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drake 发音

英:[dreɪk]  美:[dreɪk]

英:  美:

drake 中文意思翻译




drake 网络释义

n. 公鸭;蜉蝣类(等于drake fly)n. (Drake)人名;(德、芬、葡)德拉克;(英)德雷克

drake 反义词


drake 短语词组

1、lil drake ─── 小德雷克

2、eminem drake ─── 埃米纳姆·德雷克

3、forever drake ─── 永远的德雷克

4、wood drake ─── [网络] 木柴

5、Drake Passage ─── 德雷克海峡

6、Drake Union ─── 德雷克联盟

7、Drake equation ─── 德雷克公式

8、fire drake n. ─── 火龙

9、hand drake lever arm ─── [机] 手闸杆, 手煞车杆

10、Francis Drake n. ─── 法兰西斯·德瑞克

11、one dance drake ─── 一只舞龙

12、bobby drake ─── 鲍比·德雷克

13、jessica drake n. ─── 杰西卡·德里克

14、apple drake ─── 苹果龙舌兰

15、diplomatic immunity drake ─── 外交豁免权德雷克

16、Sir Francis Drake ─── [网络] 德雷克;德雷克爵士;德瑞克爵士

17、dough boy drake ─── 面团男孩德雷克

18、Drake's Raids in the Caribbean ─── 德雷克在加勒比海的突袭

19、feeling drake

drake 常用词组

drake passage ─── 德雷克海峡

drake 词性/词形变化,drake变形


drake 同义词


drake 相似词语短语

1、drakes ─── n.(古语)龙(drake的复数);[禽]公鸭

2、droke ─── 灌木丛

3、-drake ─── n.公鸭;蜉蝣类(等于drakefly);n.(Drake)人名;(德、芬、葡)德拉克;(英)德雷克

4、drape ─── vt.用布帘覆盖;使呈褶裥状;vi.成褶皱状垂下;n.窗帘;褶裥;手术洞巾;n.(Drape)(德、瑞典)德拉佩(人名)

5、drave ─── 捕鲱季节

6、rake ─── n.耙子,靶状物;浪子;倾斜度(尤指剧院舞台);(切割工具的)前刀面;客车车厢;v.用耙子耙;扫射;搜寻;(树枝或手指甲)刮擦;(用耙子)耙松;(船桅或烟囱)向船尾倾斜;确定(尤指舞台的)倾斜度;n.(Rake)(美、印)雷克(人名)

7、crake ─── n.秧鸡的叫声;秧鸡;vi.叫

8、Drake ─── n.公鸭;蜉蝣类(等于drakefly);n.(Drake)人名;(德、芬、葡)德拉克;(英)德雷克

9、brake ─── n.刹车;阻碍(物);敞篷四轮马车;纤维捣碎机;灌木丛;欧洲蕨;v.刹车;阻碍

drake 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After being bitten by a genetically altered dragonfly, high school loser Rick Riker (Drake Bell) ... ─── Drake Bell superhero movie 超低能特攻队 名副其实...超低能搞笑烂片...

2、In conclusion, the passage time of food from the alimentary tract of drake is no less than 36h. ─── 以上表明北京鸭消化道排空时间至少为36h。

3、Except ATM of cottonseed meal and corn starch and TME of cottonseed meal,AME and TME of the rest feedstuffs for drake were significantly higher than those for cockerels. ─── AME除棉粕和玉米淀粉鸭与鸡差异不显著外(P>0.05),其余7种饲料AME鸭都比鸡高;

4、Harrison Blackwood teams up with microbiologist Suzanne McCullough, computer programmer Norton Drake, and army Lt. ─── 他们不饮不食,也不会消化,靠把捕获的地球人的血液直接注入血管而生存。

5、Mr. Drake spoke to The Wall Street Journal from his home in London about lilac socks, well-dressed men and his plans for the future. ─── 德雷克在伦敦的家里接受了《华尔街日报》的采访,谈及了淡紫色袜子、男士的衣着品位以及他本人未来的计划。

6、He wore gold earrings in his brown ears, and his beard was golden too, pointed in a triangle, like Drake's. ─── 他棕色的耳垂上戴着金耳环,连他那尖尖的呈三角形的胡子也是金黄色的,活像英国航海家德雷克。

7、Unlike a barbarian, however, a rage drake is not fatigued after raging. ─── 和野蛮人不同,狂暴龙兽在狂暴之后不会力竭。

8、Surprisingly (or perhaps not, given the male-dominated nature of science) the elaborate cataloguing of drake genitalia had not been extended to ducks. ─── 令人惊讶的是(若把男权主义当作科学的实质的话就不足为奇)公鸭生殖器的一系列进化并没有波及到母鸭。

