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08-29 投稿


coarser 发音

英:[ˈkɔːsə]  美:[ˈkɔrsər]

英:  美:

coarser 中文意思翻译



coarser 反义词

delicate |fine

coarser 短语词组

1、coarser horizons ─── 粗层

2、coarser grid ─── 粗网格

3、coarser and finer topologies ─── 更粗糙和 ─── 更精细的拓扑

4、coarser scaled ─── 粗略缩放

5、coarser topology ─── 粗糙拓扑

6、coarser grain ─── 粗晶粒

7、coarser grained ─── 粗粒度

8、coarser finer ─── 粗更细

9、coarser control points ─── 粗控制点

10、coarser faster ─── 粗化更快

coarser 同义词

rough | gross | uncouth | rude | organic | flagrant | rough-cut | blue | low | common | unseemly | barbarian | stiff | raucous | unrefined | thick | gruff | crude | untreated | earthy | uneven | raw | husky | indelicate |vulgar | filthy | massive | ribald | choppy | abrasive | poor | bristly | bumpy | obscene | inferior | unprocessed | tasteless | brutal | harsh

coarser 词性/词形变化,coarser变形

形容词最高级: coarsest |副词: coarsely |名词: coarse-ness |形容词比较级: coarser |

coarser 相似词语短语

1、coarse ─── adj.粗糙的;粗俗的;下等的

2、coarsest ─── 粗糙的;粗俗的;非精制的(coarse的最高级)

3、coarsely ─── adv.粗糙地;鄙俗地;粗俗地

4、coacher ─── n.教练;家庭老师;拉车的马

5、coaler ─── n.煤商;运煤船;运煤的铁路

6、coarsen ─── vt.使变粗;使变粗俗;vi.变粗糙;变粗俗

7、courser ─── n.骏马;打猎者;猎狗

8、hoarser ─── (指声音)粗哑的,嘶哑的(hoarse的比较级)

9、coarsens ─── vt.使变粗;使变粗俗;vi.变粗糙;变粗俗

coarser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Generally speaking finer grits give a better finish on the parts to be ground ,while coarser grits get better grinding effciency. ─── 磨具粒度的选择,直接影响到工件的粗糙度及磨削效率。一般说来,粒度细,工件光洁度高;

2、a set of ‘center-surround’ operators are used to compare the fine scales with the coarser scales to enhance salient feature areas and to weaken unapparent feature areas; ─── 该方法构建了多尺度的金字塔系统,应用Center-Surround(中央邻域差分)算子对精确尺度和粗糙尺度的图像进行运算,突出图像中特征显著的区域,抑制特征不显著的区域;

3、Sending kind, understanding thoughts to others creates a beautiful aura around you that makes you invulnerable to lower, coarser thoughts that come from other people. ─── 当你对别人发出仁慈、宽容的想法,你的周围会产生美丽的光能场,让你不受人们较低等的粗顿思想所伤害。

4、The main idea behind scale space theory is to organize the signal structures by a finer to coarser scheme and analyze the signal structures by a coarser to finer scheme. ─── 它的基本内容是对给定的数据进行由部分到全局的组织,再对 信号进行由全局到部分的分析,从而获得关于信号的各种信息,并尽可能减少噪声 的影响。

5、Successful experiment on application of coarser raw meal in SP kiln ─── 粗生料在SP窑上煅烧的经验

6、The microstructure in heat-affected area is coarser than that in matrix area.However,the microstructure in welded seam zone consists of fine equiaxed grains. ─── 金相观察表明,和母材区相比,热影响区晶粒粗大,但焊缝区全部由均匀细小的等轴晶组成。

7、coarser powder ─── 粗粉

8、Woodhead inspected.Still, the coarser fabric wouldn't fool a discriminating judge. ─── 不过一件衬衫是否上档次,除了款式以外还有其他决定因素。

9、And the surface of microspheres will become coarser with the increase of pH value, resulting in breakage. ─── 其他条件不变时,微球形貌随pH值的增大逐渐变差,最终破裂;

10、The renormalization group is therefore like a microscope with a magnification that can be turned up or down to examine a process at finer or coarser detail. ─── 因此重整化群就好像显微镜,其放大倍率可以调大或调小,以研究各种尺度下的物理过程。

