ideational 发音
英:[ˌaɪdɪˈeɪʃən(ə)l] 美:[ˌaɪdiˈeɪʃən(ə)l]
英: 美:
ideational 中文意思翻译
ideational 短语词组
1、ideational function ─── 概念功能
2、ideational agnosia ─── [医] 观念认识不能
3、ideational learning ─── 观念学习
4、ideational content ─── 概念内容
5、ideational culture ─── 理想文化
6、ideational fluency ─── 理想的流利
7、ideational apraxia ─── [医] 意想性运用不能, 观念性失用
ideational 词性/词形变化,ideational变形
动词过去分词: ideated |动词现在分词: ideating |动词过去式: ideated |名词: ideation |动词第三人称单数: ideates |形容词: ideational |
ideational 相似词语短语
1、imitational ─── adj.模仿的;拟态的;赝品的
2、educational ─── adj.教育的;有教育意义的
3、ideationally ─── 概念地;设想地
4、irrational ─── adj.不合理的;无理性的;荒谬的;n.[数]无理数
5、creational ─── adj.创造型;创建型
6、dictational ─── 听写的;命令的
7、elevational ─── 海拔高度的
8、indicational ─── 指标
9、ideation ─── n.观念形成,构思过程;构思能力
ideational 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、ideational metaphor ─── 概念隐喻
2、He argues that grammatical metaphors exist largely in the transitivity system that realizes ideational metafunction and in the mood system and modality system that realize interpersonal metafunction. ─── 语法隐喻主要存在于体现概念元功能的及物性系统中以及体现人际元功能的语气系统和情态系统中。
3、Cohesion not only has the function of organizing the ideational meaning and the interpersonal meaning into a text internally, but also... ─── 这样我们就可以参照衔接来研究语篇连贯,从语篇分析的角度讲,借助语境,我们可以根据语篇中出现的衔接机制来预测语篇连贯以及连贯的程度。
4、ideational replacement ─── 观念置换
5、According to the fundamental principle of the systematic functional grammar, the three meta-functions are ideational >interpersonal and informational function which operate in the way of choice. ─── 我们依据系统功能语法的基本原理,认为功能制指的是语义,所以对语篇的功能分析就是对语篇语义的分析。而语篇的基本功能有三个,即语篇的概念功能、人际功能和信息功能。
6、We categorize functionally idiomsinto three types: ideational (e.g. Indian summer), interpersonal (e.g. What's up?) ─── 我们将习语搭配按其功能分为三类:概念搭配(如Indiansummer),人际搭配(如What’s up?)
7、Study on Ideational Function in Chinese Civil Courtroom Discourse ─── 民事审判语篇中的概念功能研究
8、Ideational partial seizure ─── 观念部分性发作
9、The ideational structure is not unalterable.Different interactions between agents lead to different ideational structures. ─── 观念结构不是一成不变的,能动者的互动可以改变国际体系的观念结构。
10、Ideational English idioms ─── 英语概念习语
11、ideational objects ─── 意向性对象
12、ideational meaning ─── 概念意义
13、The result of my study shows that there are a large number of grammar metaphors in research abstracts, but its distribution is uneven and ideational metaphor accounts for a larger proportion. ─── 研究结果显示在论文摘要中存在大量的语法隐喻,但其分布并不均匀,其中概念隐喻占据了绝大部分的比例。
14、Specifically, in ideational metaphor, Chinese learners tend to use verbs, adjectives and adverbs. ─── 在概念隐喻方面,中国学生更倾向于使用动词、形容词和副词;
15、After the introduction to the theoretical framework, an illustration is provided to demonstrate how the framework can be applied to ideational coherence analysis of a specific discourse. ─── 在介绍概念连贯理论和分析框架的基础上,作者利用一个英语语篇来说明概念连贯性如何在具体的语篇中得以实现。
16、Besides, the metafunction of language involves ideational metafunction, interpersonal metafunction, and textual metafunction. ─── 语言的纯理功能包括三个部分:概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。
17、ideational agnosia ─── [医] 观念认识不能
18、Using the transitivity of ideational function in the three meta-functions of the language, this paper attempts to analyze a piece of news from China Daily. ─── 本文运用三大纯理功能之经验功能理论中的及物性对一具体的新闻报道进行实例分析。
