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09-15 投稿



iterative 发音

英:['ɪt(ə)rətɪv]  美:['ɪt(ə)rətɪv]

英:  美:

iterative 中文意思翻译



iterative 网络释义

adj. [数] 迭代的;重复的,反复的n. 反复体

iterative 词性/词形变化,iterative变形

动词过去式: iterated |动词过去分词: iterated |动词第三人称单数: iterates |动词现在分词: iterating |

iterative 短语词组

1、iterative instruction ─── [计] 迭代指令

2、iterative do-group ─── [计] 迭代循环组

3、iterative algorithm ─── [计] 迭代算法

4、iterative modification ─── [计] 迭代改善

5、iterative coordination ─── [化] 迭代协调

6、bilateral iterative network ─── [计] 双向迭代网络

7、iterative addition ─── [计] 迭代加法

8、iterative array ─── [计] 迭代阵列

9、iterative division ─── [计] 迭代除法

10、iterative least square method ─── [计] 迭代最小二乘法

11、iterative loop ─── [计] 迭代循环

12、iterative method ─── [计] 迭代法 ─── [化] 迭代法

13、iterative attenuation coefficient ─── [计] 累接衰减系数

14、group iterative method ─── [计] 群迭代法, 成组迭代法

15、asynchronous parallel iterative method ─── [计] 异步并行迭代算法

16、iterative impedance ─── [计] 累接阻抗

17、cyclic iterative method ─── [计] 循环迭代法

18、iterative aspect ─── 反复体,多次体

19、iterative computation ─── [计] 迭代计算

iterative 相似词语短语

1、reiterative ─── adj.反复的;n.叠词

2、alterative ─── adj.(趋于)改变的;使体质逐渐康复的;n.使体质恢复健康的药品

3、imperative ─── adj.必要的,不可避免的;紧急的;命令的,专横的;势在必行的;[语]祈使的;n.必要的事;命令;需要;规则;[语]祈使语气

4、integrative ─── adj.综合的

5、interactive ─── adj.交互式的;相互作用的

6、iterate ─── vt.迭代;重复;反复说;重做

7、ideative ─── 理想的

8、iterating ─── v.迭代(iterate的现在分词);重复;反复申说

9、iteratively ─── adv.迭代地;反复地

iterative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In June of 2005, the parties agreed to build ITER in the south of France at Cadarache. ─── 2005年6月,各方同意在法国南部Cadarache建造ITER。

2、A existence result is obtained via upper and lower solutions method coupled with the monotone iterative technique. ─── 利用上下解方法结合单调迭代技巧,我们得到了解的存在性结果。

3、They encourage iterative thinking. ─── 它们鼓励迭代思考。

4、Keywords :shunt active power filter, harmonic current, iterative learning controller (ILC), nonlinear load. ─── 关键词: 并联式有源滤波器;谐波电流;迭代学习控制;

5、As you know, agile development uses iterative methods in all phases, including defining requirements in the beginning with stakeholders. ─── 正如您所知道的那样,敏捷开发用户会在软件开发的所有阶段中使用迭代方法,这些阶段包括在开始阶段中与涉众一起定义需求。

6、The image bellow shows a terrain artificially generated by a very simple iterative algorithm. ─── 下面的地形是用非常简单的迭代算法生成的。

7、Iterative learning based stochastic distribution control and its applications. ─── 报告题目:基于迭代学习的随机分布控制系统研究。

8、She is an idiot on computer, so, as a ITer, resolving problems of our computer is my duty-bound job. ─── 在电脑方面,我姐姐是个“白痴”。所以,作为一个IT人,解决我们的电脑问题就成了我义不容辞的工作。

9、So an iterative algorithm-successive over-relaxation (SOR) is recommended and determination of the relax factor is also discussed. ─── 建议使用超松弛法(SOR)来加快迭代速度,并给出了松弛因子的选取方法。

10、In easiness, through three iterative analysis on user prototype interface, we can get the proper one for user’s need. ─── 为解决系统易用性,对用户界面原型进行三次迭代,提出符合用户需求的界面原型。

11、Iterative multi-user detection of trellis code multiple access using a posteriori probabilities. ─── 关于多用户检测的一篇好文章,希望大家有用。

12、Iterative mixing embeds watermarking are used and extracting the watermarking by blind JADE algorithm. ─── 利用混合的方法嵌入水印,再利用盲源JADE算法提取水印。

13、In an incremental, iterative process like Extreme Programming, good design is essential. ─── 在类似于极端编程这样的递增和迭代过程中,良好的设计是本质。

14、Cone theory and monotone iterative technique are used to discuss the existence for a kind of mixed monotone operators with pointwise sub-continuity. ─── 利用锥理论和单调迭代技巧讨论了一类逐点次连续的混合单调算子不动点的存在性问题。

15、For some projects the Configure process can be iterative, so continue to press the Configure button until there are no longer red entries. ─── 对一些项目,这个配置过程可能是重复迭代的,因此继续按配置按钮,直到没有红色的条目(变量)。

16、We need a calendaring/email/project management all-in-one tool that is designed to support this iterative mode. ─── 我们咋评估这些价值呢?

