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08-18 投稿


domineering 发音

英:[dɒmɪ'nɪərɪŋ]  美:['dɑmə'nɪrɪŋ]

英:  美:

domineering 中文意思翻译



domineering 网络释义

adj. 跋扈的;专横的;盛气凌人的v. 实行暴政;高耸;流行(domineer的ing形式)

domineering 短语词组

1、queen domineering ─── 女王专横

2、domineering like me ─── 像我一样盛气凌人

3、domineering girl ─── 盛气凌人的女孩

4、domineering angel ─── 盛气凌人的天使

5、domineering fairy ─── 盛气凌人的仙女

6、domineering and comp ─── 盛气凌人

7、domineering wang ge ─── 霸道的王戈

8、domineering man ─── 专横的人

9、domineering queen ─── 盛气凌人的女王

10、domineering childe ─── 专横的公子

11、domineering manner ─── 盛气凌人的态度

12、domineering influence ─── 专横跋扈的影响力

13、domineering less tha ─── 不霸道的tha

14、domineering goddess ─── 盛气凌人的女神

15、domineering self ─── 专横的自我

16、domineering leo ─── 霸道的狮子座

17、domineering indiff ─── 专横的印度佬

18、domineering lion ─── 霸道的狮子

19、domineering personality ─── 霸气性格

domineering 反义词


domineering 同义词

high-handed | dominant | overbearing |bossy | insolent | dictatorial | assertive | magisterial | authoritarian | forceful | officious | imperious | oppressive | arrogant

domineering 词性/词形变化,domineering变形

副词: domineeringly |

domineering 相似词语短语

1、domineeringness ─── 霸气

2、domineer ─── v.专横跋扈;压制

3、dominating ─── adj.主要的;独裁的;专横的;有影响力的;v.支配;统治;在……中具有最重要(或明显)的特色;俯视;(在比赛中)占有优势;高耸于(dominate的现在分词)

4、dondering ─── 东德

5、domineeringly ─── 跋扈地

6、domineers ─── v.专横跋扈;压制

7、commandeering ─── vt.征用;霸占,没收;强取

8、engineering ─── n.工程,工程学;v.设计;管理(engineer的ing形式);建造

9、domineered ─── v.专横跋扈;压制

domineering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、” The coming-of-age story of a sickly, introspective Alaskan boy who makes friends with an Alaskan brown bear, to the horror of his tough, domineering father. ─── 体弱多病且内向的阿拉斯加男孩与一头棕熊成了好朋友,这引起了他强硬且刚愎自用的父亲的恐慌。

2、the design and modeling unearthed Wang embodies the majestic demeanor and temperament, that is, content, more domineering. ─── 标志的设计和造型体现出土王的气质和王者风范,即有内涵又具霸气.

3、A man I'll call Mark thought of his wife, Karen, as domineering; himself as ineffective and timid. ─── 一位我想以“马克”称呼之的男子,认为他的妻子凯伦总是盛气凌人,而他自己则胆小无能。

4、Unlike other European leaders, she is neither charismatic, nor flashily intellectual, nor domineering. ─── 不像其他欧洲领导人那样,她既没有超凡的魅力,也没有灿烂的智慧,她也不擅权弄权。

5、a domineering person ─── 专橫的人

6、Franz was less enthusiastic; but the count exercised over him also the ascendency a strong mind always acquires over a mind less domineering ─── 弗兰兹却没有那样的热情,伯爵也对他显示出了一个个性倔强的人通常所有的那种优越感。

7、Ji eliminate child, said: Not yet, still looking sharp and domineering. ─── 纪消子说:还不行,还是目光犀利,盛气凌人。

8、The fact is those a lot marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are not no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands . ─── 事实是许多姻缘仅仅建立在便利的基本功上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。

9、Mick was stubborn and domineering with a very bad temper. ─── 麦克既固执又刚愎自用,脾气还很坏。

10、After returning from the war, Paul and a young Hispanic-American woman meet on a bus as she's headed home from college to help with the grape harvest and face her Old World domineering dad. ─── 复员军人保罗在回乡的长途汽车上结识一位美女维多利亚,她因未婚先孕无法面对身为葡萄园主的父亲,竟要求保罗权充一下她的新婚丈夫,以图在老派专制的家长面前蒙混过关。

11、Many of her women friends also had domineering husbands. ─── 她的女性朋友中,好多人的丈夫也都很专横。

12、As the technology proceeds to DSM, the delay of interconnect has been the domin portion in all delays. ─── 当工艺水平发展到深亚微米级,互连线时延比重已经占据总时延的绝大部分。