9、Edwin Drake drilled the first oil well in the United States in eighteen fifty-nine near Titusville, Pennsylvania. ─── 1859年埃德文.垂克在宾夕法尼亚的梯特斯维尔打出了美国的第一口油井。

10、Hernandez, insisting he was grazed on the uniform sleeve by a Proctor pitch, used Drake's non-call as motivation. ─── 主张他的制服袖子被天天P投出的球扫过,利用著主审没判触身球当作是激励。

11、At the same time,Drake (1993) provides three frameworks of CI, including multidisciplinary approach, interdisciplinary approach and real world approach. ─── 与此同时,Drake (1993)提出课程整合的三种构架,即多学科、学科间及真实世界的整合。

12、In the evening the drake cry continually from the pools. ─── 傍晚水塘里的公鸭叫个不停。

13、Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using a Ruby Drake. ─── 在你的小队中无人使用红玉幼龙的情况下,击败魔环中的魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(英雄难度)。

14、In the Antarctic water, the Southern Atlantic Ocean is the most fertile, where chlorophyll a concentration and potential primary productivity were more than those in the Drake Passage and the Southern Indian Ocean. ─── 在环绕南极的大洋中 ,南大西洋海域营养物质丰富 ,海水最为肥沃 ,叶绿素 a浓度和初级生产力高于南印度洋和德雷克海峡。

15、"I met John B. Drake to-day," he said. "He's going to open a hotel here in the fall. ─── “今天我遇见了约翰 - 贝 - 德雷克,"他说,"他打算今年秋天在这里开一家旅馆。

16、Unlike a Barbarian, however, a fiendish rage drake is not fatigued after raging. ─── 和野蛮人不同,炼狱狂暴龙兽在狂暴之后不会力竭。

17、On this day 390 years ago, the great explorer Sir Francis Drake died aboard ship off the coast of Panama. ─── 390年前的今天,伟大的探索者弗朗西斯 - 德雷克勋爵在巴拿马附近海面的一条船上死去。

18、DUBAI, May 7 (Reuters) - Recently-listed Dubai contractor Drake & Scull International is considering buying ... ─── 佮笗喔佮笧喔侧福喙嬱喔 腑喔佮抚喔 福喙屶箒喔`笝喔椸箤喔傕覆喔笢喔灌箟喔 ...

19、The swift (armored) nether drake which is a seasonal arena reward will be a 310% speed flying mount. ─── 在竞技场比赛中获得的将是一种能够以310%的速度飞行的迅捷(装甲型)虚空飞龙。

20、Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Amber Drake. ─── 在你的小队中无人使用琥珀幼龙的情况下,击败魔环中的魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(英雄难度)。

21、Drake Ramoray.Monica’s other former roommate, Phoebe Buffay, is a masseuse, and a singer.Her most famous song is “Smelley Cat. ─── 因此当这只倒霉的小猎犬掉入地方恶霸 黑皮恰曼手中,你可以想象加菲猫如何开心。

22、Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Emerald Drake. ─── 在你的小队中无人使用翡翠幼龙的情况下,击败魔环中的魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(英雄难度)。

23、"It's a very fine morning!" said Mr. Drake Puddle-Duck. ─── “这是一个天气非常好的早上!”泥潭公鸭先生说。


25、Joshua Drake has written a recent article describing some ─── Joshua Drake也编写了一篇描述一些

26、But during one of her experiments, Patty noticed that an inflating drake's penis could burst through a silicone model of an oviduct. ─── 不过在后来的一个研究中,帕提科学家发现一个膨胀起来的阴茎可以轻易穿透一根硅胶做的输卵管模型。

27、Crichton stated that "The Drake equation cannot be tested and therefore SETI is not science. ─── 对于一般外星生命和幽浮的普遍看法,他也表达了不满,他指出目前并无外星人存在的决定性证据。

28、VP Pro have announced the signing of US off road racer George ‘T-Mizzle’ Drake. ─── 副总裁临已宣布签署了美国越野赛车乔治的T细雨'德雷克。

29、It is named after Sir Francis Drake, who in 1578 set foot on Cape Horn and became at this time the southernmost man in the world. ─── 弗朗西斯·德雷克(Francis Drake)爵士于1578年踏上了合恩角,成为当时抵达世界最南端的人,此海峡就是以他的名字命名的。

30、We'll take Redruth, Joyce, and Hunter.We'll ha favourable winds, a quick passage, and not the least difficult in finding the spot, and money to eat - to roll in - to play du and drake with ever after. ─── 他的眉毛很浓密,并且迅捷地挑上挑下,这显示出他的某种脾性,不能说是坏的,你可以说是急躁、易激动。

31、How much does it cost to go to the Drake Hotel? ─── 去公鸭旅馆要多少钱?

