feces 发音
英:[ˈfiːsiːz] 美:[ˈfiːsiːz]
英: 美:
feces 中文意思翻译
feces 短语词组
1、examination of feces stain ─── 粪便斑检验
2、denoting feces ─── 表示粪便的
3、feces examination ─── 粪便检查
4、feces disposal ─── 处置
5、impacted feces ─── [医] 嵌顿粪便
6、retention of feces ─── 粪便滞留
7、incontinence of feces ─── 大便滑脱
8、control of feces ─── [医] 粪便管理
9、scybalous feces ─── [医] 硬块粪便
10、eating of feces ─── 吃粪便
feces 相似词语短语
1、fices ─── n.杂种小狗(等于feist)
2、feres ─── n.伴侣;配偶
3、femes ─── n.女人,妻子;(非正式)(女同性恋中的)女方充当者(等于femme)
4、faces ─── n.表面(face的复数);脸色;脸面;v.向;面对;转向(face的三单形式)
5、faeces ─── n.[生理]粪便;[生理]排泄物;糟粕(等于feces)
6、Nueces ─── 纽埃西斯河(美国得克萨斯州南部河流)
7、fees ─── n.[会计]费用(fee的复数);规费;n.(Fees)人名;(德、法)费斯
8、fetes ─── n.节日;宗教庆典;盛宴;义卖集会(fete的复数);v.盛宴招待;赞扬(fete的三单形式)
9、fleeces ─── n.抓绒(fleece的复数)
feces 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Ricordati di quello che l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, fece a Maria, durante il viaggio, dopo che foste usciti dall’Egitto. ─── 你当记得你们出了埃及,在路上的时候,耶和华你的 神向米利暗所行的事。
2、E ai quattro angoli gli fece dei corni, che spuntavano da esso, e lo rivesti di rame. ─── 又用铜把坛包裹。
3、Il rimanente delle azioni di Azaria, e tutto quello che fece, trovasi scritto nel libro delle Cronache dei re di Giuda. ─── 亚撒利雅其余的事迹和他所行的一切,不是都写在犹大列王的年代志上吗?
4、The body also relies on a bend between the rectum--where feces builds up--and the anus--where feces comes out. ─── 这个系统还依赖于弯曲的直肠-其中包括粪便的产生-和肛门-排便的地方。
5、Il resto delle azioni di Roboamo e tutto quello ch’ei fece, sta scritto nel libro delle Cronache dei re di Giuda. ─── 国内又有男妓,他们仿效耶和华在以色列人面前所赶出的外族人,行了一切可憎的事。
6、For her trouble, she was called a "race traitor" and a "whore" ; feces were dumped on her parents' doorstep. ─── 麻烦的是,她被称为“民族叛徒”、“娼妓”,在她父母家门口的台阶上满是粪便。
7、When it rains, the water flows over these surfaces, picking up animal feces and other pollutants and washing them into drainage ditches or storm drains, many of which lead directly to urban lakes, coastal creeks or beach areas. ─── 一旦下雨,流经这些地面的水流,就会连带将动物粪便及其他污染物冲刷到排水沟或雨水沟,而这些沟渠大部份又直通到都市内的湖泊、海岸溪流或海滩地区。
8、Si fece anche per l’ingresso della tenda una portiera, di filo violaceo porporino, scarlatto, e di lino fino ritorto, in lavoro di ricamo. ─── 他用金子把板包裹,也做了板上的金环,用作穿横闩的地方,并且也用金子把横闩包裹。
9、In all treatments, mowing and covering and returning the livestock's feces to the orchard had the best ecological benefits. ─── 不同土壤管理方式的生态效益以刈割覆盖和畜粪还园处理最好。
10、When the boats entered the narrow laneways between the houses, the water reeked of feces, he said. ─── 快艇开进房屋间的狭窄过道时,水中带有排泄物,散发出阵阵臭气。
11、But first it has to be deciphered, and that is no easy task.The job requires the analysis of blood, urine, breath and feces within large populations. ─── 但一开始必须先解码,这不是个容易的任务,需要分析一大群人的血液、尿液、呼吸和排泄。
12、Egli fece portare nella casa dell’Eterno le cose che suo padre avea consacrate, e quelle che avea consacrate egli stesso: argento, oro, vasi. ─── 亚撒把他父亲所分别为圣和他自己所分别为圣的金银和器皿,都带到耶和华的殿里。