11、In most parasequences, dolomite in the lower part seems coarser than that in the upper part, and within most beddings pressure solution also occurs more likey at the bottom than in the upper part. ─── 压溶作用形成的缝合线在层组底部的出现概率远大于层组上部。

12、The coarser hairs of the outer coat trap the softer undercoat, forming permanent, strong cords that are felt-like to the touch. ─── 粗糙的披毛陷在柔软的底毛中。披毛为持久的、结实的绳索状,触摸的感觉象是毡制的。

13、Decarding the tailings at the coarser size condition ─── 粗粒抛尾

14、The results show that the fibre surface treatment make the surface coarser; ─── 结果表明,纤维表面处理使碳纤维的表面更粗糙;

15、The mature coat consists of a dense, soft, woolly undercoat much like the puppy coat, and a coarser outer coat that is wavy or curly. ─── 成年狗的被毛有两层,一层象幼犬被毛那样的、柔软、浓密、絮状的底毛,一层粗糙、高低不平、卷曲的外层披毛。

16、Properties of sintered metal-injection-moulding samples made of coarser stainless steel powders ─── 粗粉末金属注射成形烧结件的性能

17、His nerves were bad.He had skin trouble.It was agony for him to wear anything next to his skin coarser than silk. ─── 他神经兮兮,有皮肤病,贴身穿比丝绸粗糙一点的任何衣服都会使他痛苦不堪。

18、and sometimes, also, by a coarser expression, that fell upon the sufferer's defenceless breast like a rough blow upon an ulcerated wound. ─── 有时她们则明目张长胆地攻汗她那毫无防御的心灵,犹如在渍烂的创口上再重重地一击。

19、coarser partition ─── 较粗划分

20、This phase, anile evidence basically expresses the skin to become coarser than before now, easy hair works, the skin does not have glorious. ─── 这个阶段,皮肤衰老的迹象主要表现在变得比原来粗糙,容易发干,皮肤没有光彩。

21、” Chemically and mineralogically, diabase closely resembles the volcanic rock basalt, but it is generally somewhat coarser grained. ─── 化学成分和矿物成分同玄武岩(basalt)极为类似,但稍粗,含有玻璃。

22、The particle size of sugar is of significance and it has been shown that castor sugar of small crystal size promotes better aerating ability than either coarser (A1) or finer (icing sugar). ─── 粒度糖具有重要意义.它已经表明.蓖麻糖小晶粒 促进更好的增氧能力比粗了( A1 ) .或细(结冰糖) .

23、It was an agony for him to wear anything next to his skin coarser than silk. ─── 贴身穿的衣服若比丝绸稍微粗糙一点,便会使他痛苦不堪。

24、On the other hand, Co binder gradient formed by liquid state carburizing is due to migration of W atoms driven by diffusion of carbon atoms, leading to coarser and closer WC grains in the surface and inward diffusion of Co atoms. ─── 液相渗碳处理时钴相梯度结构形成主要是碳原子扩散驱动下的W原子迁移,导致表层碳化钨晶粒长大并相互靠近,从而使液态钴向合金内部迁移。

25、Yet so far are we from simplicity and independence that, in Concord, fresh and sweet meal is rarely sold in the shops, and hominy and corn in a still coarser form are hardly used by any. ─── 然而我们过得既不朴素,又没有独立性,在康科德,店里已经很难买到又新鲜又甜的玉米粉了,玉米片和更粗糙的玉米简直已没有人吃。

26、The Observatory presently uses a single storm surge model operating from finer grids in bays and near coasts but coarser grids to the open sea. ─── 天文台现在应用一个风暴潮模式,在港湾和接近沿岸时使用较密集的网格点而在大海时使用较疏网格点。

27、coarser the grains of sand are, the darker they appear. ─── 沙粒越粗,呈现的颜色就越深。

28、This lecture continues the discussion of second-phase additions to metals, but focuses on coarser microstructures, starting with a survey of engineering alloy microstructures. ─── 这堂课继续探讨金属中的第二相添加物,著重于较粗糙粗大的微组织,并由工程合金微组织的研究开始。

29、injection molding of coarser powder ─── 粗粉注射成形

30、Still, the coarser fabric wouldn't fool a discriminating judge. ─── 不过,这件衬衫的布料比较粗糙,这逃不过挑剔鉴赏家的眼光。

