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08-15 投稿


feculent 发音


英:  美:

feculent 中文意思翻译



feculent 词性/词形变化,feculent变形

名词: feculence |

feculent 短语词组

1、feculent define ─── 不洁的

2、feculent matter ─── 不洁物质

3、feculent definition ─── 不洁定义

4、feculent etymology ─── 不洁词源

5、feculent fluid ─── 不洁液体

6、feculent odor ─── 恶臭

7、feculent dyspepsia ─── [医] 粪积性消化不良

8、feculent means ─── 肮脏的手段

9、feculent liste ─── 特别列表

feculent 相似词语短语

1、feculence ─── n.变浊;污物;渣滓

2、temulent ─── adj.喝醉酒的

3、decumbent ─── adj.平躺的;(植物或其枝条)外倾的

4、esculent ─── n.食用品,可食用物;adj.可食用的,适于食用的

5、flocculent ─── adj.有簇毛的,毛丛状的;含絮状结构的,由絮状物构成的

6、feculency ─── n.污物;渣滓

7、inesculent ─── adj.不可吃的

8、luculent ─── adj.透明的;光亮的;容易了解的

9、muculent ─── adj.粘质的

feculent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then under Li feculent . Scour disease must rule good, application eatable treat side again convenient quickly. ─── 腹泻症必须治好,应用食用治疗方快速又方便。

2、The color clouds had changed into dark, and the sea became feculent. ─── 彩云变黑了,海水变暗了。

3、Additional, powdery bottom has a bit feculent, still can cause bacterial infection, cause skin disease. ─── 另外,粉底稍有不洁,还会造成细菌感染,引发皮肤病。

4、One, acid of putrefaction, grease is defeated, mildew changes, foul and unripe bug, feculent, mix have a foreign body or character of other sense organ is unusual, may harmful to human body health; ─── 一、腐败变质、油脂酸败、霉变、生虫、污秽不洁、混有异物或者其它感官性状异常,可能对人体健康有害的;

5、Avoid feculent sexual intercourse, it is the measure that prevents prostatitis. ─── 避免不洁性交,是预防前列腺炎的措施。

6、Persuade gentleman not to have feculent sexual intercourse so, do not taste the forbidden fruit that should not taste. ─── 所以劝君不要有不洁性交,不要尝不应该尝的禁果。

7、My old father is qualmish man, he can what oneself get off work's feculent stocking doff down lid at the other on hard force the other hear of。 ─── 我老爸是个恶心的男人,他会把自已下班的臭袜子脱下来盖在别人头上硬逼别人闻。

8、Additional, powdery bottom has a bit feculent , still can cause bacterial infection, cause skin disease. ─── 另外,粉底稍有不洁,还会造成细菌感染,引发皮肤病。

9、The well point should pump water continually, the normal pumping rule is "big then small, feculent then clear". ─── 井点应连续不断的抽水,正常出水规律为"先大后小,先混后清".

10、After the bilge on feculent hair, oil divides mix up perfume, produce peculiar smell possibly also. ─── 不洁头发上的污垢、油分混和香水后,也可能产生异味。

11、1, can dry inside short time, tighten up, thoroughly cleared skin is feculent content. ─── 1、能在短时间内干燥、收紧,彻底清除肌肤不洁物。

12、feculent dyspepsia ─── 粪积性消化不良

13、Persuade gentleman not to have feculent sexual intercourse so, do not taste the forbidden fruit that should not taste. ─── 所以劝君不要有不洁性交,不要尝不应该尝的禁果。

14、feculent car's license plate ─── 污损车牌

15、treatment of feculent circulation water ─── 浊环水处理

16、Like period sexual intercourse, vulva feculent, bacterium goes up neck of the infection endometritis that causes, palace n/med tuberculosis of the film inside phlogistic, uterus. ─── 如经期性交、外阴不洁、细菌上行感染等所引起的子宫内膜炎、宫颈炎、子宫内膜结核等。

17、People is very good-tempered also to this, won't because of the kitchen feculent and of cognizance host not quite laborious. ─── 人们对此也很宽容,不会因厨房的不洁而认定主人的不够勤劳。

18、Reason is feculent to having the person of coital history, must observe pudenda and the position that produce chancre possibly, achieve seasonable discovery, seasonable cure. ─── 故对于有不洁性交史的人,一定要观察阴部及可能发生下疳的部位,做到及时发现,及时治疗。