17、A mathematical model describing the complex fluid-dynamics of a bubble extractor from liquid LiPb loop for ITER was presented. ─── 建立了1个描述ITER液态锂铅回路鼓泡提取器复杂的流体动力学的数学模型。

18、Most reports should be iterative, not detailed. ─── 多数的报告或许是重复的,而非着重细节。

19、Extracting data from multiple sources requires an iterative control flow. ─── 从多个源提取数据需要采用迭代控制流。

20、In order to accelerate the convergence of conventional iterative methods at each time step, a multigrid method is employed. ─── 为了加快传统迭代法在求解隐格式时在每一个时间步上的迭代收敛速度,采用了多重网格加速技术。

21、For a vibrating plate, the vibrating velocity is reconstructed by iterative regularization method. ─── 以振动平板为例,分别对简单振速分布和复杂振速分布采用迭代正则化方法进行了重构。

22、Adaptive management using an iterative process. ─── 使用一个迭代过程进行自适应的管理。

23、Even if the second (record inspection) and third (collect exhibits) steps are put in sequence, the work of doing these tasks is probably iterative. ─── 即使第二个步骤(记录检查)和第三个步骤(收集展示内容)按顺次进行,这些任务在执行时也可能会反复。

24、The ITER project, admirable though it is, should be merely a component of a concerted effort. ─── 国际热核聚变能源研究计划,尽管绝妙,本来应当只不过是整个能源研究开发协调努力的一部分。

25、Based upon element by element(EBE) iterative strategies,a feedback multi layer neural model is proposed for the heat conduct problem FEM analysis. ─── 基于Element By Element(EBE)策略 ,提出了一种反馈网络和前向网络共同组成的多层神经网络以实现热传导有限元分析。

26、By iterative, the accuracy can be guarantied. ─── 利用迭代法,保证求解的精度。

27、CHIINV uses an iterative technique for calculating the function. ─── CHIINV使用迭代法计算该函数。

28、Macro and micro models were coupled using iterative scheme through treatment of latent heat. ─── 宏/微观模型以潜热的处理为纽带,采用先进的迭代方法进行耦合;

29、A With block is not an iterative construction. ─── With块不是迭代构造。

30、Adaptive and Iterative Least Squares Support Vector Regression Based on Quadratic Renyi Entropy. ─── Jingqing Jiang(姜静清) , Chuyi Song , Haiyan Zhao , Chunguo Wu and Yanchun Liang.

31、Meta-algorithms : Most algorithms are best described as being either iterative or recursive. ─── 大部分算法都是迭代或递归的形式。

32、Getting governance right is an iterative process; the cultural and behavioral aspects of governance make it a non-deterministic activity. ─── 获得治理权是迭代的过程,治理的文化和行为方面使其成为非确定的活动。

33、The iterative nature of most projects makes the permutations of the process flows and feedback loops very complex. ─── 大多数项目所固有的反复性质,使过程流向、路线与反馈回路的排列、布置与绘制十分棘手。

34、Critics say ITER is unsafe, discourages conservation, and draws funds from renewable energy development. ─── 批评人士则认为ITER计划不但不安全、还有损保育工作,甚至排挤再生能源发展的经费。

35、The team is often trying to improve in a few areas, such as becoming proficient with iterative development and scheduling their work. ─── 团队往往试图在一些领域中提高自己,例如精通迭代开发和时序安排他们的工作。

36、They all bring about the state of illness lingering,deferment and iter... ─── 因此,临证从痰瘀辨治是治疗该病的根本方法。

37、It needs neither iterative process nor getting derivative of the intersection point. ─── 同时不需要迭代,也不需要交点的导数信息。

38、With the help of Newton formula and Vieta theorem,iterative method was used to solve problems of power sum. ─── 借助牛顿公式和韦达定理,采用迭代的方法求解类似于自然数等幂和的问题。

39、Key MSF principles include the iterative development process, the division of team responsibilities by role, and the phases of development. ─── 关键MSF原则包括迭代开发过程、按角色进行的团队责任划分,以及开发的各个阶段。

