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09-07 投稿


pang 发音

英:[pæŋ]  美:[pæŋ]

英:  美:

pang 中文意思翻译





pang 网络释义

n. (肉体上)剧痛;苦闷;(精神上)一阵极度的痛苦vt. 使剧痛;折磨n. (Pang)人名;(德、瑞典)庞

pang 词性/词形变化,pang变形


pang 短语词组

1、water-pang ─── [医] 胃灼热

2、brow pang ─── [医] 额剧痛, 偏头痛

3、fan pang ─── 范邦(音)

4、ho pang mang ─── 何邦芒

5、Danny Pang (financier) ─── 彭丹丹(金融家)

6、Kearen Pang ─── 彭凯伦

7、a pang ─── 一阵剧痛

8、jason pang ─── 彭杰森

9、auntie pang ─── 庞阿姨

10、breast-pang ─── [医] 心绞痛

11、Yen Chao-pang ─── 颜朝庞

12、breast pang ─── [医] 心绞痛

13、Byron Pang ─── [人名]彭冠期

14、jared pang ─── 庞网

15、fat pang ─── 肥胖症

16、i like pang hao ─── 我喜欢庞浩

17、box pang ─── 箱形胖子

18、Pang Wei ─── 庞伟

19、guilt pang ─── [网络] 有罪的

pang 相似词语短语

1、Fang ─── n.(犬,狼等的)尖牙;[解剖]牙根;(毒蛇的)毒牙;尖端;vt.灌水引动(水泵);n.(Fang)人名;(中)方(广东话·威妥玛);(瑞典)丰

2、spang ─── adv.(非正式)完全地;恰好地;n.(Spang)(美)斯潘(人名)

3、pangs ─── n.(肉体上)剧痛;苦闷;(精神上)一阵极度的痛苦;vt.使剧痛;折磨;n.(Pang)人名;(德、瑞典)庞

4、Tang ─── 唐朝

5、bang ─── 发巨响

6、panga ─── n.非洲的大砍刀;一种巴拿马独木舟;一种治神经痛的药

7、prang ─── v.(使)撞击,碰撞;(使飞机)坠毁;n.猛炸;撞击;事故(坠机、撞车等);轰炸;n.(Prang)(美、泰)普朗(人名)

8、Lang ─── abbr.语言(language);n.(Lang)(瑞典、俄、芬、葡、塞、捷、法、德、爱沙)朗;(中)冷;(英、法)兰(人名)

9、Yang ─── n.杨(姓氏)

pang 习惯用语

1、stay the pangs of hunger ─── 权且充饥, 暂时止饿

2、pangs of remorse ─── 良心的责备

pang 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Londhar felt a pang of resigned regret as he withdrew from the Darkstar's presence. ─── Londhar感到因屈从和遗憾而引起的巨大的痛苦,他离开了暗黑之星。

2、It was the scene of battles fought in 203 B.C. between Liu Pang, King of Han, and Hsiang Yu, King of Chu. ─── 公元前二零三年,汉王刘邦和楚王项羽曾相持于此。

3、Filled with affectionate, he described their state of life, their pursuance, hope, pang, happiness and so on. ─── 他以深情的笔触描写了这些知识分子的生存状态,展示了他们的追求、希望、痛苦和快乐。

4、After the Pang Wei that achieve what one wishes enters fire line, got saving team coach Yi Shiyi's friendly help, ascensive amazingly quick. ─── 如愿以偿的庞伟进入射击队后,得到了省队教练亦师亦友的帮助,进步神速。

5、Never had she known such a pang of utter and final hopelessness. It was beyond death, so utterly null, deserted. ─── 她从未尝过这种绝望的滋味,被彻底地遗弃,完全地否定,真是比死亡还痛苦。

6、She felt that the man was gentle, and that his interest in her had not abated, and it made her suffer a pang of regret. ─── 她感觉得到他对她很温柔,他对她的兴趣并没有减弱,这使她一阵内疚。

7、A pang shot through him at the memor of his lamplit hours in the low-studded drawing-room. Few as they had been, they were thick with memories. ─── 他回忆起在那饰钉钉得很低,点着煤油灯的客厅里度过的几个钟头,一阵剧痛猛然向他袭来。尽管只有为时极短的几个小时,但却令人回味无穷。

8、When Guan Yu of Shu learned this, he led his army to take them on. Guan and Pang fought over one hundred rounds with neither gaining an advantage. ─── 关羽得信,亲自披挂前去迎敌。关羽、庞德大战百余回合,不分胜负。

9、She felt an acute pang in his arm. ─── 她感到手臂上一阵剧痛。

10、She felt a sudden pang of profound loneliness. ─── 她突然感到一阵痛彻肺腑的寂寞感。

11、Uncompromising, socially relevant and filled with unexpected twists, the film is a bold departure into the slasher genre for Pang. ─── 不妥协的,在社会上相关性和充满意外的波折,这部电影是一个大胆出发到独轮体裁的庞。

12、Hunter: Wow! There are three birds, and they must be good yummy. Pang! ─── 哇!这里有三只小鸟。她们一定很美味。嘭!