19、He distinguishes three functions of a clause: textual, interpersonal and ideational. ─── 他区别的三项职能的条款:文本,人际和概念。
20、In English news reporting,ideational metaphor mainly includes nominalization and adjectivalization,with the latter a little higher than the former in its proportion. ─── 在英语新闻报道中,概念隐喻主要体现为名物化和形容词化,后者的使用频率高于前者;在不同题材的新闻中,隐喻的使用有所不同。
21、On understanding and translation of ideational grammatical metaphor ─── 概念隐喻的理解与翻译初探
22、ideational type ─── 观念型
23、The systemic-functional grammar says that a discourse has three meta-functions: ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function. ─── 摘要系统功能语法认为语篇具有三大元功能,即概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。
24、Among the three meta-functions of Functional Grammar, the studies on ideational and textual functions are quite common while researches on interpersonal function are relatively fewer. ─── 在功能语法提出的语言的三个元功能中,概念意义和语篇意义已经研究得较为普遍,而针对人际意义的研究相对较少。
25、An Ideational Functional Analysis of Argumentative Discourse in English Courts ─── 英语法庭辩论语篇的概念功能分析
26、In 1996, Halliday reclassified GM into 13 types instead of his former classification of GM as ideational GM and interpersonal GM. ─── 1996年,韩礼德摒弃了最初的“概念语法隐喻”及“人际语法隐喻”的分类,将语法隐喻重新分为13类。
27、The implementation of the three-level curriculum symbolizes the ideational change from the instructional management to the curricular management. ─── 三级课程体系的实行标志着我国课程管理观从过去的教学管理观转向课程管理观,课程管理体制也从过去的“教学管理”转向了“课程管理”。
28、The equivalence of transitivity structure in translation poetry could effectively achieve the faithfulness to the ideational meaning of source text. ─── 在诗词翻译中的及物性对等,能够有效实现译文对原文概念意义的忠实。
29、Ideational function----constructs a model of experience and constructs logical relations; ─── 概念功能:建构了经验模型和逻辑关系;
30、According to functional linguistics, language has three meta-functions: ideational, interpersonal and textual. ─── 根据功能语言学理论,语言具有概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。
31、Halliday distinguishes three linguistic functions: the ideational, the interpersonal, and the textual. ─── 韩礼德提出,语言有三种功能,即概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。
32、Then it examines the movement's conscious appropriation of various ideational and practical social resources in the Christian tradition in aid of its objectives. ─── 本文首先分析基督教福音主义对运动所产生之影响,接著分析运动在其动员工作中如何有意识地积极挪用基督教传统当中之思想与社会资源,以促其目标之实现。
33、From the perspective of ideational function, three processes: relational processes, verbal processes and material processes are of high frequency in English abstracts. ─── 从概念功能角度来看,关系过程、言语过程和物质过程出现频率很高,名词词组和技术词也体现了概念意义。
34、The legal analyst must put some of the ideational material of policy and principle into the law. ─── 法律分析者谅必要将思考政策和原理的某些材料置于法律之中。
35、In terms of SFL, the functions of language may be categorized into three metafunctions: the ideational function, the interpersonal function and the textual function. ─── 在此基础上,功能语言学又将每一纯理功能分解成若干组成部分,每一组成部分都在整个意义系统中发挥作用。
36、To cultivate the students ability of ideational innovation is the principal task in high schools history teaching model research and innovation. ─── 培养学生的创新思维能力是高中历史教学模式的研究与创新的重要内容。
37、ideational attitude ─── 设想的态度
