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09-13 投稿


dwindling 发音

英:[ˈdwɪndlɪŋ]  美:[ˈdwɪndlɪŋ]

英:  美:

dwindling 中文意思翻译





dwindling 词性/词形变化,dwindling变形

动词过去分词: dwindled |动词第三人称单数: dwindles |动词过去式: dwindled |动词现在分词: dwindling |

dwindling 短语词组

1、dwindling investment ─── 不断减少的投资

2、dwindling definition ─── 不断缩小的定义

3、dwindling minority ─── 日益减少的少数民族

4、dwindling faith ─── 日渐衰弱的信仰

5、dwindling resources ─── 不断减少的资源

6、dwindling supplies ─── 供应减少

7、dwindling define ─── 缩小定义

8、dwindling away ─── [网络] 越来越远

9、dwindling meaning ─── 逐渐减少的意义

10、dwindling means ─── 减少的手段

11、dwindling syn ─── 缩小syn

12、dwindling clue ─── 逐渐减少的线索

13、dwindling mercurial high ─── 不断缩小的水银高压

dwindling 相似词语短语

1、dwining ─── 正在减少

2、dindling ─── n.震颤;震动;vi.震颤;震动;vt.使震颤;使震动

3、Pindling ─── adj.极小的;羸弱的;脾气坏的

4、diddling ─── vt.骗取;欺骗;浪费;vi.快速摇动;闲混;瞎摆弄

5、daidling ─── 戏弄

6、kindling ─── n.点火;引火物;兴奋

7、swindling ─── n.欺骗;v.诈骗(swindle的ing形式)

8、windling ─── n.温德尔(姓氏)

9、dandling ─── v.摇逗(放在膝上的孩子);上下轻摇;宠溺,纵容

dwindling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Germany was running out of manpower, and the number of Western Europeans volunteering to serve in the Waffen-SS was also dwindling. ─── 德国缺乏人力资源,西欧的武装党卫队志愿者变得越来越少。

2、Everyday of its existence is containing and implying an internal competition of a country. This rivalry is the last wrest of the dwindling war of civilization in the orient. ─── 它存在的每一天,无不包藏着、暗示着一个国家内心里的苦苦较力。这种对抗成为已日渐冷落的文明之战在东方的最后扭葛。

3、The prospect of dwindling returns makes buy-out firms reluctant to club together to buy the big companies they covet; ─── 在两家私募基金公司撤回报价后,潜在的买家减少,在不能全额收购的情况下只好不情愿的抱团买他们垂涎的大公司。

4、Week after week, with unfaltering and steadfast spirit, Elijah watched that dwindling brook; ─── 一星期一星期地过去,以利亚带著坚忍不挠的精神,守著那日渐乾涸的溪水;

5、A maiko, or geisha-in-training, strolls through the streets of Kyoto. She is a member of a famed, but dwindling sorority of entertainers. ─── 一个舞女,或是一个艺妓,在京都的大街上漫步。她是一个有名但而日益衰落的剧团的演员。

6、Mee questions whether it is fair to reintroduce a jaguar because of the dwindling rainforest and the impact on the people who live and farm there. ─── 梅伊队质疑重新引进美洲虎是否公平,因为热带雨林正在减少,而且会影响到那些生活和耕作在那里的人们。

7、Locals worry about the precious, dwindling cowboy culture. ─── ]当地人对宝贵的牛仔文化日渐萎缩感到担忧。

8、In some parts of the world, populations of big trees are dwindling because their seedlings cannot survive or grow. ─── 在世界上的一些地方,大树的数量正在减少,因为它们的幼苗无法存活或生长。

9、They are also adapting to an environment of more regulation, less risk, and dwindling profits. ─── 他们也在适应一个更多的规定,更少的风险,利润也减少的环境。

10、They discussed the effect of dwindling wetlands on ducks and geese. ─── 他们讨论过沼泽地带缩小封鸭和鹅的影响。

11、Unfortunately, even the news from the mass media is dwindling whereas the current situation in Burma should draw our outmost support and attention. ─── 不幸的是,即使媒体的新闻越来越少,鉴于缅甸当前的境遇,也应该引起我们最广泛的支持和重视。

12、That has left little spare production capacity and,in Americaat least, dwindling stocks. ─── 一方面生产的空间有限,另一方面,至少在美国,石油储备一直在下降。

13、By the time the humans managing the energy of Earth awakened to the fact that something was not right, they were unable to see how to rectify the dwindling light. ─── 到了一定的时候,管理地球能量的人类终于觉醒到这个事实,那就是有事情出了差错,但他们无法弄明白怎样来纠正越来越昏暗的光线。

