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08-29 投稿


tarred 发音

英:[tɑːrd]  美:[tɑːd]

英:  美:

tarred 中文意思翻译




tarred 短语词组

1、tarred string tarred ─── 字符串

2、tarred bottle ─── [医] 涂焦油瓶

3、tarred-and-feathered ─── [网络] 焦油和羽毛

4、tarred road ─── 柏油路

5、tarred rope ─── 油浸绳

6、tarred def ─── 焦油def

7、tarred and feathered ─── 严厉惩罚;把浑身涂上柏油并粘上羽毛

8、tarred bank line #36 ─── 柏油河岸线#36

9、tarred felt ─── 柏油毛毡, ─── 柏油毡,油毛毡

10、tarred with the same brush ─── 一路货色,有相同的缺点

11、be tarred with the same brush ─── 是一丘之貉

12、tarred and feathered def ─── 焦油和羽毛def

13、tarred decoy line ─── 柏油诱饵线

14、tarred pipe ─── [机] 涂沥青管

tarred 词性/词形变化,tarred变形

过去式:tarred 原型:tar

tarred 常用词组

coal tar ─── n. [化]煤焦油

tar pitch ─── 焦油沥青

coal tar pitch ─── 沥青;煤焦油沥青;硬煤沥青

tarred 相似词语短语

1、arred ─── 阿雷德

2、starred ─── adj.担任主角的;用星装饰的;用星号标明的;受命运支配的;v.使担任主角(star的过去式);用星(形物)装饰

3、barred ─── adj.被禁止的;有条纹的;v.(用栅栏)阻挡(bar的过去式)

4、marred ─── adj.被损毁的;v.损毁,损伤(mar的过去式)

5、parred ─── n.标准;票面价值;平均数量;adj.标准的;票面的;n.(Par)人名;(土)帕尔;(柬)巴

6、darred ─── 黑色

7、garred ─── 加里德

8、jarred ─── v.(使)撞击,震痛;使感到不快;(与……)不协调,不和谐(jar的过去式和过去分词);n.(Jarred)(美、英)贾里德(人名)

9、tarried ─── vi.等候;逗留;耽搁;vt.等待;n.逗留;adj.涂了焦油的;n.(Tarry)人名;(英)塔里

tarred 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The smell of warm tar was in the air. ─── 一股热沥青的气味弥漫在空气中。

2、A wheel soaked in tar and wrapped in straw, or specially prepared straw lamps or torches. ─── 一根立杆顶上放上一桶柏油,一只浸透了柏油、裹着稻草的轮子,或者是一些特制的稻草灯或火炬。

3、It can be compatible with chlorinated rubber, epoxy, epoxy-tar, tar, epoxy ester, phenol, alkyd paint systems. ─── 与氯化橡胶、环氧、环氧沥青、沥青系、环氧酯、酚醛、醇酸等体系的涂料配套使用。

4、I was sure that the tarred road would have found it out and I wondered in what other ways it would be desolated. ─── 我肯定沥青路会通到了湖边,但还是想知道它会以别的什么方式荒凉着。

5、They put tar on the roof of the house. ─── 他们把柏油涂在房顶上防止漏雨。

6、It's based on a blend of high quality coal tar and vinyl resin. Physically drying. ─── 一种高质量焦油沥青和乙烯基树脂的混合物,属物理干燥型。

7、The major later development was the addition of a sealed, tarred surface. ─── 后来的主要拓展就是加了一层密封的,涂了焦油的表面。

8、Be produced by rectifying the naphthalene fraction obtained from distilling coal tar, after acid wash. ─── 分馏高温煤焦油所得的萘馏分,经洗涤,精馏而得。

9、Tar is much used in making modern roads. ─── 修建现代公路多用焦油沥青。

10、It is no use spoiling the ship for a halfpenny worth of tar. ─── 不要因小失大。

11、subprime crisis has tarred the dollar as a subprime currency. ─── 次级信贷危机使得美元成为二流货币。

12、The site, along the village road tar eastbound Revolutionary solemn monument standsjie xin Village. ─── 出旧址,沿村中柏油马路东行,庄严肃穆的革命烈士纪念塔耸立村东街心。

13、To deal with layers of the tar file, the process requires more disk space. ─── 为了处理tar文件的层次,需要更多的磁盘空间。