13、discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate. ─── 用威胁或极权的方式来使气馁或害怕;胁迫。

14、Arrogantly domineering or overbearing. ─── 专横的或傲慢的

15、It is curious to note that Spanish society is very machismo, where the male is domineering, and the bullfight is a very feminist art representation, appreciated mainly by the male population. ─── 奇妙的是,西班牙是个男性占优越地位、目空一切的社会,而斗牛则是一种主要由男性欣赏、十分女性化的艺术表现。

16、It is a strong, domineering, prideful, vain, creative influence with a central requirement for recognition, respect, love, and honor. ─── 由狮子去联想狮子座的特性,很轻易就可以想到很多,高贵、同情心,王者之风,但是别忘了,母狮子才是出外狩猎的。

17、arrogant; overbearing; domineering ─── 盛气凌人

18、a domineering husband, manner, personality ─── 专横的丈夫﹑ 作风﹑ 个性.

19、A woman regarded as noisy, scolding, or domineering. ─── 悍妇,泼妇被认为吵闹、好骂人或好支配人的女人

20、Because of anxiety and worry, I'm often headstrong and domineering. ─── 由于焦虑和担心,我经常任性和霸道。

21、To behave in a domineering manner; demand hard work and efficiency from those under one's control. ─── 盛气凌人地以盛气凌人的方式表现;要求其下属努力并有效地干活

22、He was brought up by a cold and domineering father. ─── 他是由冷酷而专横的父亲抚养成人的。

23、If that aggressive man isn't flexible in his behavior, the result could be a domineering bully for a partner. ─── 如果好斗的男人不懂得卑躬屈膝,对伴侣来说也只会造就一名跋扈的恶霸。

24、4. But they knew also the Chairman's domineering temper and tenacity . ─── 可是他们也知道董事长的脾气就是那样专断,那样执拗。

25、many marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands . ─── 以前对中国离婚率升高的解释是完全站不住脚的。事实是许多婚姻仅仅建立在便利的基础上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。

26、Li is introvert while his wife was domineering, and his parents treated him toughly when he was young, which made him want to kill them。 ─── 李磊自身性格内向,他的妻子却喜欢争强好胜,而父母从小就对他的管教非常严厉,这使得他想杀了他们。

27、Given to playing the master; imperious or domineering. ─── 专横的,跋扈的好摆主人架子的;傲慢的或专横的

28、Professor Zhang Ming's domineering ways and his lack of respect for the other panel members had reached the level of being intolerable. ─── 张鸣教授如此横行霸道的作风和对其他评委毫不尊重的行为,已经达到了令人无法容忍的程度。

29、Unpleasantly domineering (usu older)woman ─── (通常指较年长的)悍妇,母老虎.

30、However, Higgins is domineering in his behavior towards Eliza, and does not treat her well. ─── 然而,希金斯在伊莱扎面前盛气凌人,不把她当回事.

31、in an overbearingly domineering manner; as a dictator. ─── 以一种傲慢的、作威作福的态度;像一个独裁者似的。

32、In today's cartoon he portrays a Bush-era Uncle Sam, portly, domineering and suggestive of a senior corporate type, loudly announcing current policy. ─── 他在今天的这幅漫画中画出了布什时代的山姆大叔:挺胖,飞扬跋扈,并且暗指这是一个商界高层管理人员,他正高声宣布当前的政策。

33、The fact is that many marriages were simply based on conveniencewives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands . ─── 事实是婚姻仅仅建立在便利的基础上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。

34、I'm also not so domineering in the boardroom. ─── 我对董事会也不是那么大的支配的想法。

35、What I did know was that Sally's grandfather was a domineering man. ─── 但我十分的是莎莉有个专断的祖父。

36、In today's cartoon he portrays a Bush-era Uncle Sam, portly, domineering and suggestive of a senior corporate type, loudly announcing current policy ─── 他在今天的这幅漫画中画出了布什时代的山姆大叔:挺胖,飞扬跋扈,并且暗指这是一个商界高层管理人员,他正高声宣布当前的政策。

37、She said you were domineering and rude ─── 她说你跋扈横蛮。

38、a domineering manner/personality ─── 专横的作风/性格

39、noisily domineering; tending to browbeat others. ─── 吵闹、跋扈;倾向于吓唬别人。

40、The fact is that many marriages were simply based on conenience and wies are no longer willing to accept the abusie domineering attitudes of husbands . ─── 事实是许多婚姻仅仅建立在便利的基础上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。

