surfeited 发音
英:[ˈsɜːfɪtɪd] 美:[ˈsɜrfətɪd]
英: 美:
surfeited 中文意思翻译
surfeited 短语词组
1、surfeited with ─── 过量使用
2、surfeited grooms ─── 暴食的新郎
3、surfeited to death ─── 暴饮 ─── 暴食致死
4、surfeited crossword clue ─── 填字游戏线索过多
5、surfeited pronounce ─── 发音过度
6、surfeited worm ─── 过量蠕虫
7、surfeited def def ─── 过量
8、surfeited crossword ─── 填字游戏过多
9、surfeited define ─── 过度定义
surfeited 词性/词形变化,surfeited变形
动词第三人称单数: surfeits |动词过去式: surfeited |动词过去分词: surfeited |名词: surfeiter |动词现在分词: surfeiting |
surfeited 相似词语短语
1、surfeit ─── n.过度;饮食过度;恶心(由于饮食过度所引起);vt.使饮食过度;使厌腻;使过度沉溺于;vi.饮食过度;过分放纵
2、forfeited ─── v.丧失;被迫放弃;被剥夺(forfeit的过去分词)
3、surfeiter ─── n.过度;饮食过度;恶心(由于饮食过度所引起)(surfeit的变形)
4、surfeits ─── n.过度;饮食过度;恶心(由于饮食过度所引起);vt.使饮食过度;使厌腻;使过度沉溺于;vi.饮食过度;过分放纵
5、surfeiting ─── n.过度;饮食过度;恶心(由于饮食过度所引起);vt.使饮食过度;使厌腻;使过度沉溺于;vi.饮食过度;过分放纵
6、surprinted ─── v.在(已印好的印刷物)上套加印新材料;n.额外加印的新材料
7、forfeiter ─── n.受(财产)没收处分者;丧失者,因犯罪而丧失职位的人
8、surefooted ─── adj.脚踏实地的,稳当的;无差错的
9、subedited ─── v.审阅(稿件),编辑校订
surfeited 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He does nothing now, but he is surfeited in sensual pleasures after his company died. ─── 他的合作伙伴去世后,他整天沉溺于酒色,什么事都不干。
2、24 As Godbey points out, the stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time, but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it. ─── 正如戈德比所指出子中,我们们子中紧张感并非源于时间短缺,而是因为我们们试图在一个个时段中塞入过多子中内容。
3、be surfeited with pleasure ─── 作乐过度
4、A surfeit of rich food is bad for you. ─── 多吃油腻食物对身体有害。
5、That a greater fool than Jane Eyre hand(是不是had?)never breathed the breath of life;that a more fantastic idiot had never surfeited herself on sweet lies, and swallowed poison as if it were nectar. ─── 纵然是个再爱幻想的痴人,不会让自己沉溺在甜腻的谎言中无法自拔,不会将毒药当甘露般饮用。
6、3、children who've had a surfeit of happiness in their childhood emerge like stodgy puddings and fail to make a success of life. ─── 在童年时代拥有太多幸福的儿童很像被塞满的布丁,不能获得生活中的成功。(还好有原句,否则真不知道在说啥。)
7、The world is urgent with bursting life, with the wild exciting beauty of youth, but it is an impetuous beauty of scenes racing impatiently into the florid and surfeited luxury of summer. ─── 世界被爆发式的生活和狂热而又张扬着美丽的青春所推动,但这是一种冲动的美丽,充满着夏日的骄奢淫逸。
8、Objective:To evaluate the relation of accommodation, intragastric pressure and obesity in simple obesity with surfeit. ─── 目的:探讨单纯性肥胖伴暴食症者胃容受性及胃内压与肥胖之间的关系。
9、The book is a concise treatment of this complex field and does not encumber the reader with a surfeit of potentially distracting institutional details. ─── 专业经济学家希望能够培养出更新其知识的题目也会发现很多与这本书的价值。
10、surfeited with Italian cities for the present, and much prefer to walk the familiar quarter-deck and view this one from a distance. ─── 目前对意大利城市可玩腻了,大家情愿在走惯的后甲板上溜达,远远眺望这座城市。
11、Although the weeklies provide a surfeit of material each week, much of it is unusable to us. ─── 虽然周刊每星期都会提供一个引人入胜的材料,但大部分都是不适合我们使用的。
12、We are surfeited with Italian cities for the present, and much prefer to walk the familiar quarter-deck and view this one from a distance. ─── 目前对意大利城市可玩腻了,大家情愿在走惯的后甲板上溜达,远远眺望这座城市。
13、and makes them surfeit more when they come to plenty. ─── 所罗 门曾告诫人们:“智慧之子使父亲快乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞。”
14、a surfeit of commercials ─── 商业广告的泛滥
15、We must deal with pleasure as we do with honey,only touch them with the tip of the finger. and not with the whole hand for fear of surfeit. ─── 我们应该象吃蜂蜜那样对待享受,只用指尖蘸点儿,而不能用整只手去抓,以免吃得太多.