32、The Oscars, though, are not necessarily a place for popular sentiment, often singling out small films such as this year's "Vera Drake" or "Being Julia" for key nominations. ─── 但这里和大众无关。在这里业内人士选出他们认为年度最好的影片。”如果商业大片一不小心摘得了大奖,那也只是凑巧。

33、Hannah sits on the throne after being crowned the winner of the 27th annual Drake Most Beautiful Bulldog Contest, Monday, April 24, 2006, in Des Moines, Iowa. ─── 周一,两岁的英国牛头犬汉纳击败其它49名选手,加冕第27届“漂亮牛头犬”年度选美大赛冠军。

34、Andrew - Bynum 23 point 8 backboard, - law Mar 14 points, Drake - 11 points. ─── 安德鲁-拜纳姆23分8个篮板,-法马尔14分,德雷克-11分。

35、The results of size-fractionated productivity showed that the contribution of picoplankton to total productivity was the largest in the Southern Atlantic ocean and Drake Passage,that of nanoplankton and netplankton were approximate. ─── 分级初级生产力的结果表明 ,在南大西洋和德雷克海峡对总初级生产力的贡献以微微型浮游生物为最大 ,微型浮游生物和小型浮游生物的贡献大致相当。

36、Drake agreed to ship them to Nepal for free. ─── 德雷克同意免费把它们运到尼泊尔。

37、Do you go near the Drake Hotel? ─── 到公鸭旅馆附近吗?

38、Veranus is the broodmother of the proto-drakes in the Storm Peaks, and was the riding drake of Thorim before he released her back into the wild. ─── 她是风暴巅峰所有元龙的血亲主母,曾经成为索林姆的坐骑,后被放归自然。在任务中,玩家可以进入她的巢穴将她引诱出来,如此索林姆可以再次驾驭她,以对抗洛肯。

39、Three alkaloids were isolated from the root of Zanthoxylum laetum Drake. ─── 从芸香科滑叶花椒(Zanthoxylum laetum Drake)的根部分离出三种生物碱。

40、When combat begins, a rage drake charges and pounces on the nearest foe, tearing its opponent to shreds as fast as it can and then moving on to the next foe. ─── 在战斗开始时,狂暴龙兽会冲锋并猛扑最近的对手,用最快速度将它撕碎并转向下一个对手。

41、Vincent Van Gogh, Nick Drake, Jennifer Lopez. ─── 梵·高 Nick Drake 詹妮弗洛佩兹。

42、Even if the Drake Equation is true, and there are millions of civilizations out there, finding them is like looking for a needle in a haystack. ─── 即使德瑞克方程式是真的,确实存在着数百万的文明,但要找到他们就像大海捞针。

43、I caught this mandarin drake as I was sitting next to a pond at the San Diego Zoo. ─── 我是坐在圣地亚哥公园里的一个池塘边上的时候看到了这只鸳鸯。

44、The Drake Equation, written in 1961, assures them that aliens do exist. ─── 1961年写成的德瑞克方程式使他们相信外星人的确存在。

45、As the winner, Hannah will serve a yearlong term as the official mascot of both the Relays and Drake University. ─── 作为冠军得主,汉纳将成为德雷克大学和该校今年的田径运动会的官方吉祥物。

46、But it is also likely to make the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence by Earthly scientists harder, Dr Frank Drake believes. ─── 但它亦可能使地球科学家在寻找外星智慧时更难,德雷克博士相信。

47、Claw of the Black Drake? ─── 布莱克德雷克之爪?

48、They set the standard for future generations, with Drake netting an astonishing42 goals in41 games in his first season at Highbury. ─── 他们为后来人设立了标准,德雷克在他加盟阿森纳的第一个赛季的42场比赛中攻入了令人吃惊的41球。

49、Mr. Drake: Well, yes, but now we have six offices in California alone. ─── 嗯,对,不过我们现在光是在加州就有六个办公室。

50、And the content of protein in feedstuff is higher,the disparity is wider between cockerel and drake. ─── 并且饲料蛋白质含量越高,鸭和鸡饲料AME、TME值之间差异越大。

51、Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - previous long term support version, released in June 2006, codenamed Dapper Drake. ─── 以前的长期支持版,发表于2006年6月,代号干净鸭。

52、Surprisingly( or perhaps not, given the male-dominated nature of science) the elaborate cataloguing of drake genitalia had not been extended to ducks. ─── 令人惊讶的是(把男权主义当作科学的实质的话就不足为奇)鸭生殖器的一系列进化并没有波及到母鸭。