14、Expo 2008, themed on the world's dwindling water resources, opened in the Spanish city of Zaragoza on June 14, days after the riverside site narrowly escaped flooding. ─── 20086月14日,展会在西班牙城市萨拉戈萨召开,主题是世界日益减少的水资源,几天前河岸地区刚逃过洪水的侵袭。

15、Forces of the Wyrm and the Weaver are gathering for the next assault to extinguish the dwindling tribe and defile the last of the Pure Lands. ─── 妖蛆和秩者的力量开始聚集,他们想毁灭正在衰亡的部族,污染最后一片纯洁的土地。

16、But the half-life of market domination seems to be dwindling. ─── 但是似乎这些公司的垄断半衰期一直在缩短。

17、But since the number of Republicans is dwindling, that still leaves Mr Obama with a healthy level of support. ─── 但是因为共和党人数正在缩小,所以奥巴马的支持率仍然保持较高水平。

18、Intravenous administration of sodium dimercaptosuccinate 0.25 g/kg conferred no marked action, but a dose twice the amount brought about cardiac arrhythmia together with a dwindling CBF and an augmenting CVR. ─── (三)?脉注射二巯基丁二酸?0.25克/千克时,未??对CBF和CVR的明显作用。 而剂量加倍时?t引起心律紊乱、CBF减慢和CVR加大。

19、Those experts say that the most effective efforts include structural specialists, who suggest places where pockets deeper in the rubble could be harboring the dwindling number of survivors. ─── 专家说最有效的救援方式包括由建筑专家参与救援。

20、Are fish stocks dwindling? ─── 鱼类在减少吗?

21、And so, just when we think that resources are dwindling, ─── 当我们以为某种资源日益减少的时候

22、Brimming with charcoal from southern Somalia's dwindling forests, a truck rolls toward a port in Mogadishu. ─── 一辆卡车满载着来自索马里南部逐渐减少的森林的木炭驶向摩加迪沙的港口。

23、For example, yard managers can receive advanced warning of dwindling capacity by charting yard utilization over time. ─── 例如,货场经理可以制作随时间变化的货场利用率图表,从而得到关于容量减少的预警。

24、Thus the debasement of the currencies will continue making Gold more and more attractive as a hedge against the dwindling purchasing power and the loss of faith and confidence in paper currencies. ─── 因此,堕落的货币将继续使越来越多的黄金的吸引力作为规避购买力的减少和丧失了信心和信任的纸货币。

25、And the Wall Street Journal said, the company is taking the advantage of Google's dwindling business in China to enlarge its shares. ─── 美国《华尔街日报》称,百度正利用谷歌在华业务的萎缩趁机做大。

26、Perhaps nothing better captures the blessedly dwindling appeal of Quebec sovereignty than this week's grim loyalists' manifesto. ─── 也许,没有任何东西比本周由魁北克最坚定的魁独分子所发出的声明更能说明问题的了-那就是魁独运动在魁北克越来越没有市场了。

27、But with dwindling goodwill from his good fellows and a huge price on his head, his days are numbered and he knows it. ─── 他明白:与同伙间日益恶化的关系以及大额的买命赏金,使他时日无多。

28、Dwindling and wasted crops, soaring prices, unsustainable farming practices are just some of the factors which combine to put vulnerable people at life-threatening risks. ─── 产量减少及浪费的农作物、物价高涨、不永续的耕作方式..许多因素结合起来造成饥饿的人处在威胁生命的危险中。

29、If you're lucky, you might witness the incredible spectacle of a mass wildebeest migration or catch a glimpse of the plains' dwindling elephant and rhino populations, which have sadly been decimated by poachers. ─── 幸运的话,你还能目睹野生动物大批迁徒的壮观景象,欣赏原野上由于被偷猎者大量捕杀而日渐减少的大象群、牛群。

30、And from a practical point of view, this destruction of habitat contributes to the dwindling of fish stocks worldwide. ─── 并且从实际的角度来说,这种对栖息环境的破坏促使了世界鱼类储量的缩小。

31、The spiny echinoderms, a potential peril to swimmers stepping on rocks, feast on kelp, which is dwindling along California's coastline. ─── 做为一种多刺的棘皮类动物,海胆对于那些把脚放在暗礁上的海滨游泳者构成了潜在的威胁,这种动物通常以大型海藻为食物,因此海藻在加州沿海地区正呈出日渐减少的趋势。