13、Patients with AAD should be isolated and used antibiotics for the lower-induced-AAD as possible as we can,clysis with feces solution of healthy person is good for curing AAD. ─── 发生AAD后,应采取有效的隔离措施,尽可能改用诱发AAD率低的抗生素,正常人大便混悬液保留灌肠是治疗AAD的有效方法。
14、Ochoa showed the journalists a black plastic lid that covered a swimming pool-size cement container of pig feces to prevent exposure to the outside air. ─── 奥乔亚向记者带领记者参观了一个黑色塑料盖,它覆盖着一座游泳池大小的水泥猪粪池,以防止其与外界空气接触。
15、The feces of the tested swines has been becoming dry scleroma,and appears the cinder form or sheep"s excrement form. ─── 可见后躯颤抖,喜卧,后肢发软等神经症状,严重时出现瘫痪、四肢划游转圈、口吐白沫和角弓张等症状。
16、The sleeping quarters are kept extremely clean as shells and feces are stored in refuse tunnels. ─── 牠们睡觉的地方会保持的“极端乾净”,便便会堆在废弃不用的通道里。
17、Unlike baby komodos, the potato beetle's feces are actually poisonous to predators. ─── 但是,与科莫多巨蜥幼蜥不同的是,薯虫的粪便对敌人来说是有毒的。
18、Poi fece accostare le famiglie di Giuda, e la famiglia degli Zerachiti fu designata.Poi fece accostare la famiglia degli Zerachiti persona per persona, e Zabdi fu designato. ─── 以色列人犯了罪,违背了我吩咐他们的约定,因为他们取了那当毁灭的物,他们偷窃,并且说谎,又把那当毁灭的物放在自己的物件中。
19、A worker is cared for after he and three co-workers were trapped in a tank of fish feces for 45 minutes at a fish farm, May 11, 2007, in Turners Falls, Massachusetts, USA. ─── 五月十一日在美国麻州的特那尔斯佛斯市,一名工人与三名同僚受困某鱼塭的鱼粪槽内四十五分钟后终于获救。
20、Two years ago, rangers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Virunga National Park was found left behind by suspected Pi Tiyin and feces. ─── 两年前,护林员在刚果(金)维龙加国家公园内发现疑似狓留下的蹄印和粪便。
21、Does the activities you will do are the feces of the ambitious designs?And whether your activities will do benefit the majority? ─── 你即将实施的行为,是否有个人野心的渣滓,受益者是否是最大多数。
22、The shivering dog's fur was matted and soaked in urine and feces, and pus oozed from his eyes.His back legs were swollen and covered in lacerations. ─── 牠不停地颤抖,毛发不但打了结,还沾满了粪便和尿液;牠的眼睛也在渗脓,后腿满布伤口而且肿胀不堪。
23、Difficult, incomplete, or infrequent evacuation of dry, hardened feces from the bowels. ─── 便秘有困难的、不完全的或不经常从肠道排泄干燥且硬的大便
24、Poi venne a Gerusalemme, e fece una breccia di quattrocento cubiti nelle mura di Gerusalemme, dalla porta di Efraim alla porta dell’angolo. ─── 后来有黎巴嫩的野兽经过,就把蒺藜踩倒了。
25、E fece i dieci candelabri d’oro, conformemente alle norme che li concernevano, e li pose nel tempio, cinque a destra e cinque a sinistra. ─── 五个在右边,五个在左边。
26、Through the bird's feces, trematode eggs enter the water. ─── 寄生虫在鸟类体内成熟、繁殖,牠们的卵再经由鸟粪进入水中。
27、Il resto delle azioni d’Ela e tutto quello ch’ei fece, trovasi scritto nel libro delle Cronache dei re d’Israele. ─── 心利这样灭绝巴沙的全家,是照着耶和华借耶户先知责备巴沙所说的话。
28、A) Allow the accumulation of cat or dog feces in any open area of his/her property wherein dogs/cats are kept and fail to remove or dispose of feces at least once every 24 hours. ─── 允许狗或者猫持续在公共场所或者养狗/猫的私人地方内排泄,并且没有能够保持每24小时清理一次的。
