undigested 发音
英:[ʌndɪ'dʒestɪd; -daɪ-] 美:[,ʌndə'dʒɛstɪd]
英: 美:
undigested 中文意思翻译
undigested 反义词
undigested 短语词组
1、undigested food in stool ─── 大便中未消化的食物
2、undigested food ─── 未消化食物
3、undigested fat ─── 未消化脂肪
4、undigested corn ─── 未消化玉米
5、undigested securities ─── [经] 未售出的证券, 未被市场吸收的证券
6、undigested meat ─── 未消化的肉
7、undigested meat in stool ─── 大便未消化肉
8、undigested fat in stool pictures ─── 大便图片中未消化脂肪
9、undigested stool ─── [医] 不消化粪
10、undigested corn in stool ─── 大便中未消化的玉米
undigested 同义词
like two peas in a pod | interchangeable |indistinguishable | uniform | identical | the same | homogeneous
undigested 相似词语短语
1、predigested ─── v.预先消化,使易消化;简化
2、undivested ─── 未分配
3、undirected ─── adj.无目标的,未受指导的;无收件人姓名的
4、redigested ─── 编辑
5、undivestedly ─── 未分配
6、indigested ─── adj.杂乱的;未消化的
7、undighted ─── 未经修饰
8、undiverted ─── 不倾斜的
9、digested ─── 摘要
undigested 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"Excretion: Bodily process for disposing of undigested food waste products and nitrogenous by-products of metabolism, regulating water content, maintaining acid-base Balance, and controlling osmotic pressure to promote homeostasis." ─── 排泄:处理未消化食物残渣及代谢之含氮副产物的身体过程,能够调节水分含量,维持酸碱平衡,控制渗透压力,以促进自我恒定性。
2、infantile vomiting of undigested milk ─── 乳瓣
3、(Dr. Johnson called the essay "an irregular, undigested piece"; this happy practitioner has no wish to quarrel with the good doctor's characterization.) ─── (约翰逊博士把散文称为“一篇不合常规的、未经整理的文字”;我这个快乐的散文作者无意就那位好博士关于散文特性的描述进行指责。)
4、About five times a day. They are quite loose with milk cured and undigested food in them. ─── 一天大约五次,很稀,还有奶瓣和不消化的食物。
5、The undigested residue of food eliminated from the body; excrement. ─── 残余物,排泄物体内排出的未消化的残余食物;粪便
6、his death he left a great mass of undigested manuscripts. ─── 他死后留下了大量未被充分理解的文稿。
7、Thus, the pre-1945 period remains undigested, even for a woman who lived through it. ─── 所以,即使对一个作为过来人的女性,1945年之前的时期仍旧没有被“消化”掉。
8、excretion The process of discharging waste matter; also pertains to waste matter excreted by glands; undigested food residues and other waste products of metabolism. ─── 排泄排出废弃物的过程;也包括腺体排泄废物;未消化食物残留物与其他新陈代谢的废弃产品。
9、Each of them, at any stage of its development, has unsolved problems and undigested anomalies. ─── 它们中的每个在自己发展的任何阶段上,都有未解决的问题和未理解的反常。
10、Delay hibernation rather than allow a tortoise to hibernate while the possibility of undigested food matter within the intestine remains. ─── 宁可推迟冬眠的时间也不能使龟龟进入冬眠时消化道内还有未排出的食物。
11、That's more than three times as long as new supply was expected to sit undigested during the worst of the U. S. housing glut. ─── 这要比美国楼市供应过剩最严重时期预计消化新供给所需时间的两倍还长。
12、undigested residue ─── 未消化残余物
13、For purpose of information, faeces are the body's solid waste matter, composed of undigested food, bacteria, water, and bile pigments and discharged from the bowel through the anus. ─── 为了信息,粪便是从肠到肛门排出的体内固体废物,由未消化的食物、细菌、水和胆汁色素组成。
14、About fie times a day. They are quite loose with milk cured and undigested food in them. ─── 一天大便几次?是水样便(很稀,量很多)吗?里面有没有脓、血或粘液?