32、"The chances of her giving Birth to a second live cub are dwindling,"said Pat Morris, the zoo's director of veterinary services, at least 24 hours after the initial delivery." ─── 在第一胎出生至少24小时后,动物园兽医主任帕特·莫里斯说:“第二胎存活的几率在不断降低。”

33、Switzerland has already been fretting over dwindling supplies of its beloved 'cervelat' sausage following a European Union ban on the Brazilian cows' intestines traditionally used to encase the meat. ─── 在欧盟禁止传统上用来作为肠衣的巴西奶牛肠料之后,在瑞士,心爱的‘熏腊肠’的供应已经越来越少。

34、That has left little spare production capacity and, in America at least, dwindling stocks. ─── 产能已经没有余量了,并且,至少在美国,库存也在下降。

35、With two children in college, neither having been able to maintain their scholarships, not only was John and Alice's retirement dwindling but also their ability to make ends meet. ─── 两个孩子上大学,一个都没保住奖学金,俩人离退休越来越近了不说,俩人维持生计的能力也越来越差了。

36、The farmers who work the paddies are graying and dwindling in number. ─── 在田地中劳作的农民越来越少。

37、She steps down with her political future cloud edby ethics probes, mounting legal bills and dwindling popularity. ─── 一名乘务员报告说在星期天早上飞机降落后闻到了电气气味。

38、I do not like the dwindling of the rainbow skies bleak smile, I like the moonlight as water, flowing like the clear impression, and sparkling. ─── 我不喜欢虚浮的天空暗淡彩虹的微笑,我喜欢如水的月光,流水一样清清亮亮,晶莹剔透。

39、In an effort to save its dwindling cash, General Motors has said that it is accelerating its plan to close or sell off Saturn by the end of this year. ─── 为了挽救其不断减少的现金,通用汽车公司说,它正在加速其计划关闭或出售土星的今年年底。

40、gest carmaker, plans to shore up dwindling cash reserves by offering almost all its plants and other automotive assets in the US as security for an $18bn loan package. ─── 全球第三大汽车制造商福特汽车公司,计划将其在美国的几乎所有工厂及其他汽车相关资产作为抵押,申请180亿美元的融资贷款,以充实其不断减少的现金储备。

41、However, some scientists argue that other animals, such as foxes, are much more to blame for dwindling numbers of native species. ─── 但是,一些科学家提出异议说,当地物种减少应更多地归咎于其它动物如狐狸。

42、The number of wild animals on the earth is dwindling. ─── 地球上野生动物的数量正日渐减少。

43、People can survive under rubble for up to seven days, but dwindling air supply, injuries and dehydration take their toll on those clinging to life. ─── 人们在废墟掩埋下最多能存活天,但是,空气不足,受伤和脱水会加速死亡。

44、So fiscal positions are deteriorating and current account surpluses and deficits are dwindling everywhere, as the private sectors of deficit countries cut back their spending dramatically. ─── 因此,随着赤字国家私人部门大幅削减自己的支出,各国的财政状况都在恶化,经常账户盈余和赤字都在缩小。

45、Most of the dwindling takings are used to pay off winning bets. ─── 大部分减少的收入都被用于支付赛马投中的奖金。

46、In science and technology lies the answer to the problems of dwindling resources. ─── 在科学和技术中蕴藏着解决日益减少的资源问题的答案。

47、But old friends are dwindling away year by year. They are originally few in number, so the disappearance of any of them is an irreparable loss to me. ─── 可是这些旧友一年比一年减少了,本来只是屈指可数的几个,少去一个是无法弥补的。

48、Palm oil is just about 5 percent off a historic high of 2,764 ringgit reached in early June on robust demand from top importers China and India and dwindling supplies at home. ─── 与六月初由于中国和印度强大的进口需求和国内的库存下降而形成的历史价格高位2,764相比,目前的棕榈油价格下降约5%。

49、The population is dwindling. ─── 人囗在逐渐减少。

50、His own identity was fading out into a grey impalpable world: the solid world itself, which these dead had one time reared and lived in, was dissolving and dwindling. ─── 他自身正消融进了一个难以捉摸的灰色世界:而这边实实在在的世界却正在消解、消失,这些死者曾经一度生长居住其中。

51、So even the best investors make mistakes, and Buffett later noted that purchasing Dexter was clearly a mistake on his part, due to its dwindling competitive advantages. ─── 因此,即使是最好的投资者也会出错,巴菲特后来指出,由于其不断萎缩的竞争优势,购买德克斯特显然是他的一个错误。

