guidable 发音
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guidable 中文意思翻译
guidable 短语词组
1、guidable japan ─── 可引导的日本
2、guidable definition ─── 指导性定义
guidable 相似词语短语
1、buildable ─── adj.可以建造的;可信赖的
2、hidable ─── 隐藏的
3、guardable ─── 可守卫的
4、gradable ─── adj.可分类的;可分级的
5、givable ─── 可原谅的
6、guidance ─── n.指导,引导;领导
7、guidage ─── 指导
8、oxidable ─── [化学]可氧化的;氧化的
9、fundable ─── 可资助的
guidable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、guidable record ─── 主引导记录
2、Defines GUID identifiers that correspond to the standard set of tool windows that are available in the design environment. ─── 定义GUID标识符,它们对应于在设计环境中提供的标准工具窗口集。
3、After that you will need to fix URLs of the WordPress posts and pages, which translated from post slug, and stored in database wp_posts table as guid field. ─── 之后,您将需要修复的URL的职位,以及在WordPress的页面,翻译后段塞,并存储在数据库中wp_posts表的GUID领域。
5、The element defines a unique identifier for the item. ─── 元素的作用是:为每个项定义一个独立的标志符。
6、* To return devices only for a specific PnP enumerator , use the Enumerator parameter to supply the GUID or symbolic name of the enumerator . ─── 只返回一个特定即插即用枚举设备,使用枚举器参数提供的GUID或枚举符号名。
7、Error while looking for GUID in Profile ─── 在配置文件中查找GUID出错
8、The GUID of the OAB could not be obtained on the client. ─── 在客户端上无法获取该OAB的GUID。
9、Copy the entitymapid GUID that comes before the sourceentityname and targetentityname XML elements for the source and target entities that you want to map. ─── 复制entitymapid GUID用于对要映射源和目标实体sourceentityname和targetentityname XML元素之前。
10、Preserving Mailbox GUID Values After a Database Move ─── 在移动数据库后保留邮箱GUID值
11、You have been permanently banned from this game server via punkbuster......GLOBAL Punkbuster GUID BAN 6026c161 ─── 一进入多人游戏后,能看到别人建的服务器,已经进去了,但是,刚到选兵种时,出现以下字母。
12、22 Honig JF.The fire endoscope with guidable and flexible working instruments for endofacelift,a new instrument in facial surgery.Aesth Plast Surg,1994,18:373|375. ─── 中华整形烧伤外科杂志1998年第2期第14卷综述作者:谢洋春宋业光单位:100041北京,中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学整形外科医院...
13、Reseach on Strip Guid Electr-hydraulic System Based on Image Process ─── 基于图像处理技术的带钢电液纠偏系统研究
14、More than one mailbox is using the same GUID. ─── 多个邮箱正在使用同一个GUID。
15、insert into odsLicence.csBase(GUID,csName,JuridicalPerson,csCatalog,Province,city,Postcode,Addr,DirectorDepartment ─── 企业名称,法人代表,企业性质,所在省份,所在城市,邮编,通讯地址,主管部门
17、How to get the device interface with GUID is a nodus.we have developed drive and application program. ─── 在介绍了驱动程序的安装方法后,详细介绍了应用程序的编制和驱动程序和应用程序的连接方法,以及如何利用GUID找到设备接口名这一关键步骤。
18、Guid ing Prin ciple and Enforce ment Plan of Essen tials of Moral Education De velop-ment in Russian Educa tion System from2002to2004will fur ther the enforce ment of the essen tials. ─── 《2002-2004年俄罗斯学校思想道德教育发展纲要的基本方针和实施计划》则将这一专门纲要的实施进一步推向深入。
19、One way to use this sample is as a way to determine which GUID you need to enumerate to find a particular device. ─── 使用这个例子的一个途径就是作为一个确定的途径,你需要GUID来列举并发现一个具体的设备。
20、The name has meaning only in the context of the access methods of the device interface named by the device interface class GUID. ─── 其名字仅在被设备接口类GUID命名的设备接口,中的类方法中的上下文中有意义。
21、For example, there is a GUID for the generic stream interface, and the names "COM1:" and "DSK1:" refer to two distinct instances of the generic stream interface. ─── 例如,有一个流接口GUID,名字为COM1:和DSK1:,这是两个普通流接口的让人明白的例子。
22、Using the GUID to bind to objects. ─── 使用GUID绑定到多个对象。
23、Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) for getting or setting the GUID that represents the image data or text data on an image or a text word. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。
24、It is more guidable to implement the calculative comparison of resistance drop before designing a... ─── 在设计选用滤网材料时先进行阻力降的计算比较,对于选用滤网有着重要的指导意义。
25、A GUID is a binary number, and its main use is as an identifier that must be unique in a network that has many computers at many sites. ─── GUID是一个二进制数字,其主要用途是作为标识符,该标识符在拥有位于许多地点的许多计算机的网络中必须是唯一的。
26、A training dog can be used to guid a blind man. ─── 一条经过训练的狗可以给盲人当向导。
27、If an interface has a GUID, you can use interface querying to get references to its implementations. ─── 如果一个接口有一个GUID,那么可以用接口查询来获得对其执行的引用。
28、The study is a great significance for the design and operation of IGCC unit.At the same time, it provides guid ing for the upgrading from a conventional power station to a IGCC po wer plant. ─── 对IGCC电站机组的设计运行具有重要的指导意义,同时为小容量常规电站改造为100MW级IGCC电站提供了依据。
29、Guidable significance of balance principle of rumen energy and nitrogen on feeding cows in our countryside ─── 瘤胃能氮平衡原理对我国农村奶牛饲养的指导意义
30、The crypto checkpoint files for the resource identified by the GUID. ─── GUID标识的资源的加密检查点文件。
31、The GUID describes the device interface and the name disambiguates multiple instances of that device interface. ─── GUID描述了设备接口和多个接口情况下的名字歧义情况。
32、that field guid book about birds. ─── field 究竟是什么意思?
