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08-18 投稿


demission 发音

英:[dɪˈmɪʃn]  美:[dɪˈmɪʃən]

英:  美:

demission 中文意思翻译



demission 网络释义

n. 辞职;放弃

demission 短语词组

1、demission 4% ─── 离职4%

2、demission cac ─── 离职cac

3、demission cdi ─── 离职cdi

4、demission word ─── 离职词

5、demission 2019 2019 ─── 年离职

demission 相似词语短语

1、remissions ─── n.缓解;宽恕;豁免

2、demissions ─── n.辞职;放弃

3、emission ─── n.(光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射;发行;n.(Emission)人名;(英)埃米申

4、demersion ─── 贬低

5、remission ─── n.缓解;宽恕;豁免

6、dismission ─── n.解散;免职

7、permission ─── n.允许,许可

8、decession ─── n.死亡术(游戏中的一种法术名称)

9、admission ─── n.承认;入场费;进入许可;坦白;录用

demission 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abide by competition interdict, not neglect procedure of demission ─── 竞业禁止需遵守辞职程序勿疏忽

2、Digital Terrain Model display two demission geographic position and relational properts information with digital pattern. DTM is an important component of Gis,and is basic of "digital earth". ─── 数字地面模型(Digital Terrain Model,DTM)是地表二维地理空间位置和其相关的地表属性信息的数字化表现,是地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)的重要组成部分,是数字地球的基础。

3、During half year, employees’ satisfaction and activity was increased, their demission was decreased, and the organized efficiency is improved. ─── 在为期半年的试运行中,员工的满意度明显增加,工作主动性和积极性提高,离职率下降,组织的工作效率有较明显的提高。

4、The Game Analysis of the Demission of Employees in State-owned Enterprise ─── 我国国有企业员工离职问题的博弈分析

5、jurisdictional demission ─── 司法解散

6、Instructing companies handle commencement procedures for new staffs, and the transfer procedure for demission staffs; ─── 指导代理单位新入职员工办理入职手续,为离职员工办理转出手续;

7、The Demission Factors and Strategy Research of the High Degree Employees ─── 企业高学历员工离职因素及对策的实证研究

8、Analyze the reasons of employee's demission to find out the primary reasons, generate turnover analysis report and provide appropriate suggestions; ─── 分析和统计公司员工离职原因,找出主要原因并归纳汇总地区内员工离职分析报告,相应的给出解决建议;

9、The transferring of talented people includes two patterns: employee"s part-time job in incumbency period and demission. ─── 人才流动包括雇员在职时的兼职和离职两种形式。

10、Construction of pre - warning system for organization's core - talent initiative demission crisis ─── 组织核心人才主动离职危机预警系统的构建

11、Three is the complicity of bribery inincumbency and the complicity of bribery after demission. ─── 三是职时共同受贿和职后共同受贿;

12、I have already decided to demission. ─── 我已决定辞职了。

13、The chapter will expatiate on this question from educational background, vocational training, qualification, stipend treatment, the reason of demission and so on. ─── 本章将从教育背景、职业训练、资格要求、薪金待遇、离职原因等方面阐述,力图展示干事究竟怎样组成和工作。

14、In the end, the paper also points out that to look on the talented demissionproperly and the strategy to the talented demission. ─── 最后,本文提出要正确看待人才离职,并提出了人才离职应对策略。

15、Upon transference or demission, the accounting person shall complete the hand-over and take-over formalities with the successor. ─── 会计人员调动工作或离职时,必须与接管人员办清交接手续。

16、Suddenly he was tired of this sort of job, he put out his demission. ─── 他忽然厌倦了这份工作,就不干了。

17、Direct the recruitment, employment, and demission. ─── 执行公司员工的招聘、录用、离职工作;

18、Instructing companies handle commencement procedures for new staffs, and the transfer procedure for demission staffs; ─── 指导代理单位新入职员工办理入职手续,为离职员工办理转出手续;

19、demission inclination ─── 离职意愿

20、Supply the hired candidates related inquiry and help regarding demission, keep in touch with customers and help them solve any possible problem within trial period so as to ensure the probation success and mutual benefits. ─── 向被录用的候选人提供辞职方面的人事咨询与帮助,与客户保持不间断联系,协助双方解决试用期期间可能遇到的困难与障碍,确保候选人试用成功,以达到双赢。

21、There is a negative relation between working pressure and job satisfaction, and a positive relation between working pressure and demission tendency;5. ─── 4、话务员工作满意度与工作压力呈负相关,话务员离职倾向性与工作压力呈正相关。

22、l Manage employee demission process and conduct direct labor demission interview. ─── 管理员工离职流程,并组织直接员工离职面谈。

23、This paper analyzes the dynamic influencing factors that decide the demission of employees by using the four-phase subjective game model. ─── 运用四个发展阶段的主观博弈概念性分析框架,分析了决定国有企业员工离职行为的各种动态影响因素。

24、Employee's recruitment, hiring, training, performance, demission etc. management. ─── 员工招聘、雇佣、考核、调动、离职等管理。

25、The normal demission, sick leave and any other events or circumstances beyond the control of Party B are exceptional. ─── 乙方工作人员正常的离职、病假等不可控因素不在此列。

26、So, length of teaching, academic background, school, organizational contract violation and demission inclination could be the forecasting factors of job burnout. ─── 教龄、学历、学校、组织契约违背和离职意愿可以作为工作倦怠的预测因子。