16、There has been a surfeit of play about divorce on the television recently. ─── 最近有关离婚的电视剧过多。
17、After that the increment of comfort grows less inproportion to the increment of income until a point is reached atwhich the victim is satiated and even surfeited with everythingthat money can procure. ─── 超过此数者,舒服程度的增长与岁入的增长的比例就越来越小,最后达到一点,他成了财富的牺牲品,对于凡金钱所能买到的任何东西他都感到厌腻,甚至恶心。
18、We are surfeited with Italian cities for the present, and much prefer to walk the familiar quarter-deck and view this one from a distance. ─── 目前对意大利城市可玩腻了,大家情愿在走惯的后甲板上溜达,远远眺望这座城市。
19、the jail surfeited with too many prisoners ─── 人满为患的监狱
20、Rich to the point of surfeit, the language and sentence structure of World's End themselves add to the hallucinatory state of its central character and of the region in which he lives. ─── 富人的出发点引人入胜,语言和句子结构的世界的结束自己添加到幻觉状态,其中央的性质和该地区在他的生命。
21、Passive smoking can cause agnail eyes, headache, cough,sore throat, be light in the head , surfeit etc. ─── 被动吸烟可导致诸如眼睛发炎、头痛、咳嗽、喉咙痛、头晕和恶心等症状。
22、There have been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the television recently ─── 最近有关离婚的电视剧过多
23、" He was a large and corpulent individual, surfeited with good clothes and good eating, who judged women as another would horseflesh. ─── 他是个高大而肥胖的人,穿得好,吃得好,鉴别女人就像别人鉴别马匹一样。
24、The long-touted scarcity of radio spectrum in the future may be replaced by a surfeit of available frequencies. ─── 困扰大众已久的无线电频谱不足问题,未来将变成可用频率太多。
25、While it's true that the city is not overly endowed with essential sights,there is a surfeit of peaceful parks and a couple of worldclass museums. ─── 在看腻了林立的高楼和商场后,其实广州还是有其他的味道。
26、to be surfeited with pleasure-seeking ─── 沉溺于享乐
27、"It is when the feet weary and hope seems vain that the heartaches and the longings arise. Know, then, that for you is neither surfeit nor content. " ─── 只有等到走酸了双脚,仿佛没有了希望,才会产生心痛和焦虑。那么要知道,你既不会嫌多,也不会知足的。
28、To cause distaste or disgust by supplying with too much of something originally pleasant, especially something rich or sweet; surfeit. ─── 使生厌,倒胃口通过提供过量的原本喜欢的东西导致不喜欢、厌恶,尤指油腻或香甜的食物;过量过度
29、2. very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world. ─── 特别是因为饮食过度而对享乐非常老练的;精通世故的。
30、To determine potassium in inorganic sample tetrapheny lboron sodium of surfeit wasreturn-titrated by cation activator cetyltrimethylammonium bromide with methyl orange as indica-tor. ─── 本文提出了以甲基橙为指示剂,用阳离子活性剂十六烷基三甲基溴化铵返滴定过量的四苯硼化钠测定钾。
31、supply or feed to surfeit. ─── 提供食物以致饮食过度。
32、To cause to feel surfeited. ─── 因过食而发腻
33、They had cloyed him with obedience, and surfeited him with sweet respect and submission. ─── 她们在他面前百依百顺,甜言蜜语,卑躬屈膝。
34、The low building price is advantageous to a rich man surfeit to occupy housing first, sparse lack the low price of resources to result in the waste use with low effect more easily. ─── 低房价首先有利于富人过量占有住房,稀缺资源的低价更容易造成浪费和低效使用。
35、to cause distaste or disgust by supplying with too much of something originally pleasant,especially something rich or sweet; surfeit ─── 使生厌,倒胃口,通过提供过量的原本喜欢的东西导致不喜欢、厌恶,尤指油腻或香甜的食物;过量过度
36、That a greater fool than Jane Eyre had never breathed the breath of life;that a more fantastic idiot had never surfeited herself on sweet lies, and swallowed poison as if it were nectar. ─── 没有比简爱更傻的人了,从未感受过生命的气息,也找不到比简爱更喜欢做白日梦的人了,把自己沉溺在甜蜜的谎言当中,把毒药当成琼浆玉液。
37、For the most part, people in developed countries live in a state of surfeit, not of want. ─── 发达国家绝大多数的人过着过度富足、不是贫困的生活。
38、We must deal with pleasure as we do with honey, only touch them with the tip of the finger, and not with the whole hand for fear of surfeit. ─── 对待享乐的态度应该像品尝蜂蜜一样,只可用指尖蘸取少许,如果用整个手掌,就会过度。