40、In this thesis, we discuss two computationally efficient iterative methods from literature. ─── 中文摘要在本论文之中,我们讨论了二种计算有效率的叠代方法。

41、There are other iterative procedures. ─── 也存在另外一些迭代法。

42、PID control based on iterative control compensation is used in position control part. ─── 在位置控制部分,采用了基于重复控制补偿的PID控制方法。

43、SCRUM literature focuses mainly on the iterative planning and tracking process. ─── SCRUM文化主要集中在反复的计划和跟踪执行进程。

44、Wilkinson Iterative Refinement is an important method for solving ill-conditioned linear system Ax=y. ─── Wilkinson迭代改善是解病态线性方程组,提高解的精度的一个重要方法。

45、Iterative CONTIN algorithm for particle sizing in dynamic light scattering[J]. ─── 引用该论文 喻雷寿,杨冠玲,何振江,李仪芳.

46、This pattern is very similar to the pattern that you used for the iterative template of your Data Table data template earlier. ─── 该图形非常类似于您对数据表数据模板所使用地迭代性模板。

47、An incremental iterative method based on the Newton-Raphson mehtod is adopted. ─── 单元位移场由三个节点平移量和三个节点转 角描述。

48、The filter is consisted of a second order nortch and a first order lowpass lag.The parameter of the filter are selected using an iterative approach. ─── 一般结构滤波器为一个二阶滤波器串联一个低通滤 波器组成,滤波器各参数的选取方法是通过大量计算多次反复直到满 足要求。

49、At each load increment, an iterative method is adopted to predict the displacement. ─── 在每一载荷水平上,采用迭代法预测位移的变化。

50、Finally, we use a iterative method to interpolated reconstruct the high resolution images. ─── 在图象配准的基础上,我们利用一个迭代的散乱点插值方法来重构高分辨率图象。

51、Using interference cancellation, iterative UL-US detection and DL-CSI estimation is carried out at base station. ─── 在基站侧利用干扰消除原理,迭代进行信息序列检测与信道信息估计。

52、A repeat iterative adaptive smart antenna algorithm used in TD-SCDMA systems is proposed. ─── 提出一种用于TD-SCDMA系统的重复迭代自适应智能天线算法。

53、In this case, LFFC is similar to Iterative Learning Control (ILC). ─── 在这种情况下,LFFC与迭代学习控制(ILC)相似。

54、As we ve mentioned for years, "software development is a team sport." An iterative approach increases the need for working closely as a team. ─── 很多年前我们就指出,“软件开发是一项团队工作。”一个迭代的方法增加了作为一个团队紧密工作的需要。

55、A critical design goal of any transformation is the ability for it to participate in an iterative development process. ─── 任何转换的关键性设计目标都是该转换是否具有参与到迭代开发流程中的能力。

56、The coupling quasisolution and monotone iterative methodof the integraldifferential equation in abstract cones. ─── 抽象锥中积分微分方程的耦合拟解。

57、Kong Kim algorithm and the algorithm of iterative least square fitting based on the first order Taylor series expansion are good ones. ─── 其中 Kong- Kim算法和基于一阶泰勒级数展开式的迭代最小二乘算法是两种非常优秀的算法 .

58、An iterative algorithm is discussed for ML detection of a certain class of Space - time Codes ( STCs). ─── 为了探讨某一类型空时码的最大似然检测的迭代算法。

59、Moreover, applying the derived formulas to the fully stressed design (FSD), we obtain an improved iterative method for FSD. ─── 另外,我们还将导出的梯度公式用于满应力设计,得到一个改进的满应力迭代公式.

60、On this basis, a new codes called RSI (randomspreading iterative) codes with the capability of approaching the Shannon limit is introduced. ─── 在此基础上,进一步提出了达到Shannon限的随机扩展迭代(RSI)码方法。

61、BETAINV uses an iterative search technique. ─── BETAINV使用迭代搜索技术。

62、Focus on time-to-value with a shorter, more iterative development lifecycle measured in minutes, days or weeks, not months or years. ─── 强调时效性,使用更加紧凑、迭代性的开发周期,用分钟、天或周而不是年、月来度量。

63、Facing to minimum of deflection error arithmetic, A complicated mathematics method was adopted to get over iterative method inherence defect. ─── 在模量反算的拟合算法方面,本文则是采用了复杂的数学手段有效地克服了迭代法的固有缺陷。

64、The phase distribution of DOE is optimization result of iterative phase retrieval algorithm. ─── DOE的相位分布由数值迭代相位恢复算法优化得到。