29、As a result, more than 1 billion people-one of every seven-get water for drinking, washing, and cooking from sources polluted by human and animal feces. ─── 因此,超过1亿的人(7分之1)使用被人和动物的排泄物污染水来喝、洗东西、煮东西。
30、When fully depatterned, patients were incontinent of urine and feces, unable to feed themselves, and unable to state their name, location, or the date. ─── 当完全被分离的模式,病人大小便失禁,不能自己进食,并且不能说出他的名字、地点和生日。
31、Any cattle that crosses state roads must be fitted with a device to gather its feces. ─── 任何要越过州道路的牛只都要装上收集牛粪的装置。
32、And the other is conveyed to the large intestine where it is changed into feces and leaves the body via the anus. ─── 另外的部分则运送到大肠,在大肠内转化成粪便由肛门排出体外。
33、Poi, uscito ancora verso la sesta e la nona ora, fece lo stesso. ─── 他们就去了。约在正午和下午三点钟,他又出去,也是这样作。
34、In the progesterone inactivated in the liver, into a surrogate glycol with the glucuronide by the combination of urine and feces from the bile. ─── 体内的孕激素在肝脏中灭活,转变为孕二醇再与葡萄糖醛酸结合后由尿和胆汁随粪便排出。
35、MOT may modulate the lipid level through increasing feces excretion and elevating fecal content as well as depressing HL and LPL activity. ─── 3.复合乌龙茶调节血脂代谢可能与增加大鼠粪便排泄,增加排泄粪便的脂肪含量,降低脂蛋白酯酶和肝脂酶的活性有关。
36、All’ingresso del santuario fece una porta a due battenti, di legno d’ulivo;la sua inquadratura, con gli stipiti, occupava la quinta parte della parete. ─── 内殿和外殿周围的墙壁上,他都刻上基路伯、棕树和初开的花朵的雕刻。
37、Even if you cry it is no use, you refuse Even the garbage is not such a steep bank feces. ─── 即使你哭是没有用的,即使你拒绝垃圾不是这样一个陡峭的银行粪便。
38、TGE virus was recovered from the feces of the cats, dogs, foxes and starlings. ─── 从猫,狗,狐狸和燕八哥的粪便中回收到了TGE病毒。
39、Toxoplasmosis is transmitted by contact with the feces of an infected cat. ─── 受感染的猫排出的粪便能传播弓形体病。
40、They will often seem to lick their anal area since the larva that are being passed in the feces often attach themselves to the anus and cause irritation and itching. ─── 它们会经常舔肛门附近的部位,因为幼虫可以通过粪便排出,但是会紧紧贴附在肛门从而造成瘙痒的感觉。
41、The main contamination in the wastewater is the remanent bait, feces, and kinds of nutriment, all of which contribute much to the increase of BOD5 and COD in the water. ─── 在以投饵为主的养殖模式下,残饵、粪便,N、P等富营养因子排入水体,使养殖水体中化学需氧量(COD),生物耗氧量(BOD)严重超标,是导致水体污染的主要原因。
42、A) Allow the accumulation of cat or dog feces in any open area of his/ her property wherein dogs/ cats are kept and fail to remove or dispose of feces at least once every24 hours. ─── 允许狗或者猫持续在公共场所或者养狗/的私人地方内排泄,并且没有能够保持每24小时清理一次的。
43、Tali sono i figliuoli d’Israele di cui si fece il censimento: seicentunmila settecentotrenta. ─── 属耶色的,有耶色家族;属示冷的,有示冷家族。
44、The feces of 136 patients with diarrhea separated 16 strains aeromonas,accountion for 11.8%,and 25% of them are hydrophilic. ─── 在136例腹泻病人粪便中分离出气单胞菌属16株,占11.8%,其中25%菌株是嗜水性气单胞菌.
