它地方,灌溉计划已经引起盐碱化的地下水向地表上升并污染土壤。

38、Are you brave enough to impeach or disclose the units or individuals that contaminate environment? ─── 你有勇气检举、揭发污染环境的单位和个人吗?

39、Do not contaminate mattress with chlorine or insect repellents, which can damage the fabric coating. ─── 不要氯或杀虫剂污染气垫,这些会损坏织物的涂层。

40、Man continually wages war on item, for they contaminate his food, carry diseases, or devour his crops. ─── 人类不断地同昆虫斗争,因为昆虫弄脏我们的食物,传播疾病,吞噬庄稼。

41、Acid rain and heavy metals are only a few of the many pollutants that contaminate rivers, lakes, streams, seas, and oceans. ─── 在众多的河流、湖泊、小溪和海洋的污染物中,酸雨和重金属只是其中的少数几种。

42、The massive quantities of salt water can further contaminate soils, rendering them unsuitable for many crops. ─── 大量含盐海水的涌入,可使土地遭受进一步污染,使其不适合种植多数作物。

43、If we were to continue to engage in strictly negative thought and action devoid of any higher spiritual essence, yes we could in fact contaminate the pool. ─── 假如我们继续热衷于真正负面的思想和行动毫无任何更高的灵魂本质,是的事实上我们会污染能量池。

44、Two days later, he was washed with a detergent agent to remove excess contaminate. ─── 两天后医护人员用清洁剂替它清除剩馀的污染物。

45、Previously, MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether) was the oxygenate of choice, but fell out of favour in 2004 when it was found to contaminate ground water. ─── 以前,MTBE(甲基叔丁基醚)曾作为汽油充氧剂,但是,在2004年,人们发现它污染了地下水,所以就不再使用它了。

46、The usaul contaminate in beer are bacterium,fungus and wild yeast, most of them are anaerobion causing the muddy, flavor chaging and turning sour, Beer anaerobic culture medium should be found out. ─── 啤酒中污染的常见菌有细菌、霉菌、野生酵母菌,但主要存在危害性较大的菌是细菌中的大部分厌氧菌,会使啤酒产生浑浊、变味、变酸等。

47、Hosts contaminate our tombs and crosses burn our skin, ─── 入侵者污染我们的坟墓,十字架烧伤我们的皮肤

48、Investigation of bacteria contaminate in outlet areas of central oxygen supply and exploration on disinfection methods ─── 中心供氧出孔处细菌污染情况的调查及消毒方法探讨

49、This will occupy vast expanses of land, contaminate surrounding areas, and will result in an enormous waste of resources as well. ─── 会产生大量的废弃料,这不仅会占用大量的土地、造成周边环境的污染,就材料本身而言,也是一种极大的资源浪费。

50、We continually wage war on them,for they contaminate our food,carry diseases,or devour our crops. ─── 人类不断地同昆虫斗争,因为他们污染食物,传播疾病,吞噬庄稼。

51、Any craft that lands on Mars, or might crash there, must be carefully and thoroughly sterilised lest it contaminate the planet with earthly microbes, rendering it impossible to distinguish between domestic and imported organisms. ─── 任何降落或坠落在火星上的太空船,都必须经过严格彻底地杀菌处理,以避免地球微生物的污染导致无法分辨有机物到底来自火星还是地球。

52、If the spacecraft, after running out of maneuvering fuel, should crash into Europa, it might contaminate that moon with stowaway microbes from Earth and confound future searchers for indigenous life. ─── 如果它用完燃料后坠落在木卫二上,它可能会因从地球携带的微生物污染这个星球,并会混淆以后关于这个卫星上的本土生命的研究。

53、He hasn't got a ghost of a chance, and he'll contaminate us all. ─── 他没有一点点机会 他会把我们全部污染