39、He's still sleeping; he was surfeited with too much wine last night. ─── 他昨晚上酒喝得太多了,到现在还在睡觉。
40、If donations exceed the amount required for uniforms, the surfeit will be used in other projects on Education subvention and Helping poor. ─── 如所筹得的善款多于购买校服需要的款项,剩馀的善款将转拨至其他助学扶贫项目。
41、The singer's extraordinary re*** tion ensured a surfeit of eager parti*** nts. ─── 歌手的杰出的声誉确保了她们踊跃的参与。
42、surfeit oneself with fruit ─── 吃水果过多
43、joy surfeited turns to sorrow ─── 乐极生悲。
44、Independent surfeit by an auto rhizoid inspector can be arranged at buyer's account. ─── 由授权的检验员独立检测;费用由买方承担。
45、Method: Fourty simple obesity with surfeit subjects and 35 non-obese healthy subjects were enrolled in the study. ─── 方法:40例单纯性肥胖暴食症者为试验组,35例健康正常体重者为对照组。
46、greasy and surfeit flavour ─── 膏(高)粱厚味
47、Henry I of England dies of food poisoning from a surfeit of lampreys at St. ─── 年,英国亨利一世国王在诺曼底的圣·丹尼斯朗甫门特因过量食用八目鳗鱼死于食物中毒。
48、a surfeit of compliments ─── 过多的恭维话
49、Fan Suti deficiency of yang, or surfeit is cold cool raw or cold food; ─── 凡素体阳虚,或过食寒凉生冷;
50、To provide with something in great abundance; surfeit ─── 大量地提供某物;过分沉溺
51、If you will be persuaded by us, you will give us the sheep, and we will enjoy them incommon, till we all are surfeited. ─── 如果你听从我们的劝告把羊感到我们那边去,我们就可以大快朵颐了,直至吃得心满意足为止。
52、As Godbey points out,the stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time,but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it. ─── 正如歌德比所指出的,我们的紧张感并非源于时间短缺,而是因为我们试图在一个个时间内塞入过多的内容。
53、and makes them surfeit more when they come to plenty.And therefore the proof is best, when men keep their authority towards the children, but not heir purse. ─── 否则会使他们变得卑贱,甚至投机取巧,以至堕入下流,即使后来有了财富时也不会正当利用。
54、To the door of this, the twelfth house whose bell he had rung, came a housekeeper who made him think of an unwholesome, surfeited worm that had eaten its nut to a hallow shell and now sought to fill the vacancy with edible lodgers. ─── 到这幢门口他已经按过十二幢房子的门铃了。一个收租婆出来应门,他一看见她就联想起一个可厌的贪婪的蠹虫,把胡桃蛀了,只剩下个空壳,现在打算找些有油水的房客来填空儿。
55、Japanese companies had such a surfeit of unused capital because of poor corporate governance and fiscal management. ─── 日本公司能够购得如此多资产的原因,就在于那些公司本身的内部和财务管理失败。
56、cause surfeit through excess,of something that was initially pleasing ─── 过度使用最初喜欢的食物而造成
57、It's no good for your health to surfeit yourself. ─── 暴饮暴食有碍你的健康。
58、To cause distaste or disgust by supplying with too much of something originally pleasant,especially something rich or sweet;surfeit. ─── 使生厌,倒胃口通过提供过量的原本喜欢的东西导致不喜欢、厌恶,尤指油腻或香甜的食物;过量过度
59、Japan has had a current-account surplus in every year since 1981, because of a surfeit of domestic saving over investment. ─── 自1981年开始,日本每年都有盈余的活期存款额,这主要是由于对外投资而累计下来的过量国内存款。
60、die of a surfeit ─── 暴饮暴食而死
61、Whether it be the wormwood of woe, or the cloying surfeit of earthly delight, close fellowship with the Lord Jesus will take bitterness from the one, and satiety from the other. ─── 不论是忧伤的苦难或属世的纵欲,与主耶稣亲密相交可以除去苦涩和重压。
62、surfeit oneself with meat ─── 吃过多的肉
63、The illiberality of parents, in allowance towards their children, is an harmful error; makes them base; acquaints them with shifts; makes them sort with mean company; and makes them surfeit more when they come to plenty. ─── 在子女小时不应对他们过于苛吝。否则会使他们变得卑贱,甚至投机取巧,以至堕入下流,即使后来有了财富时也不会正当利用。
64、They were surfeited with entertainment. ─── 他们过分沉溺于玩乐了。
65、The glutton for two night no sleep can get: the first from surfeit, the second from regret. ─── 一次暴食,两一难眠;一夜不适,一夜悔恨。
66、surfeit oneself with sweets ─── 吃甜食过多
67、* There has been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the television recently. ─── 最近有关离婚的电视剧过多.