15、Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup. ─── 未消化的肉类留在肠内,会变成毒性物质。
16、undigested diarrhea ─── 水谷痢, 飧泻, 飧泄, 餐泄, 水谷利
17、17)And plastics, including polystyrene, are common in the wads of accumulated undigested matter that young black-footed albatrosses cough up before they fledge, Henry says. ─── 并且,亨利说:包括聚苯乙烯在内,塑胶制品通常是大量聚集的不可消化物质,(可以导致)羽翼尚未丰满的黑脚信天翁咳嗽。
18、Undigested food is eliminated from the system through the anus. ─── 未消化的食物通过肛门排出系统外。
19、Undigested dewatered domestic sewage sludge from secondary treatment plant contained N 4.12%, of which organic form of N accounted for 93%. ─── 未经消化的二级生活污水处理厂脱水污泥含氮4.12%,其中有机态氮占93%。
20、Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup. ─── 未消化的肉停留在肠道内腐烂,会导致更多的毒素集结于肠内。
21、These bits of undigested plant matter, or phytoliths, come from a site containing bones of titanosaurs, long-necked plant eaters that lived near the end of the dinosaurs' reign. ─── 这些未消化的小块植物体(植物化石),是在泰坦巨龙化石附近出土的,泰坦巨龙是一种长颈草食恐龙,生活在恐龙王朝末期。
22、Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup. ─── 12肉类蛋白质是难以消化的,需要耗费大量的消化酶来消化。未消化的肉类留在肠内,会变成毒性物质。
23、It then appeared at a reservoir in west London and regurgitates a bolus of the undigested remains of the lifeguard. ─── 过后它出现在伦敦西部的一座水库里,并把肚子里没有消化的救生员反刍出来。
24、an undigested mass of facts gathered at random ─── 随意堆积的未充分理解的事实
25、Faeces is NOT a metabolic waste, as the undigested materials have never entered the cells for metabolism.Therefore egestion is not a form of excretion. ─── [粪便不是一种代谢废物, 因为不能消化的物质, 从未进入细胞以参与代谢作用;
26、undigested food residue ─── 未消化的食物残渣
27、undigested stool ─── 不消化粪
28、They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass undigested through the body of a bird. ─── 给他们的东西,他们只知道一口吞;而这样吞下东西,他们却毫发无损,因为根本留不下残渣余滓,诚如一颗谷粒穿过鸟儿的肚子,根本就没有消化。
29、At his death he left a great mass of undigested manuscripts. ─── 他去世时留下大量尚未整理的文稿。
30、The slugs digest most of the algae, but those plastids remain whole and undigested. ─── 海藻的大部分被这种海蛤蝓消化,但是叶绿体保持完整不被消化。
31、undigested data ─── 未经整理的数据
32、Some long and detailed passages seem undigested, the output, it would seem, of an army of research assistants rather than the outstanding writer and thinker that Mr Ferguson plainly is. ─── 有些描写详尽的长篇段落似乎未经整理,让人以为是一大群助理研究人员共同写成的,而非出自杰出的作家和思想家弗格森先生一人之手。
33、12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup. ─── 肉类蛋白质是难以消化的,需要耗费大量的消化酶来消化。未消化的肉类留在肠内,会变成毒性物质。
34、Seen in this light, Paranoia Agent shows a deeper level revolving around the undigested past. ─── 就此而论,《妄想代理人》呈现了一个对未消化的历史更深层次的探讨。
35、Undigested food allergens will continue to be deposited in fat cells, leading to greater obesity. ─── 食物过敏会继续增加脂肪的储存,并导致更严重的肥胖。
36、There, blood vessels supplying the large intestine carry away water extracted from the undigested waste. ─── 在那里,连接大肠的血管带走未消化废物中的水。
37、Measurement of stool fat and undigested muscle fibers may be indicative of fat and protein malabsorption conditions, including pancreatic insufficiency. ─── 检查粪便脂肪及未消化肌纤维可以提示脂肪和蛋白吸收不良,包括胰功能不全。
38、an undigested mass of facts gathered at random. ─── 随意堆积的未充分理解的事实。
39、undigested statistical data ─── 未经整理的统计数据
40、12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic build-up. ─── 肉类的蛋白质是难以消化的,并且需要大量帮助消化的酵素。未经消化而留在肠内的残馀肉类,会腐坏并累积更多毒素。
41、The undigested residue of food eliminated from the body. ─── 残余物,排泄物体内排出的未消化的残余食物。
42、By method of purgation,cleaning up,breaking stasis and discharging through the lower orifice(anus)the undigested food,stagnant blood,... ─── 虽下法可祛邪,但同时皆可伤人体正气,既可伤阴,又能伤阳,故下之亦以邪去为度,不可过用。
43、The undigested residue of food eliminated from the body; ─── 残余物,排泄物:体内排出的未消化的残余食物;
44、Aren't most Chinese sensitive to undigested lactose? ─── 难道大多数中国人不是乳糖不耐受的吗?