14、Here are some things. Who can help me to look for their owner? If you find I'll give you as tar. ─── 准备若干物品,请学生帮忙找物主。

15、They will report on the experiments with coal tar. ─── 他们将汇报煤焦油的试验情况。

16、Presently we struck a patch of freshly tarred road. ─── 天空亮得让人受不了。

17、Preceding coats: Any shop primers or chlorinated rubber aluminum antirust paint or high build epoxy tar antirust paint. ─── 前道配套用漆:可以是各种车间底漆,或氯化橡胶铝粉防锈漆或环氧沥青厚浆型防锈漆。

18、Tar is a binder for gravel in paving. ─── 在铺路时柏油用来黏结砾石。

19、You can use the poptools remote command to"tar" all of the package across. ─── 你可以使用POPtools的remote命令“tar”过所有的程序包。

20、In order to reduce manufacturing period and energy consumption,tar oil dewatering technology is improved. ─── 为了缩短生产时间,减少能耗,改进了煤焦油脱水工艺。

21、His father was lazy, his grandfather was lazy, and this boy seems to be tarred with the same brush. ─── 他的父亲懒,他祖父懒,这男孩似乎也有同样的毛病。

22、She's a friend of that liar Jane and is probably tarred with the same brush. ─── 她是那个爱说谎的珍妮的朋友, 也许她也是一路货色。

23、This is a narrow tarred road, but sedan car can reach carpark easily. ─── 这是一条很窄的柏油马路,但是小轿车很容易就能到达停车场。

24、The product was usually delivered as a tar file and had components tarred twice. ─── 产品通常用tar文件提供,组件被压缩了两次。

25、He was tarred with profiteering brush . ─── 他因谋取不正当的利益而声名狼籍。

26、Politicians, honest or otherwise, were all tarred with the brush of villainy. ─── 不管是诚实的政客还是不诚实的政客,一律都被当成了恶棍。

27、It is no use spoiling the sheep for a halfpenny worth of tar. ─── 为省半便士焦油钱,死了一条羊。

28、Most people have only one problem in mind, and it's short term. It's the bills at the end of the month, the Tar Baby. ─── 大多数人心里只有一个问题,并且是短期的,那就是月末要付账了,于是又感到恐惧了。

29、The tar is the most widely used plucked instrument in Iran today. ─── 塔尔如今是伊朗古典音乐中最常见的一种拨弦乐器。

30、The waterproof skin on the outside of some of them may also be of copper sheet, tarred felt or steel. ─── 其中某些外部防水层也可由铜皮、油毡或钢板制成。

31、We hook hand after I recognized that he i a ig movie tar. ─── 当我认出他是电影明星之后他还跟我握手。

32、They put tar on their feet to run in races. ─── 他们赛跑时会把沥青涂在脚上跑步。

33、It would just be better if he could tell the American people that he was thinking this way and not be tarred and feathered by the press. ─── 他告诉美国人他很认真地在思考,这种做法较好,也不会招致媒体的苛责。

34、No scene from prehistory is quite so vivid as that of the mortal struggles of great beasts in the tar pits. ─── 史前史中,没有别的场景比巨兽在焦油坑中垂死挣扎的场面更令人震撼。

35、And this means the conservative movement need no longer be tarred by association with him, apparently. ─── 很明显,这意味着保守派的行动不再因为和布什有联系而被抹黑。

36、White on the outside, black as tar on the inside. ─── 外表皮肤是白,可骨子里却沥青般的黑。

37、Outside, the road was tarred and cars stood in front of the store. ─── 店外,公路上铺满了柏油,汽车就停在店前。

38、Pomona's only answer was to bend double over her work, slapping tar on the trunks till Vertumnus went away. ─── 对此波蒙娜仅有的反应是,把腰弯得更低,使劲拍打树干上的沥青直到维特姆诺斯离开。

39、In 1832, a mob tarred and feathered him, marking the beginning of a long battle between Christian America and Smith's Mormonism. ─── 1832年,一名歹徒在史密斯身上涂满焦油,并且裹以羽毛,导致美国基督徒与摩门教徒陷入旷日持久的争斗中。

40、Organic Anti-Dandruff (Dry Scalp) Shampoo, with green clay, juniper tar, scotch pine and sage. ─── 成份:富含矿物质的绿黏土、天然杜松油、西维斯松油、鼠尾草油等。