27、Analysis and Management Strategy of Employees'Demission Based on the Psychological Contract ─── 基于心理契约的员工离职分析及管理策略

28、The composition of demission cost of handlers and its defending and control measure ─── 经理人离职成本的构成及防控措施

29、Inconsistently,the demission rate for this year s graduates keep very high. ─── 但与此不协调的是,应届大学毕业生的离职率却居高不下。

30、Time and environment have changed, when he is in demission, he no long lingers over. ─── 时过境迁,时空转换,不在位时,他也绝不念栈。

31、Faculty and staff and struents retrun all borrowed books before their demission and school leaving. ─── 十、教职员工离职或学生离校时,须在离校前还清图书。

32、Keywords nurse in ward;reasons of demission;nursing management; ─── 病房护士;离职原因;护理管理;

33、The demission of employee needs cost and the preservation of employee also has a limitation of cost. ─── 雇员流失是有成本的,而保持也是有一个。

34、non-- competition after demission ─── 离职竞业禁止

35、Transact new employees' register, staffs' demission and the procedure of employ and fire. ─── 办理新员工报到、员工离公司及录用退工手续。

36、Time and environment changed.When he is in demission, he no long lingers over. ─── 时过境迁,时空转换,不在位时,他们也绝不念栈。

37、As far as the Study of Information Ethics is concerned,it is a fundamental work to realize the Ethical Demission of Information Activity. ─── 准确把握信息活动的伦理维度是信息伦理研究的认识前提。

38、Company should ensure the employees' freedom of demission, the staff should not be restricted to resign after due process employees be free to leave the factory. ─── 6公司应确保员工离职自由,不得限制员工辞职,员工经过适当的程序可自由离开工厂。

39、The result announces that in every demission of psychological capial, sottware industry entrepreneurs are higher than information executive managers and common information-related employees. ─── 研究结果显示,资讯软体产业创业家在各项心理资本上均较资讯高阶经理人与一般从业人员为高,显示拥有心理资本是资讯人员成功的一项因素。

40、reasons of demission ─── 离职原因

41、The demission of the professional servants not only gives a lot of economic lose and technique lose, but also brings the negative influence to the public benefits and government image. ─── 专业技术类公务员的流失不仅给政府带来了巨大的经济损失和技术流失,还会给公众利益和政府形象带来负面影响。

42、A Study on the Reasons and Countermeasures for the High Demission Rate of Graduating Students ─── 应届大学毕业生高离职率问题的原因及对策解析

43、But the demission of person can't be forecasting. Because it is include resignation, refuse and disease (can't work) etc. ─── 人员的离职包括人员的辞职、辞退、重病(无法工作)等情况,所以离职是无法准确预测的。

44、Demission [Dementia ] is the name for a grope of brain disorders that effect memory ,behavior learning and language. ─── 痴呆症是指大脑一部分不受控制从而使记忆力,学习能力和语言能力下降或失调。

45、Our Company use its own account to contact, it will call the account back with my demission . ─── 我们公司都是用公司的帐号进行联系的,如果辞职了,这些联系帐号全部回收。

46、He said he want to demission. ─── 他扬言要辞职。

47、Research on the Relations between Organization Commitment, Organization Citizenship Behavior and Demission Tendency ─── 组织承诺、组织公民行为与离职倾向关系研究

48、The high demission rate for this year's graduates is not only influenced by general factors of demission, but also influenced by specific factors. ─── 应届大学毕业生的高离职率问题不仅仅受员工离职普遍因素的影响,也受诸多特殊因素的影响。

49、But, until now, the prevalent wheat seeders equipped with mechanical drills have disadvantages of request rigorous seed"s demission and too much crash. ─── 但是,目前国内使用的小麦精播机绝大多数是机械式,对种子的尺寸要求严格,而且容易造成一定的种子破碎率。

50、I helped the school publish three issues and generated contents for two more issues after demission. ─── 我帮助学校出版了三期刊物,并且在离职后持续为两期刊物提供了稿件。

51、Process the procedures of staff employ and demission, record personal documents of staff and compile them. ─── 办理员工入、离职手续,记录员工个人资料并整理归档等。

52、The reasons of demission were ranked as pressures from society and hospital administration,work load and time pressure,working environment,nursing management,nursing specia... ─── 结论尊重病房护士,争取社会和医院的支持,改善护士的工作环境,提高病房护士待遇,加强其自身修养,增加发展机会,加强护患沟通,稳定病房护理队伍。

53、demission of employee ─── 雇员离职

54、Demission to Start-Up ─── 离职创业

55、In the weeks earlier, Egypt had taken steps that included demission United Nations' peace keepers from the Sinai board area. ─── 以色列空军在6月5日发动突袭,把绝大部分的埃及空军摧毁在其空军基地中。

56、But because of the development stage of the fund industry in China, the ratio of demission is higher than that in U. ─── 但是,由于我国基金业所处的历史阶段的原因,基金经理的离职的比率更大一些。

57、Keywords coaxial visual sensing;open keyhole laser welding;weld demission detection; ─── 同轴视觉传感;穿透型激光深熔焊接;焊缝尺寸检测;

58、Method The methods of interview and self-designed questionnaire were used to investigate and analyze emergency nurses' demission before and after the application of humanistic management. ─── 方法通过访谈法和自行设计调查问卷进行比较分析。

59、A Study on the Reasons and Countermeasures for the High Demission Rate of Graduating Students ─── 应届大学毕业生高离职率问题的原因及对策解析

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