52、Look alive, small biotech.Pfizer is looking to the little guys to save its skin as it faces dwindling profits and competition from generics in the coming years. ─── 当辉瑞面对逐渐缩小的利润和日益剧烈的竞争的时候,它正在寻找那些小的生物技术公司来摆脱恶劣的局面。

53、"Meanwhile, students holding out on the square knew that their numbers were dwindling and that their protest was turning into a minor sidelight to a power struggle. ─── 大国论和强国主义再次吸引了一些中国知识分子,而这些知识分子当中就有特别反感文革反思和文革批判的。

54、It was intended to swallow every vestige of dwindling attractiveness out of her. ─── 它的目的就是从她那里吸干她正在萎缩的残存的吸引力。

55、We acknowledge this when we honor the label" handmade" and pay extra for the jewelry, sweaters, and handbags turned out by the dwindling breeds of modern-day craftspeople. ─── 当我们开始崇尚“手工制作”这一标志的时候,当我们为那些日益减少的现代时期的手工者制作的珠宝,毛衣和手袋而支付额外的买金的时候,我们就开始认可那个观点了。

56、She found the number of species is dwindling and some species are dwarfing due to selection pressure because only the smallest flowers remain unpicked. ─── 她发现那些种类在缩小和矮化病其原因在选择的压力因为只有很小的花保留未摘。

57、Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. ─── 因为水资源的浪费和土壤被侵蚀,土地资源逐渐缩小。

58、Prisons and jails took some of the biggest cuts this summer when legislators cut their state budgets, trying to slash their way out of an economic morass exacerbated by dwindling tax revenues. ─── 今年夏天,为了摆脱因税收缩水而更趋恶化的经济困境,州议员大砍州政府预算,有些监狱和拘留所的经费也大幅删减。

59、The development comes as the top U.N. humanitarian official is in the country pressing for greater and immediate access to the dwindling combat zone. ─── 在此同时,在斯里兰卡的联合国高级**官员敦促斯里兰卡政府让它们能立即并在更大的范围内进入日益缩小的战区。

60、The 2008 financial crisis that engulfed the world, it has been met with varying degrees of impact business card printing and membership card making business once dwindling. ─── 2008年金融危机席卷全球,各行各业都受到了不同程度的影响,制卡和会员卡制作行业一度陷入低迷。

61、EXPECTATIONS for the Copenhagen climate conference, held next month in Denmark, have been steadily dwindling. ─── 对即将在下个月丹麦举行的哥本哈根气候变化峰会的预期正逐步下降。

62、The number of nuclear families is dwindling in US just like many other western countries, according to a report issued the day before yesterday. ─── 前天发表的一份报告表明,和许多其他西方国家一样,美国的核心家庭正在逐渐减少。

63、During the commodities boom, exports of farm equipment and construction machinery from companies such as Caterpillar and John Deere helped boost the state's economy.That support is now dwindling. ─── 在商品需求景气期内,像卡特彼勒和约翰迪尔这些公司的农用设备和建筑机械出口还可以帮助拉动经济,而现在这种支撑正在萎缩。

64、One could see in the roll of his eyes just how he had glanced covertly over the dwindling pile of chips at his step-father's party ─── 人们从他的乱转的眼珠里能看出他怎样贪梦地盯着他继父那逐渐减少的筹码。

65、If you are lucky, you might witness the incredible spectacle of a mass wildebeest migration or catch a glimpse of the plains' dwindling elephant and rhino populations, which have sadly been decimated by poachers. ─── 幸运的话,你还能目睹野生动物大批迁徒的壮观景象,欣赏原野上由于被偷猎者大量捕杀而日渐减少的大象群、犀牛群。

66、5. In many regions, greater aridity, shifting rainfall patterns and dwindling runoff from snow and ice in mountains may badly deplete rivers, lakes and aquifers. ─── 在很多地方,随著乾旱的恶化、雨周期的改变、及高山溶雪的减少,河川、泊、及含水土层的蓄水量可能会因此减少。

67、They mean little to the unemployed, whose bank savings are fast dwindling. ─── 对失去工作的人来说,银行存款快完了,这些意义不大。

68、Advertising Age reports that Fiat is seriously studying which lines and brands to keep - and Chrysler division, with its dwindling sales and weak offerings, could be on the chopping block. ─── 广告时代报告说,菲亚特是认真学习的线路和品牌保持-克莱斯勒司,其减少销售和薄弱产品,可以在砧板。

69、there is no greater sadness that the dwindling away of a family. ─── 人口的减少是由疾病引起的。

70、Follow the dwindling sphere with the mouse. Straying off makes you lose ... ─── 卡卡洛普聊天大厅*请输入暱称(英文)进入聊天吧!