31、Sinter mineralogical analysis found that even though tests with coarser coke required lower fuel rates, the product sinters contained more magnetite phase and less secondary hematite. ─── 烧结矿矿相分析发现,即使用较粗焦粉的试验需要的燃料消耗率更低,但烧结成品包含的磁铁矿相更多,再生赤铁矿的含量更少。

32、Salamis, however, tend to be more boldly seasoned (particularly with garlic), coarser, drier and, unlike cervelats, rarely smoked. ─── 萨拉米通常是自然风干,因大小、形状、调味和发酵方法不同而口感各异。

33、Earthenware: Pottery that has been fired at low heat and is slightly more porous and coarser than stoneware and porcelain. ─── 陶器:一种烧成温度未到玻化点的陶器,渗水性比石陶器和瓷器稍大,也较粗糙。

34、It is all clear from the error information. Try to use coarser resolution. ─── 你的意思是格点数据描述文件的分辨率太细了吗?

35、coarser knit ─── 粗针距针织物

36、In addition, the reaction is incomplete, this is because the coarser Ti and Al powders are used in the experiment. ─── 该反应具有不完全性, 可能是由于实验中使用了较粗的钛粉和铝粉所致。

37、It is shown by the experimental results that the scale with a coarser size and a higher content of iron has a better reducibility and is suitable for a raw material of a quality sponge iron; ─── 结果表明:粒度较粗、全铁较高铁鳞的还原性较好,适于作为优质海绵铁的原料。

38、FCT yields more accurate solution for increasing order of differencing approximations.Moreover, it results in a net computation savings for allowing coarser grids. ─── FCT方法用于高阶差分既具有较高的计算精度,又因适应采样间隔较大的情况而节省了计算量,从而具有较高的计算速度。

39、And the glaze of cheap closestool in some is darker, glaze and base substrate are coarser, can discover pore below lamplight illuminate. ─── 而有些中低档马桶的釉面比较暗,釉面和坯体都比较粗糙,在灯光照射下就会发现毛孔。

40、But owing to its coarser grain, denser structure, smoother surface, higher hardness and melt point, so its proportioning rate was limited. ─── 但海砂的粒度比较粗,颗粒形状比较规则、结构比较致密、表面比较光滑、硬度和熔点都比较高,使它的用量受到一定限制。

41、Geology A sedimentary material, finer than a granule and coarser than silt, with grains between 0.06 and 2.0 millimeters in diameter. ─── 沙砾:一种比岩石颗粒要小但比粉砂粗糙的沉积物,粉粒的直径介于0.06和2.0毫米之间

42、laciniate Incised with divisions coarser than serrae; used to describe the free margins of the scales of some fishes. ─── 锯齿状的呈锯齿状但比锯齿粗的;用来描述一些鱼鳞片的分离边缘。

43、His nerves were bad. He had skin trouble. It was agony for him to wear anything next to his skin coarser than silk. ─── 他神经兮兮,有皮肤病,贴身穿比丝绸粗糙一点的任何衣服都会使他痛苦不堪。

44、"Starting at puberty, terminal hair, longer, coarser, and more pigmented, develops in the armpits, crotch, sometimes on parts of the trunk and limbs, and, in males, on the face." ─── 在青春期和青春期以后,毫毛为更长、更粗、颜色更深的终毛取代。终毛长于腋窝、外生殖器、躯干和四肢的某些部位,男性还长于脸部。

45、A light-weighted worsted fabric can be produced by first co- spinning water-soluble vinylon with coarser wool and then dissolving the carrier fiber in the fabric state. ─── 水溶性维纶纤维与相对低支的羊毛纤维伴纺后再退维,可生产出轻薄型毛织物。

46、The grayish-yellow silts/fine-grained-sands have a magnetic mixture of magnetite and maghemite, characterized by strong magnetism and relatively coarser magnetic particles. ─── 灰黄色粉砂/细砂主要含有磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿,磁性相对较强,颗粒相对较粗。

47、If you build high-grade thoughts into your aura, you cannot be affected by denser, coarser thoughts coming from other people. ─── 如果你在光气场中建构高等质地的想法,你不会被别人浓密、糙的想法所影响。

48、It is closely related to parody, though burlesque is generally broader and coarser. ─── 诙谐作品与戏仿有密切关系,但诙谐作品的范围较广和较低俗。

