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09-15 投稿


superstitious 发音

英:[ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃəs]  美:['sʊpɚ'stɪʃəs]

英:  美:

superstitious 中文意思翻译



superstitious 短语词组

1、superstitious foundation ─── 迷信基础

2、superstitious items miners haven ─── 迷信物品矿工天堂

3、superstitious definition ─── 迷信的定义

4、superstitious notion ─── [网络] 迷信概念

5、superstitious mountains in arizona ─── 亚利桑那州迷信山

6、superstitious chords ─── 迷信和弦

7、superstitious meaning ─── 迷信意义

8、superstitious practice ─── 迷信行为

9、superstitious dope ─── 迷信的毒品

10、miners haven superstitious ─── 矿工不迷信

11、superstitious objects ─── [法] 迷信品

12、superstitious number ─── 迷信数字

13、superstitious quality ─── 迷信的品质

14、superstitious uses and trusts ─── [法] 迷信的受益和信托

15、superstitious mountains ─── 迷信山

superstitious 词性/词形变化,superstitious变形

副词: superstitiously |名词: superstitiousness |

superstitious 相似词语短语

1、supercautious ─── 傲慢的

2、superstitiously ─── adv.迷信地;被邪教所支配

3、superambitious ─── 雄心勃勃的

4、supposititious ─── adj.假想的;冒充的;想像的

5、superstations ─── n.特大型发电厂;特大功率电台

6、superstition ─── n.迷信

7、superstation ─── n.特大型发电厂;特大功率电台

8、supercilious ─── adj.目空一切的,高傲的;傲慢的,自大的

9、superstitions ─── n.迷信(superstition的复数)

superstitious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Such an attitude is, of course, superstitious and totally contrary to reason. ─── 这种态度当然是拘泥的,也是完全违背理智的。

2、She was poetically superstitious. ─── 我的罪恶,我的灵魂。”

3、Later, the husband has married Sansan to calm his mother ’s superstitious fears. ─── 黎明与范冰冰饰演一对因为车祸而天人永隔的情侣。

4、Inman did not consider himself to be a superstitious person, but he did believe that there is a world invisible to us. ─── 英曼并不认为自己是个迷信的人,但他相信确实存在着人们肉眼无法触及的世界。

5、Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes,no calamity need be feared. ─── 禁祥去疑,至死无所之。

6、Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. ─── 真正的死党,是会互相体谅,必要时能两胁插刀的。

7、Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck. ─── 琼极端迷信,认为绿色会带来厄运。

8、To revere and be superstitious of paganism ─── 营信邪教

9、Do not be superstitious and believe everything people say without truly understanding, because to do so would show that one is without wisdom. ─── 如果人家讲什么就听什么,不晓得为什么也深信不疑,这样就是没有智慧。

10、They were collators of fairy tales at a time when you've got the French romping all over the place, trying to enlighten the superstitious Germans. ─── 当时他们应该只是法国在德国横行期间的童话收集者,目的是为了启蒙那些未开化的德国人。

11、The government pointed out that in order to improve social conduct, all superstitious organizations must be dissolved. ─── 政府指出,为了改进社会风气,所有的会门必须解散。

12、"But let me say this. I am a superstitious man, a ridiculous failing but I must confess it here. ─── “但是,让我再补充一点,我是一个疑心很重的人,这是一个可笑的毛病,我必须在这儿交代清楚。

13、of fairy tales at a time when you've got the French romping all over the place, trying to enlighten the superstitious Germans. ─── 当时他们应该只是法国在德国横行期间的童话收集者,目的是为了启蒙那些未开化的德国人。

14、We must make the villagers realize that Tiaoshen, a superstitious activity, cannot help cure disease. ─── 我们要让村民意识到跳神并不能治病。

15、Because of this, each of Tzu Chi's evening prayer meetings, particularly avoids superstitious displays. ─── 也因此一场场的祈福晚会,在海内外展开,避免无用的仪式。

16、I'm superstitious about the number 13. ─── 我相信13这个数字不吉利。

17、To act recklessly without superstitious fear ─── 恣行无忌

18、One of his responsibilities is fighting against a superstitious valuation of Europe. ─── 他要以反对盲目崇拜欧洲为己任。

19、I'm still too superstitious to declare victory, but it looks as if my daughter is going to make it. ─── 我还是太迷信而不愿相信在这场抵抗疾病的战斗中的胜利,但是看起来我的女儿似乎即将康复。

20、superstitious sects and secret societies ─── 会道门

21、This superstitious organization has been banned. ─── 这个道门已被依法取缔。

22、Yet oddly enough, to be born on the 13th of the month is not regarded with any fear at all, which just shows how irrational we are in our superstitious beliefs. ─── 然而奇怪的是,人们对出生在这个月的13号一点也不担心,这恰恰表明我们的迷信是多么不理性。

23、To be perfectly candid, my own condition was not far removed from that of superstitious fear. ─── 坦白地讲,我自己当时也感到一种神秘的恐惧。

24、To be silent avoiding superstitious fear ─── 忌讳不言

25、Even the perfectly preserved hieroglyphics on the temple walls had become no more than magic signs for the superstitious inhabitants of a decadent country. ─── 即便是那些在寺庙壁上保存完好的象形文字,也被后来统治国的居民当作具有魔力的象征而盲目崇拜。

26、This was an argument of tremendous force in that superstitious day. ─── 在那个迷信的年代,这是一个非常有力的证据。

27、His mother wasn't highly educated, but because she was superstitious, she introduced Andersen to folklore. ─── 他母亲没受过高等教育,但因为她很迷信,所以带安徒生认识了许多民间传说。

28、Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. ─── 保罗站在亚略巴古当中、说、众位雅典人哪、我看你们凡事很敬畏鬼神。

29、Are you sophisticated or superstitious?Were you educated in the finest boarding schools, or did tanners who left their homestead only to check their traps raise you? ─── 你受到过高级寄宿学校的严格教育,还是被家财万贯的父母放任自流的二世祖?

30、The new religion is an amalgam of superstitious beliefs and modern science. ─── 新的宗教是封建信条和现代科学的结合.

31、A cold superstitious fear swept her at this thought. ─── 想到这里,她不觉打了个不祥的冷战。

32、Being superstitious, they never ate anyone who was less than whole. So untying the king, they sent him on his way. ─── 于是野蛮人给国王松了绑,放了他——由于迷信,他们从来不吃不完整的东西。

33、What prevailed in their hearts were superstitious viewpoints,i.e.diseases befell them by gods and spirits. ─── 与此相对应,祭祀求神除病是占主导地位的治疗方法。

34、To be perfectly candid, my own condition was not far removed from that of superstitious fear. ─── 坦白地讲,我自己当时也感到一种神秘的恐惧。

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