71、They think food and energy prices can only rise for so long in a weak economy before dwindling demand for stuff cuts off the rise in prices. ─── 他们认为,在物品需求削减从而抑制物价上涨前,食品和能源的价格将在经济疲软的美国继续上升。

72、Officials blame bad weather, and pollution for the dwindling numbers of sturgeon - the fish whose eggs produce one of the world's priciest gourmet treats. ─── 俄国官员们抱怨说恶劣的天气、污染是鲟鱼数量减少的原因--它的卵是世界上最昂贵的美味之一。

73、Support for a compromise, or at least for the fudge embodied by the continuing resolutions, is dwindling. ─── 对妥协,至少是继续决议体现的敷衍方法的支持正在减少。

74、The number of people who live on the island is dwindling. ─── 岛上的居民人数正在减少。

75、As the international financial crisis is still unfolding, resources for international development cooperation are dwindling. ─── 国际金融危机仍在持续,国际发展合作资源也因此在减少。

76、During the many mop-up operations that cut into the Empire's dwindling territories, Ackbar spearheaded numerous missions into Imperial space. ─── 在许多突入帝国残存领土的清剿行动中,阿克巴都身先士卒,多次进入帝国空间执行任务。

77、In fact Palestinian political and militant groups are so fragmented, thanks in no small part to Israel's attempts to break them, that the chance of any of them imposing their will on the others is slight and dwindling. ─── 但事实上巴勒斯坦的政治力量和武装派别星罗棋布,由于以色列并不打算消灭他们,其中任何一个组织将自己的意志强加于别的组织之上的可能性都微乎其微。

78、However with waters from the glacier dwindling, degenerating capacity for hydroelectricity that follows will impact industrial production and irrigation capacity, the latter of which in turn will result in agricultural reduction of output. ─── 但是,随着冰山水流的不断减少,水利发电的能量潜力也将减少,工业生产将受到影响,同时灌溉能力的降低也将造成农业减产。

79、When consumer trust in the economy is dwindling, consumers will buy goods that have less impact on their available funds. ─── 当人们意识到经济在下滑的时候,他们会购买一些对其现有资金影响不大的商品。

80、Gbagbo's popular support may be dwindling as he cracks down on the population in his bid to cling to power. ─── 巴博总统的民众支持可能会减少,因为他对人民的镇压,他为了攫取权力。

81、Right in principleYet Marxist thinking retains great influence far beyond the dwindling number who proclaim themselves to be Marxists. ─── 亲爱的朋友,一个民族不能没有精神,也不能没有信仰。

82、Church attendance amongst Britain's youth may be dwindling but young Christians are turning to the Internet in droves to find love ─── 在英国,进教堂做礼拜的年轻人越来越少了,年轻的基督徒们正在通过网络寻找自己生命中的另一半。

83、Hunting aside, the number of frogs already were dwindling in Montserrat because of the active volcano. ─── 将捕猎放在一旁不谈,由于活火山,在蒙特塞拉特这种青蛙的数目已经不断减少。

84、To cope, Germany will have to make the most of its dwindling workforce. ─── 劳动力规模的缩减将削弱发展潜力,堵塞还债通道。

85、Over 100,000 people in Kerala are engaged in apiculture and the dwindling worker bee population poses a threat to their livelihood. ─── 喀拉拉省养蜂人口超过10万,工蜂数量减少已威胁他们生计。

86、Hopefully, this study will help society find the best way to help the dwindling wobbegong back from the brink of extinction. ─── 很期待,这个研究将会帮助这个社会,找到最好的方式,帮助正在减量的斑纹须鲨,从灭绝的边缘挽回。

87、Discovered by outsiders in 1979, the crested iguana’s numbers are rapidly dwindling due to the brisk spread of introduced species, such as feral cats and black rats. ─── 冠鬣蜥自1979年被来自岛外的人们发现以来,由于随之引入的例如野猫和黑鼠等外来物种的迅速蔓延,他们的数量正在急剧缩减。

88、The situation is a far cry from the good old days. With student enrolment dwindling, the Japanese-language schools are struggling to survive. ─── 今非昔比,日语学校惨淡经营,学日语的学生人数每况愈下。

89、Being led to believe that old age is a nothing but a burden to others does not make the "dwindling" period any easier. ─── 即便你去相信,人老后只是他人的累赘,“老化”的阶段也不会变得容易。

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