38、ideational apraxia ─── 观念性失用观念性失用症
39、In Halliday"s Functional Grammar, the adult"s language has three Metafunctions: Ideational, Interpersonal, and Textual. ─── 系统功能语法认为在成人语言中,有三大元功能:语篇功能,人际功能,概念功能,它们同时存在于语言系统之中。
40、On the Ideational Foundations of the Tenurial System in American Universities from the Perspective of System Design ─── 从制度设计看美国大学终身教职制的理念基础
41、ideational passives ─── 意念被动句
42、In English news reporting, ideational metaphor mainly includes nominalization and adjectivalization, with the latter a little higher than the former in its proportion. ─── 在英语新闻报道中,概念隐喻主要体现为名物化和形容词化,后者的使用频率高于前者;
43、Informative function is also called ideational function in the framework of functional grammar. ─── 在功能语法的框架中,信息功能也被称为概念功能。
44、Anarchy is an ideational structure which is compatible with three distinct cutures: Hobbesian Culture, Lockeian Culture and Kantian Culture. ─── 无政府状态正是这样一种观念结构,它可以与三种不同的文化相兼容:霍布斯文化、洛克文化和康德文化。
45、And also nominal groups and technical words realize the ideational function of abstracts. ─── 从人际功能角度来看,语气较单一,多为陈述语气,包括情态词在内的模糊语出现不多,但很重要。
46、ISBN号: meaning, ideational theory, behaviorist theory, verification theory, accuracy ─── 出版年:意义;意义观念论;意义行为论;实证意义论;精确性
47、On understanding and translation of ideational grammatical metaphor ─── 概念隐喻的理解与翻译初探
48、ideational learning ─── 观念学习
49、ideational grammatical metaphor ─── 概念语法隐喻
50、Keywords translation;systemic functional linguistics;metafunctions;ideational function;interpersonal function;textual function;literal translation;free translation; ─── 翻译;系统功能语言学;纯理功能;概念功能;人际功能;语篇功能;直译;意译;
51、Language has ideational function, and transitivity is an important notion to represent ideational function. ─── 摘要及物性结构是反映语言概念功能的一个重要范畴。
52、All languages are organized around three metafunctions: ideational, interpersonal and textual. ─── 摘要语言的组织是围绕三个元功能进行:概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。
53、Abstract: Systematic function grammar is of three meta - functions: ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function. ─── 文章摘要: 系统功能语法有三大纯理功能:概念功能、人际功能、语篇功能。
54、Ideational Innovation: Guide of Technological Innovation in Enterprise ─── 观念创新:企业技术创新的先导
55、The displaced views on ardulous struggle must be rectified in building the society with harmony by instructive guidance system hind and inspection to reshape the ideational support of the society. ─── 构建和谐社会必须匡正被扭曲的艰苦奋斗荣辱观,通过教育引导、制度约束和监督制约三管齐下,重塑精神支柱。
56、ideational fluency ─── 观念性流畅
57、Through the analysis the author has the following findings: 1) Both the ideational grammatical metaphor and the interpersonal grammatical metaphor are common in opinion columns. ─── 作者对语料进行统计分析后发现:1)语法隐喻的两种形式,即概念语法隐喻和人际语法隐喻在评论专栏中普遍存在。
58、Systematic function grammar is of three meta-functions: ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function. ─── 系统功能语法有三大纯理功能:概念功能、人际功能、语篇功能。
59、The Ideational Training of Students in the Teaching of Mechanical Drawing ─── 机械制图教学中学生思维能力的培养
60、ideational function ─── 概念功能
61、On Several Ideational Relations of Teaching Reform of New Chinese Curriculum ─── 语文新课程教学改革中几组观念关系的思考
62、Functional Grammar is classified language function into three parts: ideational metafunction, interpersonal metafunction, and textual metafunction. ─── 最后作者用以上的相关理论对一个英语广告实例进行了具体分析。