13、Oh, I saw one the other night as I was going along Chang Pang Road in a rickshaw. ─── 前天夜里我坐车过长浜路,就看见一个。

14、The armistice did not spare France a pang. ─── 停战协定并未使法国免遭剧烈的创伤。

15、South-east there are large caves, highshu zhang ,si pang stalactite hanging upside down. ─── 东南方有宽大洞穴,高数丈,四旁倒挂钟乳。

16、But Pang's ruthlessness and his desire for Lian, Inevitably leads him to murder Zhao. ─── 但是随著他大权在握,大哥变得越来越野心勃勃,令他要清除一切的障碍。

17、China Aviation Industry Hafei Group Chairman Pang Jianhe Airbus China president Laurence Barron in a joint venture contract was signed. ─── 中航工业哈飞集团董事长庞建和空中客车中国公司总裁博龙在合资合同上签字。

18、Actually, these group of person entire delivery in real life, Xia Bing and Pang Yong, if unifies is the highest quality most long-time most excellent emotion combination. ─── 其实,将这几组人全投放在现实生活中,夏冰和庞勇如果结合就是最优质最长久最高超的情感组合。

19、Chinese people can be very direct when describing people. ‘Zai nide pang bian de neige pangpang de ren shi shei? ─── 中国人有时候把人描述的太直接。

20、What about playing Ping Pang or anything else? ─── 咱们是打乒乓球还是怎么办?

21、TONG Yee Chun ceased to be a partner and remained as a consultant of Laurence Pang &Co as from 4 March 2003. ─── 唐汝骏先生自2003年3月4日辞去彭泽棠律师事务所合夥人一职,而转任该行顾问。

22、She was seized by a sudden pang of conscience. ─── 她突然感到一阵内疚。

23、In 202 BC, the mighty Ch'in Empire fell to soldiers led by Liu Pang. ─── 公元前202年,强大的秦帝国在刘邦领导的军队的打击下灭亡。

24、He felt a pang of recognition as strange, deep, and wonderful as anything in his life. ─── 他感到一种豁然若有所悟时的剧痛,这痛苦是他一生中最奇特、最深刻、最美妙的东西。

25、I'm so glad he had a pang of conscience. ─── 我实在高兴他感到了一阵愧疚。

26、She was seized by a sudden pang of conscience. ─── 她突然感到一阵内疚。

27、Poor Dorothea felt a pang at the thought that the labour of her husband's life might be void. ─── 可怜的多萝西娅想到她丈夫毕生的努力可能会付之东流就悲痛难忍。

28、Rereading the doctor's letter, though, I felt a pang of shame. ─── 但是,看到那位博士的信,我还是感到非常羞愧。

29、With their soldiers, Yu Jin and Pang De climbed to higher ground. Guan Yu urged his forces to strike. Yu Jin and Pang De's armies, seeing no way out, surrendered. ─── 于禁、庞德率将士登上小土山躲避,关羽带大军冲杀而来,于禁见四下无路,投降关羽。

30、She had had a great doubt and terror lest Arthur should not know her, but that pang was spared to her, in part at least. ─── 她本来毫无把握,提心吊胆,怕亚瑟认不出她,结果这种忧虑是多余的,至少并不那么严重。

31、Sometime I call it“Xiao Pang ”, then it runs towe fast. ─── 你的评论会被广大学生、教师、家长所看到,请注意文明发言哟!

32、Please contact Ms Carol Yuen or Ms Sam Pang for enquiries. Thank You! ─── 如有查询,请与书院辅导处阮小姐或彭小姐联络,谢谢!

33、Consequently,he was plunged into the state of mind called “Pang huang”,two sides of his heart discoursing and refuting each other all the time. ─── “五四”退潮期的鲁迅在黑暗中苦苦求索,处于一种谓之“彷徨”的心理状态,内心的两个侧面始终在对话和相互诘难。

34、He felt a pang of sadness, and got so choked up he couldn't speak. ─── 他心里一酸,喉咙哽得说不出话来。

35、With years of efforts, Youngman group by Pang qingnian has been famous both in China and foreign countries. ─── 凭借着多年的努力,庞青年麾下的青年汽车集团已享誉中外。

36、Human's life, looks like an ant in front of the muzzle to be equally frail. pang! , The life henceforth flies on the ash the smoke to extinguish! ─── 人的生命,在枪口面前就像一只蚂蚁一样脆弱。呯!一声,生命从此就灰飞烟灭!