33、Agriculture plays a guidable role in the society development of Taiwan. ─── 一直以来,农业在台湾的社会发展中,占有主导地位。
34、cross guid coupler ─── [电] 交波导耦合器
35、Globally Unique Identifier or GUID is a pseudo-random number used in software applications. ─── 一个全球唯一标识符或GUID是一个假随机数用于软件中。
36、The following code shows the definition of the unmanaged types DATE, GUID, DECIMAL, and OLE_COLOR in the Stdole2 type library. ─── 下面的代码显示Stdole2类型库中的非托管类型DATE、GUID、DECIMAL和OLE_COLOR的定义。
37、JOB SUMMARY: Reviews, gathers, and quote the appropriate rates necessary to complete international Customer and colleague request. Under general guid... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:20-99人经验要求:1-3年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历
38、uuid_key: Access keys within all defined data elements are represented as universal unique identifiers (these are sometimes called a GUID). ─── · uuid_key: 所有的UDDI定义的数据元素的访问键都被表示为一个UUID(Universal unique IDentifier,有时也称作GUID)。
39、When you walk, they will guid you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you. ─── 你行走,祂必引导你;你躺卧,祂必保守你;你睡醒,祂必与你谈论。
40、The key is provisioned with a GUID that is generated from the string ─── 为该密钥提供了通过字符串
41、I'm assuming here that I put the GUID definitions I want to reference into a separate header file. ─── 在这里我假设我已经把我想要涉及的GUID定义放入了一个单独的头文件中。
42、public:property Guid Category {Guid get ();void set (Guid value); ─── 取得或设定用来在网路上筛选伫列的分类。
43、Braking reliability study on using broaching resistance as rigidity guid ─── 以拉削阻力作为刚性导向可靠制动的研究
44、'.Now you need not provide a path to the file containing the typelib, you can also provide the GUID of the TypeLib - entry or an IID for preloading type - information. ─── 你不必非得提供包含 typelib 的文件路径,你也可以提供 TypeLib 的GUID - 入口或者一个预先装载的类型的IID信息。
45、A GUID object that is used as a unique identifier for the driver and chip set pair. ─── GUID对象,用作驱动程序和芯片集对的唯一标识符。
46、Use the NEWID() function to obtain a globally unique ID (GUID). ─── 使用NEWID()函数获取全局唯一ID(GUID)。
47、The GUID is stored as part of the system BIOS. ─── GUID是作为系统BIOS的一部分存储的。
48、Like all objects in Exchange 2007, this Receive connector can also be referred to by its unique GUID. ─── 与Exchange 2007中的所有对象一样,此接收连接器还可以由其唯一的GUID引用。
49、GUID partition table ─── 全局唯一标识分区表
50、Evaluating plasma SP-A and SF levels in neonate after mechanical ventilation may help monitor the development and guid the clinical diagnosis and treatment of VILI. ─── 动态观察机械通气新生儿血浆SP-A和SF水平可能有助于监测VILI的发生,指导临床诊治。
51、If you want to use the DNS settings of all available network adapters, enter a GUID of 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. ─── 如果要使用所有可用网络适配器的DNS设置,请输入GUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000。
52、public Guid Category { get;set; ─── 伫列分类被设定为无效值。
53、Guid male nursing student to change their act in nursig teaching ─── 在护理教学中引导男护生实现角色的转换
54、posterior bite guid ─── 后导, 后咬合标
55、GUID (global(ly) unique identifier) ─── [港]全球唯一代号
56、The Visual Studio Tools for Office runtime also sets the value of the _AssemblyLocation custom document property to the GUID for the Runtime Storage Control. ─── Visual Studio Tools for Office运行库还会将_AssemblyLocation自定义文档属性的值设置为运行时存储控件的GUID。
57、Use the Identity parameter to specify the GUID, distinguished name or offline address book name that represents a specific offline address book. ─── 使用Identity参数指定代表特定脱机通讯簿的GUID、可分辨名称或脱机通讯簿名称。
58、This technique has a wide guidable significance and its application will result in good economic benefit and perspective future. ─── 这一水质优化技术思路和方法具有广泛的指导意义和应用前景。
59、The following code sample shows how to convert between a Guid and a _GUID. ─── 下面的代码示例演示如何在Guid和_GUID之间进行转换。
60、GUID for the full OAB file download ─── 完整OAB文件下载的GUID
61、Use the Identity parameter to specify the name or GUID of the IP site link for which you want to set an Exchange-specific cost. ─── 使用Identity参数可以指定要为其设置特定于Exchange的开销的IP站点链接名称或GUID。