45、After withdrawing 8,000 euros from a bank for a holiday the man was struck in the back of the neck by what he described as human feces, police in the central town of Giessen said. ─── 德国中部城市吉森市的警方表示,受害者为外出旅行从银行取出了8000欧元现金,从银行出来后他感觉脖子后面被人泼洒了大概是粪便之类的东西。
46、Two anoxic non-spore bacillus strains isolated from baby feces were identified as B. breve. ─── 从健康婴儿粪便中分离出两株厌氧无芽孢杆菌,经鉴定为短双歧杆茵。
47、Even when he's hiking, "if I find fox-size feces at the right elevation, I pick it up and do the analysis, " he said. ─── 即便是他在远足时,“如果在合适的海拔高度发现狐狸大小的面孔,我都会收集它的唾液进行分析,”他说。
48、The 24 h accumulative excretion ratio of urine and feces were 65.40% and 1.33%,respectively. ─── 24 h后粪便和尿液累积排泄率分别为65.40%和1.33%。
49、Steady weight gain and well-formed feces are the best evidence of satisfactory progress. ─── 体重的稳步增长和成形的粪便是幼犬已经适应这个过程的最好证据。
50、The feces, which used to worry the orphanage a lot, have been made into delicate paper. ─── 如今,这些大象粪被造成精美的"象粪纸",并成为该国的国礼。
51、In this paper, we researched on the treatment of human feces, which employed the S-15 bio-toilet presented by Japan Science and Technology Agency, and the cornstalk as matrix. ─── 利用日本科学技术振兴机构赠送的S-15型生态厕所,分别用两种粒径的玉米秸秆作为反应基质来处理人粪便,旨在研究玉米秸秆能否代替木屑作为生态厕所的反应基质。
52、Wherever you go, feces, urine, blood, vomit, rotten flesh and most meat will be disgusting. ─── 无论你走到哪里,粪便、尿液、血液、呕吐物、大部分腐烂的肉都会令人作呕。
53、The volatile compounds of trogopterorum feces were collected by using a simultaneous distillation and extraction (SDE) equipment. ─── 利用同时蒸馏萃取法(SDE)提取五灵脂中的挥发性组分。
54、In baitag mountain were made 15 SL sign transects, on half of that they found SL sign, mostly feces and scrapes. ─── 可能下大雪,汽车上不去,必须骑马了。
55、Foul smelling feces, lack of appetite, uneasiness and not thirsty, or prefers warm beverages, urination is long and clear or short of urine. ─── 大便气腥臭,饮食减少,口中无味,不烦不渴,或喜热饮,小便清长或短少
56、In addition, people and their domesticated animals emit methane with feces and belches. ─── 人类与牲畜的粪便及排气亦会释放甲烷。
57、Never mind that capybaras have some unusual habits like eating their own feces. ─── 可别在意水豚有一些不寻常的习惯,例如会吃自己的排泄物。
58、An abnormal, often obsessive interest in excrement, especially the use of feces for sexual excitement. ─── 嗜粪癖一种对粪便的病态的,常常是过分痴迷的兴趣,尤指为性兴奋而使用粪便
59、The discharge of large quantities of fluid material from the body, especially the discharge of watery feces from the intestines. ─── 不正常的排便从体内大量排出液体物质,尤指从肠中排出水样粪便
60、But frequently untreated human feces harvested from latrines is delivered to farms and spread as fertilizer. ─── 但是,时不时人们从茅房里获取渣滓当作肥料撒在农田里。
61、Gli fece pure due anelli d’oro, sotto la ghirlanda, ai suoi due lati;li mise ai suoi due lati per passarvi le stanghe che servivano a portarlo. ─── 又替坛做了两个金环,安放在牙边以下,坛的两侧,就是坛的两旁,作穿杠的地方,用来抬坛。
62、It's loaded with bat feces found contain E.coli. ─── 屋子里满是含有大肠杆菌的蝙蝠粪便。
63、Dust mites, or the feces or decaying body parts they leave behind are more irritating than other allergens. Like allergy5 season, only worse. ─── 尘蹒或其排泄物,抑或其腐坏的组织,比其他过敏原更恼人,如果在过敏季节,情况会更糟。
64、HIV cannot be transmitted though urine, feces, vomit, or sweat. ─── HIV不会从尿液、粪便、呕吐物、汗水传染。
65、The woman is left with a hole between her vagina and her bladder or rectum. This causes her to continuously leak urine or feces. ─── 这样,该女子在阴道和膀胱或直肠间留下了一个洞,从而导致大小便失禁。
66、Most turtles are colonized with Salmonella and shed the bacteria intermittently in their feces," the CDC said in its weekly report on death and disease. ─── 大部分海龟体内含有沙门氏菌,并间断的随粪便排出。
67、Il rimanente delle azioni di Joas e tutto quello che fece, si trova scritto nel libro delle Cronache dei re di Giuda. ─── 但是赎愆祭和赎罪祭的银子,他们没有奉入耶和华的殿,这些银子是属于祭司的。
68、If qi transformation is out of order, it will affect the digestion, absorpiion of food, the metabolism and transformation of essence, blood and body fluid, the excretion of sweat, urine and feces and so on. ─── 如果气化功能失常则会影响食物的消化和吸收,精、、液的代谢和转化,汗液、液和粪便的排泄等等。
69、Poi fece l’olio santo per l’unzione e il profumo fragrante, puro, secondo l’arte del profumiere. ─── 又按着制香料者的制法,制圣膏油以及芬芳的纯香。
70、Il rimanente delle azioni di Jotham, tutto quello che fece, si trova scritto nel libro delle Cronache dei re di Giuda. ─── 只是他没有把邱坛废去,国民仍在邱坛献祭焚香。他就是那建造耶和华殿的上门的。
71、Il resto delle azioni di Abijam e tutto quello ch’ei fece, sta scritto nel libro delle Cronache dei re di Giuda. ─── 亚比央其余的事迹和他所行的一切,不是都写在犹大列王的年代志上吗?