37、Every so often he feels a pang that they couldn't make a romantic relationship work between them, and this is one of those times. ─── 但每次看到她这样,他都会觉得很难受,因为他会想到他们之间的关系没法儿再有更进一步的发展。

38、A pang of exquisite suffering-a throe of true despair-rent and heaved my heart. ─── 一阵极度痛苦的剧痛--一阵真正绝望的苦闷--撕裂着和冲击着我的心。

39、The rampage carriedshi hu bristleli xian the moment an air of hoof, called the axes River Pang final word! ─── 一头怒狮,双目倒竖,剑眉倒立,长嘴呲牙,索性让嘴唇也裂个豁豁子。

40、He experienced a pang of sadness. ─── 他感到一阵悲痛。

41、He felt a sudden fierce pang like hunger, and put the papers gently aside, returning his gaze to the pool. ─── 他心里突然升起一阵剧痛,就如同饿极了一样难受,他轻轻把纸卷放到一旁,转回目光注视着水坑。

42、The reason is simple, both passenger car and truck, as well as "ingyue" seden just coming into market, Pang Qingnian upholds product quality to win customers. ─── 原因很简单,无论是客车、卡车、还是刚刚上市的三厢“竞悦”轿车,庞青年都有着自己独特的产品至上论。

43、She felt a sharp pang and grew disturbed and uneasy at once. ─── 她立即感到极度悲伤,变得烦躁不安。

44、Aunt Polly felt a sudden pang of remorse. ─── 听到这,波莉姨妈突然感到一阵难受,后悔不已。

45、She experienced a sharp pang of disappointment. ─── 她经历了失望的巨大痛苦。

46、He told himself that it was with the pang which preceded recovery. ─── 他告诫自己这种难受的感觉正好是全愈的先兆。

47、She left her children with a pang of sadness. ─── 她离开她的孩子时很难过。

48、Even the Spanish club really see Mrs Wang, Xiao Pang transfer of the operation, I am afraid not. ─── 即便是真有西甲俱乐部看中王永珀,小胖转会一事恐怕操作性也不大。

49、China is called "table tennis kingdom". Apparently, Ping Pang is the most popular sports. ─── 中国被称为“兵乓王国”。很显然,乒乓球是最受欢迎的运动。

50、He felt a pang of alarm, which sharpened when he found he could think of nothing to say. ─── 他感到一阵惊讶,而由于找不出话来说,惊讶的感觉就更加强烈了。

51、Mr. Pang's autopsy was scheduled for Sunday, said a spokesman for the Orange County coroner. ─── 加州橘县验尸官的发言人表示,彭日成的尸检定于周日进行....

52、I felt a bit guilty about fooling my ma, but whenever a pang hit, I conjured up the vision of my voice dancing along wires in the sky. ─── 对她隐瞒实情让我觉得有些愧疚,每当这时候,我总是凭空想象出我的声音在贯穿天际的钢丝上独舞的画面。

53、It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout the world and gives birth to shapes innumerable in the infinites sky. ─── 分离的苦痛弥漫时间,在无尽的天际里有无数种体现。

54、But after a while,when he had heard enough rumors about the minister,he began to suspect Pang Cong. ─── 但过了一阵子,他听了很多关于庞聪谗言后,他开始怀疑他了。

55、Sun Bin did much better than Pang Juan and Pang Juan was deeply jealous of him . ─── 孙膑的学业远远胜于庞涓,庞涓很嫉妒他。

56、"Pang Qing and Tong Jian, who finished fourth at the Turino Games, were also dreaming of winning the Olympic gold medal. ─── 世锦赛冠军我们已经拿过,多一个少一个没有太大关系;

57、At this moment of mortal anguish the cold sweat came forth upon his brow, a pang stronger than death clutched at his heart-strings. ─── 他听到了楼梯口那扇门的铰链的转动声,时钟轧轧地响了几声,预示要敲十一点了,突然办公室的门开了。

58、Mr Peter Pang, Deputy Chief Executive Development, took over responsibility for external affairs and corporate services, while retaining responsibility for research. ─── 副总裁彭醒棠先生除继续负责经济研究事务外,亦接管对外事务以及机构拓展及营运方面的工作。

59、He looked up at the Milky Way and couldn't help feeling a pang of sadness. ─── 他抬头仰望星汉,不禁感到一阵悲伤。

60、Ping Pang is our national game. ─── 乒乓球是我国的一项全国性运动。

61、He Yanjun and his wife, Pang Chunlian, said that for two years they had earned a decent living installing tiles inside the homes of Beijing’s newly moneyed class. ─── 何严俊(音)与他的妻子庞春炼(音),过去两年里一直靠给北京的新富阶层铺地板砖混得了一个不赖的生活。

62、She was beginning to know the pang of disappointed love. ─── 她开始尝到了失恋的痛苦。

63、She felt a sharp tug at her heart-strings(ie pang of sorrow)as he left. ─── 他离去的时候,她非常伤心.