62、The GUID that is registered in the objectGUID attribute of the routing group object to which the routing information belongs. ─── 在路由信息所属的路由组对象的objectGUID属性中注册的GUID。
63、The ACE also contains a GUID and a set of flags that control inheritance of the ACE by child objects. ─── ACE还包含一个GUID和一组标志,这些标志控制子对象对ACE的继承。
64、Interbase UDF with additional functions for working with strings, mutex, creation GUID, debugging stored procedures and triggers. ─── Interbase的UDF更多的职能与字符串,互斥,创造的GUID ,调试存储过程和触发器。
65、The MAC address is the unique GUID value of the network adapter in the computer. ─── MAC地址是计算机中网络适配器的唯一GUID值。
66、GUID Global Universal IDentification number ─── 全球通用标识号
67、If you create a new package by copying an existing package or by using a template package, the name and the GUID are copied as well. ─── 如果通过复制现有包或使用模板包来创建新包,那么也会复制名称和GUID。
68、HATE being scored on, even by players who some say are "un- guidable . " ─── 我讨厌被单吃,即使对手是那些“不可阻挡”的球员。
69、Chaolian industry zone investment offers high tech district industry zone favorable policy.We welcome sincerely each enterpriser to visit and guid, and invest enterprise, creating together fine tomorrow together. ─── 在潮连工业园投资可享受市高新区工业园优惠政策。我们诚心欢迎各位企业家前来参观指导和投资办实业,共创美好明天。
70、For example, if the relative distinguished name of two objects cannot be resolved, conflict resolution appends *CNF:GUID to the name. ─── 例如, 如果两对象的相对可分辨名称不能解析, 冲突追加 * CNF:GUID 到名称。
71、As part of the standard-making process, someone runs GUIDGEN and publishes the resulting GUID as the identifier that will be forever after associated with that interface standard. ─── 作为标准产生过程的一部分,一些人运行GUIDGEN并且发布结果GUID作为标识符----那将永远的寻找关联的接口标准。
72、The backup set is being restored to an alternate location, so if a database mapping is provided, the target database GUID must be the null GUID (ie. All zeroes). ─── 备份集将还原到备用位置,因此,如果提供了数据库映射,那么目标数据库GUID必须为空GUID(即全部为零)。
73、The object GUID of the domain controller is listed in the DC object GUID field. ─── 域控制器的对象GUID在“DC object GUID”字段中列出。
74、htp://+:80/Temporary_Listen_Addresses/ because TCP port 80 is being used by another application. ─── 下面的示例代码演示了如何在代码中指定客户端终结点地址。
75、If the length of the full path and file name exceeds 127 characters, the logical database name is shortened and prefixed with a GUID, ensuring a unique logical name. ─── 如果完整路径和文件名的长度超过127个字符,则需要缩短数据库的逻辑名称,并且加上前缀GUID,从而确保逻辑名称的唯一性。
76、The Active Directory plug-in dynamically generates a unique user ID and a primary group ID based on the user account's Globally Unique ID (GUID) in the Active Directory domain. ─── Active Directory根据Active Directory域中用户帐户的全局唯一标识符(GUID)动态生成唯一的用户ID和首选组别ID。
77、Clinical nursing of patients with opalescent anterior teeth cross bite corrected by verbal incisor tilted inclined guid plate ─── 唇切斜导板矫正乳前牙反牙合的临床护理特点
78、You can omit the parameter label Identity so that only the offline address book name or GUID is supplied. ─── 可以省略参数标签Identity,以便只提供脱机通讯簿的名称或GUID。
79、An example of a GUID that is used in the file names is 038b930e-61fd-4bfd-b9b4-0374c18b73f7. ─── 038b930e-61fd-4bfd-b9b4-0374c18b73f7就是一个用在文件名中的GUID示例。
80、It finds an entry for the home server, and this entry includes the recipient's home routing group GUID. ─── 它查找与主服务器对应的条目,因为该条目中包含收件人的主路由组GUID。
81、Connectors that can transfer messages to a routing group must have a routing group address space that includes the destination group's GUID. ─── 只有路由组地址空间包含目标组GUID的连接器才能够将邮件传输到该路由组。
82、The method of eigenfunction expansion was used to calculate the disperse curves of guid. ─── 利用特征函数展开法计算出周向导波的频散曲线及0。
83、Default Domain policy for GUID number as in Summary section Unique name property is listed。 ─── 单击取消以关闭域属性对话框。
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