detailer 发音
英:[[di:'teɪlə]] 美:[[di:'teɪlə]]
英: 美:
detailer 中文意思翻译
detailer 短语词组
1、detailer means ─── 更详细的意思是
2、detailer ad ─── 细节广告
3、detailer cub ─── 小熊
4、detailer near me ─── 我身边的细节
5、detailer meaning ─── 细节意义
6、detailer contact ─── 详细联系人
7、detailer brush ─── 遮瑕刷
8、detailer nec nec ─── 详图
detailer 相似词语短语
1、dovetailer ─── n.制榫机
2、retailer ─── n.零售商;传播的人
3、derailer ─── n.[铁路]脱轨器
4、detailed ─── adj.详细的,精细的;复杂的,详尽的;v.详细说明(detail的过去分词)
5、etailer ─── n.网络零售商
6、derailers ─── n.[铁路]脱轨器
7、detailers ─── n.推销员(等于detailman)
8、detainers ─── n.继续监禁令,非法留置;挽留者
9、detainer ─── n.继续监禁令,非法留置;挽留者
detailer 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、They have various levels of detail. ─── 它们有着很多层次细节。
2、You went into too much detail in your talk. ─── 你的报告细节谈得太多。
3、She told me in detail how they overcame all the difficulties. ─── 她详细告诉我,他们是怎样克服困难的。
4、He could remember every trivial incident in great detail. ─── 他能把每件小事的细节都记得很清楚。
5、They took apart every detail of the alibi. ─── 他们对被告声称当时不在犯罪现场的证据逐一仔细检查。
6、The changes are explained in detail overleaf. ─── 修改处在背面有详细的说明。
7、Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture. ─── 在底片上把图象上部的这个不重要的细节涂没。
8、She left out an important detail in her account. ─── 她在描述中遗漏了一个重要的细节。
9、And its subclasses for more detail. ─── 及其子类以获得更多细节。
10、He has a good eye for detail; he notices everything. ─── 他能明察秋毫,他注意到一切事物。
11、Your story disagrees with his in every detail. ─── 你的报导在每个细节上和他的都不一致。
12、He took in every detail of her appearance. ─── 他端详了她一番。
13、Good surface prep is key to all great looking finishes, just ask any professional detailer. ─── 好的漆面预备工作的关键是所有的看起来都已完成,只是问一下专业的护理工程师了。
14、He explained his viewpoint in detail. ─── 他详细地解释了他的观点。
15、Don't you fed that newspaper accounts of these disasters tend to linger nastily over the detail? ─── 你不认为报纸对这些灾难的报导有反复赘述其细节的倾向吗?
16、Very fine detail , and a good likeness. ─── 刻工精细又很逼真。
17、Biff has become an auto-detailer, and is now very deferential toward George. ─── 毕夫现在变成了擦车工,对乔治毕恭毕敬。
18、Every detail of her dress is perfect. ─── 她衣服上的每个小地方都很完美。
19、His report of the event was accurate in every detail. ─── 他对事件的报道,其全部细节都是准确的。
20、Detail of transfer line valve configuration. ─── 传输管系统阀门配置详图。
21、IBM Page Detailer provides details about the manner in which Web pages are delivered to Web browsers. ─── IBM网页设计器提供了网页从何处被传递到Web浏览器的行为细节。
22、He explained his plan in some detail. ─── 他仔细地说明了自己的计划。
23、It is accidental if some things agree in detail. ─── 如果有些事情在细节上相吻合,那只是一种偶然。
24、Her work exacts great care and attention to detail. ─── 她的工作需要极为细心, 一丝不苟.
25、An incidental action performed by an actor on the stage to fill a pause between lines or to provide interesting detail. ─── (演员的)动作演员在舞台上为了填补背台词间的停顿和提供有趣的细节所做的附加动作
26、She began to tell me the plot in great detail. ─── 她开始告诉我该阴谋的详情。
27、And he wouldn't omit any detail. ─── 他从不会漏掉任何的细节。
28、His paintings are almost photographic in detail. ─── 他的绘画细致得简直和照片一样逼真。
29、He reported on the whole matter in full detail. ─── 他把事情的经过一五一十地说了一遍。
30、They chicaned every detail of the arrangement. ─── 他们对所安排的每一细节都加以挑剔。
31、He set out his arguments in detail. ─── 他详细说明了他的论点。
32、They take great pains for each detail. ─── 他们为每个细节煞费苦心。
33、Please contact the address below for detail. ─── 如需进一步咨询,请与我们联系。
34、I have a detailer that keeps my car straight, but if the kids (make a mess), I've got to stop what I'm doing and go take care of it. ─── 我有导航管家保证我的车行驶时笔直平稳,但有时我的孩子们会在车上吵闹弄得一团糟,我就会停下车,先整理好混乱。
35、Who can provide the solution in detail? ─── 哪位能提供详细解决方法?谢谢!
36、In fact, he said, he had no head for detail. ─── 他说,事实上他是一个不拘细节的人。
37、Fog Settings, for sky, and for each detail setting. ─── 下面是天空云雾设置。
38、Can you describe the earthquake in detail to me? ─── 你能向我叙述地震的详细情况吗?