41、Of another peer: "Catherine was lively, domineering and always in love. I had not chosen her friendship; it had been imposed upon me. " ─── 对于其他人:“凯瑟琳很活泼,专横跋扈,总是在恋爱,我没选择这段友谊她却强加于我。”

42、If underneath that calm exterior you have the domineering demeanor of a wolf, you're going to hate defeat. ─── 如果在平静的外表之下,你有着狼一样的专横跋扈行为举止,那么你可能会痛恨失败。

43、Mr Holbrooke is respected, though not always liked (some consider him to be domineering). ─── 尽管人们不总是都喜欢他(有人觉得他有些刚愎自用),但是霍尔布鲁克先生是受人尊敬的。

44、He is a domineering sort of fellow. ─── 他是一个飞扬跋扈的人。

45、Charlie's domineering, unapologetically blue-collar housekeeper, Berta (Conchata Ferrell); ─── 一直试图和妻子和好,分居了还老回去干家务,她却宣布自己是女同性恋。

46、If you would like to purchaz thi domin name, pleaz xD click here to make an ofer. ─── 原网站的一切业务与我们没有任何关系。

47、Signs of Tujia and Miao figure for the customs and characteristics of the design, to a distant culture and history; the design and modeling unearthed Wang embodies the majestic demeanor and temperament, that is, content, more domineering. ─── 标志以土家族和苗族的风情和典型人物为特点来设计,点名悠远的文化历史;标志的设计和造型体现出土王的气质和王者风范,即有内涵又具霸气.

48、The psychologists concluded that gays and lesbians are nicer than straight people duringarguments with partners: they are significantly less belligerent, less domineering and less fearful. ─── 心理学家们发现同性恋者在同伴侣争吵的时候要友好的多:他们明显的没有那么好战、跋扈或是可怕。

49、domineering parents ─── 专制的父母

50、submissive children can be cowed by a look of disapproval. To bully is to intimidate through blustering, domineering, or threatening behavior: ─── 唯唯诺诺的孩子会被非难的目光吓倒。而bully是指以恐吓的、盛气凌人的或威胁的举止恫吓:

51、We believe that everyone hopes to live a better life, to own better things and have free thoughts;to be outstanding in some domin. ─── 人们都会相信,就是每个人都会希望自己的生活好一些,都希望自己拥有好的东西,都希望自己的思想洒脱一些,都希望自己在某一领域能够超俗。

52、Each time he portrayed America as a respectful senior partner rather than a domineering chief executive; ─── 他每次都将美国描述成尊重他人的老大哥,而不是刚愎自用的总裁。

53、a sharp-tongued domineering wife. ─── 一个讽牙利齿的作威作福的妻子。

54、to behave in a domineering manner; demand hard work and efficiency from those under one's control ─── 以盛气凌人的方式表现;要求其下属努力并有效地干活

55、The domineering ambition of Hitler's Germany was not satisfied. ─── 希特勒德国的称霸野心没有得逞。

56、"The root of arrogance is an inflated pride which makes a person in the position of leadership act in an excessively determined, overbearing or domineering way. ─── “傲慢的根源在于骄傲的膨胀,从而导致处于领导位置的人行事武断、傲慢或专横。”

57、Justice department often adopt some strategies to ensure public interest of copyright in China, such as removing the knowledge and information in public domin, getting rid of the unlawful works. ─── 摘要我国目前的信息资源版权司法实践中,司法者维护版权公共利益的途径主要有:剔除公共领域的知识和信息,还原著作权权利范围;

58、Red Ding building exudes quaint atmosphere during the day, evening charming sparkling, go to the front could be so domineering amazing! ─── 大红鼎建筑,白天散发著古朴的气息,夜晚迷人耀目,去到跟前竟是如此霸气惊人!

59、imperious; peremptory; domineering; despotic; high-handed; bossy; overbearing ─── 专横

60、4. That domineering manner of yours cuts no ice here with me. ─── 你那种盛气凌人的态度在这里对我不起作用。

61、2. discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; ─── 用威胁或极权的方式来使气馁或害怕;

62、Woman who is domineering, prim or easily shocked ─── 专横、古板或大惊小怪的女子

63、Tending to dictate; domineering. ─── 专政的倾向于下命令的;盛气凌人的

64、Li is introvert while his wife was domineering, and his parents treated him toughly when he was young, which made him want to kill them. ─── 李磊自身性格内向,他的妻子却喜欢争强好胜,而父母从小就对他的管教非常严厉,这使得他想杀了他们。

65、You are much more likely to become domineering, pushy, or inconsiderate of others now, so it is a good time for you to do what you need to do by yourself rather than with others. ─── 你很有可能对他人变得极权、催促,不顾及别人。所以你最好还是自己一个人做想做的事,不要和别人一起。