65、ITER aims for three principal goals. ─── ITER有三个主要目标。

66、Use an iterative approach. ─── 使用迭代方法。

67、Through iterative reviews of the document, we were able to coach ASDI toward writing an even and adequately detailed set of requirements. ─── 通过对文档的审查,我们可以指导ASDI写出适当并足够详细的需求集合。

68、Three iterative algorithms, ART、MAP and OSEM, are attempted to reconstruct the section of steel tube by using the simulation model. ─── 为了加快钢管检测的速度,本文研究了少投影条件下钢管截面的图像重建算法并通过模拟数据验证了其重建的效果。

69、By linearizing the estimation model, an iterative solution of the roll angle can be achieved by means of least square method. ─── 对估计模型进行线性化处理后,可利用最小二乘法来迭代求解滚动角。

70、An anticipatory iterative learning controller was designed and simulated using the model developed. ─── 控制器由前馈和反馈控制两部分组成,引入滤波器用于增强学习控制器的鲁棒性。

71、In this case, the iterative character of the system development process is maintained and the tests are organized as well as possible. ─── 在这种情况下,系统开发过程的迭代特性可以被维护,并且测试被组织起来,也称为可能。

72、Iterative methods by the generalized conjugate gradient method were constructed and its limited termination was proved. ─── 利用广义共轭梯度法构造迭代算法,并证明了算法的有限步终止性。

73、Others are iterative, or interactive, or improvisational. ─── 其他的有反复,有交互,也有的是即兴而生。

74、Our algorithm is based on iterative rip-ups and reroutes, and several techniques are proposed to enhance our global router. ─── 我们的演算法是以反覆的重新绕线为基础,并且提出了几个技术来加强我们的全域绕线器。

75、Control statement that provides iterative execution. Often used to step through a data structure or to repeat a calculation a fixed number of times. ─── 提供迭代执行的控制语句,通常用于步进遍历数据结构或对一个计算重复固定次数。

76、RUP defines the end-to-end development cycle as an iterative process, as shown in Figure 3. ─── RUP把端到端的开发周期定义为迭代过程,如图3所示。

77、In the light of water surface curve computing formula of constant non-uniform flow in natural river,using iterative function of Excel soft ware the wr. ─── 在天然河道治理、防洪规划和水利工程建设中,需要确定河道水面曲线。

78、Therefore,in the interest of keeping the flow diagrams easier to follow,alternate or iterative paths were not included with the diagrams. ─── 因此,为了便于掌握,流程图中没有表示过程的其他可能流向与路线,及其多次的重复。

79、Then,an iterative adjustment process is performed to remove the overlaps between adjacently located grains based on their enclosing boxes. ─── 再基于包围盒进行颗粒交叠区域小步长迭代调整的改进技术.以混凝土细观数值试件的数学建模为例进行的实验。

80、Describes the iterative process used to customize a process template and explains how to verify changes in Team Foundation Server. ─── 描述用于自定义过程模板的迭代过程,并说明如何验证Team Foundation Server中的更改。

81、Didn't these nations already agree to build ITER last year? ─── 去年这些国家不是已经同意建造ITER了么?

82、Migration is an iterative process. ─── 移植是一个迭代过程。

83、In this section, you ll find out about the roles and activities performed in a typical end-to-end iterative development cycle. ─── 在这一节中,可以发现在典型的端到端迭代开发周期中执行的角色和活动。

84、Iterative roots of all level-top unimodal self-maps on the interval [0,1] are discussed. ─── 单位:广西大学数学系南宁市西乡塘路10号530004;广西南宁三中南宁市青山路530021;

85、DSDM started in Britain in 1994 as a consortium of UK companies who wanted to build on the RAD and iterative development. ─── DSDM是在1994年由十几家英国公司组成的联盟提出的,这些公司致力于发展RAD(RapidApplicationsDevelopment快速应用开发)和互动软件开发技术。

86、The capability of in-system-programable avoids the iterative pulling and plugging of EPROM. ─── 可对细分驱动绕组电流在系统重复修正,避免了存储器的反复拔插。

87、Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) iterative soft interference canceller is a popular SISO detector in such system. ─── 为了进一步改善系统性能,采用链路自适应方案是很好的选择。

88、Development (Sprint) - the Development phase is an iterative cycle of development work. ─── 开发(冲刺)-开发阶段是开发工作的一个迭代循环。

89、The Gunn diode has been analyzed by an effective set of FDTD iterative formulas. ─── 同时给出了分析耿氏二极管的一组实用的FDTD迭代公式;

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