53、Manager Billy Birrell retired after the second disappointment against Arsenal so in May 1952, Chelsea appointed Ted Drake. ─── 1952年5月,切尔西有史以来第二次对战阿森纳,战败后,主教练比尔勒退休。切尔西任命特德-德拉克为主教练。

54、The contest was among events leading up to the Drake Relays, one of the nation's oldest and most prestigious track and field competitions. ─── 该比赛拉开了德雷克大学接力赛的序幕,德雷克大学接力赛是美国最古老、最具名望的田径赛事之一。

55、But for those with high evasion, elves or dark elves, compared to the drake set, its better effect makes hunting possible and soloing monsters of a higher level.This option was revealed in the tests. ─── 但是对于有高闪避力的种族:精灵或黑暗精灵,和飞龙皮甲比较,有很大的效果在攻击跟单綀高等级怪物。

56、Anyone grabbed by rage drake must succeed on a DC25 Fortitude saving throw or be stunned for1 round. ─── 任何被狂暴龙兽擒抱的生物必须通过DC25的强韧豁免否则震慑1轮。

57、But when he had drilled down about 70 feet (21 meters), Drake struck oil. ─── 但当瑞克往下钻至70英尺(21米)的时候,他发现了石油。

58、C. japanicus Drake and C. ─── japanicusDrake ,194 7和五脊长头网蝽C .

59、Francis Drake completes a circumnavigation of the world and is knighted by Elizabeth I. ─── 1581年的今天,法兰西斯·德瑞克完成其环球航海的探险,并被伊丽莎白一世女王授以爵位。

60、The contenders faced off in a debate at Iowa's Drake University today. ─── 其总统竞争者今天在爱荷华洲的德雷克大学对此进行辩论。

61、They set the standard for future generations, with Drake netting an astonishing 42 goals in 41 games in his first season at Highbury. ─── 他们为后来人设立了标准,德雷克在他加盟阿森纳的第一个赛季的42场比赛中攻入了令人吃惊的41球。

62、On three different visits to The Oculus, get credit for defeating Ley-Guardian Eregos while riding an Amber, Emerald and Ruby drake on Heroic Difficulty. ─── 在三次魔环的战斗中,分别骑乘翡翠幼龙、琥珀幼龙和红玉幼龙击败魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(英雄难度)。

63、In addition Drake set up artificial ecologies in aquaria and in running water for artificial stream ecologies. ─── 另外,德雷克还在水族箱里和流水中分别建立了人工生态。

64、Hat-tricks from Drake and Hulme and two from Bastin crushed Leicester 8-0 at Highbury. ─── 1934年,德雷克和赫姆的帽子戏法,以及巴斯廷的两粒入球令阿森纳在海布里以8-0狂扫莱斯特。

65、The flourishing youth system instigated by Birrell and encouraged by Drake was ready to bear fruit. ─── 在当年的联赛中蓝军排名垫底,被迫降入乙级。

66、Drake:English naval hero and explorer who was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the world (1577-1580) and was vice admiral of the fleet that destroyed the Spanish armada (1588). ─── "德雷克:英国海军英雄和航海家,是第一个环球航行的英国人(1577-1858年),曾任舰队副司令,击败西班牙无敌舰队(1588年)."

67、Feeding effect of different wheat enzyme products on shao xin drake ─── 不同小麦酶制剂对绍兴雄性麻鸭的饲养效果

68、Therefore,the collection time for cockerel was 32 and for drake was 24 h. ─── 在本试验条件下,用Sibbald的TME法测定饲料代谢能和氨基酸真消化率时,鸡的排空期定为32 h,鸭的排空期定为24 h为宜。

69、Using the 85-foot-wide telescope at Green Bank, West Virginia, Drake analyzed two stars-Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani-for beacons at 1.42 gigahertz. ─── 在西弗吉尼亚的格林班克,德瑞克用直径为85英尺的望远镜在1.42千兆赫的波段搜索Tau Ceti 和Epsilon Eridan两颗星上的信号。

70、As the winner, John will serve a yearlong term as the official mascot of both the Relays and Drake University. ─── 作为冠军得主,约翰将成为德雷克大学和该校今年的田径运动会的官方吉祥物。

71、According to Blizzard Lead Designer known as Tom Chilton (thanks Noggyh for info), Nether Drake Flying Mount wont be easy neither fast to get. ─── 关键的话其实就1句:获取这个坐骑既费时又费力,需要在一个为期三个月的竞技场赛季获得最高排位,其他都是废话,对竞技场系统作补充说明而已。

72、In 1859 Edward Drake struck oil in Pennsylvania. ─── 1859年爱德华·德雷克在宾夕法尼亚州发现了石油。

73、Drake gave us both zeros on our homework and assigned us an extra set of problems for that night. ─── 她还警告我们:“以后不要再这样做了,否则我会报告给校长的。”

74、cooleyi Drake, 1917. And determined A. ─── cooleyi Drake,1917,并研究确定A.