45、The creatures eat coffee berries which pass through them undigested; ─── 这种动物吃下咖啡果,未经消化便排泄出来。
46、Any food consumed passes through this opening, and so do undigested remains being expelled. ─── 任何被摄取的食物都要经过这个开口,没有被消化的残骸也是由此排出。
47、Very many tortoises die each year because owners attempt to hibernate them while they still contain undigested food matter within their gastro-intestinal system. ─── 每年大批的龟龟的致死原因都一样:主人们在龟龟的消化道没有完全排空之前就令它们冬眠了。
48、We present a 21-year-old man who had suffered from episodic postprandial epigastric pain and vomiting of undigested food since childhood. ─── 本文所述病例是一位21岁的男性患者,在饭后出现急遽的上腹疼痛与呕吐。
49、In Millennium Actress, Kon goes so far as to directly touch on the generational-amnesia aspect of the undigested past. ─── 今敏在《千年女优》中走得如此之远,以至直接提到了几代人对未能消化的过去的忘却。
50、undigested material ─── 不消化物质
51、Fig 5. Mechanism of action of dietary fiber and undigested carbohydrates in increasing faecal weight. ─── 图5.饲粮纤维及不可被消化多醣类促进粪便排出量之机制。
52、Second, undigested food particles can leak across the intestinal wall and enter your systemic circulation. ─── 其次,未消化的食物颗粒会渗漏过肠壁进入你的身体循环。
53、Four or five times a day, a little thin, and undigested food residue could be seen in it. ─── 顾客:一天四五次吧,有点稀,还能见到未消化的食物残渣。
54、Undigested food from the small intestine is then passed into the large intestine. ─── 小肠中未消化的食物然后进入大肠。
55、"To digest food your stomach needs to be producing enough stomach acid and digestive enzymes to breakit down," says nutritionist Natalie Savona. "If this doesn't happen, food enters the small intestine undigested and if this happens. ─── 营养学家纳塔莉·萨沃纳说:“消化食物需要胃分泌足够的胃酸和酵,如果量不足,食物未经消化便进入小肠;
56、Undigested food allergens will continue to be deposited in fat cells, leading to greater obesity. ─── 食物过敏会继续增加脂肪的储存,并导致更严重的肥胖。
57、He had two stools today. They contained undigested food. ─── 今天他大便了两次,大便里还有没消化的食物。
58、Nutrient Transformation in Co-composting of Undigested Sewage Sludge With Rice Straw ─── 未消化城市污泥与稻草堆肥过程中的养分变化研究
59、11. Bird vomits and/or passes its food undigested in its feces. ─── 鸟儿呕吐或在其粪便中发现未消化的食物。
60、undigested sludge ─── 未消化的污泥
61、From the undigested elements out of which they are assembled nothing new has taken shape, nothing we can call our own. ─── 仅仅是简单的拼凑而不加任何新意,仅仅是从未经消化的素材中提取,我们什么都得不到。
62、What the researchers didn't find in the feces are bone or other bits of undigested animals. ─── 研究者们在恐鳄的粪便中也没有找到骨头或其他未被消化的动物残骸。
63、Keywords undigested sludge;rice straw;composting;nutrient transformation; ─── 关键词未消化污泥;稻草;堆肥;养分转化;
64、puerperal undigested dysentery ─── 产后水谷利
65、undigested securities ─── [经] 未售出的证券, 未被市场吸收的证券
66、The undigested sugars end up in the colon, where they begin to ferment, producing gas that can cause cramping, bloating, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. ─── 这些不能消化的糖分最终积聚在盲肠中发酵产气,引起痉挛、肿胀、呕吐、肠胃胀气和痢疾。
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