41、I've been tarred with the same brush since people won't talk to me. ─── ( 我是鲍勃的朋友,而他老是惹麻烦。人们都不和我说话,把我与鲍勃视为一丘之貉。

42、From something as vile as coal tar came a remarkably versatile substance. ─── 从某种像煤渣那样污秽的东西中炼出了一种用途十分广泛的东西。

43、Peter had his head in a tar barrel sure enough. ─── 不出所料,彼得陷入了困境。

44、Annual sales: steel, Crude Benzol, Coke, tar, ammonium sulfate, and so on. ─── 常年销售:钢材,粗苯,焦碳,焦油,硫酸铵等。

45、I wouldn't trust either of the two brothers, they are tarred with the same brush. ─── 我不相信这两兄弟中的任何一个,他俩都是一样的货色。

46、They are tarred with the same brush. ─── 天下的乌鸦一般黑。

47、Tar showed no cytotoxicity to granulocytes by Evans blue exclusion. ─── Evans蓝排斥试验表明,烟油没有显著的细胞毒性,说明上述抑制现象是粒细胞氧合作用活性,免疫功能受到烟油抑制所致。

48、It's a two-components, polyamide cured epoxy coal tar coating. Film fades in aliphatic solvents. ─── 双组份聚酰胺固化的环氧煤焦油涂料。在脂肪族溶剂中漆膜会引起褪色。

49、The chemist reported on his experiments with coal tar. ─── 化学家提出他实验沥青的报告。

50、And this means the conservative movement need no longer be tarred by association with him, apparently. ─── 很明显,这意味着保守派的行动不再因为和布什有联系而被抹黑。

51、Those they deemed to be under the influence of the Devil, who was a real and a constant threat, were oftentimes hanged, tarred and feathered or run out of town. ─── 他们认为这些人为魔鬼所左右,而魔鬼又是真正的、经常存在的威胁,于是这些人常常被绞死,被涂满焦油并裹上羽毛,或被赶出城去。

52、The roof was covered with tar. ─── 屋顶涂抹了一层沥青。

53、Gibson's reputation has been tarred by anti-Jewish outbursts. ─── 吉普森的名声被反犹太的爆发而深受谴责。

54、The liquor is separated from the gas in a central tank, together with any condensed coal tar. ─── 在中心储罐中将淋洗液与气体和被浓缩的煤焦油进行分离。

55、I won't trust either of the two brothers; they are tarred with the same brush. ─── 弟兄两个我谁也不相信,他们都是一路货色。

56、They burned barrels of tar in the street to disinfect the air. ─── 他们在街道上燃烧柏油,以消毒空气。

57、All tar separated from the liquor is collected in storage tanks and transported off site for sale. ─── 将所有从淋洗液中分离得到的煤焦油收集到储罐中并运出待售。

58、However, it was tarred, then you wait to pay ax! ─── 但是,被它躲过的话你就等着挨斧子吧!

59、One of the most feared labels of that era was being tarred as "Only expert, but not red. " ─── 那个时代,最可怕的事情就是被贴上“只专不红”的标签。

60、Harris is chief curator at the Page Museum, which houses treasures from the tar pits. ─── 哈里斯是佩吉博物馆的首席馆长,这个博物馆收藏了沥青坑的宝藏。

61、Betty: Some poor mastodon is caught in the tar pit, they ought to put a fence around the tar pit. ─── 好像有乳齿象陷入沥青坑了,他们应该在坑边围起栅栏。

62、Coking tests of vacuum residue,ethylene heavy tar and their mixture were conducted on a tubular coking reactor. ─── 将减压渣油、乙烯重焦油以及它们的掺兑物在管式焦化反应器中进行共焦化反应。

63、Preceding coats: Chlorinated rubber aluminum antirust paint or high build epoxy tar antirust paint. ─── 前道配套用漆:氯化橡胶铝粉防锈漆或环氧沥青厚浆型防锈漆。

64、Don't spoil a sheep for a ha'p'orth of tar. ─── 不要因小失大。(不要见了芝麻,丢了西瓜。)

65、The highly-favored North Carolina Tar Heels take on the Villanova Wildcats in the second game of the night. ─── 夺标热门的北卡罗来纳大学则将迎战维拉诺瓦。