75、In1596, English navigator Sir Francis Drake died off the coast of Panama; he was buried at sea off Puerto Bello, Panama, in a lead coffin. ─── 年,英国航海家法兰西斯德雷克,于巴拿马外海航行时过世;遗体置于铅棺而海葬于巴拿马波多贝约。(雷克为第一个环球航行的英国船长,曾击败西班牙无敌舰队。

76、DOUG JOHNSON: Professor Drake says another way to move the asteroid would be to paint one side of the dark rock white. ─── 道格约翰逊:德雷克教授说,另一种方式来移动小行星将画一个白边的黑色岩石。

77、It is accessible from a footbridge along Drake Street. ─── 可由德立街的行人天橋前往。

78、Well, today we can say of the Challenger crew: Their dedication was, like Drake's, complete. ─── 今天对挑战者号机组人员我们可以这样说:像德雷克一样,他们的奉献是毫无保留的。

79、"Isn't Mr. Drake going to open his hotel?" ─── “德雷克先生不打算开旅馆了吗?

80、Fortunately for the canine from Prairie City, Iowa, those traits endeared him to judges Monday in the "Beautiful Bulldog" contest, an annual event held to draw attention to the 98th running of the Drake Relays. ─── 幸运的是,正是这些特点使得这只来自爱荷华州大草原市的牛头犬获得本周一“最靓牛头犬”选美大赛的冠军,这项年度赛事拉开了第98届德雷克接力赛的序幕。

81、Drake Passage:a strait between Cape Horn and antarctica. It connects the southern atlantic and Pacific oceans. ─── "德雷克海峡:好望角与南极洲之间的一个海峡,连接南大西洋与太平洋."

82、Then there's divorce.Ford and Drake say that since women suffer economically much more than men when they get divorced, snagging a good provider is ultimately critical to an equitable settlement. ─── 六月是举行婚礼的最好季节,罗曼蒂克的爱情并不是成功婚姻的唯一要求的建议可能听起来比较异类。

83、F. bandwidth, AF gain, BF0 pitch, fast or normal AVC, manual RF gain, and Drake's highly effective series gate noise blanker. ─── F.带宽、AF增益,BF0程度、斋戒或者常态AVC,人工的射频增益和公鸭的高度地有效系列门谣传比较空白的。

84、While his hushed vocals were a constant factor in all of his albums, this was the closest Drake came to being in a rock band. ─── 然而他安静的嗓音在他所有的专辑中是一个永恒的元素,这是德雷克最接近于摇滚乐队的一张唱片。

85、Therefore,there were significant differences of amino acids digestibility of plant feedstuffs between cockerels and drakes,and the nutritional parameter of cockerel was not appropriate for drake. ─── 以上结果表明,鸡和鸭对饲料氨基酸消化率存在显著差异,在所测定的7种植物饲料中大多数AAAD和TAAD测定值都是鸭比鸡高,目前以鸡测定各种饲料氨基酸消化率不适宜鸭的生产。

86、The Guinness World Record for the loudest scream by an individual is a thundering 129 decibels, set by Jill Drake, from Tenterden, Kent, in London in 2000. ─── 为打破吉尼斯世界纪录的最响亮的尖叫声由个人是雷鸣般的129分贝,由吉尔德雷克,设置从坦特登,肯特,2000年在伦敦。

87、Drake, Wayne Vogl, Adam W.M.Mitchell ;illustrations by Richard Tibbitts and Paul Richardson. ─── 书名 :Gray’s anatomy for students =格氏解剖学教学版 /Richard L.

88、Risk consultant John Drake, of the British security company AKE, predicts several more such incidents will take place this year in Afghanistan. ─── 一家英国安全公司的风险顾问德雷克预计,阿富汗今年会发生更多这样的事件。

89、Author W. Raymond Drake states that in the Kabalistic Book of Enoch the Giants engendered by the Fallen Angels and daughters of men turned against mankind before the Flood. ─── 作家W.雷蒙德德雷克在伊诺克的卡巴拉神学书中强调说堕天使造成了巨人族和人的女儿在大洪水之前转而与人类为敌。





主演:Ken Aff (也就是AA组合中的Aff和KA组合中的Ken)





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