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08-22 投稿


exegetical 发音

英:[eksəˈdʒetɪkəl]  美:[ˌeksəˈdʒetɪkəl]

英:  美:

exegetical 中文意思翻译



exegetical 词性/词形变化,exegetical变形

副词: exegetically |异体字: exegetical |

exegetical 短语词组

1、exegetical definition ─── 训诂定义

2、exegetical theology ─── 训诂神学

3、exegetical defined ─── 释义的

4、exegetical materials ─── 训诂材料

5、exegetical theology definition ─── 训诂神学定义

6、exegetical essay ─── 训诂文

7、exegetical teaching ─── 训诂教学

8、exegetical fidelity ─── 训诂忠实

9、exegetical thinkers ─── 训诂思想家

10、exegetical translation ─── 训诂翻译

11、exegetical background ─── 训诂学背景

12、exegetical task ─── 训诂任务

exegetical 相似词语短语

1、eisegetical ─── adj.穿凿附会的;肆意诠释的

2、epexegetically ─── 解释地

3、eremitical ─── 电子商务

4、exegetics ─── n.圣经注释学

5、exegetically ─── adv.解经地;评释地

6、dietetical ─── adj.饮食的

7、epexegetical ─── 训诂学

8、energetical ─── 能量

9、exegetic ─── adj.注释的;解经的

exegetical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Tentative Discussiom om Zheng Xuan's Exegetical Practice ─── 浅谈郑玄的训诂实践

2、This course aims at an in-depth exegetical analysis and literary interpretation of five brief writings in the Hebrew Scripture. ─── 本科之目的在深入探讨及诠释五本短小的希伯来圣经著作。

3、Bringing grammar and rhetoric to exegetical studies is the outstanding characteristics of Yang"s Exegetics. ─── 以杨氏的语法修辞观及其在训诂中的运用说明杨氏训诂虚实兼治的特点;

4、The exegetical studies and the research of Chinese language history are all based upon the documentary language heritages. ─── 摘要训诂学和汉语史都是以历代流传下来的文献语言材料作为依据的。

5、Exegetical Studies on Guanzi Text ─── 《管子》正文训诂研究

6、On the Use of the Exegetical Method of "Seeking the Meaning According to the Sound" in Teaching Classic Chinese in Middle Schools ─── "因声求义"的训诂方法在中学文言文词语教学中的运用

7、One is that it"s a literary guide in reading Wenxuan and another is that it"s an exegetical book. ─── 它是文学作品的导读,同时又是一部训诂名著,属于语言学著作。

8、The third part: the method of exegetical studies. ─── 第三部分:训诂方法。

9、The primary content is about Lishan"s annotation style, exegetical content, terminology, study spirit and the exegetical achievements and defects of his. ─── 本文的主要内容包括李善的征引式注释,李善训诂的内容、术语、体例,李善的治学精神以及训诂成就和局限。

10、From a exegetical perspective, this paper makes a careful inspection on this work, aiming at providing certain references for objectively commenting on it. ─── 本文从训诂角度切入,对其作了一番检讨,旨在为客观评价此书提供些许参考。

11、I should also say this exegetical technique I'm talking about was not special to the Jews. ─── 我也应该说这种注释技巧,并非犹太人独有。

12、The originality of her psychological insight, the passion and subtlety of her theological imagination , the fecundity of her exegetical talents are unevenly displayed here. ─── 对真理的需要并不是一成不变的;对真理的需要并不比对休息的需要强。

13、Compared to Zhang Taiyan,Shen Jianshi and Huang Kan, Yang"s exegetical studies have the common feature of the epoch and his own individuality. ─── 通过和章太炎、沈兼士、黄侃等三者的比较,说明杨氏训诂的时代共性和个体特征;

14、at the same time, "yin" can be known explained as "to consider conscientiously" through exegetical research. ─── 同时通过训诂考据,得知这个“隐”字应释为“审度”。

15、Analysis and correction of these errors from exegetical and grammatical point of view are beneficial not only to readers but also to some publishing houses with regard to the quality of publications. ─── 从训诂和语法的角度分析纠正这些错误,有益于读者,也有助于克服某些出版部门古籍出版的粗滥之弊。

16、Textual research of scholors has found that there are 2000 exegetical commentaries written on the Daodejing . ─── 有学者考证,历代文献所著录的注本约有2000种。