68、As Godbey points out, the stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time, but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it. ─── 正如戈德比所指出的,我们的紧张感并非源于时间短缺,而是因为我们试图在一个个时段中塞入过多的内容。
69、Joy surfeited turns to sorrow. ─── [谚]乐极生悲。
70、Save and treatment of surfeit in sheep ─── 绵羊过食的救治
71、We must deal with pleasure as we do with honey, only touch them with the tip of the finger. And not with the whole hand for fear of surfeit. ─── 我们应该像吃蜂蜜那样对待享受,只用指尖蘸点儿,而不能用整只手去抓,以免吃得太多。
72、He's still sleeping; he was surfeited with too much wine last night. ─── 他昨晚上酒喝得太多了,到现在还在睡觉。
73、and makes them surfeit more, when they come to plenty: and therefore, the proof is best, when men keep their authority towards their children, but not their purse. ─── 使他们到了富饶的时候容易贪欲无度。因此为父母者若对他们底子嗣在管理上严密,而在钱包上宽松,则其结果是最好的。
74、I could continue them till the reader was surfeited, if desirable. ─── 如果还想听,我可以继续引用下去,直到使读者恶心。
75、There has been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the TV recently ─── 最近有关离婚的电视剧太多了。
76、He was a large and corpulent individual, surfeited with good clothes and good eating, who judged women as another would horseflesh. ─── 他是个高大而肥胖的人,穿得好,吃得好,鉴别女人就像别人鉴别马匹一样。
77、Break bag alarmingly frequent buyer complaint of incomplete packing for containerized delivery surfeit report soon. ─── 破袋情况非常严重,买主抱怨,集装箱货物包装不良,速电告检查结果。
78、Despite the surfeit of soot, the average Chinese citizen accounts for a mere fraction of the greenhouse emissions of the average American. ─── 尽管空气中有大量的烟尘,但是中国人的平均排放量仅仅是美国人的一小部分。
79、They had cloyed him with obedience, and surfeited him with sweet respect and submission. ─── 她们在他面前百依百顺,甜言蜜语,卑躬屈膝。
80、surfeit with ─── v. 使沉溺于
81、"We must deal with pleasure as we do with honey, only touch them with the tip of the finger. and not with the whole hand for fear of surfeit." ─── "我们应该像吃蜂蜜那样对待享受,只用指尖蘸点儿,而不能用整只手去抓,以免吃得太多"
82、The world is urgent with bursting life, with the wild exciting beauty of youth, but it is an impetuous beauty of scenes racing impatiently in to the florid and surfeited luxury of summer. ─── 蓬勃的生命和狂热激奋的青春美丽催动着春天万物,良辰美景来去匆匆,转眼又是俗艳奢华的夏天了。
83、The country has a surfeit of cheap labour. ─── 该国廉价劳动力过剩。
84、The oil that many domestic habits taste scamper surfeit is deposited rise, use repeatedly, this kind of way is more evil to the body. ─── 不少家庭习惯把炸过食品的油存放起来,反复使用,这种做法对身体更是有害的。
85、Use mousse forbid surfeit, if therefore cause damage to the company metope, smashed glass accident, it must pay. ─── 使用摩丝的不许过量,如果因此导致损坏公司墙面、撞碎玻璃等事故,必须照价赔偿。
86、I surfeited myself with chocolate. ─── 我巧克力吃多了
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