49、The market's closing hints at the workings of power and wealth in today's Russia, as the country lurches away from the coarser forms of capitalism that existed in the immediate post-Soviet period. ─── 在俄国危危颤颤脱离后苏联时期初期的粗糙资本主义之际,切尔基佐夫斯基市场关闭,暗示当前俄国权力和财富运作的方式。

50、In the savage state every family owns a shelter as good as the best, and sufficient for its coarser and simpler wants; ─── 在野蛮状态中的每一家都有一座最好的好住所来满足他们的粗陋而简单的需要;

51、The light-wave bath house that there still is card of a few essays on the market sells, woodiness, charge for the making of sth. is a few coarser, lowermost price also wants 8000 yuan of above. ─── 市场上还有一些小品牌的光波浴房出售,木质、做工都粗糙一些,最低的价格也要8000元以上。

52、By the T- test, particle sizes in pools are coarser than riffles in the five of ten sample zones. ─── 粒径分布与河床纵剖面变化的结果,显示潭心的粒径通常较为细小,延伸至潭尾反而有略增的趋势,而发育良好的浅濑与深潭,其纵剖面变化与粒径大小有较佳的对应关系。

53、Roles and responsibilities (at coarser level than OO) ─── 角色和职责(在比OO更粗的级别上)

54、But language would not be this efficacious instrument were it not that it takes place upon a background of coarser and more tangible use of physical means to accomplish results. ─── 如果我们不先用比较粗糙和可以捉摸的方法,运用物质工具借以获得结果,作为语言的背景,语言就不能成为有效的工具。

55、The coarser pleasures of my boyish days, ─── 我童年时的粗犷情趣,和活泼的

56、Keywords Metal injection molding;coarser powder;debinding;sintering;process; ─── 金属注射成形;粗粉;脱脂;烧结;工艺;

57、The undercoat is soft and dense, the outercoat of a coarser and curlier texture. ─── 底毛柔软而浓厚,外层披毛粗硬且卷曲。

58、2. A coarser grade of iron will lower the yield of ferrocene. ─── 粗粒的铁将降低二茂铁的产量。

59、I find that since the teeth are closer together I am much less likely to do any real damage to the ear leather than if I use a coarser blade in which the leather can get in between the teeth. ─── 我发现,自从牙齿是更紧密地联系在一起,我不太可能去做任何损害比我用耳朵皮革的叶片中含有的皮革可以之间的牙齿。

60、The grain size of the sediment in distributary mouth bar is coarser than that in the crevasse splay sediment. ─── 三角洲前缘河口砂坝沉积物粒度较平原决口扇粗。

61、Looking very closely under a magnifying glass, the weave of the 70D Multicam taslan is just slightly coarser than XCR, so it makes sense that it'd wet out a bit faster. ─── 在放大镜下非常仔细的观察70D迷彩塔丝隆的织法,可以发现它比XCR粗糙一些,所以它能湿得更快一些。

62、The mature coat consists of a dense, soft, woolly undercoat much like the puppy coat, and a coarser outer coat that is wavy or curly. ─── 成年狗的被毛有两层,一层象幼犬被毛那样的、柔软、浓密、絮状的底毛,一层粗糙、高低不平、卷曲的外层披毛。

63、Ferrite transformed from finer austenite grains grew not as distinctly as those from coarser austenite grains, and the microstructure were more hom... ─── 细晶奥氏体转变后的铁素体在保温时长大缓慢,所得组织稳定,并且保温后的组织也更为均匀。

64、In the savage state every family owns a shelter as good as the best,and sufficient for its coarser and simpler wants; ─── 在野蛮国家,每个家庭都有它自己的遮蔽处,而且每栋都一样好,足敷他们淳朴和单纯的需要;

65、Thick soft fur lying beneath the longer and coarser guard hair. ─── 在长而粗糙的真毛下面的厚而软的绒毛。

66、If you build high-grade thoughts into your aura, you cannot be affected by denser, coarser thoughts coming from other people. ─── 如果你在光气场中建构高等质地的想法,你不会被别人浓密、粗糙的想法所影响。