17、Dictionary Defining and Exegetical Study ─── 词典释义与训诂

18、Exegetical Studies ─── 训诂

19、Among these issues, the exegetical research and study of the special marks have been mostly discussed. ─── 其中又以文字考释和特殊符号问题的讨论最多。

20、We should give full play to the exegetical materials in the research of Chinese language history, with organic combination of the research of Chinese language history with the exegetical studies. ─── 我们应该将汉语史研究和训诂学研究有机结合起来,充分发挥训诂材料在汉语史研究中的作用。

21、As a distinguished scholar in late Qing Dynasty, Sun Yi Rang has abundant writings in his life and has made great achievements in both philology and exegetical studies. ─── 孙诒让是晚清著名学者,一生著述宏富,在文字学、训诂学取得了很大的成就。

22、The Importance of Unearthed Documents to Exegetical Studies about Ancient Books ─── 浅析出土文献对经传训诂的重要性

23、Erya of "the thirteen classics" is the earliest monograph which gives explanation of word meaning in China and has profound influence over semantic and exegetical studies of words of later ages. ─── 摘要“十三经”之一的《尔雅》是我国最早解释词义的权威著作,对后世词义训释有着深远的影响。

24、material of exegetical studies ─── 训诂材料

25、The Exegetical Thought and Methods of the Wang Father and his Son ─── 王氏父子的训诂思想和方法

26、Keywords Sun Yi Rang;exegetical studies;language and characters; ─── 孙怡让;训话;语言文字;

27、The systematic sorting out of the exegetical terms in classical works will promote the standardization of the exegetical terms and the development of modern exegesis. ─── 系统地梳理与研究古代典籍中的训诂用语对于训诂学术语的规范和现代训诂学建设将会产生积极的推动作用。

28、Keywords Yang Shuda;Exegetical Studies;paronym;Etymology; ─── 杨树达;训诂;同源词;语源学;

29、Of course, Calvin defended an Augustinian doctrine of God's sovereignty and predestination when exegetical and polemical occasion required. ─── 当然,在释经与争论的场合中,加尔文是为奥古斯丁的神的主权和预定的教义辩护的。

30、The fifth part: the characteristics of exegetical studies. ─── 第五部分:训沽资料的特色。

31、On Great Master of Exegetical Studies, Yan Shi-gu ─── 论一代训诂大师颜师古

32、An Exegetical Study of the Text of Guoyu ─── 《国语》的正文训诂

33、The Vocabulary, The Characters and the Exegetical Studies of Ancient Language ─── 词汇、文字与训诂

34、On the Value of the Exegetical Material in the Research of Chinese Language History ─── 试论训诂材料在汉语史研究中的价值

35、We must not suppress the force of this mounting exegetical data, even if it means we must rethink cherished traditions. ─── 我们不可隐瞒此日益增多的解经资料,即使这意味着必须重新思考我们所珍爱的传统。

36、exegetical interpretation ─── 训诂释义

37、exegetical model ─── 解释模型

38、the method of exegetical studies ─── 训诂方法

39、The preacher should still do an exegetical study of the passages before preaching, and include an exposition of the texts in his sermon. ─── 传道人在讲道前仍然要做解经的研究,包括阐述讲章的经文。

40、He should begin by incorporating information from his exegetical study of the sermon text into the exposition portions of the sermon. ─── 他应首先把经文的解经查考和讲道的释经解说结合起来。

41、So, It is necessary to analyse its exegetical value systematically. ─── 因此,系统地分析出它的训诂价值是很有必要的。

42、Huang's exegetical achievements are directly bound up with his exegetical methods, his scholarly spirit and his academic foundation. ─── 黄生训诂成就的取得,与其所运用的训诂方法和治学精神及其学术根底密切相关。

43、Explaining "yin" as "to consider conscientiously" have both the philosophical bases and bases of exegetical studies. ─── 训“隐”为“审度”既有哲学上的依据,又有训诂学上的依据。

44、The exegetical materials are the most valuable in the study of vocabulary history, and so is it in the research of Chinese pronunciation history and Chinese grammar history. ─── 训诂材料在汉语词汇史研究中的价值最大,在汉语语音史和汉语语法史研究中的价值也不可佑量。

45、We find that almost always the objections to God's meticulous providence over all things are moral and philosophical rather than exegetical. ─── 我们发现,几乎所有对上帝巨细靡遗地护理万事的异议,都是道德和哲学上的,而不是解经上的。

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