54、Cost aside, greater reliance on agrichemicals may adversely affect nontarget species or contaminate air, water and soil. ─── 先不论成本,过度依赖农业化学品,可能对非目标物种产生不利影响,甚至污染水、空气和土壤。

55、But landfills quickly become overfilled and may contaminate air, soil, and water. ─── 但是,垃圾填埋场溢出,并迅速成为可能污染空气,土壤和水。

56、Some language scholars fear such usage will contaminate the purity of Chinese and cause confusion in communication. ─── 一些语言学者担心,这些字母词的使用会污染汉语的纯度,会导致沟通上的混乱。

57、If we had to clean our own drinkingwater, we probably wouldn't contaminate it. ─── 如果我们自己净化饮用水,我们就不会污染水源了。

58、Contaminate(vt.污染)your bed and you will one night suffocate in your own waste. ─── 如果你弄脏了自己的床,终有一天你会窒息在你自己丢弃的垃圾之中。

59、But they can cause health problems, such as infections and allergies;they can destroy crops, and contaminate food and pharmaceuticals. ─── 它们不仅能危害健康,例如导致感染和过敏,还能毁坏农作物、污染食品和医药品。

60、wage war on them, for they contaminate our food, carry diseases, or devour our crops. ─── 人类不断同昆虫斗争,因为昆虫弄脏我们的食物,传播疾病,吞噬庄稼。

61、A new factory, especially one containing chemical or radiation, would contaminate the living space of most of our city's inhabitants adversely. ─── 同时由于我们限制了讨论范围,这个句子把原来的。

62、They're afraid those hazardous substances could wind up in groundwater or the Missouri River, and contaminate area drinking water supplies. ─── 他们害怕,这些有害物质会渗入地下水和密苏里河,污染这个地区的饮水系统。

63、Unidentified Man II: You could have, for example, field birds feeding on animal fecal material that has E. Coli0157. They land somewhere in the field. They contaminate a small area. ─── 不明身份男士2:你这里可能会有,比方说,以动物排泄物为食的田野间的鸟类,而那些排泄物中就含有E.大肠杆菌0157。这些鸟儿在某些地方飞落下来,进而污染了一小片区域。

64、Results The p recision, linear range and contaminate rate of blood platelet count are in the a llowable range. ─── SysmexXE-2100分析血小板结果与显微镜计数结果相关性良好。

65、The sources of organisms that may contaminate the wound are numerous. ─── 可以沾染伤口的细菌来源是很多的。

66、Infect v. To contaminate with a pathogenic microorganism or agent. ─── 传染通过致病的微生物或媒介来传染。

67、They cause illness, and they contaminate our clothes and food. ─── 它们会引起疾病,也会污染我们的衣物和食物。

68、Under the dense fog effect, today the Beijing air mass still is that difference , weight contaminate very much. ─── 在大雾的影响下,今天北京的空气质量还是非常差,重污染。

69、Multiplex PCR detection of aflatoxigenic fungi able to contaminate food and feed ─── 可污染食品及饲料的产黄曲霉毒素真菌的多重PCR检测

70、An urban food myth contends that if food spends just a few seconds on the floor, dirt and germs won't have much of a chance to contaminate it. ─── 一个都市食物传奇里提到,如果食物只在地板上停留几秒钟,灰尘和细菌就不太有可能弄脏它。

71、For this to be safe, scientists have to be sure the material could never leak out and contaminate water supplies or rise up to the surface. ─── 为了保证安全,科学家们必须确保这些物质决不可能泄漏出来,以至于污染水源或者升至地表。

72、Indeed, it is possible for cross-pollination to “contaminate” wild varieties of food, decreasing biodiversity. ─── 事实上,“异花受粉”有可能会“污染”野生的食物品种,减少生物多样性。

73、Thus, non-sterile air could contaminate the chamber through the drain line. ─── 为了使潜在的污染最小化,建议冻干机出料口在洁净区。