63、On Several Ideational Relations of Teaching Reform of New Chinese Curriculum ─── 语文新课程教学改革中几组观念关系的思考
64、Second, according to the metafunctions of language, grammatical metaphor can be classified into ideational metaphor, interpersonal metaphor and textual metaphor. ─── 其次,根据语言的元功能,语法隐喻可分为概念隐喻,人际隐喻和语篇隐喻。
65、ideational metafunction ─── 概念元功能
66、A functional analysis of ideational metaphor in scientific discourse ─── 科技语篇概念隐喻功能分析
67、According to HAN Li-de' s theory, language is formed by three functions, namely ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function. ─── 根据韩礼德的理论,语言由三元功能组成,即概念性功能、际关系性功能和文本性功能。
68、Ideational Innovation: Guide of Technological Innovation in Enterprise ─── 观念创新:企业技术创新的先导
69、ideational content ─── 观念内容
70、Chapter two discusses discourse analysis through the ideational function. ─── 第二章是从概念功能角度探讨语篇分析。
71、Ideational Meaning and Motives of Discourse Act ─── 概念意义与话语行为动机分析
72、ideational meaning of image ─── 图像的概念意义
73、How are non-European nationalisms different from and similar to those of Europe? What are the material and ideational relationships between European and non-European nationalisms? ─── 非欧洲的民族主义与欧洲的民族主义有何相同和不同之处?欧洲和非欧洲的民族主义,实质上和概念上有什麽关系?
74、This thesis discusses ideational coherence within the framework based on the Hallidayan's Systemic Functional Grammar. ─── 摘要本文主要分析在以韩礼德为代表的系统功能语法为理论框架的语言概念连贯性。
75、ideational innovation ─── 观念创新
76、Then we establish the concept of ideational metaphor by analyzing how the metaphorical meaning is realized at the lexicon-grammatical level with clause or clause complex as the unit of analysis. ─── 通过对这两个概念的深刻理解,可以帮助我们认识到人类外部经验是怎样与语言联系起来的。
77、They should try every means to create an atmosphere to cultivate the ideational ability of the students. ─── 为了激发学生探索、创新的愿望,教师要精心设计教学内容,积极引导学生思考,努力营造培养学生的创新思维能力的氛围。
78、ideational culture ─── 观念文化
79、Informative function is also called ideational function in the framework of functional grammar. ─── 在功能语法的框架中,信息功能也被称为概念功能。
80、Chapter two, from the perspective of ideational function, that is, transitivity system, analyzes the conflicting relationship in A Portrait. ─── 第二章从概念功能的角度即及物性对小说中互相冲突的人物关系进行分析。
81、ideational memory ─── 观念记忆
82、ideational types ─── 观念型表象型
83、The Ideational Training of Students in the Teaching of Mechanical Drawing ─── 机械制图教学中学生思维能力的培养
84、On the Ideational Foundations of the Tenurial System in American Universities from the Perspective of System Design ─── 从制度设计看美国大学终身教职制的理念基础
85、Manifestation of ideomotor apraxia, ideational apraxia, constructional apraxia. ─── 观念运动性失用,观念性失用,结构性失用的表现.
86、For functional linguistics,the translation of address terms should reproduce the ideational function as well as interpersonal function. ─── 按照功能语言学的翻译观,称呼语的翻译不仅要实现其概念功能,更要实现其主要功能-人际功能。
87、ideational activities ─── 意向性活动
88、Ideational Function, Interpersonal Function and the Translation of Chinese Clauses ─── 概念功能、人际功能与汉语小句英译
89、Anarchy is an ideational structure which is compatible with three distinct cutures:Hobbesian Culture,Lockeian Culture and Kantian Culture. ─── 无政府状态正是这样一种观念结构 ,它可以与三种不同的文化相兼容 :霍布斯文化、洛克文化和康德文化。
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