64、Another version has Chang' e drink the elixir to keep it from Pang Meng. ─── 另一种说法是,嫦娥为了不让长生药落入逄蒙之手,便自己喝了下去。

65、Chiu told me that Liu Xiaozhang good "ping-pong diplomacy" to the guests of the school is the most courteous Daping Pang. ─── 周校长告诉我,刘校长擅长“乒乓外交”,客人到学校的最高礼遇是打乒乓。

66、She was not there, and the discovery gave him a pang out of all proportion to its seriousness. ─── 他发觉她不在场时所感到的失望与事态的严重性远远不能相比。

67、But I believe, wherever she escape, can't succeed in escaping the rebuke of conscience, escape endocentric pang. ─── 但是我相信,无论她逃到哪里,都无法逃脱良心的谴责,逃离内心的苦痛。

68、Her words shot a strange pang through Mary's heart. ─── 她的话在玛丽心里引起了一阵特殊的心酸。

69、She was not there, and the discovery gave him a pang out of all proportion to its seriousness. ─── 他发觉她不在场时所感到的失望与事态的严重性远远不能相比。

70、Yea, He loved the people"; if I can rebuke without a pang,then I know nothing of Calvary love. ─── 嗯,他爱他的百姓";若我大声责备而心中却不感到伤痛,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。

71、She felt a sudden pang of regret. ─── 她突然感到一阵怅惘的痛楚。

72、She felt a pang of envy at the thought of his success. ─── 她想到他的成功便感到一阵忌妒的痛苦。

73、She was keeping a secret from him, she was acting dishonorably toward him, and many a pang it was costing her. ─── 她也有件事瞒着他,这是不忠实的行为,为此,她心事重重。

74、Meleager felt a sudden pang. ─── 墨勒阿格突然觉得一阵疼痛。

75、Even if dialogue restarted "a deadlock could last very long before talks could start again," said Pang Zhongying, professor in Renmin University. ─── 人民大学的教授庞中鹰说,“尽管对话将会重启,但这个僵局将会持续很长时间才会打破再重启”。

76、Liu Pang waited until the opportune moment when Hsiang Yu's troops were in midstream crossing the Szeshui River, and then crushed them and recaptured Chengkao. ─── 但后来刘邦终于等待到楚军在汜水半渡的时机,大破楚军,复取成皋。

77、For some reason she felt a pang of grief as the picture of a wounded, captured Colonel Lei appeared before her. ─── 可是她心里无端一阵悲哀,仿佛已经看见受伤被擒的雷参谋了。

78、Pang said the timetable had not been set. ─── 但是具体的时间并没有确定下来.

79、She had had a great doubt and terror lest Arthur should not know her, but that pang was spared to her, in part at least. ─── 她本来毫无把握,提心吊胆,怕亚瑟认不出她,结果这种忧虑是多余的,至少并不那么严重。

80、In 2005, Pang Donglai had extended to over 30 chain shops with more than 2000 employees, and its area had spread to over 50000 square meters. ─── 2005年,胖东来在许昌发展到30多家连锁店,员工2000多人,总营业面积50000多平方米,其中既有大型综合商场,又有家电、服饰、珠宝等专业卖场,还有标准超市和遍布市区的便利店。

81、There came in fact a moment when Marcher felt a positive pang. ─── 事实上有一个时刻马切尔感到极度悲痛。

82、King staggered after him, and, with a pang like that of dissolution, delivered another blow. ─── 汤姆金蹒跚地追过去,忍受着好象要瓦解一样的剧疼,又打了一拳。

83、Pang plans to ask the court to replace Mr.Mosier with a different receiver. ─── 他说,彭日成打算要求法庭用其他清算人替换莫斯尔。

84、She felt that the man was gentle, and that his interest in her had not abated, and it made her suffer a pang of regret. ─── 她感觉得到他对她很温柔,他对她的兴趣并没有减弱,这使她一阵内疚。

85、A sting of conscience or a pang of doubt aroused by wrongdoing or the prospect of wrongdoing. ─── 内疚由于做错或要做错事产生的愧疚或疑虑

86、She felt a pang of retrospective sympathy for Mel. ─── 回顾过去,勾起了她对梅尔的同情。

87、A pang of pain had shot through his body. ─── 他感到全身一阵剧痛。

88、But the Pang Tong accidental death causes Liu Bei to dispatch Zhuge Liang to enter Sichuan, lets Guan Yu be responsible for the Jing Zhou defense. ─── 但庞统的身亡使得刘备调诸葛亮入川,改命关羽负责荆州防务。

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