39、It sounds like a crucial detail, to me. ─── 对我来说这是个重要的讯息。
40、There is too much detail in his speech. ─── 他的讲话太琐碎了。
41、Good surface prep is key to all great looking finishes, just ask any professional detailer. ─── 好的漆面预备工作的关键是所有的看起来都已完成,只是问一下专业的护理工程师了。
42、Gem Crafters Table: Used to detail cut gems. ─── 制石桌:仔细制作?
43、He also told me in detail of the plot. ─── 他还详细地向我介绍了剧情。
44、He went into detail about his travels. ─── 他详述了其旅行。
45、working on a washed and dried car , simply rub the clay bar back and forth over the surfaces using a mist and wipe detailer for lubrication. ─── 将汽车清洗干净然后擦干,先简单的用研磨泥来回蹭一下,直到将表面的护理液涂均匀。
46、He depicted the accident in detail. ─── 他详细描述了那个事故。
47、They are agreed in principle but not in detail. ─── 他们的看法在大体上是一致的, 但是在细节上有所不同。
48、It is made with exceptional attention to detail. ─── 它倾注了人类少有的对细节的注意力
49、Track detail status of product development tasks. ─── 及时跟踪、跟进项目进展情况。
50、IBM page Detailer provides details about the manner in which Web pages are delivered to Web browsers. ─── IBM网页设计器提供了网页从何处被传递到Web浏览器的行为细节。
51、They cast their plan in great detail. ─── 他们非常具体地制订了计划。
52、Correct to the last detail, especially being in or following the exact words. ─── 字字正确的; 毫无讹误的正确到最后一个细节的,尤指完全按字面意义的
53、Watch closely for the French attention to detail. ─── 仔细留心法国人对于细节的留心。
54、He took in detail of her appearance. ─── 他仔细端详了她一番。
55、He has mastered every detail of the business. ─── 他已精通生意的每一个细节。
56、The most brilliant person may be mired in detail and confusion. ─── 即使是最聪明的人也会陷入琐事与混乱之中。
57、The latter situation is simpler to treat in detail. ─── 后一种情况比较容易作详细讨论。
58、Not a single detail is to be omitted. ─── 任何细节不得遗漏。
59、Can you explain your plan in detail? ─── 你能详细地解释你的计划吗?
60、He chicaned every detail of the design. ─── 他对设计的每一细节都加以挑剔。
61、Everything in her story is correct to the smallest detail. ─── 她那故事中连最细微的详情都十分精确。
62、Don't befuddle me with all those masses of detail. ─── 不要拿一大堆琐事把我搞迷糊。
63、He described the whole event in detail. ─── 他详尽地描述了整个事件。
64、A good organizer pays attention to detail. ─── 一个好的组织者考虑问题无微不至。
65、Describes both techniques in detail. ─── 中详细描述了这两种方法。
66、She has a photographic memory for detail. ─── 她对细节有惊人的记忆力。
67、They made an analysis of this subject in detail. ─── 他们把这题目进行了仔细的分析。
68、They destroyed the enemy fleet in detail. ─── 他们把敌人的舰队逐个歼灭了。
69、on a washed and dried car, simply rub the clay bar back and forth over the surfaces using a mist and wipe detailer for lubrication. ─── 汽车清洗干净然后擦干,先简单的用研磨泥来回蹭一下,直到将表面的护理液涂均匀。
70、She was storing every detail in her memory. ─── 她把每一个细节都纳入她的记忆。
71、They were very solicitous and attentive to detail. ─── 他们非常细心,十分注意细节。
72、He told them in detail about the incident. ─── 他详细地把事情告诉他们。
73、He described the vernal migration of birds in detail. ─── 他详细地描述了鸟的春季移居。
74、Can you hit who will come to detail of us? ─── 你能猜中谁要来给我们分派任务吗?
75、It's a book which introduces China in detail. ─── 它是一本详细介绍中国的书。
76、Discrete mode: Detail located LCR sub-modes. ─── 安装LCR子模式细节。
77、He was careful enough to check up every detail. ─── 他非常仔细,把每一个细节都核对过了。
78、No upper bound on the event detail length is set. ─── 则不设置事件详细信息长度的上限。
79、He is scrupulous about every detail. ─── 他做事一丝不苟。
80、Don't labo(u)r the reader with unnecessary detail. ─── 不要用不必要的细节使读者疲倦。
81、She niggled over every detail of the bill. ─── 她对账单的每一项目都仔细查算。
82、His grandfather was a fine raconteur, dredging up quite effortlessly, and with a great wealth of detail, scenes and incidents from his early life. ─── 他的祖父是位很会讲故事的人,不费吹灰之力,就把他年轻时事情、场景,极详细地描绘出来。
83、quick detailer is available in both 16 oz . , 24 oz . spray bottles. ─── 快速护理液有16盎司、24盎司喷雾瓶状的包装。
84、He always pays studious attention to detail. ─── 他总是认真注意细节。
85、Can the Secretary explain this in detail? ─── 不知局长可否详细解释?
86、He told us the accident in detail. ─── 他详细地把事故讲给我们听。
87、He describe the robbery in detail to us. ─── 他向我们详细地描述了抢劫事件。
88、Give yourself time to study the problem in detail. ─── 你要用些时间仔细研究一下这个问题。
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