19、Experimental Research on the Laws in Seeping of Feculent Water into Soil via Film Seam ─── 浑水膜缝入渗规律试验研究

20、This kind of phenomenon belongs to blame nature to drop hair, caused cause may be as a result of scalp feculent, pore jams, blood capillary function is abate wait. ─── 这种现象属于非自然掉发,引发的原因可能是由于头皮不洁、毛孔堵塞、毛细血管功能减弱等。

21、Period sexual intercourse reachs the inducement that using things of a few feculent sanitation also is disease of department of gynaecology, should avoid. ─── 经期性交及使用一些不洁卫生用品也是妇科疾病的诱因,应该避免。

22、Additional, exciting or feculent sexual intercourse, medicaments is allergic, also be the cause that causes disease. ─── 另外,不洁性交、药物刺激或过敏,也是致病的原因。

23、Keywords converter smoke gas;disposing dust humid;treatment of feculent circulation water;innovated technology;application; ─── 转炉烟气;湿法除尘;浊环水处理;创新技术;应用;

24、The control point of beverage turn sour or feculent( permeate rate ─── 菊花茶具有健胃通气、风清热、肝明目的功效,可当茶饮,清热除烦,解热祛暑,是一种深受广大消费者欢迎的保健饮料。

25、taboo is a negative self-repression for trepidation that come from some mystery or feculent something. ─── 禁忌是因对某种神秘或不洁事物的恐惧而以消极回避的方式所进行的自我抑制。

26、It is corruption, acid is defeated, mildew changes, unripe bug and bilge are feculent or the provision with organic unusual character. ─── 一是腐败、酸败、霉变、生虫和污垢不洁或者感官性状异常的食品。

27、5 The well point should pump water continually, the normal pumping rule is “big then small, feculent then clear”. ─── 井点应连续不断的抽水,正常出水规律为“先大后小,先混后清”。

28、The well point should pump water continually, the normal pumping rule is "big then small, feculent then clear" . ─── 井点应连续不断的抽水,正常出水规律为“先大后小,先混后清”。

29、Travel sex diarrhoea is food mostly feculent, affect the be caused by such as dysenteric bacili, salmonella. ─── 旅游性腹泻大多是饮食不洁,感染痢疾杆菌、沙门氏菌等所致。

30、It is a difficult task for shadow and feculent water area processing when extracting water body from remote sensing image by traditional methods. ─── 摘要 从遥感影像中提取水体的传统方法在阴影处和水体浑浊处存在一定局限;

31、People is very good-tempered also to this, won't because of the kitchen feculent and of cognizance host not quite laborious. ─── 人们对此也很宽容,不会因厨房的不洁而认定主人的不够勤劳。

32、Outdoor advertising obsolescence, strain, wearout, feculent, will order date of expiration purgation, maintenance repairs or renewal; ─── 户外广告陈旧、变形、破损、不洁的,将责令限期清洗、维修或更新;

33、More often, this opportunity can not arrive just by waiting, but by making it on one's own initiative.One side actively makes water feculent to make the situation roily , then things could happen. ─── 更多的时候,这个可乘之机不能只靠等待,而应主动去制造这种可乘之机,一方主动把水搅浑,一切情况开始复苏起来,然后可借机行事。

34、"Not only realising chancre and syphilis is two kinds of disease, and realise they all are caused by feculent sexual intercourse, this kind of understanding is in at that time is very marvelous. ─── 不但认识到下疳与梅毒是两种病,而且认识到它们均由不洁性交引起,这种认识在当时是很了不起的。

35、After feculent sexual life, sun Mou by fish " acuteness wet wart " , he feels embarrassed go to large hospital, one year many is treated in small clinic, it is good to was treated, good hair, relapse 45 times, spent more than 80000 yuan. ─── 一次不洁性生活后,孙某被查出“尖锐湿疣”,他不好意思去大医院,在小诊所治疗一年多,治了好,好了发,反复四五次,花了八万多元。

36、HPMC can not dissolve in grain alcohol, aether and acetone without water in themand can dissolve into clear or slight feculent colloidal solution. ─── HPMC在无水乙醇、乙醚、丙酮中几乎不溶,在冷水中溶解成澄清或微浑浊的胶体溶液。

37、can dry inside short time, tighten up, thoroughly cleared skin is feculent content. ─── 能在短时间内干燥、收紧,彻底清除肌肤不洁物。

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