66、Mr Holbrooke is respected, though not always liked (some consider him to be domineering). ─── 尽管人们不总是都喜欢他(有人觉得他有些刚愎自用),但是霍尔布鲁克先生是受人尊敬的。

67、He said Iran is facing "aggressive interference" by "domineering powers" in the West. ─── 他说伊朗正面临西方“霸权国家”的“粗暴干涉”。

68、His incisive, domineering utterance and imposing style, with his strong aquiline nose and resolute clean-shaven mouth, give him an air of inportance ─── 他说话的口吻决绝、专横,态度盛气凌人,再加上他的鹰钩鼻,刮得光光的绷紧着的嘴,使他大有不可一世的气概。

69、The fact that they fly into a rage at a mere mention of the expression"anti-hegemony"is enough to reveal their true colours as a domineering hegemonists. ─── 他们一听到“反霸”就火冒三丈,这充分暴露了他们那霸权主义的蛮横嘴脸。

70、35. any of various chiefly American small shrubby oaks often a domin form on thin dry soils sometimes forming dense thickets. ─── 主要为美洲的数种小栎树之一,通常具灌木状习性,主要生长在贫瘠干旱的土壤上,有时形成茂密的大片灌丛。

71、Another 10 days, the King of Qi as depicted here we go again, of course, still concerned about his fighting cocks, discipline, said: "no, they look sharp, domineering. ─── 又过了10天,齐王又来了,当然还是关心他的斗鸡,纪先生说:“不成,它们还是目光犀利,盛气凌人。”

72、But the domineering Wotichijin and his descendants rebelled repeatedly in Mengyuan period and were suppressed again and again. ─── 然而盛气凌人的斡惕赤斤及其子孙,在蒙元时期几经叛乱,屡遭镇压。

73、in a domineering and masterful manner. ─── 以作威作福的、傲慢的态度。

74、Lastly, it is possible for the eldest child to develop a domineering personality and for the youngest to be overindulged . ─── 最后,很有可能年长的孩子会发展出凌驾于别人的品格,二年有的会变得很放纵。

75、submissive children can be cowed by a look of disapproval. To Ibully is to intimidate through blustering, domineering, or threatening behavior: ─── 唯唯诺诺的孩子会被非难的目光吓倒。而Ibully是指以恐吓的、盛气凌人的或威胁的举止恫吓:

76、Virtually all arrogant, domineering people spent their childhoods being cruelly devalued. ─── 基本所有傲慢、霸道的人们在童年时期都被遭到极度的贬低。

77、The bureaucrat often acts as a representative of the power and prestige of the entire structure. This often leads to domineering attitude. ─── 官员往往作为整个结构中权力和威望的代表,这往往导致产生支配性的态度。

78、Almost two-thirds of the 240 participants in an online survey said the local workplace tyrant was either never censured or was promoted for domineering ways. ─── 在一项有240人参与的网路调查中,近3分之2表示,他们职场上的暴君之跋扈行径,不是从未受到谴责,就是因此而获得升迁。

79、An overbearing or domineering person. ─── 傲慢的或盛气凌人的人

80、Hegemonies and power politics with the strong domineering over weak ─── 以强凌弱的霸权主义和强权政治

81、Her domineering managerial techniques must have prejudiced the jury against her still more. ─── 一定是她专制的管理风格使得陪审团更加不向着她这一边。

82、The intensity of this person's domineering attitude may shock you. ─── 强度此人的盛气凌人的态度可能会休克。

83、Just at this time his Uncle Seneca, again came back in Philadelphia and stouter and more domineering than ever ─── 正在这个时候赛纳加娘舅恰好又回到费拉德尔斐亚来,更倨傲,盛气凌人。

84、Two schools to share resources, complement each other, is in Shanxi Province a model for schools to domin xiao . ─── 两校资源共享,优势互补,是山西省名校办民校的典范。

85、Some economists would like to see mass privatisation to shift wealth out of the dominant and domineering state sector. ─── 有些经济学家希望政府实施大规模私有化,将财富从占主导地位、高高在上的国有部门中转移出来。

86、discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate ─── 用威胁或极权的方式来使气馁或害怕;胁迫

87、Lastly, it is possible for the eldest child to develop a domineering personality and for the youngest to be overindulged. ─── 最后,很有可能年长的孩子会发展出凌驾于别人的品格,二年有的会变得很放纵。

88、Suggestions of domineering ministers sometimes affect the emperor's decisions. ─── 权臣的提议有时会影响皇帝的决定。

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