67、"and sometimes, also, by a coarser expression, that fell upon the sufferer's defenceless breast like a rough blow upon an ulcerated wound." ─── 有时她们则明目张长胆地攻汗她那毫无防御的心灵,犹如在渍烂的创口上再重重地一击。

68、Earthenware: Pottery that has been fired at low heat and is slightly more porous and coarser than stoneware and porcelain. ─── 陶器:一种烧成温度未到玻化点的陶器,渗水性比石陶器和瓷器稍大,也较粗糙。

69、The coarser is the particle size,the higher is the settling velocity in the froth layers above the critical particle size,and vice versa. ─── 在临界粒度以上,颗粒粒度越粗,沉降速度越快,反之亦然。对于细粒方铅矿和黄铁矿,疏水性越强,沉降速度越慢。

70、coarser topology ─── 粗拓扑

71、Coarser Approximations of Finer Piecewise Linear Curves ─── 精细折线边界的粗拟合

72、A remote service should offer coarser-grained operations retrieving all the information for a book in a single invocation. ─── 远程服务应提供粗粒度的操作,以在单个调用中检索关于某本书的所有信息。

73、Channels generally contain coarser sediment than do the adjacent flood plains. ─── 河床沉积物一般比邻近的泛滥平原沉积物粗些。

74、5.Medical Myth: Shaving causes hair to grow back faster or coarser. ─── 5.医学迷思:刮胡子造成毛发生长加快或更粗。

75、9. Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Darker and Coarser. ─── 刮除毛发会令其长得更黑更粗糙。

76、percent coarser ─── 超径的百分数

77、The coarser TiS and Ti 4C 2S 2 have little adverse effect on the deep drawability, so that the steel has excellent properties for deep drawing. ─── 粗大的 Ti S、Ti4C2 S2析出相 ,既使钢板具有良好的涂搪性能 ,又对钢的深冲性能无有害影响 ,因此 ,IF钢搪瓷板具有很好的涂搪性能和深冲性能

78、The electrified tabla sounds much different: louder, coarser maybe, acquiring some thrust alien to the stereotype peace-making Indian culture but still indian. ─── 有两组数字特别有趣:其一是清朝各品级官员的顶戴、服色、俸禄和养廉银。

79、Repeated stripping of the coat causes it to grow in coarser and thicker. ─── 反复剥离外壳原因,它越来越粗,并加厚。

80、The whole structure is firstly represented by a linear coarser F.E. model with the bolts replaced by special elements introduced by the author. ─── 首先,对整体结构进行粗网格的有限元分析,其中用作者所引进的螺 栓单元来代替螺栓连接。

81、Keywords Vanadic Titanomagnetite;coarse and fine classification;discarding the tailings at the coarser condition;double-cone spiral classifer; ─── 钒钛磁铁矿;粗细分选;粗粒抛尾;双锥螺旋分级机;

82、The Schreger lines are coarser in texture. ─── 施雷格线在纹理上更粗糙。

83、Grain gradation, from coarser below to finer above in repeated, truncated sequences within the Ellerslie Sandstone is also evident. ─── 在埃勒斯莱砂岩层段内,重复出现的截顶层序中,自下而上,由粗变细的粒级递变也是明显的。

84、They discover this brim part is coarser than other part. ─── 他们发现该边缘部门比其他部门更毛糙。

85、The results showed that primary dendritic arms in the billets were becoming coarser and shorter with evolvement of solidification. ─── 碳含量高,容易形成长宽比小的一次枝晶,并且一次枝晶臂间距增宽,容易形成粗大的柱状晶组织;

86、The problem of approximating a given piecewise linear curve by another coarser one consisting of fewer line segments is discussed. An efficient algorithm is presented and analyzed. ─── 讨论了用较少的折线段来表示精细折线边界的问题.提出了解决该问题的一个有效算法,并对该算法进行了分析.

87、For some other beaches in Hong Kong, the sand may be coarser. ─── 香港其他的沙滩,有些沙可能较粗糙。

88、They didn't have the same brusqueness and coarser vocal rhythms that others around them had. ─── 他们因为说话没有当地人的口音而受到歧视,当然他们也不喜欢那些粗鄙的当地话。

89、Particle sizes of the sediments in the flood channel are coarser than that in the ebb channel.Distribution and concentrations of clay minerals i... ─── 另一类以涨潮流作用为主的涨潮槽,一般表现为河口副槽。

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