66、Therefore any remaining tar from dinosaur remains shall decompose as all of earth ascends into a ball of fiery magma. ─── 因此,当地球全体提升进成一个炽热熔浆球时,来自恐龙遗骸的任何残留柏油将被分解。

67、He should be tarred and feathered for what he has done. ─── 他的所作所为理应受到严厉惩罚。

68、Canada's oil sands, or tar sands, as the goo is known, are outsized in every way. ─── 加拿大的油沙,又称沥青沙,即上面提及的粘性物质,不论怎么说都只能用庞大来形容。

69、You can compress zip files and uncompress zip, rar, arj and tar files with Optimal Archive. ─── 另一个有用的功能,可以让你创建自解压,多卷档案,为方便运输经由电子邮件或软盘。优化馆工程最佳优化桌面!

70、This morning, I first entered the campus, the first thing I saw was a long road tar, asphalt road next to a lawn. ─── 今天早上,我刚进校园,首先映入我眼帘的是一条长长的柏油马路,柏油马路的旁边是一个草坪。

71、Doctors also warn us of nicotine, tar, and many other toxic substances contained in cigarettes. ─── 医生也警告我们,香烟含有尼古丁、焦油以及许多其他有毒的物质。

72、GWT:Edom's streams will be turned to tar. Its soil will be turned to burning sulfur. Its land will become blazing tar. ─── 吕震中本:以东的溪河必变为石油,她的尘土必变为硫磺,她的地必成为烧着的石油。

73、She's a friend of that liar Jane and I probably tarred with the same brush. ─── 她是那个爱说谎的珍妮的朋友,也许她也是一路货色。

74、Study on microbial degradation of tar-wash wastewater and tar in biomass gasification by microorganisms. ─── 微生物降解生物质气化洗焦废水和焦油的研究。

75、Betty: Some poor mastodon is caught in the tar pits. ─── 好像有乳齿象陷入沥青坑了。

76、She is horribly mean, but all her family are tarred with the same brush. ─── 地吝啬得可怕,而她的家里的人跟她都是一路货色。

77、Spoil (or Lose) the ship for half penny worth of tar. ─── 因小失大。

78、Seize theone you can hold,abandon theone you can not sieze,never spoil the ship for a halfpennyworth of tar. ─── 上了大学才知道,从现在开始应该把握每一个你能把握的人,放弃你留不住的人,不要因为想留住个别人而失去一群人。

79、Don't burn wet or unseasoned wood as this leaves greater tar deposits in the flue. ─── 不烧湿的、没晒干的柴禾,以免生出更多的焦烟。

80、UltimateZip is a zip/unzip tool that supports 16 archive types (Ace, Arj, Cab, Lha,Rar, Tar, GZip, Zip and so on). ─── 一款使用简单的压缩解压档案软件。

81、He was amazed to discover that 85 per cent of the roads he travelled were tarred and of high quality. ─── 他吃惊地发现,他走过的道路有85%都是柏油马路,路况很好。

82、From October, cigarette packets will carry gruesome pictures of tarred lungs as well as the current warnings. ─── 从10月开始,烟盒上不仅有现在的警告词,还会印上可怕的被烟熏坏的肺的图片。

83、Lambert of the CBI warns that Britain could lose much-needed foreign investment in the coming years if executives are seen to be "tarred and feathered. ─── CBI的兰伯特警告称,如果看到高管“被涂上柏油并插上羽毛”,未来几年内,英国亟需的外国投资可能会流失。

84、People smoke for the nicotine from cigarettes but die from the tar. ─── 人们为了尼古丁而吸烟,却因焦油而丧命。

85、They're all tarred with the same brush. ─── 他们都是一丘之貉。

86、They used to fill the seams of wooden boats with tar to stop the water getting in. ─── 他们过去用焦油填塞木板船的裂缝以防进水。

87、Och Mattias Klockar tar bra bilder som vanligt. ─── Session med Secondhands inf鰎 錼ets kommande film.

88、In Estonia three types of shale tar have been used as alternatives to anthracene oil or carbolineum. ─── 在爱沙尼亚,已有三种页岩焦油用作蒽油或氯化蒽油的替换物。

89、If you are willing to pay $ 200 for a coat why spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar? Get yourself a smart hat. ─── 如果你愿意花两百美元去买一件外套,干嘛为了省一点小钱坏大事?干脆再买一顶潇洒的帽子。

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