74、Organic pollutants in soil may influence the normal function of soil, contaminate groundwater, air and food chain, and therefore impact human health and environmental quality. ─── 土壤中的有机污染物可能影响土壤的正常功能,甚至造成地下水、大气和食物链的污染,对人类健康和环境质量产生威胁。

75、And it is so contagious --it can be carried in dust particles clinging to a car antenna--that one infected animal can easily contaminate the entire herd. ─── 口蹄疫传播性极大,例如它会在灰尘粒子中粘到汽车的天线上。 如此感染了一头动物,就能轻易地传播到整个牛群。

76、The fission fragments are highly radioactive, and will contaminate the fissile uranium if they are not removed periodically. ─── 分裂的裂片有着很强的放射性,而且如不定期清除,就会污染裂变的铀。

77、There should not be manure left in the driveways that could contaminate other vehicles. ─── 同样也不要让猪粪遗留在车道上,而污染其它车辆。

78、Hazardous substances produced from welding and allied processes will contaminate work environment and affect worker's health. ─── 介绍了焊接与相关工艺过程中产生的有害物质及其对操作人员的身体健康可能带来的影响。

79、Dispose of that nulear waste properly or it will contaminate the groundwater. ─── 必须妥善处理那些核废料,不然就会造成地下水污染。

80、But these local elections take place only in remote rural villages as if not to contaminate towns and cities. ─── 但是这些地方选举只是在遥远的乡村里举行,这样的决定仿佛为了不污染城镇和都市。

81、Ground-test results show that cupric oxide or cuprous oxide formed on the surface of copper may break off by atomic oxygen impacting, to contaminate other surfaces. ─── 地面试验结果表明:生成的氧化铜或氧化亚铜在原子氧撞击作用下,从试样表面脱落,并沉积到其他试样的表面,从而对其他表面产生较为严重的污染。

82、for they contaminate his foodcarry diseasesor devour his crops. ─── 因为昆虫弄脏我们的食物,传播疾病,吞噬庄稼。

83、under no circumstances should the insulator be touched with the hand or with any material that might contaminate the surface. ─── 任何时候都不要用手或其它可能污染其表面的材料触摸绝缘体。

84、"Unsanitary Conditions" - means such conditions or circumstances as might contaminate with dirt or filth, or render injurious to health, a food, drug or cosmetic. ─── "不卫生条件"-----意味着诸如可能被污物污染的条件或环境,或对健康,食物,药品,化妆品有害的着色.

85、Rain can leach out these chemicals and contaminate ground water beyond the landfill boundaries ─── 一旦下雨,这些化学品即可滤出,从而污染垃圾填埋场地界以外的地下水。

86、Factories and mines that produce inferior products, contaminate the environment, damage resources or do not meet production safety standards must without exception be shut down in accordance with the law. ─── 坚决依法关闭产品质量低劣、污染环境、破坏资源、不具备安全生产条件的厂矿。

87、In many large landfills, tons and tons of municipal wastes have been mixed over the years with small amounts of industrial chemicals. Rain can leach out these chemicals and contaminate ground water beyond the landfill boundaries. ─── 在许多垃圾填埋场,成千上万吨的生活垃圾随着时间推移同为数不多的工业化学品混成一体,一旦下雨,这些化学晶即可滤出,从而污染垃圾填埋场地界以外的地下水。

88、Bad pipelines carrying sewage contaminate groundwater which spells doom for people relying on it for their drinking water. ─── 不好的水管会带著污染有害的地下水,供给仰赖这个供水系统的人民喝。

89、In order to see the contaminate level of Hepatitis A virus (HAV) in clam, we checked 33 groups of clam collected from the main cultivating beds in Zhejiang Province. ─── 为了解毛蚶受甲肝病毒(HAV)污染程度,作者对浙江毛蚶主要养殖点内的33个组份毛蚶进行了检测。 结果用ELISA法测到可疑阳性5份,在再次复测时均为阴性。

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