72、The waste matter discharged from the large intestine; feces. ─── 从大肠中排出的废物;粪便。
73、The real-time PCR assay was evaluated using 60 B. cereus group strains and 28 others.The assay was also used to construct calibration curves for different food matrices and feces. ─── 共使用60株仙人掌杆菌群菌株以及28株其他菌株进行即时聚合酶链反应方法之评估,并应用于不同之食品基质及粪便检体。
74、The soluble sugar content of tomato is preferable when the percent of chicken feces is 1.2%, pig manure is 1.2%, deer manure is 1.2% and corn stalk is 0.8%. ─── 在盆栽试验中,鸡粪、猪粪和鹿粪都是以1.2%的施用量长势较好,秸秆是以0.8%的施用量长势较好。
75、If a chimp at the zoo flings feces at you, throw some right back. ─── 如果一只动物园里的黑猩猩拿便便扔你,你也找东西扔他。
76、Il rimanente delle azioni di Pekah, tutto quello che fece, si trova scritto nel libro delle Cronache dei re d’Israele. ─── 乌西雅的儿子约坦在位第二十年,以拉的儿子何细亚阴谋背叛利玛利的儿子比加,击打他,把他杀死,接续他作王。
77、Savage found that many of the hair, feces, footprints. ─── 多次发现野人的毛发、粪便、脚印。
78、Chinese medicine for its often cool Sheng Jin agent for the treatment of thirsty, lack of body fluid, feces dry end, high fever Dengzheng polydipsia. ─── 中医常把其作清凉生津剂,用于治疗口干舌燥、津液不足、大便燥结、高烧烦渴等症。
79、The doctor continues, “And, you'll have to clean up her feces on a regular basis, as she'll have no control over her sphincter. ─── 医生继续,“并且,你将必须在一个常规的基础上清理她的排汇物,当她将不在她的括约肌上有控制。
80、Chemical raw materials and the seizure of wild-type has more than 20 kinds of skin, such as seized oak, gallnut, Cassia, cat feces, such as melon. 5. ─── 4.野生化工原料及检皮类有20多种,如检皮栎、五倍子、槐、猫屎瓜等。5.野生果类100多种,如中华猕猴桃、樱桃、山葡萄、枇杷、板栗、沙棘等。
81、Li fece arrivare alla sua santa frontiera, alla montagna che la sua destra avea conquistato. ─── 他领他们进入自己圣地的境界,到他右手所得的这山地。
82、It ends up in the cats' feces and then it ends up back in rats. ─── 它从猫的排泄物中排出,又到老鼠体内。
83、Unidentified Man I: And the cattle feces somehow would then have to get into the, the growing fields. ─── 不明身份人士1:而且牛的粪便常常又渗入到种植区的土地中去。
84、moment I saw my home through her eyes: feces, rats, starvation, houses so close together that no one can breathe. ─── 那一刻我看到了她眼中的我的家乡:到处都是粪便、老鼠、饥饿,房屋都挤在一起让人无法呼吸。
85、Per fede Giuseppe, quando stava per morire, fece menzione dell’esodo de’ figliuoli d’Israele, e diede ordini intorno alle sue ossa. ─── 因着信,约瑟临终的时候,提到以色列子民出埃及的事,并且为自己的骸骨留下遗言。
86、In the whole year, the domestic garbage and feces being cleaned hit 164.57 million tons. All the wastes in the large and medium could be cleaned up every day. ─── 全年清运生活垃圾、粪便16457万吨,大中城市基本日产日清。
87、Fece anche dieci tavole, che pose nel tempio, cinque a destra e cinque sinistra. E fece cento bacini d’oro. ─── 五张在右边,五张在左边。又做了一百个金碗。
88、About 500 infective larvae were obtained and a yearling worm-free sheep was infected in Beijing. About 35 days post infection, the sheep began to deposit eggs from the feces. ─── 其后作者又在当地采集了多量马歇尔属线虫的雌虫,取其虫卵,培养为第三期幼虫,在北京给一只绵羊进行了人工感染,并再次获得新种雄虫一条,因而确认为马歇尔线虫属的一个新种。
89、Viva citizen of small a little a little China pig feces Republic. ─── 小小小小小支那豚民粪共和国万歳。
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